private static void TestCsharpSqlite() { SQLiteDatabase db; SQLiteVdbe stmt; SQLiteVdbe c1, c2; bool found; int i; string databaseName = "Benchmark_cs-SQLite.sqlite"; if ( File.Exists( databaseName ) ) File.Delete( databaseName ); db = new SQLiteDatabase( databaseName ); for ( i = 0; i < PRAGMA_Commands.Length; i++ ) { db.ExecuteNonQuery( PRAGMA_Commands[i] ); } db.ExecuteNonQuery( "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE" ); for ( i = 0; i < CREATE_Commands.Length; i++ ) { db.ExecuteNonQuery( CREATE_Commands[i] ); } stmt = new SQLiteVdbe( db, INSERT_Command ); long start = DateTime.Now.Ticks; long key = 1999; for ( i = 0; i < nRecords; i++ ) { key = ( 3141592621L * key + 2718281829L ) % 1000000007L; stmt.Reset(); stmt.BindLong( 1, key ); stmt.BindText( 2, key.ToString() ); stmt.ExecuteStep(); } stmt.Close(); db.ExecuteNonQuery( "END" ); timer[1, 0] = DateTime.Now.Ticks - start; db.ExecuteNonQuery( "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE" ); start = DateTime.Now.Ticks; c1 = new SQLiteVdbe( db, SELECT_Bind_i ); c2 = new SQLiteVdbe( db, SELECT_Bind_s ); key = 1999; for ( i = 0; i < nRecords; i++ ) { key = ( 3141592621L * key + 2718281829L ) % 1000000007L; c1.Reset(); c1.BindLong( 1, key ); c1.ExecuteStep(); c2.Reset(); c2.BindText( 1, key.ToString() ); c2.ExecuteStep(); long id = (long)c1.Result_Long( 0 ); Debug.Assert( id == (long)c2.Result_Long( 0 ) ); } c1.Close(); c2.Close(); db.ExecuteNonQuery( "END" ); timer[1, 1] = DateTime.Now.Ticks - start; db.ExecuteNonQuery( "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE" ); start = DateTime.Now.Ticks; key = Int64.MinValue; i = 0; c1 = new SQLiteVdbe( db, SELECT_Command_i ); while ( c1.ExecuteStep() != Sqlite3.SQLITE_DONE ) { long intKey = (long)c1.Result_Long( 0 ); Debug.Assert( intKey >= key ); key = intKey; i += 1; } c1.Close(); Debug.Assert( i == nRecords ); String strKey = ""; i = 0; c2 = new SQLiteVdbe( db, SELECT_Command_s ); while ( c2.ExecuteStep() != Sqlite3.SQLITE_DONE ) { string recStrKey = (string)c2.Result_Text( 1 ); Debug.Assert( recStrKey.CompareTo( strKey ) >= 0 ); strKey = recStrKey; i += 1; } c2.Close(); Debug.Assert( i == nRecords ); timer[1, 2] = DateTime.Now.Ticks - start; db.ExecuteNonQuery( "END" ); db.ExecuteNonQuery( "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE" ); start = DateTime.Now.Ticks; key = 1999; stmt = new SQLiteVdbe( db, DELETE_Bind ); for ( i = 0; i < nRecords; i++ ) { key = ( 3141592621L * key + 2718281829L ) % 1000000007L; stmt.Reset(); stmt.BindLong( 1, key ); stmt.ExecuteStep(); } stmt.Close(); db.ExecuteNonQuery( "END" ); timer[1, 3] = DateTime.Now.Ticks - start; db.CloseDatabase(); #if NET_35 Sqlite3.Shutdown(); #else Sqlite3.sqlite3_shutdown(); #endif }
public GEItem getOfferByPlayerSlot(Player p, byte slot) { /* * Gives the player their GrandExchange Items both Buying and Selling are here. * Returns a GEItem[] of all Item's array based on slot id, null array index = space */ long playerHash = p.getLoginDetails().getLongName(); try { int itemId; int amount; int price; bool isSoldNull; bool isBoughtNull; int sold; int bought; int collectedItem; int collectedGold; int overpaid; bool aborted; GEItem geItem = null; SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(Constants.databaseName); SQLiteVdbe preparedStatement = new SQLiteVdbe(db, "SELECT itemId, amount, price, bought, NULL sold, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, aborted FROM grandExchangeBuying WHERE playerHash = ? AND slot = ? UNION SELECT itemId, amount, price, NULL bought, sold, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, aborted FROM grandExchangeSelling WHERE playerHash = ? AND slot = ?"); preparedStatement.Reset(); preparedStatement.BindLong(1, playerHash); preparedStatement.BindInteger(2, slot); preparedStatement.BindLong(3, playerHash); preparedStatement.BindInteger(4, slot); while (preparedStatement.ExecuteStep() != Sqlite3.SQLITE_DONE) { if(preparedStatement.GetLastError() != "") { misc.WriteError("[GrandExchange SQL Error]: " + preparedStatement.GetLastError()); return null; } itemId = preparedStatement.Result_Int(0); amount = preparedStatement.Result_Int(1); price = preparedStatement.Result_Int(2); isBoughtNull = string.IsNullOrEmpty(preparedStatement.Result_Text(3)); isSoldNull = string.IsNullOrEmpty(preparedStatement.Result_Text(4)); collectedItem = preparedStatement.Result_Int(5); collectedGold = preparedStatement.Result_Int(6); overpaid = preparedStatement.Result_Int(7); aborted = Convert.ToBoolean(preparedStatement.Result_Int(8)); if (isSoldNull && !isBoughtNull) { bought = Convert.ToInt32(preparedStatement.Result_Text(3)); geItem = new BuyOffer(itemId, amount, price, bought, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, slot, aborted, playerHash); } else if (isBoughtNull && !isSoldNull) { sold = Convert.ToInt32(preparedStatement.Result_Text(4)); geItem = new SellOffer(itemId, amount, price, sold, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, slot, aborted, playerHash); } else { misc.WriteError("[GrandExchange Error]: sold or bought both are NULL? how this happen?"); } } db.CloseDatabase(); return geItem; } catch (Exception e) { misc.WriteError("[GrandExchange Error]: " + e.Message); } return null; }