예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a spectrogram array spaced linearily
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="samples">audio data</param>
        /// <param name="fftWindowsSize">fft window size</param>
        /// <param name="fftOverlap">overlap in number of samples (normaly half of the fft window size) [low number = high overlap]</param>
        /// <returns>spectrogram jagged array</returns>
        public static double[][] CreateSpectrogramFFTWLIB_INPLACE(float[] samples, int fftWindowsSize, int fftOverlap)
            int numberOfSamples = samples.Length;

            // overlap must be an integer smaller than the window size
            // half the windows size is quite normal
            double[] windowArray = FFTWindow.GetWindowFunction(FFTWindowType.HANNING, fftWindowsSize);

            // width of the segment - e.g. split the file into 78 time slots (numberOfSegments) and do analysis on each slot
            int numberOfSegments = (numberOfSamples - fftWindowsSize) / fftOverlap;
            var frames           = new double[numberOfSegments][];

            var signal = new double[fftWindowsSize];

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSegments; i++)
                // apply Hanning Window
                for (int j = 0; j < fftWindowsSize; j++)
                    // Weight by Hann Window
                    signal[j] = (double)(windowArray[j] * samples[i * fftOverlap + j]);

                // perform the FFT
                FFTW_FFT_R2R(ref signal, ref signal, fftWindowsSize, FFTMethod.DFT);

                // get the result
                double[] complexDout = FFTUtils.HC2C(signal);
                frames[i] = Abs(complexDout);
예제 #2
        static double[] FFTWLIB_INPLACE(double[] signal)
            int N = signal.Length;

            double[] din  = signal;
            var      dout = new double[N];

            // perform the FFT
            FFTUtils.FFTW_FFT_R2R(ref din, ref dout, N, FFTUtils.FFTMethod.DFT);

            // get the result
            double[] complexDout      = FFTUtils.HC2C(dout);
            var      spectrum_fft_abs = FFTUtils.Abs(complexDout);

            //Export.ExportCSV("audio_buffer_padded.csv", din);
            //Export.ExportCSV("spectrum_fft_abs.csv", spectrum_fft_abs, fftSize);
