예제 #1
        private void CheckAdvancedResearch()
            //Log.Message( "Checking - " + researchComplete.Count + " - defs" );
            // Quick scan to see if anything changed and early out if nothing is complete
            if (Game.GodMode == false)
                // Reset everything
                if (wasGodMode)

                // Not anymore
                wasGodMode = false;

                // God mode is off, do a real check
                bool noChange = true;
                for (int rcIndex = 0, rcCountTo = researchComplete.Count; rcIndex < rcCountTo; rcIndex++)
                    ResearchCompletePair rcPair = researchComplete[rcIndex];
                    //Log.Message( "Checking - " + rcPair.researchProject.LabelCap );
                    if ((rcPair.researchProject.IsFinished) && (rcPair.wasComplete == false))
                        rcPair.wasComplete = true;
                        noChange           = false;
                        //Log.Message( rcPair.researchProject.LabelCap + " - Is now done" );

                // GTFO!
                if (noChange)
            //Log.Message( "updating" );

            // Prepare for some work

            // Start determining work
            for (int aIndex = 0, aCountTo = advancedResearch.Count; aIndex < aCountTo; aIndex++)
                AdvancedResearchDef Advanced = advancedResearch[aIndex];
                // Is it done?
                if ((Advanced.isEnabled == false) &&
                    // If all the research is done, process the def

예제 #2
        bool HasMatchingResearch(AdvancedResearchDef other)
            if (researchDefs.Count != other.researchDefs.Count)


            for (int i = 0; i < researchDefs.Count; ++i)
                if (researchDefs[i] != other.researchDefs[i])
예제 #3
        public static bool ResearchGroupComplete(this AdvancedResearchDef arp)
            // God mode, allow it
            if (Game.GodMode == true)

            // No god mode, check it
            for (int rIndex = 0, rCountTo = arp.researchDefs.Count; rIndex < rCountTo; rIndex++)
                if (!arp.researchDefs[rIndex].IsFinished)

            // All done
예제 #4
        private void ProcessResearch(AdvancedResearchDef Advanced)
            if (Advanced.toggleRecipes)
                // Recipe toggle on buildings

                // Get each building associated with the advanced research
                for (int bIndex = 0, bCountTo = Advanced.buildingDefs.Count; bIndex < bCountTo; bIndex++)
                    ThingDef building = Advanced.buildingDefs[bIndex];

                    // Get each recipe associated with the advanced research
                    for (int rIndex = 0, rCountTo = Advanced.recipeDefs.Count; rIndex < rCountTo; rIndex++)
                        RecipeDef recipe = Advanced.recipeDefs[rIndex];

                        // Show or hide recipes?
                        if (!Advanced.HideDefs)
                            // Make sure recipe has user list
                            if (recipe.recipeUsers == null)
                                recipe.recipeUsers = new List <ThingDef>();

                            // Add building to recipe
                            // Remove building from recipe
                            if ((recipe.recipeUsers != null) && (recipe.recipeUsers.IndexOf(building) >= 0))

                            // Remove recipe from building
                            if ((building.recipes != null) && (building.recipes.IndexOf(recipe) >= 0))

                    // Add this building to the list to recache
            if (Advanced.toggleBuildings)
                // Designator toggle on buildings
                for (int bIndex = 0, bCountTo = Advanced.buildingDefs.Count; bIndex < bCountTo; bIndex++)
                    ThingDef building = Advanced.buildingDefs[bIndex];

                    // Show/Hide as appropriate
                    if (!Advanced.HideDefs)
                        // Show building
                        building.researchPrerequisite = Research.Unlocker;
                        building.researchPrerequisite = Research.Locker;
            // Cache any callbacks
            if (Advanced.doCallbacks)
                for (int mIndex = 0, mCountTo = Advanced.researchMods.Count; mIndex < mCountTo; mIndex++)

            // Flag it as enabled to skip it in later checks
            Advanced.isEnabled = true;
예제 #5
        private void LockEverything(bool sanityChecks = false)
        {   // Lock everything by breaking the links and do sanity checks of all the defs
            // Until all sanity checks are done...
            okToProcess = false;

