public Int32 Generation = 0; // номер поколоения, к которому относятся ОРД

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public SharedDataInfo(OracleConnection Connection, FileLogger Log, string UpdatePath, UInt32 UpdateBlockSize, CardScriptPluginsInfo CardScripts)
            : this()
            this.Log = Log;
              // Порядок создания важен. Не менять!
              this.CardScripts = CardScripts == null ? new CardScriptPluginsInfo(Connection, this) : CardScripts; // this - for Log

              PCParameters = new PCParametersInfo(Connection);

              Owners = new OwnersInfo(Connection, this);
              ProcessingCenters = new ProcessingCentersInfo(Connection, this); // this - for Owners, PCParameters

              Calc = new ScriptCalculations(ProcessingCenters.Current.Parameters.RoundingMethod);

              Devices = new DevicesInfo(Connection);
              DevicesGroups = new DevicesGroupsInfo(Connection, this); // this for Devices
              Networks = new NetworksInfo(Connection, this); // this - for Owners, DevicesGroups
              Currencies = new CurrenciesInfo(Connection);
              TimeOffsetPeriods = new TimeOffsetPeriodsInfo(Connection);
              Regions = new RegionsInfo(Connection, this); // this - for Currencies
              RetailSystems = new RetailSystemsInfo(Connection, this); // this - for Owners
              ServicePoints = new ServicePointsInfo(Connection, this); // this - for Regions, Networks, Retail systems
              Terminals = new TerminalsInfo(Connection, this); // this - for Service points, Devices
              ProductGoods = new LogicalProductGoodsInfo(Connection, this); // this - for Retail systems
              ProductGroups = new LogicalProductGroupsInfo(Connection);
              MeasureUnits = new MeasureUnitsInfo(Connection);
              Products = new LogicalProductsInfo(Connection, this); // this - for Groups, MeasureUnits
              Purses = new PursesInfo(this);
              Statuses = new CardStatusesInfo(Connection);
              Parameters = new ParametersInfo(Connection); // параметры скриптов обработки карты
              ParameterSets = new ParameterSetsInfo(Connection, this); // this - for Calc, CardScripts
              Counters = new CountersInfo(Connection, this); // this - for Calc
              Graduations = new GraduationsInfo(Connection, this); // this - for Calc, Products, ProductGroups, Counters
              GraduationGroups = new GraduationGroupsInfo(Connection, this); // this - for Graduations
              Tariffs = new TariffsInfo(Connection, this); // this - for Calc, GraduationGroups, Graduations
              CardRanges = new CardRangesInfo(Connection, this); // this - for ProcessingCenters
              DataElements = new DataElementsInfo(Connection, this); // this - for Owners
              EventActionTypes = new EventActionTypesInfo(Connection);
              Events = new EventsInfo(Connection, this); // this - for Owners, Counters, EventActionTypes
              EmailProviders = new EmailProvidersInfo(Connection, this); // this - for Owners
              SMSProviders = new SMSProvidersInfo(Connection, this); // this - for Owners
              DBVersion = new OnlineDBVersion(Connection, this); // this - for ProcessingCenters.Current

              this.UpdatePath = UpdatePath;
              this.UpdateBlockSize = UpdateBlockSize;
예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var timeStr = DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString("D2") + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString("D2");

            var nodeParamsDeserialize = new ParametersSerializer<NodeParameters>();
            var psoParamsDeserialize = new ParametersSerializer<PsoParameters>();
            var nodeParams = nodeParamsDeserialize.Deserialize("nodeParams.xml");
            var psoParams = psoParamsDeserialize.Deserialize("psoParams.xml");

            MachineManager machineManager = new MachineManager(nodeParams.Ip, nodeParams.Ports.ToArray(), nodeParams.NrOfVCpu);
            if (nodeParams.PeerAddress != null)

              catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Unexpected error occured. Plase try to connect once again.");
                Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to finish");
                ConsoleKeyInfo pressed = new ConsoleKeyInfo();
                while (pressed.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter)
                    pressed = Console.ReadKey();
                if (args.Length < 3)
                    Console.WriteLine("CocoClusterApp <Dim1[,Dim2,Dim3...]> <FunctionsFrom> <FunctionsTo> <Budget>");
                var dims = args[0];
                var functionsFrom = int.Parse(args[1]);
                var functionsTo = int.Parse(args[2]);
                var budgetMultiplier = int.Parse(args[3]);

                var randomGenerator = RandomGenerator.GetInstance(RandomSeed);

                var functionsToOptimize = new List<string>();
                for (var i = functionsFrom; i <= functionsTo; i++)
                    functionsToOptimize.Add(string.Format("f{0:D3}", i));
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key on the keyboard when ready...");
                Console.WriteLine("Running the example experiment... (might take time, be patient)");

