public static Commerce.Common.Transaction RunCharge(Commerce.Common.Order order) { //validations //CCNumber TestCondition.IsTrue(IsValidCardType(order.CreditCardNumber, order.CreditCardType), "Invalid Credit Card Number"); //current expiration DateTime expDate = new DateTime(order.CreditCardExpireYear, order.CreditCardExpireMonth, 28); TestCondition.IsTrue(expDate >= DateTime.Today, "This credit card appears to be expired"); //amount>0 TestCondition.IsGreaterThanZero(order.OrderTotal, "Charge amount cannot be 0 or less"); Commerce.Common.Transaction result = Instance.Charge(order); result.TransactionDate = DateTime.UtcNow; result.Amount = order.OrderTotal; return(result); }
//************************************************************ // // OrderMotion // //************************************************************ public void OrderMotion(Commerce.Common.Order order, String strAuthCode, int nTransID) { int nTotalQty = 0, nIndex = 0, nFreeBottles = 0, nFreeMale = 0, nFreeFemale = 0; int nMaleQty = 0, nFemaleQty = 0; String strKeycode = ""; // get OrderMotion keycode GetKeyCode(order, out strKeycode); /******************************************** * determine total quantity ordered. dont count the free bottles, if this is CCtr order. * determine how many male * determine how many female * GetTotalBottlesOrdered( out nTotalQty, out nMaleQty, out nFemaleQty ) * * determine how many free bottles to send * determine how many male or female bottles to send * (if CCtr order, the free bottles are already in 'order' object. so set variables accordingly) * * GetFreeBottleQty( int nTotalQty, out int nFreeBottles, out int nFreeMale, out int nFreeFemale ) ********************************************/ GetTotalBottlesOrdered(order, out nTotalQty, out nMaleQty, out nFemaleQty); GetFreeBottleQty(order, nTotalQty, nMaleQty, nFemaleQty, out nFreeBottles, out nFreeMale, out nFreeFemale); //********************************* // generate OrderDetails line items //********************************* // determine total # of line items int nLineItems = 0; if (nMaleQty > 0) { nLineItems++; } if (nFemaleQty > 0) { nLineItems++; } if (nFreeFemale > 0) { nLineItems++; } if (nFreeMale > 0) { nLineItems++; } // END determine total # of line items // Populate XML file String strPost = ""; strPost = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" + "<UDOARequest version=\"2.00\">" + "<UDIParameter>" + "<Parameter key=\"HTTPBizID\">" + "jRfJIJtOgVGWQpJNyPVJhqvwNndjkjkTNuVXUhlScTEueBSeLvaFgjVVgSjQuuBQuPHhgKBYcQTnmEMhfFhwkaJAmExnCdhrvrVolebsqlQqtxmMhPfiDXMFieRpojHVYOgjNHUwgPUpeltQwAUdGQZwdgwLqNkFbxuhneNuiVuhIggLFpEybMjqfLRfoKQQiiAyENJDdbXiaKeOHPJXFNADyQnBVcfOYgMOjvAfXYNKYqjhKrDhRVIrmQnCLil" + "</Parameter>" + "<Parameter key=\"Keycode\">" + strKeycode + "</Parameter>" + "<Parameter key=\"VerifyFlag\">False</Parameter>" + "<Parameter key=\"QueueFlag\">True</Parameter>" + "</UDIParameter>" + "<Header>" + // OrderDate should be in form "CCYY-MM-DD hh:mm" // It isn't necessary so to start I'll leave it out. //"<OrderDate>2003-04-01 22:15:10</OrderDate>" + "<OriginType>3</OriginType>" + "<OrderID>" + order.OrderNumber + "</OrderID>" + "<StoreCode/>" + "</Header>" + "<Customer>" + "<Address type=\"BillTo\">" + "<TitleCode>0</TitleCode>" + "<Company/>" + "<Firstname>" + order.BillingAddress.FirstName + "</Firstname>" + "<Lastname>" + order.BillingAddress.LastName + "</Lastname>" + "<Address1>" + order.BillingAddress.Address1 + "</Address1>" + "<Address2>" + order.BillingAddress.Address2 + "</Address2>" + "<City>" + order.BillingAddress.City + "</City>" + "<State>" + order.BillingAddress.StateOrRegion + "</State>" + "<ZIP>" + order.BillingAddress.Zip + "</ZIP>" + "<TLD>" + order.BillingAddress.Country + "</TLD>" + "<PhoneNumber/>" + "<Email>" + order.BillingAddress.Email + "</Email>" + "</Address>" + "<FlagData>" + "<Flag name=\"DoNotMail\">True</Flag>" + "<Flag name=\"DoNotCall\">True</Flag>" + "<Flag name=\"DoNotEmail\">True</Flag>" + "</FlagData>" + "</Customer>" + "<ShippingInformation>" + "<Address type=\"ShipTo\">" + "<TitleCode>0</TitleCode>" + "<Firstname>" + order.ShippingAddress.FirstName + "</Firstname>" + "<Lastname>" + order.ShippingAddress.LastName + "</Lastname>" + "<Address1>" + order.ShippingAddress.Address1 + "</Address1>" + "<Address2>" + order.ShippingAddress.Address2 + "</Address2>" + "<City>" + order.ShippingAddress.City + "</City>" + "<State>" + order.ShippingAddress.StateOrRegion + "</State>" + "<ZIP>" + order.ShippingAddress.Zip + "</ZIP>" + "<TLD>" + order.ShippingAddress.Country + "</TLD>" + "</Address>" + //"<MethodName> + "1st Class US Mail" + "</MethodName>" + "<MethodCode>2</MethodCode>" + "<ShippingAmount>" + order.ShippingAmount + "</ShippingAmount>" + "<HandlingAmount>0.0</HandlingAmount>" + "<SpecialInstructions>" + order.SpecialInstructions + "</SpecialInstructions>" + "</ShippingInformation>" + "<Payment type=\"1\">" + "<CardNumber>" + order.CreditCardNumber + "</CardNumber>" + "<CardVerification>" + order.CreditCardSecurityNumber + "</CardVerification>" + "<CardExpDateMonth>" + order.CreditCardExpireMonth + "</CardExpDateMonth>" + "<CardExpDateYear>" + order.CreditCardExpireYear + "</CardExpDateYear>" + // CardStatus 11 means 'already authorized'. "<CardStatus>11</CardStatus>" + "<CardAuthCode>" + strAuthCode + "</CardAuthCode>" + //"<CardTransactionID>" + strTransID + "</CardTransactionID>" + "</Payment>"; //********************** // Orderdetail goes here //********************** String strOrderDetail = "<OrderDetail>"; nIndex = 1; if (nMaleQty > 0) { strOrderDetail += "<LineItem lineNumber=\"" + nIndex + "\">" + "<ItemCode>" + strMaleItemCode + "</ItemCode>" + "<Quantity>" + nMaleQty + "</Quantity>" + "<UnitPrice>" + dMaleUnitPrice + "</UnitPrice>" + "</LineItem>"; nIndex++; } // Generate free Male line items if (nFreeMale > 0) { strOrderDetail += "<LineItem lineNumber=\"" + nIndex + "\">" + "<ItemCode>" + strMaleItemCode + "</ItemCode>" + "<Quantity>" + nFreeMale + "</Quantity>" + "<UnitPrice>0.0</UnitPrice>" + "</LineItem>"; nIndex++; } // generate Female line items if (nFemaleQty > 0) { strOrderDetail += "<LineItem lineNumber=\"" + nIndex + "\">" + "<ItemCode>" + strFemaleItemCode + "</ItemCode>" + "<Quantity>" + nFemaleQty + "</Quantity>" + "<UnitPrice>" + dFemaleUnitPrice + "</UnitPrice>" + "</LineItem>"; nIndex++; } // generate free Female line items if (nFreeFemale > 0) { strOrderDetail += "<LineItem lineNumber=\"" + nIndex + "\">" + "<ItemCode>" + strFemaleItemCode + "</ItemCode>" + "<Quantity>" + nFreeFemale + "</Quantity>" + "<UnitPrice>0.0</UnitPrice>" + "</LineItem>"; } strOrderDetail += "</OrderDetail>"; strOrderDetail += "<Check><TotalAmount>" + order.OrderTotal + "</TotalAmount></Check>"; strPost += strOrderDetail + "</UDOARequest>"; //******************************************** // Post to OrderMotion //******************************************** StreamWriter myWriter = null; String strOMServerURL = ""; HttpWebRequest objRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(strOMServerURL); objRequest.Method = "POST"; objRequest.ContentLength = strPost.Length; objRequest.ContentType = "text/xml"; try { myWriter = new StreamWriter(objRequest.GetRequestStream()); myWriter.Write(strPost); } catch (Exception e) { LovRubLogger.LogException(e); // KPL 04/05/08 throw e; } finally { myWriter.Close(); } Commerce.Common.Transaction trans = new Commerce.Common.Transaction(); HttpWebResponse objResponse = (HttpWebResponse)objRequest.GetResponse(); try { XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create((Stream)objResponse.GetResponseStream()); reader.MoveToContent(); while (reader.Read()) { if (XmlNodeType.Element == reader.NodeType) { if (reader.Name.Equals("Success")) { reader.Read(); if (false == reader.Value.Equals("1")) { // failure; throw new Exception("OM Failure:<Success>= " + reader.Value); } } if (reader.Name.Equals("ErrorData")) { reader.Read(); if (false == reader.Value.Equals("\n")) { // failure; throw new Exception("OM Failure:<ErrorData>= " + reader.Value); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { LovRubLogger.LogException(e); // KPL 04/05/08 throw e; } }
public override Commerce.Common.Transaction Charge(Commerce.Common.Order order) { //string sOut = ""; decimal dTotal = order.OrderTotal; int roundTo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalDigits; dTotal = Math.Round(dTotal, roundTo); //make sure that the ExpMonth has a leading 0 string sExpMonth = order.CreditCardExpireMonth.ToString(); if (order.CreditCardExpireMonth < 10) { sExpMonth = "0" + sExpMonth; } bool useTestServer = serverURL.IndexOf("test") >= 0; String strPost = "x_login="******"&x_tran_key=" + transactionKey + "&x_method=CC" + //"&x_type=AUTH_CAPTURE" + KPL commented out 12/30/07 "&x_type=AUTH_ONLY" + // KPL Added 12/30/07 "&x_amount=" + dTotal.ToString() + "&x_delim_data=TRUE" + "&x_delim_char=|" + "&x_relay_response=FALSE" + "&x_card_num=" + order.CreditCardNumber + "&x_exp_date=" + sExpMonth + order.CreditCardExpireYear.ToString() + "&x_version=3.1" + //the following is optional however it's good to have for records "&x_first_name=" + order.BillingAddress.FirstName + "&x_last_name=" + order.BillingAddress.LastName + "&x_address=" + order.BillingAddress.Address1 + "&x_city=" + order.BillingAddress.City + "&x_state=" + order.BillingAddress.StateOrRegion + "&x_zip=" + order.BillingAddress.Zip + "&x_currency_code=" + currencyCode + "&x_country=" + order.BillingAddress.Country + "&x_card_code=" + order.CreditCardSecurityNumber; //you can set this up to send you an email if you like //by adding this: //&[email protected] //you can also have them send you customer an email //&[email protected]&x_email_customer=TRUE if (useTestServer) { strPost += "&x_test_request=TRUE"; } //******************************************************* // Post to AUTHORIZE.NET and get response. //******************************************************* Commerce.Common.Transaction trans = new Commerce.Common.Transaction(); WebClient wc = new WebClient(); try { byte[] response = wc.UploadData(serverURL, System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strPost)); String result = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetString(response); string[] lines = result.Split('|'); //the response flag is the first item //1=success, 2=declined, 3=error string sFlag = lines[0]; if (sFlag == "1") { trans.GatewayResponse = lines[37]; trans.AuthorizationCode = lines[4]; //return the transactionID trans.GatewayResponse = result; } else if (sFlag == "2") { trans.GatewayResponse = lines[3]; throw new Exception("Declined: " + lines[3]); } else { trans.GatewayResponse = lines[3]; throw new Exception("Error: " + lines[3]); } } catch (Exception e) { LovRubLogger.LogException(e, strPost); // KPL 04/05/08 throw e; } // Call OrderMotion to submit order to them. string strKeycode = ""; GetKeyCode(order, out strKeycode); /*************** Commented out for new price change KPL 09/20/08 * if (strKeycode.Equals("CALLCENTER") ) // Added for new CallCenter KPL 06/06/08 * CallCenterOrderMotion(order, trans.AuthorizationCode, trans.TransactionID); * else * OrderMotion(order, trans.AuthorizationCode, trans.TransactionID); ****************/ CallCenterOrderMotion(order, trans.AuthorizationCode, trans.TransactionID); return(trans); }