            // Prepare (clear) the processing caches

            // Get each advanced research def
            for (int aIndex = 0, aCountTo = advancedResearch.Count; aIndex < aCountTo; aIndex++)
                AdvancedResearchDef Advanced = advancedResearch[aIndex];

                Advanced.toggleRecipes   = IsRecipeToggle(Advanced);
                Advanced.toggleBuildings = IsBuildingToggle(Advanced);
                Advanced.doCallbacks     = HasCallbacks(Advanced);

                // Get each building associated with the advanced research
                for (int bIndex = 0, bCountTo = Advanced.buildingDefs.Count; bIndex < bCountTo; bIndex++)
                    ThingDef building = Advanced.buildingDefs[bIndex];

                    if ((sanityChecks) &&
                        (building == null))
                        Log.Message("Community Core Library :: Advanced Research :: buildingDefs( index = " + bIndex + " ) resolved to null in AdvancedResearchDef( " + Advanced.defName + " )");

                    if (Advanced.toggleRecipes)
                        // Recipe unlock on buildings
                        // Get each recipe associated with the advanced research
                        for (int rIndex = 0, rCountTo = Advanced.recipeDefs.Count; rIndex < rCountTo; rIndex++)
                            RecipeDef recipe = Advanced.recipeDefs[rIndex];

                            if ((sanityChecks) &&
                                (recipe == null))
                                // Sanity check
                                Log.Message("Community Core Library :: Advanced Research :: recipeDefs( index = " + rIndex + " ) resolved to null in AdvancedResearchDef( " + Advanced.defName + " )");

                            // Only deal with defs which unlock
                            if (!Advanced.HideDefs)
                                // Remove building from recipe
                                if ((recipe.recipeUsers != null) && (recipe.recipeUsers.IndexOf(building) >= 0))

                                // Remove recipe from building
                                if ((building.recipes != null) && (building.recipes.IndexOf(recipe) >= 0))

                        // Add this building to the list to recache
                    if (Advanced.toggleBuildings)
                        // Make sure to know how this building was originally set
                        if (thingDefResearch.FindIndex(pair => (pair.thingDef == building)) < 0)
                            thingDefResearch.Add(new ThingResearchPair(building, building.researchPrerequisite));

                        if (Advanced.HideDefs)
                        {   // Reset building to original research
                            building.researchPrerequisite = thingDefResearch.Find(pair => (pair.thingDef == building)).researchProject;
                            // Hide the building
                            building.researchPrerequisite = Research.Locker;
                // Validate callbacks
                if ((sanityChecks) &&
                    for (int mIndex = 0, mCountTo = Advanced.researchMods.Count; mIndex < mCountTo; mIndex++)
                        if (Advanced.researchMods[mIndex] == null)
                            // Sanity check
                            Log.Message("Community Core Library :: Advanced Research :: researchMods( index = " + mIndex + " ) resolved to null in AdvancedResearchDef( " + Advanced.defName + " )");

                // Flag it as disabled to trigger research completion checks
                Advanced.isEnabled = false;

            // Everything is ok!
            okToProcess = true;

            // Now do the work!
예제 #6
 private bool HasCallbacks(AdvancedResearchDef Advanced)
     // Determine if this def has callbacks
     return((Advanced.researchMods != null) && (Advanced.researchMods.Count > 0));
예제 #7
 private bool IsBuildingToggle(AdvancedResearchDef Advanced)
     // Determine if this def toggles buildings
     return((Advanced.recipeDefs == null) || (Advanced.recipeDefs.Count == 0) &&
            (Advanced.buildingDefs != null) && (Advanced.buildingDefs.Count > 0));
        bool HasMatchingResearch( AdvancedResearchDef other )
            if( researchDefs.Count != other.researchDefs.Count )
                return false;


            for( int i = 0; i < researchDefs.Count; ++ i )
                if( researchDefs[ i ] != other.researchDefs[ i ] )
                    return false;
            return true;
        static HelpDef HelpForAdvancedResearch( AdvancedResearchDef advancedResearchDef, HelpCategoryDef category )
            var helpDef = new HelpDef();
            helpDef.defName = advancedResearchDef.defName + "_AdvancedResearchDef_Help";
            helpDef.keyDef = advancedResearchDef.defName;
            helpDef.label = advancedResearchDef.label;
            if( advancedResearchDef.helpCategoryDef == null )
                advancedResearchDef.helpCategoryDef = category;
            if( advancedResearchDef.IsHelpEnabled )
                helpDef.category = advancedResearchDef.helpCategoryDef;

            var s = new StringBuilder();

            s.AppendLine( advancedResearchDef.description );

