예제 #1
        public EPGRequest(string _serviceID, DateRange dateRange)
            TVServiceID = _serviceID;

            StartTime = dateRange.StartTime.Ticks;
            StopTime = dateRange.StopTime.Ticks;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an XML'd epg for a date range, or a time range on a day, e.g. 2010-11-05 12:00 to 2010-11-05 15:00
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startDaysAhead"></param>
        /// <param name="numberOfDays"></param>
        /// <param name="TVChannelIDs"></param>
        /// <param name="omitDescriptions"></param>
        /// <param name="matchType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string EPGForDateRange(DateTime startDateTime, DateTime endDateTime, List<string> TVChannelIDs, bool omitDescriptions, TVProgrammeType matchType)
            DateTime utcStart = startDateTime.ToUniversalTime();
            DateTime utcEnd = endDateTime.ToUniversalTime();
            DateRange theRange = new DateRange(utcStart, utcEnd);
            List<TVProgramme> tvProgs = EPGManager.mcData.GetTVProgrammes(theRange, TVChannelIDs.ToArray(), omitDescriptions, matchType);

            return XMLHelper.Serialize<List<TVProgramme>>(tvProgs);
예제 #3
        public static string EPGForDaysRange(int startDaysAhead, int numberOfDays, List<string> TVChannelIDs, bool omitDescriptions, TVProgrammeType matchType)
            DateTime startRange = DateTime.Now.Date.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(startDaysAhead);
            int extraEPGOverspill = Convert.ToInt32(Settings.Default.SilverlightEPGOverspillHours);
            DateTime endRange = startRange.AddDays(numberOfDays);
            endRange = endRange.AddHours(extraEPGOverspill);
            DateRange theRange = new DateRange(startRange, endRange);
            List<TVProgramme> tvProgs = EPGManager.mcData.GetTVProgrammes(theRange, TVChannelIDs.ToArray(), omitDescriptions, matchType);

            return XMLHelper.Serialize<List<TVProgramme>>(tvProgs);
예제 #4
        public List<TVProgramme> GetTVProgrammes(DateRange dateRange, string[] channelIds)
            List<TVProgramme> output = new List<TVProgramme>();

            List<Program> progs = storeManager.GetProgramsOnChannel();

            foreach (Program p in progs)
                //TVChannel tvc = Conversion.TVChannelFromChannel(c);
                //output.Add(tvc.Id, tvc);

            return output;
예제 #5
파일: MCData.cs 프로젝트: piet5211/RPLiveTV
 public List<TVProgramme> GetTVProgrammes(DateRange dateRange, string channelId, bool omitDescriptions)
     return GetTVProgrammes(dateRange, new string[] { channelId }, omitDescriptions, TVProgrammeType.All);
예제 #6
        private bool ViewEPGList()
            // Set current EPG type.
            Settings.Default.CurrentEPGType = "list";

            txtPageTitle = "TV Guide";

            if (!EPGManager.isWMCOnline)
                txtResponse += "No EPG is configured.<br /><br />You will need to enable this option in settings on the server.";
                return false;

            // Always display date dropdowns
            string requestForm = FileCache.ReadSkinTextFile("page_viewepg_tbl.htm");

            // POSTED FORM

            if (!(qsParams.HasParameter("channelcallsign")))
                    qsParams.Add("channelcallsign", EPGManager.EPGDisplayedTVChannels[0].UniqueId);
                catch { }

            if (!(qsParams.HasParameter("datecomponent")))
                qsParams.Add("datecomponent", DateTime.Now.Date.ToShortDateString());

            if (!(qsParams.HasParameter("epgdayphase")))
                if (DateTime.Now.Hour > 18)
                    qsParams.Add("epgdayphase", "3");
                else if (DateTime.Now.Hour > 11)
                    qsParams.Add("epgdayphase", "2");
                    qsParams.Add("epgdayphase", "1");

            string chanId = qsParams["channelcallsign"];

            int epgDayPhase;
            if (!Int32.TryParse(qsParams["epgdayphase"], out epgDayPhase))
                txtResponse += "Bad parameters - check form.";
                return false;

            DateTime epgDate;
            if (!DateTime.TryParse(qsParams["datecomponent"], out epgDate))
                txtResponse += "Bad parameters - check form.";
                return false;

            DateTime middleOfWindow, startWindow, endWindow;

            switch (epgDayPhase)
                case 1:
                    middleOfWindow = DateTime.Parse(epgDate.Date.ToShortDateString() + " 08:00");
                    startWindow = middleOfWindow.AddHours(-5);
                    endWindow = middleOfWindow.AddHours(4);

                case 2:
                    middleOfWindow = DateTime.Parse(epgDate.Date.ToShortDateString() + " 15:00");
                    startWindow = middleOfWindow.AddHours(-3);
                    endWindow = middleOfWindow.AddHours(3);

                    middleOfWindow = DateTime.Parse(epgDate.Date.ToShortDateString() + " 22:00");
                    startWindow = middleOfWindow.AddHours(-4);
                    endWindow = middleOfWindow.AddHours(5);

            // Process form at top (always)
            processRequestForm(ref requestForm, chanId, epgDate, epgDayPhase, DateTime.Now, 0, "");
            string txtEPGList = "";

            //CommonEPG.TVChannel tvc = EPGManager.TVChannelWithIDOrNull(chanId);

            CommonEPG.DateRange myRange = new CommonEPG.DateRange(startWindow.ToUniversalTime(), endWindow.ToUniversalTime());
            List<CommonEPG.TVProgramme> myProgs = EPGManager.mcData.GetTVProgrammes(myRange, chanId, false);

            if (myProgs.Count > 0)
                txtEPGList += "<ul class='epgprogrammes'>";
                bool willRecord = false;
                foreach (CommonEPG.TVProgramme tvp in myProgs)
                    RPRecording rec = tvp.Recording();
                    willRecord = (rec != null);
                    txtEPGList += "<li class='";
                    txtEPGList += willRecord ? "upcomingwillrecord" : "upcomingwontrecord";
                    txtEPGList += "'>";
                    txtEPGList += Functions.LinkTagOpen("viewepgprogramme?programmeid=" + tvp.Id);
                    txtEPGList += tvp.StartTimeDT().ToLocalTime().ToShortTimeString() + ": " + tvp.Title + "</a>";
                    if (willRecord)
                        string dotName = rec.IsRecurring() ? "record_dot_series" : "record_dot_onetime";
                        txtEPGList += "<img id=\"epglistrecorddot\" src=\"/static/images/" + dotName + ".png\" />";
                    txtEPGList += "</li>";
                txtEPGList += "</ul>";
                txtEPGList += "No programmes found in EPG.";

            requestForm = requestForm.Replace("**EPGLIST**", txtEPGList);
            txtResponse += requestForm;
            requestForm = null;

            return true;
        public List<RPRequest> GetAllRequests(DateRange dateRange)
            List<RPRequest> output = new List<RPRequest>();

            using (Requests rqs = new Requests(os))

                    foreach (Request req in rqs.AllActive)
                        //if (req is OneTimeRequest) continue;
                        //if (req is ManualRequest) continue;
                        //if (req.Complete) continue;  // no longer active
                        if (req.Recordings == null) continue;
                        if (!req.IsLatestVersion) continue;

                        //if (!((req.StartTime > dateRange.StartTime) && (req.StartTime < dateRange.StopTime))) continue;

                        RPRequest newRequest = Conversion.RPRequestFromRequest(req);

                    return output;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    DebugNormal("Couldn't get recordings: " + ex.Message);
                    return output;
                RequestedPrograms rqPrograms = sch.RequestedPrograms;
                if (rqPrograms == null) return output;

                HashSet<Request> uniqueRequests = new HashSet<Request>();
                StoredObjectsEnumerator<RequestedProgram> enmRqProg = (StoredObjectsEnumerator<RequestedProgram>)rqPrograms.GetStoredObjectsEnumerator();
                while (enmRqProg.MoveNext())
                    RequestedProgram rqProg = enmRqProg.Current;

                    if (!rqProg.IsActive) continue;  // Don't proceed for old (deleted) shows

                    Request rq = rqProg.Request;
                    // Don't include old (deleted) requests

                    uniqueRequests.Add(rq);  // only adds if unique

                // Go through reqests and convert each one
                foreach (Request r in uniqueRequests)
                    RPRequest newRequest = Conversion.RPRequestFromRequest(r);

                return output;
            catch (Exception ex)
                DebugNormal("Couldn't get recordings: " + ex.Message);
                return output;
        public List<TVProgramme> SearchTVProgrammesByDateRange(DateRange dateRange, string searchText, EPGSearchTextType searchTextType, EPGSearchMatchType searchMatchType, out bool resultsWereTruncated, string[] serviceIDs)
            resultsWereTruncated = false;
            Stopwatch timePerformance = new Stopwatch();

            List<TVProgramme> mainOutput = new List<TVProgramme>();

            List<Service> services = ListOfServicesFromIDs(serviceIDs);
            int limiter = 50;
            foreach (Service service in services)
                List<TVProgramme> svcOutput = new List<TVProgramme>();

