예제 #1
 public static byte[] GraphicDirectWrite(int left, int top, string bitmapName, PrinterSettings settings)
     Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(bitmapName);
     List<byte> res = new List<byte>();
     int byteWidth = bmp.Width % 8 == 0 ? bmp.Width / 8 : bmp.Width / 8 + 1;
     res.AddRange(Encoding.GetEncoding(437).GetBytes(string.Format("GW{0},{1},{2},{3},", left + settings.AlignLeft, top + settings.AlignTop, byteWidth, bmp.Height)));
     for (int y = 0; y < bmp.Height; y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < byteWidth; x++)
             BitArray ba = new BitArray(8);
             int scanx = x * 8;
             for (int k = 7; k >= 0; k--)
                 if (scanx >= bmp.Width)
                     ba[k] = true;
                     ba[k] = bmp.GetPixel(scanx, y).R > 128;
     return res.ToArray();
 public static byte[] BarCodeWrite(int left, int top, int height, ElementDrawRotation rotation, Barcode barcode, bool readable, 
     string barcodeData, PrinterSettings settings)
     string encodedReadable = readable ? "B" : "N";
     return Encoding.GetEncoding(437).GetBytes(string.Format("B{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},\"{8}\"\n", left + settings.AlignLeft,
         top + settings.AlignTop, (int)rotation, barcode.P4Value, barcode.BarWidthNarrow, barcode.BarWidthWide, height, encodedReadable,
        public static byte[] EPL_Align(PrinterSettings p)
            List<byte> res = new List<byte>();
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(0, 20, 1, 20, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.TextWrite(5, 20, Com.SharpZebra.ElementDrawRotation.NO_ROTATION, Com.SharpZebra.ZebraFont.STANDARD_NORMAL,
                1, 1, false, "0", p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(5, 40, 1, 20, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.TextWrite(10, 40, Com.SharpZebra.ElementDrawRotation.NO_ROTATION, Com.SharpZebra.ZebraFont.STANDARD_NORMAL,
                1, 1, false, "5", p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(10, 60, 1, 20, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.TextWrite(15, 60, Com.SharpZebra.ElementDrawRotation.NO_ROTATION, Com.SharpZebra.ZebraFont.STANDARD_NORMAL,
                1, 1, false, "10", p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(15, 80, 1, 20, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.TextWrite(20, 80, Com.SharpZebra.ElementDrawRotation.NO_ROTATION, Com.SharpZebra.ZebraFont.STANDARD_NORMAL,
                1, 1, false, "15", p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(20, 100, 1, 20, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.TextWrite(25, 100, Com.SharpZebra.ElementDrawRotation.NO_ROTATION, Com.SharpZebra.ZebraFont.STANDARD_NORMAL,
                1, 1, false, "20", p));

            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(40, 0, 20, 1, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.TextWrite(40, 5, Com.SharpZebra.ElementDrawRotation.NO_ROTATION, Com.SharpZebra.ZebraFont.STANDARD_NORMAL,
                1, 1, false, "0", p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(60, 5, 20, 1, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.TextWrite(60, 10, Com.SharpZebra.ElementDrawRotation.NO_ROTATION, Com.SharpZebra.ZebraFont.STANDARD_NORMAL,
                1, 1, false, "5", p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(80, 10, 20, 1, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.TextWrite(80, 15, Com.SharpZebra.ElementDrawRotation.NO_ROTATION, Com.SharpZebra.ZebraFont.STANDARD_NORMAL,
                1, 1, false, "10", p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(100, 15, 20, 1, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.TextWrite(100, 20, Com.SharpZebra.ElementDrawRotation.NO_ROTATION, Com.SharpZebra.ZebraFont.STANDARD_NORMAL,
                1, 1, false, "15", p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(120, 20, 20, 1, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.TextWrite(120, 25, Com.SharpZebra.ElementDrawRotation.NO_ROTATION, Com.SharpZebra.ZebraFont.STANDARD_NORMAL,
                1, 1, false, "20", p));

            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(p.Width, 20, 1, 20, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(p.Width - 5, 40, 1, 20, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(p.Width - 10, 60, 1, 20, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(p.Width - 15, 80, 1, 20, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(p.Width - 20, 100, 1, 20, p));