            #region Base Stats

            s.AppendLine( "AutoHelpTotalCost".Translate( advancedResearchDef.TotalCost.ToString() ) );


            #region Research, Buildings, Recipes and SowTags

            // Add research required
            var researchDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetResearchRequirements();
            BuildDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListResearchRequired".Translate(), researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) );

            // Add buildings it unlocks
            var thingDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetThingsUnlocked();
            BuildDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListThingsUnlocked".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) );

            // Add recipes it unlocks
            var recipeDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetRecipesUnlocked( ref thingDefs );
            BuildDefWithDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListRecipesUnlocked".Translate(), "AutoHelpListRecipesOnThings".Translate(), recipeDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) );

            // Add plants and sow tags it unlocks
            var sowTags = advancedResearchDef.GetSowTagsUnlocked( ref thingDefs );
            BuildDefWithStringDescription( s, "AutoHelpListPlantsUnlocked".Translate(), "AutoHelpListPlantsIn".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ), sowTags );


            #region Lockouts

            // Add buildings it locks
            thingDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetThingsLocked();
            BuildDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListThingsLocked".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) );

            // Add recipes it locks
            recipeDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetRecipesLocked( ref thingDefs );
            BuildDefWithDefDescription( s, "Prevents recipes:", "AutoHelpListRecipesOnThings".Translate(), recipeDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) );

            // Add plants and sow tags it locks
            sowTags = advancedResearchDef.GetSowTagsLocked( ref thingDefs );
            BuildDefWithStringDescription( s, "AutoHelpListPlantsLocked".Translate(), "AutoHelpListPlantsIn".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ), sowTags );


            helpDef.description = s.ToString();
            advancedResearchDef.HelpDef = helpDef;
            return helpDef;
        private void ProcessResearch( AdvancedResearchDef Advanced )
            if( Advanced.toggleRecipes ){
                // Recipe toggle on buildings

                // Get each building associated with the advanced research
                for( int bIndex = 0, bCountTo = Advanced.buildingDefs.Count; bIndex < bCountTo; bIndex++ ){
                    ThingDef building = Advanced.buildingDefs[ bIndex ];

                    // Get each recipe associated with the advanced research
                    for( int rIndex = 0, rCountTo = Advanced.recipeDefs.Count; rIndex < rCountTo; rIndex++ ){
                        RecipeDef recipe = Advanced.recipeDefs[ rIndex ];

                        // Show or hide recipes?
                        if( !Advanced.HideDefs )
                            // Make sure recipe has user list
                            if( recipe.recipeUsers == null )
                                recipe.recipeUsers = new List<ThingDef>();

                            // Add building to recipe
                            recipe.recipeUsers.Add( building );
                        } else {
                            // Remove building from recipe
                            if( ( recipe.recipeUsers != null ) && ( recipe.recipeUsers.IndexOf( building ) >= 0 ) ){
                                recipe.recipeUsers.Remove( building );

                            // Remove recipe from building
                            if( ( building.recipes != null ) && ( building.recipes.IndexOf( recipe ) >= 0 ) ){
                                building.recipes.Remove( recipe );

                    // Add this building to the list to recache
                    buildingRecipeRecache.Add( building );
            if( Advanced.toggleBuildings ) {
                // Designator toggle on buildings
                for( int bIndex = 0, bCountTo = Advanced.buildingDefs.Count; bIndex < bCountTo; bIndex++ ){
                    ThingDef building = Advanced.buildingDefs[ bIndex ];

                    // Show/Hide as appropriate
                    if( !Advanced.HideDefs ){
                        // Show building
                        building.researchPrerequisite = Research.Unlocker;
                    } else {
                        building.researchPrerequisite = Research.Locker;
            // Cache any callbacks
            if( Advanced.doCallbacks )
                for( int mIndex = 0, mCountTo = Advanced.researchMods.Count; mIndex < mCountTo; mIndex++ )
                    actionCache.Add( Advanced.researchMods[ mIndex ] );