                // Get entries in time range using API function (about 8-95 times faster)
                ScheduleEntry[] schedEntries = service.GetScheduleEntriesBetween(dateRange.StartTime, dateRange.StopTime);

                TVProgramme tvp;
                foreach (ScheduleEntry se in schedEntries)
                    // Some schedule entries can be null
                    if (se == null) continue;

                    if (!se.IsLatestVersion) continue;

                    Program p = se.Program;
                    if (p == null) continue;

                    List<string> lstSearchFields = new List<string>();
                    if ((searchTextType != EPGSearchTextType.Credits))
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Title))

                    if ((searchTextType == EPGSearchTextType.TitleAndEpisodeTitle) || (searchTextType == EPGSearchTextType.TitlesAndDescription) || (searchTextType == EPGSearchTextType.AllTextFields))
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(p.EpisodeTitle))

                    if ((searchTextType == EPGSearchTextType.TitlesAndDescription) || (searchTextType == EPGSearchTextType.AllTextFields))
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Description))

                    // if (searchTextType == EPGSearchTextType.Credits)  TODO
                    bool match = (StringListMatch(lstSearchFields, searchMatchType, searchText));
                    lstSearchFields = null;

                    if (match)
                        tvp = Conversion.TVProgrammeFromScheduleEntry(se);
                        if (tvp != null)

                        if (limiter-- < 1)
                            resultsWereTruncated = true;


                if (limiter < 1) break;

            // Sort by start time (prob not necessary)
            CommonEPG.Comparers.TVProgrammeStartTimeComparer comparer = new CommonEPG.Comparers.TVProgrammeStartTimeComparer();

            DebugNormal("Time to search EPG programmes : " + timePerformance.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds.ToString() + "ms");

            return mainOutput;
예제 #9
파일: MCData.cs 프로젝트: piet5211/RPLiveTV
 // Retrieve
 public List<RPRecording> GetAllRecordingsForRequests(List<RPRequest> ExistingRequests, DateRange dateRange)
     return storeManager.GetAllRecordingsForRequests(ExistingRequests, dateRange);
예제 #10
파일: MCData.cs 프로젝트: piet5211/RPLiveTV
 public List<TVProgramme> SearchTVProgrammesByDateRange(DateRange dateRange, string searchText, EPGSearchTextType searchTextType, EPGSearchMatchType searchMatchType, out bool resultsWereTruncated, string[] serviceIDs)
     return storeManager.SearchTVProgrammesByDateRange(dateRange, searchText, searchTextType, searchMatchType, out resultsWereTruncated, serviceIDs);
예제 #11
 public List <TVProgramme> GetTVProgrammes(DateRange dateRange, string channelId, bool omitDescriptions)
     return(GetTVProgrammes(dateRange, new string[] { channelId }, omitDescriptions, TVProgrammeType.All));
예제 #12
        private void WebServiceProcess(string action, ref BrowserSender browserSender, ref string PostObjects)
            if (Settings.Default.DebugFullAPI)
                Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("\r\n\r\nAPI: Incoming API Call: " + action);
                if (PostObjects.Length > 0)
                    Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("API: Post Object String: [" + PostObjects + "]");
                    Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("API: Post Object String: Blank.");


                // Pre-process, e.g. to correct '%2B replaced by + sign' bug
                action = preProcessActionString(action);

                // LOGIN - GET TOKEN
                if (action.StartsWith("xml/login"))
                    if (
                        (!qsParams.HasParameter("un")) &&
                        (!qsParams.HasParameter("hashedpw") || (!qsParams.HasParameter("pw")))
                        // not enough params
                        XMLresponse = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><loginresponse result=\"NOT_ENOUGH_PARAMETERS\" />";

                    string UN = "", PW = "", HPW = "", client = "";
                    bool passwordIsHashed = qsParams.HasParameter("hashedpw");

                    // Client (optional)
                    if (qsParams.HasParameter("client"))
                        client = qsParams["client"].Trim();
                        client = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(client);

                    UN = qsParams["un"].Trim();
                    UN = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(UN);
                    if (passwordIsHashed)
                        HPW = qsParams["hashedpw"].Trim();
                        HPW = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(HPW);
                        PW = qsParams["pw"].Trim();
                        PW = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(PW);

                    if (action.StartsWith("xml/login64"))
                        UN = Functions.DecodeFromBase64(UN);
                        if (passwordIsHashed)
                            HPW = Functions.DecodeFromBase64(PW);
                            PW = Functions.DecodeFromBase64(PW);

                        client = Functions.DecodeFromBase64(client);

                    if ((!UN.Equals(Settings.Default.UserName)) ||
                        (!Functions.StringHashesToPasswordHash(PW, passwordIsHashed))
                        // incorrect credentials - always log
                        Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("API: Failed login attempt from client " + client + " with username " + UN);

                        XMLresponse = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><loginresponse result=\"INCORRECT_CREDENTIALS\" />";

                    // Success!
                    if (Settings.Default.DebugBasic)
                        Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("API: User " + UN + " logged in OK using client " + client);

                    string token = AuthSessionHelper.Default.AddClient(currentClientIP);  // Store session, get token
                    XMLresponse = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><loginresponse result=\"OK\" token=\"" + token + "\" />";

                if (!AuthenticatedByToken)
                    Functions.logAPIoutputString("ASending 403 Incorrect Authentication");
                    browserSender.SendGenericStatusCodePage("403", "Incorrect authentication");
                    spoolMessage("API: Must provide a valid authentication token.  Use /xml/login first.");

                // Should we zip up afterwards
                bool zipContent = false;
                if (action.EndsWith("/zip"))
                    zipContent = true;
                    action = action.Replace("/zip", "");
                if (txtActionOriginalCase.EndsWith("/zip"))
                    txtActionOriginalCase = txtActionOriginalCase.Replace("/zip", "");

                if (action.StartsWith("xml/channels/setasfavorite/"))
                    string chanID = action.Replace("xml/channels/setasfavorite/", "");

                    string strResponse = (EPGManager.MakeChannelFavorite(chanID)) ? "OK" : "ERROR";
                    XMLresponse = XMLHelper.XMLReponseWithOutputString(strResponse);
                    if (Settings.Default.DebugChannels) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("API: Set channel " + chanID + " as favorite OK.");
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/channels/unsetasfavorite/"))
                    string chanID = action.Replace("xml/channels/unsetasfavorite/", "");

                    string strResponse = (EPGManager.MakeChannelNotFavorite(chanID)) ? "OK" : "ERROR";
                    XMLresponse = XMLHelper.XMLReponseWithOutputString(strResponse);
                    if (Settings.Default.DebugChannels) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("API: Unset channel " + chanID + " as not favorite OK.");
                else if (action == "xml/channels/all")
                    // New 2011:  Update channels first from media center (MediaCenter can randomly change internal IDs)

                    XMLresponse = EPGExporter.AllChannelsAsXML();
                    if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting all channels via XML web request...");
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/programmes"))
                    string subAction = action.Replace("xml/programmes/", "");

                    // No description?  (turbo mode)
                    bool omitDescriptions = (subAction.StartsWith("nodescription"));
                    if (omitDescriptions)
                        subAction = subAction.Replace("nodescription/", "");

                    // If a programme type is specified, restrict to this type, otherwise use all
                    TVProgrammeType restrictProgrammesToType = (qsParams.HasParameter("programmetype")) ?
                        (TVProgrammeType)Enum.Parse(new TVProgrammeType().GetType(), qsParams["programmetype"], true) :

                    // 2. CHANNELS
                    List<string> TVServiceIDs = new List<string>();
                    if (subAction.StartsWith("limitchannels/"))
                        subAction = subAction.Replace("limitchannels/", "");
                        TVServiceIDs = Functions.StringListFromXML(PostObjects);
                    else if (subAction.StartsWith("favoritechannels/"))
                        subAction = subAction.Replace("favoritechannels/", "");
                        TVServiceIDs = EPGManager.EPGDisplayedTVChannelsServiceIDs;
                    else if (subAction.StartsWith("byepgrequest"))

                        List<EPGRequest> EPGRequests = EPGRequest.ArrayFromXML(PostObjects);

                            XMLresponse = EPGExporter.EPGwithEPGRequests(EPGRequests, omitDescriptions, restrictProgrammesToType);
                            if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting tv programmes (using " + EPGRequests.Count.ToString() + " epg requests) via XML web request...");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("CRITICAL ERROR - could not parse array of EPG requests.  Date passed was " + PostObjects);

                    // 3. DATE / DAYRANGE
                    if (subAction.StartsWith("date/"))
                        string strDate = subAction.Replace("date/", "");
                        DateTime localDate = new DateTime();
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(strDate, out localDate))