            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(40, p.Length, 20, 1, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(60, p.Length - 5, 20, 1, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(80, p.Length - 10, 20, 1, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(100, p.Length - 15, 20, 1, p));
            res.AddRange(EPLCommands.LineWriteBlack(120, p.Length - 20, 20, 1, p));

            return res.ToArray();
예제 #4
 public USBPrinter(PrinterSettings settings)
     Settings = settings;
예제 #5
    public static void print(Patient patient, string printer_name)
        Com.SharpZebra.Printing.PrinterSettings ps = new Com.SharpZebra.Printing.PrinterSettings();
        ps.PrinterName = printer_name;
        ps.Width       = 203 * 4;
        ps.Length      = 203 * 1;
        ps.Darkness    = 30;

        int start_write = ps.Width / 5;
        int location    = 25;

        List <byte> page = new List <byte>();

        page.AddRange(EPLCommands.TextWrite(start_write, location, ElementDrawRotation.NO_ROTATION, ZebraFont.STANDARD_SMALL, 2, 2, false, (patient.firstName + " " + patient.lastName), ps));

        //Increment location to start printing appointments
        location += 30;

        for (int i = 0; i <= patient.appointments.Count; i++)
            if (patient.appointments.Count - 1 >= i)
                page.AddRange(EPLCommands.TextWrite(start_write, location, ElementDrawRotation.NO_ROTATION, ZebraFont.STANDARD_SMALL, 2, 2, false, patient.appointments[i].ToShortDateString() + " @ " + patient.appointments[i].ToShortTimeString(), ps));

            //increment location by 30
            location += 25;

            //check for 0 to prevent incorrect spacing
            if ((i + 1) % 5 == 0 && i != 0)
                location += 80;

        switch (patient.appointments.Count % 5)
        case 4:
            location += 60;

        case 0:
            location += 35;


        location -= 25;

        //Print patient reminder
        //Increment by 25
        page.AddRange(EPLCommands.TextWrite(start_write, location, ElementDrawRotation.NO_ROTATION, ZebraFont.STANDARD_SMALL, 2, 2, false, "Please call if you are", ps));
        page.AddRange(EPLCommands.TextWrite(start_write, location + 22, ElementDrawRotation.NO_ROTATION, ZebraFont.STANDARD_SMALL, 2, 2, false, "unable to make your", ps));
        page.AddRange(EPLCommands.TextWrite(start_write, location + 44, ElementDrawRotation.NO_ROTATION, ZebraFont.STANDARD_SMALL, 2, 2, false, "appointments", ps));

        new SpoolPrinter(ps).Print(page.ToArray());
예제 #6
 public static byte[] GraphicWrite(int left, int top, string imageName, PrinterSettings settings)
     return Encoding.GetEncoding(437).GetBytes(string.Format("GG{0},{1},\"{2}\"\n", left, top, imageName));
예제 #7
 public NetworkPrinter(PrinterSettings settings)
     Settings = settings;
예제 #8
 public SpoolPrinter(PrinterSettings settings)
     Settings = settings;
 public static byte[] DiagonalLineWrite(int left, int top, int lineThickness, int right, int bottom, PrinterSettings settings)
     return Encoding.GetEncoding(437).GetBytes(string.Format("LS{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}\n", left + settings.AlignLeft, top + settings.AlignTop,
         lineThickness, right + settings.AlignLeft, bottom + settings.AlignTop));
예제 #10
 private static byte[] LineDraw(string lineDrawCode, int left, int top, int width, int height, PrinterSettings settings)
     return Encoding.GetEncoding(437).GetBytes(string.Format("{0}{1},{2},{3},{4}\n", lineDrawCode, left + settings.AlignLeft,
         top + settings.AlignTop, width, height));
예제 #11
 public static byte[] TextWrite(int left, int top, ElementDrawRotation rotation, ZebraFont font,
                                         int horizontalMult, int verticalMult, bool isReverse, string text, PrinterSettings settings)
     return Encoding.GetEncoding(437).GetBytes(string.Format("A{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},\"{7}\"\n", left + settings.AlignLeft,
         top + settings.AlignTop, (int)rotation, (char)font, horizontalMult, verticalMult, isReverse ? "R" : "N",
         text.Replace(@"\", @"\\").Replace("\"", "\\\"")));
예제 #12
 public static byte[] LineWriteWhite(int left, int top, int width, int height, PrinterSettings settings)
     return LineDraw("LW", left, top, width, height, settings);