public _XMPAliasInfo_390(string actualNS, string actualPrefix, string actualProp, AliasOptions aliasOpts)
				this.actualNS = actualNS;
				this.actualPrefix = actualPrefix;
				this.actualProp = actualProp;
				this.aliasOpts = aliasOpts;
		/// <summary>Register the standard aliases.</summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Register the standard aliases.
		/// Note: This method is not lock because only called by the constructor.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException">If the registrations of at least one alias fails.</exception>
		private void RegisterStandardAliases()
			AliasOptions aliasToArrayOrdered = new AliasOptions().SetArrayOrdered(true);
			AliasOptions aliasToArrayAltText = new AliasOptions().SetArrayAltText(true);
			// Aliases from XMP to DC.
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsXmp, "Author", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "creator", aliasToArrayOrdered);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsXmp, "Authors", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "creator", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsXmp, "Description", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "description", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsXmp, "Format", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "format", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsXmp, "Keywords", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "subject", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsXmp, "Locale", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "language", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsXmp, "Title", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "title", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsXmpRights, "Copyright", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "rights", null);
			// Aliases from PDF to DC and XMP.
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPdf, "Author", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "creator", aliasToArrayOrdered);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPdf, "BaseURL", XMPConstConstants.NsXmp, "BaseURL", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPdf, "CreationDate", XMPConstConstants.NsXmp, "CreateDate", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPdf, "Creator", XMPConstConstants.NsXmp, "CreatorTool", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPdf, "ModDate", XMPConstConstants.NsXmp, "ModifyDate", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPdf, "Subject", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "description", aliasToArrayAltText);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPdf, "Title", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "title", aliasToArrayAltText);
			// Aliases from PHOTOSHOP to DC and XMP.
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPhotoshop, "Author", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "creator", aliasToArrayOrdered);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPhotoshop, "Caption", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "description", aliasToArrayAltText);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPhotoshop, "Copyright", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "rights", aliasToArrayAltText);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPhotoshop, "Keywords", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "subject", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPhotoshop, "Marked", XMPConstConstants.NsXmpRights, "Marked", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPhotoshop, "Title", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "title", aliasToArrayAltText);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPhotoshop, "WebStatement", XMPConstConstants.NsXmpRights, "WebStatement", null);
			// Aliases from TIFF and EXIF to DC and XMP.
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsTiff, "Artist", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "creator", aliasToArrayOrdered);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsTiff, "Copyright", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "rights", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsTiff, "DateTime", XMPConstConstants.NsXmp, "ModifyDate", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsTiff, "ImageDescription", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "description", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsTiff, "Software", XMPConstConstants.NsXmp, "CreatorTool", null);
			// Aliases from PNG (Acrobat ImageCapture) to DC and XMP.
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPng, "Author", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "creator", aliasToArrayOrdered);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPng, "Copyright", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "rights", aliasToArrayAltText);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPng, "CreationTime", XMPConstConstants.NsXmp, "CreateDate", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPng, "Description", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "description", aliasToArrayAltText);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPng, "ModificationTime", XMPConstConstants.NsXmp, "ModifyDate", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPng, "Software", XMPConstConstants.NsXmp, "CreatorTool", null);
			RegisterAlias(XMPConstConstants.NsPng, "Title", XMPConstConstants.NsDc, "title", aliasToArrayAltText);
		/// <summary>Associates an alias name with an actual name.</summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Associates an alias name with an actual name.
		/// <p>
		/// Define a alias mapping from one namespace/property to another. Both
		/// property names must be simple names. An alias can be a direct mapping,
		/// where the alias and actual have the same data type. It is also possible
		/// to map a simple alias to an item in an array. This can either be to the
		/// first item in the array, or to the 'x-default' item in an alt-text array.
		/// Multiple alias names may map to the same actual, as long as the forms
		/// match. It is a no-op to reregister an alias in an identical fashion.
		/// Note: This method is not locking because only called by registerStandardAliases
		/// which is only called by the constructor.
		/// Note2: The method is only package-private so that it can be tested with unittests
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="aliasNS">
		/// The namespace URI for the alias. Must not be null or the empty
		/// string.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="aliasProp">
		/// The name of the alias. Must be a simple name, not null or the
		/// empty string and not a general path expression.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="actualNS">
		/// The namespace URI for the actual. Must not be null or the
		/// empty string.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="actualProp">
		/// The name of the actual. Must be a simple name, not null or the
		/// empty string and not a general path expression.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="aliasForm">
		/// Provides options for aliases for simple aliases to array
		/// items. This is needed to know what kind of array to create if
		/// set for the first time via the simple alias. Pass
		/// <code>XMP_NoOptions</code>, the default value, for all
		/// direct aliases regardless of whether the actual data type is
		/// an array or not (see
		/// <see cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.Options.AliasOptions"/>
		/// ).
		/// </param>
		/// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException">for inconsistant aliases.</exception>
		internal void RegisterAlias(string aliasNS, string aliasProp, string actualNS, string actualProp, AliasOptions aliasForm)
			lock (this)
				// Fix the alias options
				AliasOptions aliasOpts = aliasForm != null ? new AliasOptions(XMPNodeUtils.VerifySetOptions(aliasForm.ToPropertyOptions(), null).GetOptions()) : new AliasOptions();
				if (p.Matcher(aliasProp).Find() || p.Matcher(actualProp).Find())
					throw new XMPException("Alias and actual property names must be simple", XMPErrorConstants.Badxpath);
				// check if both namespaces are registered
				string aliasPrefix = GetNamespacePrefix(aliasNS);
				string actualPrefix = GetNamespacePrefix(actualNS);
				if (aliasPrefix == null)
					throw new XMPException("Alias namespace is not registered", XMPErrorConstants.Badschema);
					if (actualPrefix == null)
						throw new XMPException("Actual namespace is not registered", XMPErrorConstants.Badschema);
				string key = aliasPrefix + aliasProp;
				// check if alias is already existing
				if (aliasMap.ContainsKey(key))
					throw new XMPException("Alias is already existing", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam);
					if (aliasMap.ContainsKey(actualPrefix + actualProp))
						throw new XMPException("Actual property is already an alias, use the base property", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam);
				XMPAliasInfo aliasInfo = new _XMPAliasInfo_390(actualNS, actualPrefix, actualProp, aliasOpts);
				aliasMap.Put(key, aliasInfo);