                            XMLresponse = EPGExporter.EPGForLocalDate(localDate, TVServiceIDs, omitDescriptions, restrictProgrammesToType);
                            if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting tv programmes on " + TVServiceIDs.Count.ToString() + " channels for date " + strDate + " via XML web request...");
                            Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("CRITICAL ERROR - could not parse local date to export shows.  Date passed was " + strDate + ".");
                    else if (subAction.StartsWith("daterange/"))
                        string strDate = subAction.Replace("daterange/", "");
                        string[] dateRanges = strDate.Split(new string[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                        if (dateRanges.Count() > 1)
                            DateTime startDateTime, endDateTime;
                            if (DateTime.TryParse(dateRanges[0], out startDateTime) &&
                                DateTime.TryParse(dateRanges[1], out endDateTime)
                                if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting tv programmes on " + TVServiceIDs.Count.ToString() + " channels for date range " + strDate + " via XML web request...");
                                XMLresponse = EPGExporter.EPGForDateRange(startDateTime, endDateTime, TVServiceIDs, omitDescriptions, restrictProgrammesToType);
                                Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("CRITICAL ERROR - could not parse day ranges.");
                    else if (subAction.StartsWith("dayrange/"))
                        string strDate = subAction.Replace("dayrange/", "");

                        string[] dayRanges = strDate.Split(new string[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                        if (dayRanges.Count() > 1)
                            int startDaysAhead, numberOfDays;
                            if (int.TryParse(dayRanges[0], out startDaysAhead) &&
                                int.TryParse(dayRanges[1], out numberOfDays)
                                if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting tv programmes on " + TVServiceIDs.Count.ToString() + " channels for day range " + strDate + " via XML web request...");
                                XMLresponse = EPGExporter.EPGForDaysRange(startDaysAhead, numberOfDays, TVServiceIDs, omitDescriptions, restrictProgrammesToType);
                                Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("CRITICAL ERROR - could not parse day ranges.");
                    else if (subAction.StartsWith("search"))
                        EPGSearch theSearch = EPGSearch.FromXML(PostObjects);
                        if (theSearch != null)
                            XMLresponse = EPGExporter.TVProgrammesMatchingSearch(theSearch);

                            if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting all programmes matching search.");
                            Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("CRITICAL ERROR - could not parse search request XML");
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/programme/getinfo/"))
                    string strUID = action.Replace("xml/programme/getinfo/", "");
                    if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting programme info blob for prog ID " + strUID + " via XML web request...");
                    XMLresponse = EPGExporter.TVProgrammeInfoBlobForProgID(strUID);
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/filebrowse/dir"))
                    FileBrowseRequest fbrequest = FileBrowseRequest.FromXML(PostObjects);
                    if (fbrequest != null)
                        XMLresponse = FileBrowseExporter.FileBrowseUsingRequestAsXML(fbrequest);

                        if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting list of files matching request (path " + fbrequest.FullPath + ")");
                        Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("CRITICAL ERROR - could not parse file browse request XML");
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/recordings"))
                    // FOR NOW.. ..refresh each time, although strictly may not be necessary
                    if (Settings.Default.RecordingsRetrieveAsParanoid) EPGManager.ReloadAllRecordings();

                    XMLresponse = EPGExporter.RecordingsBlobAsXML();
                    if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting all recordings via XML web request...");
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/settings"))
                    XMLresponse = EPGExporter.AllSettingsAsXML();
                    if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting all settings via XML web request...");
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/record/byrecordingrequest"))
                    RecordingRequest tReq = RecordingRequest.FromXML(PostObjects);

                    XMLresponse = EPGManager.ScheduleRecording(RecordingRequest.FromXML(PostObjects)).ToXML();
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/recordedtv"))
                    /*if (action.Contains("refreshnow"))
                        RecTV.Default.RefreshCache(); */

                    XMLresponse = EPGExporter.AllRecordedTVAsXML();
                    if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting all recorded TV via XML web request...");
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/cancelrequest/"))
                    string txtID = action.Replace("xml/cancelrequest/", "");
                    XMLresponse = WebSvcCancelRequest(txtID);
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/sendremotekey/"))
                    string txtCmd = action.Replace("xml/sendremotekey/", "");

                    string strResponse = IRCommunicator.Default.SendIRCommand(txtCmd); // Returns OK or HELPER_NOT_RUNNING.  Doesn't return socket errors (it's ASync)
                    XMLresponse = XMLHelper.XMLReponseWithOutputString(strResponse);
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/showlog"))
                    XMLresponse = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><log ";
                    if (Settings.Default.AllowRemoteLogRetrieval)
                        XMLresponse += "result=\"OK\" contents=\"" + FileCache.ReadTextFileFromDisk(Functions.DebugLogFileFN) + "\">";
                        XMLresponse += "result=\"Error\" contents=\"RemoteLoggingDisabled\">";

                    XMLresponse += "</log>";
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/cancelrecording/"))
                    string txtID = action.Replace("xml/cancelrecording/", "");
                    XMLresponse = WebSvcCancelRecording(txtID);
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/realcancelrecording64/"))
                    string filePath = "";
                    if (PostObjects.Trim().Length > 0)
                        filePath = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(PostObjects);
                        filePath = Functions.DecodeFromBase64(filePath, Encoding.UTF8);

                    XMLresponse = WebSvcRealCancelRecording64(filePath);
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/deletefile64"))
                    string filePath = "";
                    if (PostObjects.Trim().Length > 0)
                        filePath = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(PostObjects);
                        filePath = Functions.DecodeFromBase64(filePath, Encoding.UTF8);

                    XMLresponse = WebSvcDeleteFileByFilePath(filePath);
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/deletefile"))
                    string filePath = "";
                    if (PostObjects.Trim().Length > 0)
                        filePath = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(PostObjects);
                        // LEGACY - use URL path
                        filePath = action.Replace("xml/deletefile/", "");

                    XMLresponse = WebSvcDeleteFileByFilePath(filePath);
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/deletebackgroundtranscoded"))
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/mediastream/start/bymediastreamingrequestgetid"))
                    MediaStreamingResult streamResult2 = new MediaStreamingResult();
                    MediaStreamingRequest streamRq = XMLHelper.Deserialize<MediaStreamingRequest>(PostObjects);

                    if (streamRq != null)
                        streamResult2.StreamerID = StreamingManager.Default.newUniqueID(streamRq, true);
                        streamResult2.LiveStreamingIndexPath = "/httplivestream/" + streamResult2.StreamerID + "/index.m3u8";
                        streamResult2.Success = true;
                        streamResult2.StreamerID = 0;
                        streamResult2.Success = false;

                    XMLresponse = XMLHelper.Serialize<MediaStreamingResult>(streamResult2);
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/mediastream/start/bymediastreamingrequest"))
                    MediaStreamingResult streamResult;
                    MediaStreamingRequest streamRq = XMLHelper.Deserialize<MediaStreamingRequest>(PostObjects);

                    if (streamRq != null)
                        streamResult = StreamingManager.Default.StartStreamer(streamRq, Request.UserHostName);
                        streamResult = new MediaStreamingResult(MediaStreamingResultCodes.NamedError, "Error in streaming request.");

                    XMLresponse = XMLHelper.Serialize<MediaStreamingResult>(streamResult);
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/restartrp"))
                    if (RestartRP != null)
                        RestartRP(this, e);
                        XMLresponse = XMLHelper.Serialize<String>("success");
                        XMLresponse = XMLHelper.Serialize<String>("failed");
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/killffmpeglatest"))
                    Process[] workers = Process.GetProcessesByName("ffmpeglatest");
                    foreach (Process worker in workers)
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/livetvstop"))
                    //foreach (string recTVFolder in Settings.Default.RecordedTVFolders)
                    //    DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(recTVFolder);
                    //    FileInfo[] files = null;
                    //    try
                    //    {
                    //        files = di.GetFiles("RMCLiveTV*.wtv");
                    //    }
                    //    catch (Exception e)
                    //    {
                    //        if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("You probably have a path defined in Recorded TV (RP settings) that does not exist. Exception " + e.ToString());
                    //    }
                    //    if (files != null)
                    //    {
                    //        for (int index = 0; index < files.Length; index++)
                    //        {
                    //            try
                    //            {
                    //                files[index].Delete();
                    //            }
                    //            catch (Exception)
                    //            {
                    //                //file was currently being read or something, just ignore
                    //            }
                    //        }
                    //    }

                    Int32 ID;
                    action = action.Replace("xml/livetvstop/", "");

                    action = action.Replace("streamerid=", "");

                    Int32.TryParse(action, out ID);

                    bool stopped;
                    if (ID == 0)
                        stopped = false;
                        stopped = StreamingManager.Default.StopStreamer(ID, 4);

                    XMLresponse = XMLHelper.Serialize<string>("LiveTV does not always really stop, but stream " + ID + " is stopped=" + stopped);
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/getshowschedule"))
                //else if (action.StartsWith("livetv/getshowschedule"))        //suggestion as new syntax
                    action = action.Replace("xml/getshowschedule/", "");
                    //action = action.Replace("livetv/getshowschedule/", "");

                    action = action.Replace("serviceid=", "");
                    string serviceID = action.Substring(0, action.IndexOf("starttime="));
                    action = action.Replace(serviceID, "");
                    action = action.Replace("starttime=", "");
                    long startTime = 0;
                    long.TryParse(action.Substring(0, action.IndexOf("duration=")), out startTime);

                    action = action.Replace("" + startTime, "");
                    action = action.Replace("duration=", "");
                    long duration = 0;
                    long.TryParse(action, out duration);