            // Flag it as enabled to skip it in later checks
            Advanced.isEnabled = true;
 private bool IsRecipeToggle( AdvancedResearchDef Advanced )
     // Determine if this def toggles recipes
     return ( Advanced.recipeDefs != null )&&( Advanced.recipeDefs.Count > 0 )&&
         ( Advanced.buildingDefs != null )&&( Advanced.buildingDefs.Count > 0 );
 private bool HasCallbacks( AdvancedResearchDef Advanced )
     // Determine if this def has callbacks
     return ( Advanced.researchMods != null )&&( Advanced.researchMods.Count > 0 );
        static HelpDef HelpForAdvancedResearch( AdvancedResearchDef advancedResearchDef, HelpCategoryDef category )
            var helpDef = new HelpDef();
            helpDef.defName = advancedResearchDef.defName + "_AdvancedResearchDef_Help";
            helpDef.keyDef = advancedResearchDef;
            helpDef.label = advancedResearchDef.label;
            helpDef.description = advancedResearchDef.description;

            if( advancedResearchDef.helpCategoryDef == null )
                advancedResearchDef.helpCategoryDef = category;
            if( advancedResearchDef.IsHelpEnabled )
                helpDef.category = advancedResearchDef.helpCategoryDef;

            #region Base Stats

            HelpDetailSection totalCost = new HelpDetailSection(
                new [] {"AutoHelpTotalCost".Translate( advancedResearchDef.TotalCost.ToString() )});

            helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( totalCost );


            #region Research, Buildings, Recipes and SowTags

            // Add research required
            var researchDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetResearchRequirements();
            if( !researchDefs.NullOrEmpty() )
                HelpDetailSection researchRequired = new HelpDetailSection(
                    researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) );

                helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( researchRequired );

            // Add buildings it unlocks
            var thingDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetThingsUnlocked();
            if( !thingDefs.NullOrEmpty() )
                HelpDetailSection thingsUnlocked = new HelpDetailSection(
                    thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) );

                helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( thingsUnlocked );

            // Add recipes it unlocks
            var recipeDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetRecipesUnlocked( ref thingDefs );
                (!recipeDefs.NullOrEmpty()) &&
                HelpDetailSection recipesUnlocked = new HelpDetailSection(
                    recipeDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) );

                helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( recipesUnlocked );

                HelpDetailSection recipesOnThingsUnlocked = new HelpDetailSection(
                    thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def));

                helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( recipesOnThingsUnlocked );

            // Add plants and sow tags it unlocks
            var sowTags = advancedResearchDef.GetSowTagsUnlocked( ref thingDefs );
                (!sowTags.NullOrEmpty()) &&
                HelpDetailSection plantsUnlocked = new HelpDetailSection(
                    thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) );

                helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( plantsUnlocked );

                HelpDetailSection recipesOnThingsUnlocked = new HelpDetailSection(
                    sowTags.ToArray() );

                helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( recipesOnThingsUnlocked );


            #region Lockouts

            // Add buildings it locks
            thingDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetThingsLocked();
            if( !thingDefs.NullOrEmpty() )
                HelpDetailSection thingsLocked = new HelpDetailSection(
                    thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) );

                helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( thingsLocked );

            // Add recipes it locks
            recipeDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetRecipesLocked( ref thingDefs );
                (!recipeDefs.NullOrEmpty()) &&
                HelpDetailSection recipesLocked = new HelpDetailSection(
                    "AutoHelpListRecipesLocked".Translate(), recipeDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) );

                helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( recipesLocked );

                HelpDetailSection recipesOnThings = new HelpDetailSection(
                    "AutoHelpListRecipesOnThings".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) );

                helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( recipesOnThings );

            // Add plants and sow tags it locks
            sowTags = advancedResearchDef.GetSowTagsLocked( ref thingDefs );
                (!sowTags.NullOrEmpty()) &&
                HelpDetailSection plantsLocked = new HelpDetailSection(
                    thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) );

                helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( plantsLocked );

                HelpDetailSection plantsIn = new HelpDetailSection(
                    sowTags.ToArray() );

                helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( plantsIn );


            advancedResearchDef.HelpDef = helpDef;
            return helpDef;