                    /* Set some options for the observer. See documentation for other options. */
                    var observerOptions =
                        "result_folder: " +
                        String.Format("{0}P_{1}G", psoParams.ParticleIterationsToRestart,
                        + " algorithm_name: PSO"
                        + " algorithm_info: \"A simple Random search algorithm\"";
                    /* Initialize the suite and observer */
                    var suite = new Suite("bbob", "year: 2016", "dimensions: " + dims);
                    var observer = new Observer("bbob", observerOptions);
                    var benchmark = new Benchmark(suite, observer);
                    /* Iterate over all problems in the suite */
                    var evalLogger = new EvaluationsLogger();
                    var fileLogger = new FileLogger("evals.csv");
                    int instanceCounter = 0;
                    while ((Problem = benchmark.getNextProblem()) != null)
                        instanceCounter = (instanceCounter + 1) % 15;
                        if(instanceCounter == 0)
                        var restarts = -1;
                        FitnessFunction function;
                        if (!functionsToOptimize.Contains(Problem.FunctionNumber)) continue;
                        var settings = SetupOptimizer(psoParams, out function);
                        var evaluations = (long) settings.FunctionParameters.Dimension * budgetMultiplier;
                        var evaluationsLeft = evaluations;


                            settings.Iterations =
                                (int)Math.Ceiling(evaluations / ((double)settings.Particles.Sum(pc => pc.Count)));
                            //var sendParams = new PsoParameters()
                            //    Iterations = psoParams.Iterations,
                            //    TargetValueCondition = psoParams.TargetValueCondition,
                            //    IterationsLimitCondition = psoParams.IterationsLimitCondition,
                            //    PsoIterationsToRestart = psoParams.PsoIterationsToRestart,
                            //    ParticleIterationsToRestart = psoParams.ParticleIterationsToRestart,
                            //    Epsilon = psoParams.Epsilon,
                            //    FunctionParameters = psoParams.FunctionParameters,
                            //    ParticlesCount = 20,
                            //    Particles = new ParticlesCount[1] { new ParticlesCount(PsoParticleType.Standard, 20)}

                            var evalsDone = Problem.getEvaluations();
                            evaluationsLeft  = evaluations - evalsDone;
                        } while (!Problem.isFinalTargetHit() && evaluationsLeft > 0 );
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1} evaluations | {2} restarts | {3:e} BestEval ", Problem.Id, Problem.getEvaluations(), restarts, function.BestEvaluation.FitnessValue[0]);

                        if(instanceCounter == 14)
                            fileLogger.Log(String.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", Problem.Id.Substring(5,4), evalLogger._cpuEvaluations, evalLogger._gpuEvaluations, evalLogger.Ratio));

                catch (Exception e)


 public RecalculationService(ChangeStatusDelegate ChangeStatus, SharedDataLoader DataLoader, string ConnectionString, string LogFileName, int PeriodMSec)
     this.ChangeStatus = ChangeStatus;
       this.DataLoader = DataLoader;
       this.ConnectionString = ConnectionString;
       this.Log = new FileLogger(LogFileName);
       this.PeriodMSec = PeriodMSec;
       MainThread = new Thread(Execute);
       Log.Message("Сервис пересчёта запущен. ThreadID: {0}", MainThread.ManagedThreadId);
        public SharedDataLoader(ChangeStatusDelegate ChangeStatus, string ConnectionString, string LogFileName, int CheckChangeNotifierIntervalMin, int CheckChangeNotifierTimeoutSec, 
      string UpdatePath, UInt32 UpdateBlockSize/*, CardScriptPlugins CardScripts*/)
            this.CurrentGeneration = 0;
              this.ChangeStatus = ChangeStatus;
              this.ConnectionString = ConnectionString;
              this.Log = new FileLogger(LogFileName);
              this.UpdatePath = UpdatePath;
              this.UpdateBlockSize = UpdateBlockSize;
              this.CheckChangeNotifierInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(CheckChangeNotifierIntervalMin);
              this.CheckChangeNotifierTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(CheckChangeNotifierTimeoutSec);
              /*this.CardScripts = CardScripts;*/
              Log.Message("Сервис запускается");

            // первоначальная загрузка
            if (Notifier == null)
              ChangeStatus("Init notifications...");
              Log.Message("Инициализация отслеживания изменений в БД...");

            ChangeStatus("Initial loading...");
            if (!Load())
              throw new Exception("Ошибка начальной загрузки общих разделяемых данных");

            if (!CurrentSharedData.DBVersion.IsBuildSupported)
              throw new Exception(string.Format("Установленная версия базы данных '{0}' не поддерживается программым обеспечением", CurrentSharedData.DBVersion.Build));
            if (!CurrentSharedData.DBVersion.IsSignatureValid)
              throw new Exception("Неверная подпись безопасности базы данных");

            // запускаем поток обновления данных
            LoadThread = new Thread(LoadThreadExecute);
            LoadThread.IsBackground = true;
            LoadThreadTerminated = false;
            Log.Message("Сервис запущен. ThreadID: {0}", LoadThread.ManagedThreadId);
            try { Dispose(); }
            catch { }