                    EPGRequest request = new EPGRequest(serviceID, startTime, (startTime + duration));
                    List<EPGRequest> requests = new List<EPGRequest>();

                    //TVService ds = new TVService();
                    //List<TVService> dss = new List<TVService>();
                    ////List<string> ServiceIDs = new List<string>();
                    ////List<string> _channels = new List<string>();
                    //TVProgramme progtvchannel = new TVProgramme();
                    //List<TVProgramme> progtvchannelz = new List<TVProgramme>();

                    var tvProgs = EPGManager.mcData.GetTVProgrammes(requests, false, TVProgrammeType.All);
                    List<string> scheduledshows = new List<string>();
                    string showinfo = "";
                    int firstshow = 0;
                    foreach (var tvProg in tvProgs)
                        TimeZone localzone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone;
                        var startingTime = localzone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(tvProg.StartTime));
                        var endingTime = localzone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(tvProg.StopTime));

                        if (firstshow == 0)
                            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                            TimeSpan currShowTime = now.Subtract(startingTime);
                            TimeSpan durationLeft = endingTime.Subtract(now);

                            showinfo = "Show Title: " + tvProg.Title + " Start time: " + String.Format("{0:MMM dd yyyy hh:mm:ss tt}", startingTime) + ". Ends at: " + String.Format("{0:MMM dd yyyy hh:mm:ss tt}", endingTime) + ". Current time: " + String.Format("{0:g}", currShowTime) + ". Time left: " + String.Format("{0:c}", durationLeft) + ". Timezone " + localzone.StandardName;
                            showinfo = "Show Title: " + tvProg.Title + ". Start time: " + String.Format("{0:MMM dd yyyy hh:mm:ss tt}", startingTime) + ". Ends at: " + String.Format("{0:MMM dd yyyy hh:mm:ss tt}", endingTime);
                    XMLresponse = XMLHelper.Serialize<List<string>>(scheduledshows);


                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/checkexists"))
                    Int32 ID;
                    action = action.Replace("xml/checkexists/", "");

                    bool CheckInBackgroundTranscodedDirectory = action.Contains("streamtranscodedinbackground=");

                    if (CheckInBackgroundTranscodedDirectory)
                        int pos = action.IndexOf("streamtranscodedinbackground=", 0);
                        string action2 = action.Replace(action.Substring(0, "streamtranscodedinbackground=".Length), "");
                        action2 = action2.Replace("/index.m3u8", "");
                        action2 = action2.Replace("/index2.m3u8", "");

                        Int32.TryParse(action2, out ID);
                        action = "segment-0.ts";
                        action = action.Replace("streamid=", "");

                        int pos = action.IndexOf("/segment=", 0);
                        string action2 = action.Replace(action.Substring(pos, action.Length - pos), "");

                        Int32.TryParse(action2, out ID);

                        action = action.Replace(ID + "/segment=", "");
                    string dir = Functions.AppDataFolder;
                    string streamPath;
                    if (CheckInBackgroundTranscodedDirectory)
                        streamPath = Path.Combine(dir, "static\\BackgroundTranscodedMediastreams\\");
                        streamPath = Path.Combine(dir, "static\\mediastreams\\");

                    DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(streamPath + ID);
                    FileInfo[] files = null;
                        files = di.GetFiles(action);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile(e.ToString());
                        XMLresponse = XMLHelper.Serialize<string>("failure");
                        if (files != null && files[0].Exists)
                            XMLresponse = XMLHelper.Serialize<string>("success");
                            XMLresponse = XMLHelper.Serialize<string>("failure");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        XMLresponse = XMLHelper.Serialize<string>("failure");
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/setrprecstreamid/"))
                    //ToDo: Have to define an API that conforms to the rest of the API!

                    // GET rprec ID and streamID
                    action = action.Replace("xml/setrprecstreamid/", "");

                    long rprecId = 0;
                    long.TryParse((action.Substring(0, action.IndexOf("streamid="))), out rprecId);

                    action = action.Replace("" + rprecId, "");
                    action = action.Replace("streamid=", "");

                    long streamId = 0;
                    long.TryParse(action, out streamId);

                    EPGManager.setStreamID(rprecId, streamId);
                    if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                        Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Setting recording " + rprecId + " to streamID " + streamId);
                //else if (action.StartWith("xml/startlivetv"))     //suggestion
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/livetv"))
                    //ToDo: Have to define an API that conforms to the rest of the API!

                    XMLresponse = "";
                    RecordingRequest newRR = null;
                    bool failedValidation = false;
                    string failedValidationReason = "";

                    string filenameId = "RMCLiveTV";

                    // GET SERVICE ID (Channel) and length
                    action = action.Replace("xml/livetv/", "");

                    string serviceId = action.Substring(0, action.IndexOf("uniqueandroid="));

                    action = action.Replace(serviceId, "");
                    action = action.Replace("uniqueandroid=", "");

                    string uniqueAndroidId = action.Substring(0, action.IndexOf("length="));

                    // DURATION
                    Int32 tryDuration;
                    Int32.TryParse(action.Substring(action.IndexOf("length=") + 7), out tryDuration);
                    DateTime tryStartTime = DateTime.Now;

                    //  Schedule manual recording
                    // DATE TIME

                    if ((tryDuration == 0) | (tryDuration > 720))
                        failedValidation = true;
                        failedValidationReason += "Invalid duration, must be between 1 and 720 minutes.<br>";

                    // In the unliklely event a file already exist with a certain random nr, try again:
                    bool randomFileAlreadyExists = false;
                        Random r = new Random();
                        filenameId = filenameId + uniqueAndroidId + r.Next(0, int.MaxValue);
                        string[] filePaths = null;
                        foreach (string recTVFolder in Settings.Default.RecordedTVFolders)
                                filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(recTVFolder, filenameId + "*.wtv");
                            catch (Exception e)
                                if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                                        "You probably have a path defined in Recorded TV (RP settings) that does not exist. Exception " +
                            if (filePaths.Length > 0)
                                randomFileAlreadyExists = true;
                    } while (randomFileAlreadyExists);

                    // Create a new recording request
                    newRR = new RecordingRequest(tryStartTime.ToUniversalTime(), long.Parse(serviceId), tryDuration,

                    // Passed validation?
                    if (failedValidation)
                        if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("FailedValidation");
                        txtResponse += "<p class='recorderror'>Error in recording request: " + failedValidationReason +
                        XMLresponse = XMLHelper.Serialize<string>(txtResponse);
                        if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Did not fail Validation");

                        qsParams.Add("queueid", RecordingQueue.AddToQueue(newRR));
                        string txtRecSummary2;
                        if (RecordFromQueue(out txtRecSummary2))
                            bool found = false;
                            if (txtRecSummary2.Contains("The scheduling was successful"))
                                if (RecordFromQueueResult != null)
                                    if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile(RecordFromQueueResult);
                                    if (!RecordFromQueueResult.StartsWith("Recording not scheduled"))
                                        if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                                        int waittimeforfiletoappear = 20; // seconds
                                        //int waittimeforfiletoappear = 200; // seconds, testing whether setting needs high value for certain tv card like Ceton
                                        DateTime begin = DateTime.Now;
                                        string[] filepaths = null;
                                        int i = 0;
                                            foreach (string rectvfolder in Settings.Default.RecordedTVFolders)
                                                if ((i % 1000 == 0) && (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced))
                                                    Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Checking " + rectvfolder + " for " +
                                                                                 filenameId + "*.wtv");
                                                    filepaths = Directory.GetFiles(rectvfolder, filenameId + "*.wtv");
                                                catch (Exception e)
                                                    if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                                                            "You probably have a path defined in Recorded TV (RP settings) that does not exist. Exception " +
                                                if (filepaths != null && filepaths.Length > 0)
                                                    if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                                                        Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Found recording tv folder..." +

                                            if (filepaths != null && filepaths.Length > 0)
                                                XMLresponse = XMLHelper.Serialize<string>(filepaths[0]);
                                                found = true;

                                            if (DateTime.Compare(begin.AddSeconds(waittimeforfiletoappear), DateTime.Now) <
                                                0) //not found after 20 seconds
                                                if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                                                    foreach (string rectvfolder in Settings.Default.RecordedTVFolders)
                                                        string[] filepaths2 = Directory.GetFiles(rectvfolder, "*.*");
                                                        foreach (string fp in filepaths2)
                                                            Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("However, this does exist :" + fp);
                                        } while (true);
                                    if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                                        Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("strange: RecordFromQueueResult is null");
                            if (!found)
                                List<string> errors = new List<string>();
                                if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                                    Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("All tuners are busy somewhere in between now and " +
                                                                 tryDuration + " minutes from now");
                                errors.Add("All tuners are busy somewhere in between now and " + tryDuration +
                                           " minutes from now");
                                DateRange dateRange = new DateRange(DateTime.UtcNow,
                                if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                                    Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Going to find conflicting recordings");
                                List<RPRecording> recsToday = EPGManager.AllRecordingsRunningInTimeFrame(dateRange);
                                //List<RPRecording> oldLiveTVrecs = EPGManager.AllRecordingsContainsTitle("RMCLiveTV");
                                foreach (RPRecording rec in recsToday)
                                    if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                                        Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Recording: not found!, conflicting: " + rec.Title +
                                                                     " Are your recording folders in Remote Potato RP server (the general tab click on \"recorded TV\") and Media Center (tasks/setings/TV/Recorder) the same?");
                                    //if (rec.TVProgramme().StartTime <= (tryStartTime.Ticks + tryDuration * TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute))
                                if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced && errors.Count == 0)
                                        "mmm, this is strange: no recordings in recording folder beginning with RMCLiveTV");
                                XMLresponse = XMLHelper.Serialize<List<string>>(errors);
                            //Could wait for event (for file to appear) instead...
                            //WTVfse = new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
                            //foreach (string location in Settings.Default.RecordedTVFolders)
                            //    FileSystemWatcher w = new FileSystemWatcher();
                            //    w.Path = location;
                            //    /* Watch for changes in LastAccess and LastWrite times, and
                            //       the renaming of files or directories. */
                            //    w.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastAccess | NotifyFilters.LastWrite
                            //       | NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.DirectoryName;
                            //    // Only watch filter.
                            //    w.Filter = filenameID + "*.wtv";

