private void UpdateGyroAccRaw(GyroAccRaw ga) { _tbAccXRaw.Text = ga.AccXRaw.ToString(); _tbAccYRaw.Text = ga.AccYRaw.ToString(); _tbAccZRaw.Text = ga.AccZRaw.ToString(); _tbGyroXRaw.Text = ga.GyroXRaw.ToString(); _tbGyroYRaw.Text = ga.GyroYRaw.ToString(); _tbGyroZRaw.Text = ga.GyroZRaw.ToString(); }
private void ReceiveGyroAccRaw(GyroAccRaw ga) { this.BeginInvoke(new D_UpdateGyroAccRaw(UpdateGyroAccRaw), new object[] { ga }); }
private void _serial_GyroAccRawCommunicationReceived(GyroAccRaw ga) { this.BeginInvoke(new D_UpdateGyroAccRaw(UpdateGyroAccRaw), new object[] { ga }); }
/*! * This function (that executes in a separate thread) is an * infinite loop that receives all lines from the serial port * and parses and executes them. */ private object ReceiveThreadedData(object state) { //_serialPort.ReadTimeout = 1000; bool recognised_frame = true; string line = string.Empty; while (file_to_replay != null && file_to_replay.BaseStream != null && !file_to_replay.EndOfStream) { try { while (!Play) Thread.Sleep(100); KeyValuePair<TimeSpan, string> kvp = ReadReplayLine(); if (DoubleSpeed) Thread.Sleep((int)(kvp.Key.TotalMilliseconds / 2.0)); else if (QuadSpeed) Thread.Sleep((int)(kvp.Key.TotalMilliseconds / 4.0)); else Thread.Sleep(kvp.Key); //Console.WriteLine(kvp.Key.ToString() + " - " + kvp.Value); line = kvp.Value; //line = _serialPort.ReadLine(); if (line.StartsWith("$")) // line with checksum { string[] frame = line.Substring(1, line.Length-1).Split('*'); //line = frame[0]; if (calculateChecksum(frame[0]) == Int32.Parse(frame[1], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)) line = frame[0]; else throw new Exception("Checksum error"); } if (logfile != null) logfile.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss") + "] " + line); lock (this) { bytes_read += line.Length + 1; } line = line.Replace("\r", ""); string[] lines = line.Split(';'); //Console.WriteLine(line + "\n\r"); // TR: Gyro & Acc raw recognised_frame = true; if (lines[0].EndsWith("TR") && lines.Length >= 6) { double acc_x_raw = double.Parse(lines[1]); double acc_y_raw = double.Parse(lines[2]); double acc_z_raw = double.Parse(lines[3]); double gyro_x = double.Parse(lines[4]); double gyro_y = double.Parse(lines[5]); double gyro_z = double.Parse(lines[6]); GyroAccRaw ga = new GyroAccRaw(acc_x_raw, acc_y_raw, acc_z_raw, gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z); if (GyroAccRawCommunicationReceived != null) GyroAccRawCommunicationReceived(ga); } // TP: Processed gyro & acc else if (lines[0].EndsWith("TP") && lines.Length >= 6) { double acc_x = double.Parse(lines[1]) / 1000.0; double acc_y = double.Parse(lines[2]) / 1000.0; double acc_z = double.Parse(lines[3]) / 1000.0; double gyro_x = double.Parse(lines[4]) / 1000.0 * 180.0 / 3.14; double gyro_y = double.Parse(lines[5]) / 1000.0 * 180.0 / 3.14; double gyro_z = double.Parse(lines[6]) / 1000.0 * 180.0 / 3.14; GyroAccProcessed ga = new GyroAccProcessed(acc_x, acc_y, acc_z, gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z); if (GyroAccProcCommunicationReceived != null) GyroAccProcCommunicationReceived(ga); } // TH: Pressure & Temp else if (lines[0].EndsWith("TH") && lines.Length >= 2) { float pressure = float.Parse(lines[1]); float temp = float.Parse(lines[2]); PressureTemp pt = new PressureTemp(temp, pressure); if (PressureTempCommunicationReceived != null) PressureTempCommunicationReceived(pt); } // CA: All configuration else if (lines[0].EndsWith("CA") && lines.Length >= 2) { AllConfig ac = new AllConfig(); ac.acc_x_neutral = int.Parse(lines[1]); ac.acc_y_neutral = int.Parse(lines[2]); ac.acc_z_neutral = int.Parse(lines[3]); ac.gyro_x_neutral = int.Parse(lines[4]); ac.gyro_y_neutral = int.Parse(lines[5]); ac.gyro_z_neutral = int.Parse(lines[6]); ac.telemetry_basicgps = int.Parse(lines[7]); ac.telemetry_ppm = int.Parse(lines[8]); ac.telemetry_gyroaccraw = int.Parse(lines[9]); ac.telemetry_gyroaccproc = int.Parse(lines[10]); ac.telemetry_pressuretemp = int.Parse(lines[11]); ac.telemetry_attitude = int.Parse(lines[12]); ac.gps_initial_baudrate = int.Parse(lines[13]) * 10; ac.gps_operational_baudrate = int.Parse(lines[14]) * 10; ac.channel_ap = int.Parse(lines[15]) + 1; ac.channel_motor = int.Parse(lines[16]) + 1; ac.channel_pitch = int.Parse(lines[17]) + 1; ac.channel_roll = int.Parse(lines[18]) + 1; ac.channel_yaw = int.Parse(lines[19]) + 1; ac.pid_pitch2elevator_p = double.Parse(lines[20], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_pitch2elevator_d = double.Parse(lines[21], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_pitch2elevator_i = double.Parse(lines[22], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_pitch2elevator_imin = double.Parse(lines[23], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_pitch2elevator_imax = double.Parse(lines[24], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_pitch2elevator_dmin = double.Parse(lines[25], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_roll2aileron_p = double.Parse(lines[26], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_roll2aileron_d = double.Parse(lines[27], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_roll2aileron_i = double.Parse(lines[28], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_roll2aileron_imin = double.Parse(lines[29], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_roll2aileron_imax = double.Parse(lines[30], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_roll2aileron_dmin = double.Parse(lines[31], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_heading2roll_p = double.Parse(lines[32], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_heading2roll_d = double.Parse(lines[33], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_heading2roll_i = double.Parse(lines[34], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_heading2roll_imin = double.Parse(lines[35], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_heading2roll_imax = double.Parse(lines[36], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_heading2roll_dmin = double.Parse(lines[37], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_altitude2pitch_p = double.Parse(lines[38], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_altitude2pitch_d = double.Parse(lines[39], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_altitude2pitch_i = double.Parse(lines[40], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_altitude2pitch_imin = double.Parse(lines[41], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_altitude2pitch_imax = double.Parse(lines[42], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.pid_altitude2pitch_dmin = double.Parse(lines[43], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); int r = int.Parse(lines[44]); byte r2 = (byte)r; ac.servo_reverse[0] = (r & 1) != 0; ac.servo_reverse[1] = (r & 2) != 0; ac.servo_reverse[2] = (r & 4) != 0; ac.servo_reverse[3] = (r & 8) != 0; ac.servo_reverse[4] = (r & 16) != 0; ac.servo_reverse[5] = (r & 32) != 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { ac.servo_min[i] = int.Parse(lines[45 + i * 3], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.servo_max[i] = int.Parse(lines[46 + i * 3], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ac.servo_neutral[i] = int.Parse(lines[47 + i * 3], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } ac.rc_ppm = 1 - int.Parse(lines[63]); ac.control_mixing = int.Parse(lines[64]); ac.control_max_pitch = int.Parse(lines[65]); ac.control_max_roll = int.Parse(lines[66]); // for backwards compatibility if (lines.Length > 67) ac.control_waypoint_radius = int.Parse(lines[67]); if (lines.Length > 68) ac.control_cruising_speed = int.Parse(lines[68]); if (lines.Length > 69) ac.control_stabilization_with_altitude_hold = int.Parse(lines[69]) == 0 ? false : true; if (lines.Length > 70) ac.control_aileron_differential = int.Parse(lines[70]); if (lines.Length > 71) ac.telemetry_control = int.Parse(lines[71]); if (lines.Length > 72) { ac.auto_throttle_enabled = int.Parse(lines[72]) == 1; ac.auto_throttle_min_pct = int.Parse(lines[73]); ac.auto_throttle_max_pct = int.Parse(lines[74]); ac.auto_throttle_cruise_pct = int.Parse(lines[75]); ac.auto_throttle_p_gain_10 = int.Parse(lines[76]); } if (lines.Length > 77) ac.control_min_pitch = int.Parse(lines[77]); if (lines.Length > 78) { ac.manual_trim = int.Parse(lines[78]) == 0 ? false : true; Console.WriteLine("receive: " + lines[78]); } if (lines.Length > 79) { ac.control_altitude_mode = int.Parse(lines[79]); } else Console.WriteLine("FOUT"); if (lines.Length > 80) { ac.gps_enable_waas = int.Parse(lines[80]); } else Console.WriteLine("FOUT"); if (lines.Length > 81) { ac.osd_bitmask = int.Parse(lines[81]); ac.osd_RssiMode = int.Parse(lines[82]); ac.osd_voltage_low = ((double)int.Parse(lines[83])) / 50.0; ac.osd_voltage_high = ((double)int.Parse(lines[84])) / 50.0; } if (lines.Length > 84) { ac.imu_rotated = int.Parse(lines[85]); ac.neutral_pitch = int.Parse(lines[86]); } if (AllConfigCommunicationReceived != null) AllConfigCommunicationReceived(ac); } // TT: RC transmitter else if (lines[0].EndsWith("TT") && lines.Length >= 7) { RcInput rc = new RcInput( new int[] { int.Parse(lines[1]), int.Parse(lines[2]), int.Parse(lines[3]), int.Parse(lines[4]), int.Parse(lines[5]), int.Parse(lines[6]), int.Parse(lines[7])}); if (RcInputCommunicationReceived != null) RcInputCommunicationReceived(rc); } // TG: GPS basic else if (lines[0].EndsWith("TG") && lines.Length >= 7) { //Console.WriteLine(line); GpsBasic gb = new GpsBasic( double.Parse(lines[2], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), double.Parse(lines[3], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), int.Parse(lines[7]), double.Parse(lines[5]) / 100, double.Parse(lines[4]) / 10, int.Parse(lines[6]), int.Parse(lines[1]) ); if (GpsBasicCommunicationReceived != null) GpsBasicCommunicationReceived(gb); } // TA: Attitude else if (lines[0].EndsWith("TA") && lines.Length >= 3) { Attitude att = new Attitude( double.Parse(lines[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 1000.0 / 3.14 * 180.0, double.Parse(lines[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 1000.0 / 3.14 * 180.0, /*double.Parse(lines[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 1000.0 / 3.14 * 180.0, double.Parse(lines[4], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 1000.0 / 3.14 * 180.0,*/0,0, double.Parse(lines[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 1000.0 / 3.14 * 180.0 ); if (AttitudeCommunicationReceived != null) AttitudeCommunicationReceived(att); } // DT: Datalog table else if (lines[0].EndsWith("DT") && lines.Length >= 4) { DatalogTable dt = new DatalogTable( int.Parse(lines[1]), int.Parse(lines[3]), int.Parse(lines[4]), int.Parse(lines[2]), 0); if (DatalogTableCommunicationReceived != null) DatalogTableCommunicationReceived(dt); } // DH: Datalog header else if (lines[0].EndsWith("DH") && lines.Length >= 4) { DatalogHeader = new string[lines.Length - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++) DatalogHeader[i - 1] = lines[i]; } // DD: Datalog data else if (lines[0].EndsWith("DD") && lines.Length >= 4) { string[] logline = new string[DatalogHeader.