public VehicleHandlerTemp(VehicleHandlerGroup originHandler) { uniqueID = Find.UniqueIDsManager.GetNextThingID(); vehicle = originHandler.vehicle; role = originHandler.role; if (handlers == null) { handlers = new List <Pawn>(); // ThingOwner<Pawn>(this, false, LookMode.Reference); } if ((originHandler.handlers?.Count ?? 0) > 0) { foreach (var p in originHandler.handlers) { if (p.Spawned) { p.DeSpawn(); } if (p.holdingOwner != null) { p.holdingOwner = null; } if (!p.IsWorldPawn()) { Find.WorldPawns.PassToWorld(p, PawnDiscardDecideMode.Decide); } } } handlers.AddRange(originHandler.handlers); //this.handlers = newHandlers; }
public VehicleRole(VehicleHandlerGroup group) { label = group.role.label; labelPlural = group.role.labelPlural; handlingTypes = group.role.handlingTypes; slots = group.role.slots; slotsToOperate = group.role.slotsToOperate; slotTag = group.role.slotTag; preferredHandlers = group.role.preferredHandlers; }
public VehicleRole(VehicleHandlerGroup group) { this.label = group.role.label; this.labelPlural = group.role.labelPlural; this.handlesMovement = group.role.handlesMovement; this.handlesWeapons = group.role.handlesWeapons; this.slots = group.role.slots; this.slotsToOperate = group.role.slotsToOperate; this.slotTag = group.role.slotTag; this.preferredHandlers = group.role.preferredHandlers; }
public void GiveLoadJob(Thing thingToLoad, VehicleHandlerGroup group) { if (thingToLoad is Pawn pawn) { Job newJob = new Job(DefDatabase <JobDef> .GetNamed("CompVehicle_LoadPassenger"), this.Pawn);; if (this.bills != null && this.bills.Count > 0) { Bill_LoadVehicle bill = this.bills.FirstOrDefault((Bill_LoadVehicle x) => x.pawnToLoad == pawn); if (bill != null) { = group; return; } } this.bills.Add(new Bill_LoadVehicle(pawn, this.Pawn, group)); } }
public void GetVehicleButtonFloatMenu(VehicleHandlerGroup group, bool canLoad) { var list = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); var map = Pawn.Map; var tempList = group?.handlers?.InnerListForReading != null ? new List <Pawn>(group.handlers.InnerListForReading) : new List <Pawn>(); if (canLoad && tempList.Count == 0) { SoundDefOf.TickTiny.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); //Additions by Swenzi 1/1/2018 //Allow animals to ride in vehicles or pull vehicles (animals only allowed to be in slots that allow movement) if (Props.animalDrivers && (group.role.handlingTypes & HandlingTypeFlags.Movement) != HandlingTypeFlags.None) { Find.Targeter.BeginTargeting( new TargetingParameters { validator = ti => ti.Thing is Pawn p && p.Faction != null && p.Faction.IsPlayer && != null && <TrainableDef> .GetNamed("Haul")) && p.BodySize > Props.minBodySize }, delegate(LocalTargetInfo target) { GiveLoadJob(target.Thing, group); }, null, null, null);
public void GetVehicleButtonFloatMenu(VehicleHandlerGroup group, bool canLoad) { List <FloatMenuOption> list = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); Map map = this.Pawn.Map; List <Pawn> tempList = new List <Pawn>(group.handlers); if (canLoad) { string text = "CompVehicle_Load".Translate(group.role.label); //Func<Rect, bool> extraPartOnGUI = (Rect rect) => Widgets.InfoCardButton(rect.x + 5f, rect.y + (rect.height - 24f) / 2f, handler); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption(text, delegate { SoundDefOf.TickTiny.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); Find.Targeter.BeginTargeting(TargetingParameters.ForAttackAny(), delegate(LocalTargetInfo target) { GiveLoadJob(target.Thing, group); }, null, null, null); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 29f, null, null)); } if (tempList.Count != 0) { foreach (Pawn handler in tempList) { string text = "CompVehicle_Unload".Translate(handler.Name.ToStringFull); List <FloatMenuOption> arg_121_0 = list; Func <Rect, bool> extraPartOnGUI = (Rect rect) => Widgets.InfoCardButton(rect.x + 5f, rect.y + (rect.height - 24f) / 2f, handler); list.Add(new FloatMenuOption(text, delegate { Eject(handler, group.handlers); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 29f, extraPartOnGUI, null)); } } else { list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("NoPrisoners".Translate(), delegate { }, MenuOptionPriority.Default)); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list)); }
public Bill_LoadVehicle(Pawn newLoad, Pawn newVehicle, VehicleHandlerGroup newGroup) { this.pawnToLoad = newLoad; = newGroup; }