                            //    w.Created += WTVfse;
                            //    WTVwatcher.Add(w);
                            //// Begin watching.
                            //foreach (FileSystemWatcher w in WTVwatcher)
                            //    w.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                            //do { } while (!LiveTVScheduled);
                            //XMLresponse = XMLHelper.Serialize<string>(LiveTVFilename);
                            if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced) Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("RecordFromQueue=False");

                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/mediastream/probe/byfilename"))
                    string strFileName = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(PostObjects);
                    strFileName = strFileName.Trim();

                    if (action.StartsWith("xml/mediastream/probe/byfilename64"))
                        strFileName = Functions.DecodeFromBase64(strFileName);

                    List<AVStream> result;
                    if (strFileName.Length > 0)
                        result = StreamingManager.Default.ProbeFile(strFileName);
                        result = new List<AVStream>();

                    if (Settings.Default.DebugStreaming)
                        Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Probed file " + strFileName + ": sending back details of " +
                                                     result.Count.ToString() + " AV streams.");

                    XMLresponse = XMLHelper.Serialize<List<AVStream>>(result);
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/mediastream/keepalive/"))
                    string strStreamerID = action.Replace("xml/mediastream/keepalive/", "");
                    int streamerID;
                    string strmStatus;
                    if (int.TryParse(strStreamerID, out streamerID))
                        strmStatus = StreamingManager.Default.KeepStreamerAliveAndReturnStatus(streamerID);
                        Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Warning: Could not parse streamer ID " + strStreamerID);
                        strmStatus = "invalid_id";

                    //XMLresponse = XMLHelper.XMLReponseWithOutputString(strmStatus);
                    XMLresponse = strmStatus;
                    if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                        Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("MediaStreaming: GetStatus  (" + strStreamerID + "): " + strmStatus);
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/mediastream/stop/"))
                    string strStreamerID = action.Replace("xml/mediastream/stop/", "");
                    int streamerID;
                        if (int.TryParse(strStreamerID, out streamerID))
                            if (!StreamingManager.Default.StopStreamer(streamerID, 5))
                                Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Warning in stopping mediastream: Could not stop streamer ID " + strStreamerID);
                            Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Warningin stopping mediastream2: Could not parse streamer ID " + strStreamerID);
                    catch (Exception ex)

                    XMLresponse = XMLHelper.XMLReponseWithOutputString("No Data");
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/stream/start"))
                    WTVStreamingVideoResult streamResult;
                    WTVStreamingVideoRequest streamRq = XMLHelper.Deserialize<WTVStreamingVideoRequest>(PostObjects);
                    if (streamRq == null)
                        streamResult = new WTVStreamingVideoResult(DSStreamResultCodes.ErrorInStreamRequest);
                            streamResult = DSStreamingManager.Default.StartStreamer(streamRq);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exception setting up streaming object:");
                            streamResult = new WTVStreamingVideoResult(DSStreamResultCodes.ErrorExceptionOccurred,

                    XMLresponse = XMLHelper.Serialize<WTVStreamingVideoResult>(streamResult);
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/stream/stop"))
                    XMLresponse = XMLHelper.XMLReponseWithOutputString("ERROR (DEPRECATED)");
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/picture/thumbnailzip/"))
                    FileBrowseRequest fbrequest = FileBrowseRequest.FromXML(PostObjects);
                    if (fbrequest != null)
                        if (PictureExporter.SendThumbnailsAsZipFile(fbrequest, FatAttitude.ThumbnailSizes.Small,
                                                                    ref browserSender))
                            if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                                Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Could not export zip of thumbnails.");
                            "ThumbnailZip: Error in requestprocessor- could not parse file browse request XML");
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/picture/get")) // matches /xml/picture/getrequest too
                    string strSubAction = txtActionOriginalCase.Replace("xml/picture/", "");

                    // URL DECODE
                    strSubAction = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(strSubAction);

                    string strParams;
                    string strFileName = "";
                    bool fileNameAtEndOfUri = false;
                    bool fileNameAtEndOfUriIsBase64Encoded = false;
                    if (strSubAction.StartsWith("getwithfilename")) // GET FILENAME FROM URL
                        fileNameAtEndOfUri = true;

                        fileNameAtEndOfUriIsBase64Encoded = strSubAction.StartsWith("getwithfilename64");

                        if (fileNameAtEndOfUriIsBase64Encoded)
                            strParams = strSubAction.Replace("getwithfilename64/", "");
                            strParams = strSubAction.Replace("getwithfilename/", "");
                    // GET FILENAME FROM POST STRING
                        fileNameAtEndOfUri = false;
                        strFileName = PostObjects;
                        strParams = strSubAction.Replace("get/", "");

                    string[] Params = strParams.Split(new string[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                    bool haveFrameSizes = false;
                    int frameWidth = 0;
                    int frameHeight = 0;
                    if (Params.Count() > 1)
                        if ((int.TryParse(Params[0], out frameWidth) &&
                             int.TryParse(Params[1], out frameHeight)
                            haveFrameSizes = ((frameWidth > 0) && (frameHeight > 0));
                            haveFrameSizes = false;
                        // Send full picture
                        haveFrameSizes = false;

                    if (!haveFrameSizes)
                            "Xml/Picture: invalid frame size (or none supplied): using full picture");

                    if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                        Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting picture " + strFileName + " resized to frame " +
                                                     frameWidth.ToString() + "x" + frameHeight.ToString());

                    // Get Filename if not got already
                    // File name from Uri ?
                    if (fileNameAtEndOfUri)
                        if (fileNameAtEndOfUriIsBase64Encoded)
                            // Take final component and un-encode to produce filename
                            strFileName = Params[Params.Count() - 1];
                            strFileName = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(strFileName);
                            strFileName = Functions.DecodeFromBase64(strFileName);
                            // Reconstruct filename by putting /slashed/ components back together
                            for (int pCount = 2; pCount < Params.Count(); pCount++)
                                strFileName = strFileName + Params[pCount];
                                if (pCount < (Params.Count() - 1))
                                    strFileName = strFileName + "/";

                                strFileName = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(strFileName);


                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFileName))
                        Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Xml/Picture : No filename specified in POST request, sending 404");

                    // Send
                    if (haveFrameSizes)

                        byte[] resizedPictureData = new byte[] { };
                        if (ImageResizer.ResizePicture(strFileName, new Size(frameWidth, frameHeight),
                                                       out resizedPictureData, ImageFormat.Jpeg, false))
                            Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Xml/Picture: Could not resize picture.");
                    else // No frame sizes, send full image

                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/music/framework"))
                    using (WMPManager manager = new WMPManager())
                        XMLresponse = manager.MusicFrameworkAsXML();
                        if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                            Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting music framework blob via XML web request...");
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/music/songs/artist"))
                    bool isBase64Encoded = (action.Contains("artist64/"));
                    action = action.Replace("artist64", "artist");
                    txtActionOriginalCase = txtActionOriginalCase.Replace("artist64", "artist");

                    string strArtistID = txtActionOriginalCase.Replace("xml/music/songs/artist/", "");
                    strArtistID = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(strArtistID);

                    if (isBase64Encoded)
                        strArtistID = Functions.DecodeFromBase64(strArtistID);

                    using (WMPManager manager = new WMPManager())
                        XMLresponse = manager.GetSongsForArtistAsXML(strArtistID);
                        if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                            Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting songs for artist " + strArtistID +
                                                         " via XML web request...");
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/music/songs/album"))
                    bool isBase64Encoded = (action.Contains("album64/"));
                    action = action.Replace("album64", "album");
                    txtActionOriginalCase = txtActionOriginalCase.Replace("album64", "album");

                    // USE case sensitive action string for match
                    string strAlbumID = txtActionOriginalCase.Replace("xml/music/songs/album/", "");
                    strAlbumID = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(strAlbumID);

                    if (isBase64Encoded)
                        strAlbumID = Functions.DecodeFromBase64(strAlbumID);

                    using (WMPManager manager = new WMPManager())
                        XMLresponse = manager.GetSongsForAlbumAsXML(strAlbumID);
                        if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                            Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting songs for album " + strAlbumID +
                                                         " via XML web request...");
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/music/songs/genre"))
                    bool isBase64Encoded = (action.Contains("genre64/"));
                    action = action.Replace("genre64", "genre");
                    txtActionOriginalCase = txtActionOriginalCase.Replace("genre64", "genre");