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < logline.Length; i++) logline[i] = lines[i + 1]; DatalogLine dl = new DatalogLine( logline, DatalogHeader); if (DatalogLineCommunicationReceived != null) DatalogLineCommunicationReceived(dl); } // ND: Navigation data (Navigation instruction) else if (lines[0].EndsWith("ND") && lines.Length >= 6) { Console.WriteLine(line); lines[1] = lines[1].Replace("nan", "0"); lines[2] = lines[2].Replace("nan", "0"); lines[3] = lines[3].Replace("nan", "0"); lines[4] = lines[4].Replace("nan", "0"); lines[5] = lines[5].Replace("nan", "0"); lines[6] = lines[6].Replace("nan", "0"); NavigationInstruction ni = new NavigationInstruction( int.Parse(lines[1]), (NavigationInstruction.navigation_command)int.Parse(lines[2]), double.Parse(lines[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), double.Parse(lines[4], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), int.Parse(lines[5]), int.Parse(lines[6]) ); if (NavigationInstructionCommunicationReceived != null) NavigationInstructionCommunicationReceived(ni); } // TS: Servos (simulation) else if (lines[0].EndsWith("TS") && lines.Length >= 3) { Console.WriteLine(line); Servos s = new Servos( int.Parse(lines[1]), int.Parse(lines[2]), int.Parse(lines[3])); if (ServosCommunicationReceived != null) ServosCommunicationReceived(s); } // Control else if (lines[0].EndsWith("TC") && lines.Length >= 3) { ControlInfo ci = new ControlInfo(); ci.FlightMode = (ControlInfo.FlightModes)int.Parse(lines[1]); ci.CurrentNavigationLine = int.Parse(lines[2]); ci.Altitude = int.Parse(lines[3]); if (lines.Length >= 5) { ci.Batt1Voltage = double.Parse(lines[4]) / 10.0; if (lines.Length >= 6) { ci.FlightTime = int.Parse(lines[5]); ci.BlockTime = int.Parse(lines[6]); ci.RcLink = int.Parse(lines[7]); ci.Throttle = int.Parse(lines[8]); } if (lines.Length >= 10) { ci.TargetAltitude = int.Parse(lines[9]); } if (lines.Length >= 11) { ci.Batt2Voltage = double.Parse(lines[10]) / 10.0; ci.Batt_mAh = double.Parse(lines[11]) * 10.0; } } if (ControlInfoCommunicationReceived != null) ControlInfoCommunicationReceived(ci); } else { recognised_frame = false; Console.WriteLine(line); if (NonParsedCommunicationReceived != null) NonParsedCommunicationReceived(line); } } catch (TimeoutException toe) { if (CommunicationAlive) { if (CommunicationLost != null && SecondsConnectionLost() >= 5.0) { CommunicationLost(); CommunicationAlive = false; } } } catch (IOException ioe) { // happens when thread is shut down } catch (Exception e) { ; } try { if (recognised_frame) { //Console.WriteLine(line); LastValidFrame = DateTime.Now; FramesReceived++; if (!CommunicationAlive) { CommunicationAlive = true; if (CommunicationEstablished != null) CommunicationEstablished(); } } if (CommunicationReceived != null) CommunicationReceived(line); } catch (Exception e) { ; } } CommunicationAlive = false; CommunicationLost(); return null; }
private void UpdateGyroAccRaw(GyroAccRaw ga) { double time = (DateTime.Now - _beginDateTime).TotalSeconds; if (_lineItems.ContainsKey("Raw acceleration X")) _lineItems["Raw acceleration X"].AddPoint(new PointPair(time, ga.AccXRaw)); if (_lineItems.ContainsKey("Raw acceleration Y")) _lineItems["Raw acceleration Y"].AddPoint(new PointPair(time, ga.AccYRaw)); if (_lineItems.ContainsKey("Raw acceleration Z")) _lineItems["Raw acceleration Z"].AddPoint(new PointPair(time, ga.AccZRaw)); if (_lineItems.ContainsKey("Raw gyro X")) _lineItems["Raw gyro X"].AddPoint(new PointPair(time, ga.GyroXRaw)); if (_lineItems.ContainsKey("Raw gyro Y")) _lineItems["Raw gyro Y"].AddPoint(new PointPair(time, ga.GyroYRaw)); if (_lineItems.ContainsKey("Raw gyro Z")) _lineItems["Raw gyro Z"].AddPoint(new PointPair(time, ga.GyroZRaw)); Scale xScale = _zed_graph.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale; if (time > xScale.Max - xScale.MajorStep) { xScale.Max = time + xScale.MajorStep; xScale.Min = xScale.Max - _timewindow; } _zed_graph.AxisChange(); _zed_graph.Invalidate(true); }