public Commerce.Common.Transaction DoDirectCheckout(Commerce.Common.Order order, bool AuthOnly) { PayPalSvc.DoDirectPaymentReq req = new DoDirectPaymentReq(); req.DoDirectPaymentRequest = new DoDirectPaymentRequestType(); req.DoDirectPaymentRequest.Version = PayPalServiceUtility.PayPalAPIVersionNumber; DoDirectPaymentRequestDetailsType details = new DoDirectPaymentRequestDetailsType(); details.CreditCard = new CreditCardDetailsType(); details.CreditCard.CardOwner = new PayerInfoType(); details.CreditCard.CardOwner.Address = new AddressType(); details.CreditCard.CardOwner.PayerName = new PersonNameType(); details.PaymentDetails = new PaymentDetailsType(); CountryCodeType payerCountry = CountryCodeType.US; if (order.BillingAddress.Country != "US") { try { payerCountry = (CountryCodeType)StringToEnum(typeof(CountryCodeType), order.BillingAddress.Country); } catch { } } details.CreditCard.CardOwner.Address.Country = payerCountry; details.CreditCard.CardOwner.PayerCountry = payerCountry; details.CreditCard.CardOwner.Address.CountrySpecified = true; details.CreditCard.CardOwner.Address.Street1 = order.BillingAddress.Address1; details.CreditCard.CardOwner.Address.Street2 = order.BillingAddress.Address2; details.CreditCard.CardOwner.Address.CityName = order.BillingAddress.City; details.CreditCard.CardOwner.Address.StateOrProvince = order.BillingAddress.StateOrRegion; details.CreditCard.CardOwner.Address.PostalCode = order.BillingAddress.Zip; details.CreditCard.CardOwner.PayerName.FirstName = order.BillingAddress.FirstName; details.CreditCard.CardOwner.PayerName.LastName = order.BillingAddress.LastName; //the basics int roundTo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalDigits; decimal dTotal = Math.Round(order.CalculateSubTotal(), roundTo) + Math.Round(order.TaxAmount, roundTo) + Math.Round(order.ShippingAmount, roundTo); details.PaymentDetails.OrderTotal = GetBasicAmount(dTotal); details.PaymentDetails.ShippingTotal = this.GetBasicAmount(Math.Round(order.ShippingAmount, roundTo)); details.PaymentDetails.TaxTotal = this.GetBasicAmount(Math.Round(order.TaxAmount, roundTo)); details.PaymentDetails.Custom = order.OrderNumber; details.PaymentDetails.ItemTotal = GetBasicAmount(Math.Round(order.CalculateSubTotal(), roundTo)); details.PaymentDetails.ButtonSource = DP_BN_ID; //credit card details.CreditCard.CreditCardNumber = order.CreditCardNumber; CreditCardTypeType ccType = CreditCardTypeType.Visa; switch (order.CreditCardType) { case Commerce.Common.CreditCardType.MasterCard: ccType = CreditCardTypeType.MasterCard; break; case Commerce.Common.CreditCardType.Amex: ccType = CreditCardTypeType.Amex; break; } details.CreditCard.CreditCardType = ccType; details.CreditCard.ExpMonth = Convert.ToInt16(order.CreditCardExpireMonth); details.CreditCard.ExpYear = Convert.ToInt16(order.CreditCardExpireYear); details.CreditCard.CVV2 = order.CreditCardSecurityNumber; //set the IP - required details.IPAddress = order.UserIP; //set the req var to details req.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails = details; //sale type if (AuthOnly) { details.PaymentAction = PaymentActionCodeType.Authorization; } else { details.PaymentAction = PaymentActionCodeType.Sale; } //send the request DoDirectPaymentResponseType response = service2.DoDirectPayment(req); string errors = this.CheckErrors(response); Commerce.Common.Transaction trans = new Commerce.Common.Transaction(); trans.OrderID = order.OrderID; string sOut = ""; if (errors == string.Empty) { trans.GatewayResponse = response.Ack.ToString(); trans.AuthorizationCode = response.TransactionID; trans.CVV2Code = response.CVV2Code; } else { trans.GatewayResponse = errors; throw new Exception(errors); } return(trans); }