                    // USE case sensitive action string for match
                    string strGenreID = txtActionOriginalCase.Replace("xml/music/songs/genre/", "");
                    strGenreID = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(strGenreID);

                    if (isBase64Encoded)
                        strGenreID = Functions.DecodeFromBase64(strGenreID);

                    using (WMPManager manager = new WMPManager())
                        XMLresponse = manager.GetSongsForGenreAsXML(strGenreID);
                        if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                            Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting songs for genre " + strGenreID +
                                                         " via XML web request...");
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/music/songs/all"))

                    using (WMPManager manager = new WMPManager())
                        XMLresponse = manager.GetAllSongsAsXML();
                        if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                            Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting all songs in library via XML web request...");
                else if (action.StartsWith("xml/music/songs/checkexists"))
                    bool isBase64Encoded = (action.Contains("checkexists64/"));
                    action = action.Replace("checkexists64", "checkexists");
                    txtActionOriginalCase = txtActionOriginalCase.Replace("checkexists64", "checkexists");

                    // USE case sensitive action string for match
                    string strSongID = txtActionOriginalCase.Replace("xml/music/songs/checkexists/", "");
                    strSongID = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(strSongID);

                    if (isBase64Encoded)
                        strSongID = Functions.DecodeFromBase64(strSongID);

                    using (WMPManager manager = new WMPManager())
                        XMLresponse = manager.WMPItemFileExistsAsXML(strSongID);
                        if (Settings.Default.DebugAdvanced)
                            Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exporting whether song exists... " + XMLresponse);

                    Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("XML: Unknown request");
                    XMLresponse = "";

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(XMLresponse))
                    Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("NULL xmlresponse - nothing to send out to Silverlight client.  Sending error string.");
                    browserSender.SendStringToBrowser(XMLHelper.XMLReponseWithOutputString("No Data"));

                // Strip out any UTF-16 encoding
                XMLresponse = Functions.StripIllegalXmlCharacters(XMLresponse);

                // Zip up ?
                if (zipContent)
                    XMLresponse = ZipHelper.ZipString(XMLresponse);

                    if (Settings.Default.DebugServer)
                        Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Zipped String to base64 string.  Length:" + XMLresponse.Length.ToString() + " characters. ");

            catch (Exception e)
                string errorResponse = XMLHelper.XMLReponseWithOutputString("An error occurred - " + e.Message + " - check the debug log on the server.");

                Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exception while processing XML request:");


예제 #13
 // Methods
 public bool ContainsPartOfDateRange(DateRange dateRange)
     return (
         (dateRange.StopTime > _startTime) & (dateRange.StartTime < _stopTime)
예제 #14
 public bool ContainsAllOfDateRange(DateRange dateRange)
     return (
         ((dateRange.StartTime >= _startTime) & (dateRange.StopTime <= _stopTime))
예제 #15
        public static string EPGForLocalDate(DateTime localDate, List<string> TVChannelIDs, bool omitDescriptions, TVProgrammeType matchType)
            DateTime startRange = localDate.Date.ToUniversalTime();
            int extraEPGOverspill = Convert.ToInt32( Settings.Default.SilverlightEPGOverspillHours );
            DateTime endRange = startRange.AddHours(24 + extraEPGOverspill);
            DateRange theRange = new DateRange(startRange, endRange);
            List<TVProgramme> tvProgs = EPGManager.mcData.GetTVProgrammes(theRange, TVChannelIDs.ToArray(), omitDescriptions, matchType);

            return XMLHelper.Serialize<List<TVProgramme>>(tvProgs);
예제 #16
파일: MCData.cs 프로젝트: piet5211/RPLiveTV
        public List<TVProgramme> GetTVProgrammes(DateRange dateRange, string[] channelIds, bool omitDescriptions, CommonEPG.TVProgrammeType matchType)
            List<EPGRequest> requests = new List<EPGRequest>();
            foreach (string channelID in channelIds)
                EPGRequest rq = new EPGRequest(channelID, dateRange);

            return GetTVProgrammes(requests, omitDescriptions, matchType);
예제 #17
파일: MCData.cs 프로젝트: piet5211/RPLiveTV
 public List<TVProgramme> SearchTVProgrammes(string searchText, EPGSearchTextType searchTextType, EPGSearchMatchType searchMatchType, out bool resultsWereTruncated, string[] serviceIDs)
     DateRange relevantTime = new DateRange(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(40));
     return SearchTVProgrammesByDateRange(relevantTime, searchText, searchTextType, searchMatchType, out resultsWereTruncated, serviceIDs);
예제 #18
 // Retrieve
 public List <RPRecording> GetAllRecordingsForRequests(List <RPRequest> ExistingRequests, DateRange dateRange)
     return(storeManager.GetAllRecordingsForRequests(ExistingRequests, dateRange));
예제 #19
파일: MCData.cs 프로젝트: piet5211/RPLiveTV
 public List<RPRecording> GetAllRecordings(DateRange dateRange)
     return storeManager.GetAllRecordings(dateRange);
예제 #20
 public List <RPRecording> GetAllRecordings(DateRange dateRange)
예제 #21
파일: MCData.cs 프로젝트: piet5211/RPLiveTV
 public List<RPRequest> GetAllRequests(DateRange dateRange)
     return storeManager.GetAllRequests(dateRange);
예제 #22
 public List <RPRequest> GetAllRequests(DateRange dateRange)
        // better (doesnt need devices / content recorders)
        public List<RPRecording> GetAllRecordingsForRequests(List<RPRequest> ExistingRequests, DateRange dateRange)
            List<RPRecording> output = new List<RPRecording>();

                foreach (RPRequest RPReq in ExistingRequests)
                    Request req = GetRequestWithID(RPReq.ID);

                    foreach (Recording rec in req.Recordings)
                        if (rec.Abandoned) continue;  // Not abandoned recordings
                        if (!rec.ShouldRecord)
                            //   DebugNormal("Found recording that won't record: " + rec.Id.ToString());
                            continue; // Not recordings that aren't going to happen
                        //if (!((rec.StartTime >= dateRange.StartTime) && (rec.StartTime < dateRange.StopTime))) continue;

                        RPRecording mcr = Conversion.RPRecordingFromRecording(rec);


            catch (Exception ex)
                DebugNormal("Couldn't get recordings: " + ex.Message);

            return output;

                Requests rqs = new Requests(os);
                foreach (Request req in rqs.AllActive)
                    //if (!((req.StartTime > dateRange.StartTime) && (req.StartTime < dateRange.StopTime))) continue;
                    if (!req.IsLatestVersion) continue;
                   // if (req.Complete) continue;  // no longer active

                        IEnumerable<Recording> recordings = req.Recordings;
                        foreach (Recording rec in recordings)
                            if (rec.ShouldRecord)
                                if (!((rec.StartTime >= dateRange.StartTime) && (rec.StartTime < dateRange.StopTime))) continue;

                                RPRecording mcr = Conversion.RPRecordingFromRecording(rec);


                return output;
            catch (Exception ex)
                DebugNormal("Couldn't get recordings: " + ex.Message);
                return output;
예제 #24
        public List <TVProgramme> SearchTVProgrammes(string searchText, EPGSearchTextType searchTextType, EPGSearchMatchType searchMatchType, out bool resultsWereTruncated, string[] serviceIDs)
            DateRange relevantTime = new DateRange(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(40));

            return(SearchTVProgrammesByDateRange(relevantTime, searchText, searchTextType, searchMatchType, out resultsWereTruncated, serviceIDs));
예제 #25
        private bool ViewEPGGrid()
            // Set current EPG type.
            Settings.Default.CurrentEPGType = "grid";

            int ChannelsPerPage = Convert.ToInt32(Settings.Default.EPGGridChannelsPerPage);
            txtPageTitle = "TV Guide";

            if (!EPGManager.isWMCOnline)
                txtResponse += "EPG cannot be configured.  You may need to enable this option in settings on the server.";
                return false;

            // Always display date dropdowns
            string requestForm = FileCache.ReadSkinTextFile("page_viewepg_grid.htm");

            // Default parameters
            if (!qsParams.HasParameter("epggridchannelindex"))
                qsParams.Add("epggridchannelindex", "1");

            // GRID DATE / DEFAULT
            DateTime epgDate;
            if (!(qsParams.HasParameter("datecomponent")))
                qsParams.Add("datecomponent", DateTime.Now.Date.ToShortDateString());

            if (!DateTime.TryParse(qsParams["datecomponent"], out epgDate))
                txtResponse += "Bad parameters - check form.";
                return false;

            DateTime centerTime = new DateTime();
            if (!qsParams.HasParameter("epggridcentertime"))
                // TODO:  Closest to now?
                qsParams.Add("epggridcentertime", DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Hours.ToString("D2") + ":00");
            string dateandtime = qsParams["datecomponent"] + " " + qsParams["epggridcentertime"];
            if (!DateTime.TryParse(dateandtime, out centerTime))
                txtResponse += "Bad epg grid start time parameter.";
                return false;