public Commerce.Common.Transaction DoExpressCheckout(Commerce.Common.Order order, bool AuthOnly) { //validate that the token is applied to the BillingAddress //same with PayerID if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(order.BillingAddress.PayPalPayerID)) { throw new Exception("No payer ID set for the BillingAddress of the order"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(order.BillingAddress.PayPalToken)) { throw new Exception("No Token set for the BillingAddress of the order"); } PayPalSvc.DoExpressCheckoutPaymentReq checkoutRequest = new DoExpressCheckoutPaymentReq(); DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequestType checkoutReqType = new DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequestType(); DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequestDetailsType checkoutDetails = new DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequestDetailsType(); PaymentDetailsType paymentDetails = new PaymentDetailsType(); if (!AuthOnly) { checkoutDetails.PaymentAction = PaymentActionCodeType.Sale; } else { checkoutDetails.PaymentAction = PaymentActionCodeType.Authorization; } int roundTo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalDigits; checkoutDetails.Token = order.BillingAddress.PayPalToken; checkoutDetails.PayerID = order.BillingAddress.PayPalPayerID; checkoutReqType.Version = PayPalServiceUtility.PayPalAPIVersionNumber; decimal dTotal = order.OrderTotal; paymentDetails.OrderTotal = GetBasicAmount(RoundIt(dTotal, roundTo)); paymentDetails.ShippingTotal = this.GetBasicAmount(RoundIt(order.ShippingAmount, roundTo)); paymentDetails.TaxTotal = this.GetBasicAmount(RoundIt(order.TaxAmount, roundTo)); paymentDetails.Custom = order.OrderNumber; paymentDetails.ItemTotal = GetBasicAmount(RoundIt(order.CalculateSubTotal(), roundTo)); //paymentDetails.OrderDescription = orderDescription; //This tells PayPal that the dashCommerce is making the call. Please leave this //as it helps us keep going :):) (not monetarily, just with some love from PayPal). paymentDetails.ButtonSource = EC_BN_ID; //load up the payment items PaymentDetailsItemType item; int itemCount = order.Items.Count; PaymentDetailsItemType[] items = new PaymentDetailsItemType[itemCount]; for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { item = new PaymentDetailsItemType(); item.Name = order.Items[i].ProductName; item.Number = order.Items[i].Sku; item.Quantity = order.Items[i].Quantity.ToString(); item.Amount = GetBasicAmount(RoundIt(order.Items[i].PricePaid, roundTo)); items[i] = item; } paymentDetails.PaymentDetailsItem = items; checkoutRequest.DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequest = checkoutReqType; checkoutRequest.DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequest.DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequestDetails = checkoutDetails; checkoutRequest.DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequest.DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequestDetails.PaymentDetails = paymentDetails; PayPalSvc.DoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType response = service2.DoExpressCheckoutPayment(checkoutRequest); string errors = this.CheckErrors(response); string sOut = ""; Commerce.Common.Transaction trans = new Commerce.Common.Transaction(); if (errors == string.Empty) { trans.GatewayResponse = response.Ack.ToString(); trans.AuthorizationCode = response.DoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseDetails.PaymentInfo.TransactionID; } else { trans.GatewayResponse = errors; } //return out the transactionID return(trans); }