            // Set up time window
            centerTime = centerTime.ToUniversalTime();
            DateTime startWindow = centerTime.AddMinutes(Convert.ToInt32(0 - Settings.Default.EPGGridPreviewWindowSize));
            DateTime endWindow = startWindow.AddMinutes(EPGManager.TimespanMinutes);
            CommonEPG.DateRange timeWindow = new CommonEPG.DateRange(startWindow, endWindow);

            // GRID CHANNEL
            int GridChannelIndex;
            if (!Int32.TryParse(qsParams["epggridchannelindex"], out GridChannelIndex))
                Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Grid: Bad channel index. (" + qsParams["epggridchannelindex"] + ")");
                GridChannelIndex = 1;
                qsParams.Add("epggridchannelindex", "1");

            // Process form at top (always)
            processRequestForm(ref requestForm, "", epgDate, 0, centerTime.ToLocalTime(), GridChannelIndex, "");
            StringBuilder txtEPGList = new StringBuilder(2500);

            // Begin Grid Code
            List<CommonEPG.TVProgramme> myProgs;
            DateTime timeCounter;
            txtEPGList.AppendLine("<div class='epggridcontainer'>");

            // COLUMN HEADER ROW - Times:  18:30, 19:00, 19:30, etc.  And left/right nav arrows
            if (GridChannelIndex < 2)
                txtEPGList.Append("<img id=\"epgchanneluparrow\" src=\"/static/images/epgchanneluparrow_disabled.png\" />");
                txtEPGList.Append("<a href=\"/epgnavup\"><img id=\"epgchanneluparrow\" src=\"/static/images/epgchanneluparrow.png\" /></a>");
            txtEPGList.Append("</div>");  // Blank space at top left
            DateTime timeHeadingCounter = timeWindow.StartTime;
            double markerPeriodMins = 30;
            bool isAlternateColour = false;
            int numberOfMarkers = Convert.ToInt32((EPGManager.TimespanMinutes / markerPeriodMins));
            for (int counter = 1; counter <= numberOfMarkers; counter++)
                string styleString = isAlternateColour ? "epggridcolumnheader maincolor" : "epggridcolumnheader altcolor";
                txtEPGList.AppendLine(Functions.DivTag(styleString, (markerPeriodMins * EPGManager.EPGScaleFactor) - 2, ""));
                txtEPGList.Append("<p class=\"epggridcolumnheadertext\">");
                if (counter == 1)
                    // Nav left arrow?
                    if (centerTime >= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().AddHours(-8))
                        txtEPGList.Append("<a href=\"/epgnavleft\"><img style='float: left; margin-right: 2px;' src=\"/static/images/epgtimeleftarrow.png\" /></a>");
                if (counter == numberOfMarkers) txtEPGList.Append("<a href=\"/epgnavright\"><img style='float: right; margin-right: 2px;' src=\"/static/images/epgtimerightarrow.png\" /></a>");

                timeHeadingCounter = timeHeadingCounter.AddMinutes(markerPeriodMins);
                isAlternateColour = !isAlternateColour;

            // Channel Rows
            CommonEPG.TVService currentChannel;
            List<CommonEPG.TVService> cacheEPGDisplayedChannels = EPGManager.EPGDisplayedTVChannels;

            // Get all progs in advance
            List<string> channelIDs = new List<string>();
            for (int chanCounter = GridChannelIndex; chanCounter < (GridChannelIndex + ChannelsPerPage); chanCounter++)  // e.g. 1,2,3,4,5
                    currentChannel = (CommonEPG.TVService)cacheEPGDisplayedChannels[chanCounter - 1];
                catch // channel not found / out of range / end of grid
                { break; }

            // Get Programmes
            myProgs = EPGManager.mcData.GetTVProgrammes(timeWindow, channelIDs.ToArray(), false, TVProgrammeType.All);
            if (myProgs == null)
                txtResponse += "No programs found.";
                return false;

            // Go through channels
            foreach (string strChannelID in channelIDs)
                currentChannel = EPGManager.AllTVChannels[strChannelID];

                // CHANNEL HEADING
                txtEPGList.Append("\r\n<div class=\"epggridchannelrow\">");
                txtEPGList.Append("\r\n" + Functions.DivTag("epggridchannelheading"));
                txtEPGList.Append("<table class=\"epggridchannelheadingcontents\"><tr>");

                // CHANNEL NUMBER?
                txtEPGList.Append("<td class=\"epggridchannelheadingchannelnumber\">");
                if (Settings.Default.EPGShowChannelNumbers)

                // CHANNEL LOGO
                txtEPGList.Append("<td class=\"epggridchannelheadingchannellogo\">" + currentChannel.HTMLForLogoImageOrCallsign("", true));

                // GET PROGRAMMES
                bool matchedChannel = false;
                bool willRecord = false;
                timeCounter = timeWindow.StartTime;
                string txtDisplayText;
                foreach (CommonEPG.TVProgramme tvp in myProgs)
                    if (tvp.ServiceID == strChannelID)
                        matchedChannel = true;

                        // Calculate minutes of the program remaining at this time...
                        TimeSpan timeRemaining = (tvp.StopTimeDT() - timeCounter);
                        double minsRemaining = timeRemaining.TotalMinutes;

                        // DEBUG Functions.WriteLineToLogFile(timeCounter.ToShortTimeString() + ": (" + currentChannel.Callsign + "): " + tvp.Title + " " + tvp.StartTimeDT().ToShortTimeString() + "-" + tvp.StopTimeDT().ToShortTimeString() + ", TR: " + timeRemaining.TotalSeconds + "sec");

                        // Program has already ended - it's just a MCE precision thing, so ignore
                        if (timeRemaining.TotalSeconds < 60) continue; // trivial amount

                        // Program has not started - insert a filler first
                        if (tvp.StartTimeDT() > timeCounter)
                            TimeSpan timeUntil = (tvp.StartTimeDT() - timeCounter);
                            if (timeUntil.TotalSeconds > 60)  // trivial amount
                                double minsUntil = timeUntil.TotalMinutes;
                                double transBWidth = Math.Round((minsUntil * EPGManager.EPGScaleFactor), 0);

                                txtEPGList.Append(Functions.DivTag("epggridcell epggridfiller", transBWidth - 2, ""));  // -1 to allow for border (A 1px border is 0.5px on each side)

                                // Increase the time counter
                                timeCounter = tvp.StartTimeDT();

                        // THE CELL

                        // Calculate cell width
                        // Crop if it goes past end of window
                        if (tvp.StopTimeDT() > timeWindow.StopTime)
                            minsRemaining = minsRemaining - (tvp.StopTimeDT() - timeWindow.StopTime).TotalMinutes;

                        double transWidth = Math.Round((minsRemaining * EPGManager.EPGScaleFactor), 0);

                        // Display Text
                        string txtFullTitle = tvp.Title + "<br />" + tvp.ToPrettyStartStopLocalTimes();

                        if (transWidth > 80)
                            txtDisplayText = txtFullTitle;
                        else if (transWidth > 50)
                            txtDisplayText = tvp.Title;
                            txtDisplayText = "...";

                        // Extra shading?
                        string txtExtraShadingStyle = "";
                        if (Settings.Default.ShowBackgroundColoursInEPG)
                            switch (tvp.ProgramType)
                                case CommonEPG.TVProgrammeType.None:

                                case CommonEPG.TVProgrammeType.All:

                                    txtExtraShadingStyle = " epggridcellprogrammetype" + tvp.ProgramType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();

                        // Commit display text
                        txtEPGList.AppendLine(Functions.DivTag("epggridcell" + txtExtraShadingStyle, transWidth - 2, txtFullTitle.Replace("<br />", "  |  ") + " | " + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(tvp.Description))); // -1 for border.

                        // Record dot?
                        RPRecording rec = tvp.Recording();
                        willRecord = Settings.Default.ShowEPGRecordingDots ? (rec != null) : false;

                        if (willRecord)
                            string className = tvp.Recording().IsRecurring() ? "recorddot_series" : "recorddot_onetime";
                            txtEPGList.Append("<div id=\"epggridrecorddot\" class=\"" + className + "\">&nbsp;</div>");
                        else if (Settings.Default.ShowEPGRecommendedMovies && tvp.IsRecommended())
                            txtEPGList.Append("<div id=\"epggridrecommendedstar\">&nbsp;</div>");

                        // LINK TO VIEW PROGRAMME
                        txtEPGList.Append("<div class=\"epggridcelltext\">");
                        txtEPGList.Append(Functions.LinkTagOpen("viewepgprogramme?programmeid=" + tvp.Id));
                        txtEPGList.Append(txtDisplayText + "</a></div></div>");

                        // Increase the time counter...
                        timeCounter = timeCounter.AddMinutes(minsRemaining);
                        if (matchedChannel) break;

                // Were there any listings?
                if (!matchedChannel)
                    txtEPGList.Append(Functions.DivTag("epggridcell nolistings", (EPGManager.EPGScaleFactor * (timeWindow.Span).TotalMinutes) - 2, "") + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No listings for this channel.</div>");

                txtEPGList.Append("</div>");  // end of channel row

            }  // loop through channels

            // Footer
            if (GridChannelIndex > (EPGManager.EPGDisplayedTVChannels.Count - ChannelsPerPage))
                txtEPGList.Append("<img id=\"epgchanneldownarrow\" src=\"/static/images/epgchanneldownarrow_disabled.png\" />");
                txtEPGList.Append("<a href=\"/epgnavdown\"><img id=\"epgchanneldownarrow\" src=\"/static/images/epgchanneldownarrow.png\" /></a>");

            // Page Count
            double numPages = Math.Floor((Convert.ToDouble(EPGManager.EPGDisplayedTVChannels.Count) / Convert.ToDouble(ChannelsPerPage)));
            if ((Convert.ToDouble(EPGManager.EPGDisplayedTVChannels.Count) % Convert.ToDouble(ChannelsPerPage)) > 0) numPages++;
            double highestChannelDisplayed = Convert.ToDouble(GridChannelIndex + ChannelsPerPage - 1);
            double pageNum = Math.Floor(highestChannelDisplayed / Convert.ToDouble(ChannelsPerPage));
            if ((highestChannelDisplayed % Convert.ToDouble(ChannelsPerPage)) > 0) pageNum++;

            txtEPGList.Append("<div id=\"epggridpagecount\">Page " + pageNum.ToString() + " of " + numPages.ToString() + "</div>");

            // Page jump links
            StringBuilder epgPageJumpLinks = new StringBuilder();
            if (numPages > 0)
                int pageJumpCounterAdd = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)numPages / 10.0));
                int pageJumpCounter = pageJumpCounterAdd;
                while (pageJumpCounter <= numPages)
                    epgPageJumpLinks.Append(" ");
                    if (pageJumpCounter != pageNum)
                        epgPageJumpLinks.Append(Functions.LinkTagOpen("/epgjumptopage?page=" + pageJumpCounter.ToString()));
                    if (pageJumpCounter != pageNum)

                    pageJumpCounter = pageJumpCounter + pageJumpCounterAdd;
            requestForm = requestForm.Replace("**EPGPAGEJUMPLINKS**", epgPageJumpLinks.ToString());

            txtEPGList.Append("</div>"); // end footer row

            requestForm = requestForm.Replace("**EPGGRID**", txtEPGList.ToString());
            txtResponse += requestForm;
            requestForm = null;

            //... and finally store the querystring to keep state

            return true;
예제 #26
 public List <TVProgramme> SearchTVProgrammesByDateRange(DateRange dateRange, string searchText, EPGSearchTextType searchTextType, EPGSearchMatchType searchMatchType, out bool resultsWereTruncated, string[] serviceIDs)
     return(storeManager.SearchTVProgrammesByDateRange(dateRange, searchText, searchTextType, searchMatchType, out resultsWereTruncated, serviceIDs));
예제 #27
        private bool ViewMovies()
            txtPageTitle = "Movie Guide";

            if (!EPGManager.isWMCOnline)
                txtResponse += "No EPG is configured, or the XML file cannot be found.<br /><br />You will need to enable this option in settings on the server, or point to a valid XML file in XMLTV format.";
                return false;

            // Always display date dropdowns
            string requestForm = FileCache.ReadSkinTextFile("page_movies.htm");

            // POSTED FORM

            if (!(qsParams.HasParameter("view")))
                    qsParams.Add("view", "toprated");
                catch { }

            string movieView = qsParams["view"];

            // Process form at top (always)
            string txtMovieList = "";

            DateTime startWindow = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-3);
            DateTime endWindow = startWindow.AddDays(14);  // 2 weeks
            DateRange myRange = new DateRange(startWindow.ToUniversalTime(), endWindow.ToUniversalTime());
            List<TVProgramme> myProgs = EPGManager.GetTVMovies(myRange);

            EPGManager.CacheMoviesIfExpired(myProgs, Settings.Default.ListMoviesOnFavouriteChannelsOnly);

            if (myProgs.Count > 0)
                DateTime dateCounter = DateTime.Now.Date;
                DateTime endCounter = new DateTime();
                int[] dayLeaps = new int[] { 1, 1, 5, 7 };
                string[] groupNames = new string[] { "Later Today", "Tomorrow", "Later this week", "Next week" };
                for (int i = 0; i < dayLeaps.Count(); i++)

                    endCounter = dateCounter.AddDays(dayLeaps[i]);
                    // Group Title

                    bool willRecord = false;
                    bool foundAnyMatchesInGroup = false;
                    foreach (TVMovie tvm in EPGManager.CachedMovies.Values)
                        // First time round, only show movies on that haven't finished.
                        bool dateWindowMatch = (i == 0) ? (
                                            (tvm.DefaultShowing.StopTimeDT().ToLocalTime() > DateTime.Now) &&
                                            (tvm.DefaultShowing.StartTimeDT().ToLocalTime() < endCounter)
                                            ) :
                                            (tvm.DefaultShowing.StartTimeDT().ToLocalTime() > dateCounter) &&
                                            (tvm.DefaultShowing.StartTimeDT().ToLocalTime() < endCounter)

                        // If it's in the current group
                        if (dateWindowMatch)

                            // Filter
                            bool includeInList = true;
                            if (movieView == "recommended")
                                includeInList = (tvm.DefaultShowing.IsRecommended());
                            else if (movieView == "toprated")
                                includeInList = (tvm.DefaultShowing.IsTopRated());

                            if (includeInList)
                                if (!foundAnyMatchesInGroup)
                                    // First match - Print header
                                    txtMovieList += "<div class=\"moviesublistheader\">" + groupNames[i] + "</div>";
                                    txtMovieList += "<ul class=\"moviesublist\">";
                                    foundAnyMatchesInGroup = true;

                                willRecord = (tvm.DefaultShowing.Recording() != null);
                                txtMovieList += "<li class=\"";
                                txtMovieList += willRecord ? "upcomingwillrecord" : "upcomingwontrecord";
                                txtMovieList += "\">";
                                txtMovieList += Functions.LinkTagOpen("viewmovie?movieid=" + tvm.Id);
                                txtMovieList += tvm.Title + "</a>";
                                if (willRecord)
                                    //string dotName = isSeriesRecording ? "record_dot_series" : "record_dot_onetime";
                                    string dotName = "record_dot_onetime";
                                    txtMovieList += "<img id=\"movielistrecorddot\" src=\"/static/images/" + dotName + ".png\" />";
                                txtMovieList += "</li>";



                    // Group footer
                    if (foundAnyMatchesInGroup)
                        txtMovieList += "</ul>";

                    // Move on
                    dateCounter = endCounter;
                if ((Settings.Default.ListMoviesOnFavouriteChannelsOnly) && (EPGManager.FavoriteTVChannels.Count < 1))
                    txtMovieList += "Movies are currently only displayed for your favourite channels, and none of these are selected.<br /><br />This feature has been automatically disabled, please click refresh to see movies on all channels.";
                    Settings.Default.ListMoviesOnFavouriteChannelsOnly = false;
                    txtMovieList += "No programmes found in EPG.";

            string txtMovieViewType;
            switch (movieView)
                case "toprated":
                    txtMovieViewType = "Top-Rated Movies";

                case "recommended":
                    txtMovieViewType = "Recommended Movies";

                    txtMovieViewType = "All Movies";
            requestForm = requestForm.Replace("**MOVIESTITLE**", txtMovieViewType);
            requestForm = requestForm.Replace("**MOVIESLIST**", txtMovieList);
            txtResponse += requestForm;
            requestForm = null;

            return true;
예제 #28
         *   using (Library lib = new Library(os, false, false))
                    foreach (Recording rec in lib.ScheduledRecordings)
                        if (rec.ShouldRecord)
                            if (!((rec.StartTime >= dateRange.StartTime) && (rec.StartTime < dateRange.StopTime))) continue;

                            RPRecording mcr = Conversion.RPRecordingFromRecording(rec);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    DebugNormal("Couldn't get recordings: " + ex.Message);

            return output;
         * GET RECORDINGS FROM LIBRARY, added 2013/11/15 for livetv
        public List<RPRecording> GetAllRecordings(DateRange dateRange)
            List<RPRecording> output = new List<RPRecording>();
              using (Library lib = new Library(os, false, false))
                    foreach (Recording rec in lib.ScheduledRecordings)
                        if (rec.ShouldRecord)
                            if (!((rec.StartTime >= dateRange.StartTime) && (rec.StartTime < dateRange.StopTime))) continue;

                            RPRecording mcr = Conversion.RPRecordingFromRecording(rec);
                    //it could also be a recording that is currently recording, due to error in MC? that is not in scheduledrecordings
                    foreach (Recording rec in lib.AllRecordings)
                        if (!((rec.StartTime >= dateRange.StartTime) && (rec.StartTime < dateRange.StopTime))) continue;
                        if (!(rec.StartTime < DateTime.UtcNow && rec.EndTime > DateTime.UtcNow)) continue;

                        RPRecording mcr = Conversion.RPRecordingFromRecording(rec);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    DebugNormal("Couldn't get recordings: " + ex.Message);

            return output;