public string SaveUser(string json) { string permission = "membsership-saveuser"; string entityName = "User"; string entityJson = Request["entityJson"]; JsonMessage jr = new JsonMessage(); DBContext db = new DBContext(EntityFormat); try { if (entityJson == null) throw new Exception("entityJson is null"); entityJson = Server.UrlDecode(entityJson); jr.Result = db.DoSave(permission, entityName, entityJson).GetPrimaryValue(); } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.LogException(jr, ex); } finally { db.Dispose(); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jr); }
public JsonResult ToRongBao() { JsonMessage resultData = new JsonMessage (); System.Data.DataTable dt = null; int RandomNum; Random MyRandom = new Random (); RandomNum = MyRandom.Next (1001, 9999); string batchCurrnum = DateTime.Now.ToString ("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + RandomNum; string selectSqlFields = "select top 1,a.terminal,a.finallyMoney money,a.sum2Id,a.tradeMoney,a.createDate, b.faren,b.shanghuName,b.bankName ,b.bankName2,b.bankName3,b.province,b.bankAccount,,,b.sourceAccount,isnull(b.dayMax,0) dayMax,isnull(b.dayMin,0) dayMin,isnull(eachMin,0) eachMin , isnull(eachMax,0) eachMax,isnull(b.daifufei,0) daifufei from transactionSum a join customers b on b.terminal = a.terminal and b.status > -1"; string sql; try { string todayStr = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:00:00"); string todayEndStr = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:00:00"); string batchDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); DataRow dr;//要上传的数据行 string checkPass = null; string terminal; inUploadRongbao = true; using (DBContext db = new DBContext(true)) { LogStep("查询结算汇总表,查询第一条结算数据");//开始 sql = selectSqlFields+" where a.status = 0 and b.status <> -1 and b.frozen <> 1 and createDate < '" + todayEndStr + "' order by a.createDate";//查询结算汇总表 //注意:不要用事务,防止提交融宝成功后的异常又回滚 dt = db.QueryTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) return Json(resultData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); if (dt.Columns.IndexOf("id") == -1) throw new Exception("查询送盘数据失败,没有ID列"); dr = dt.Rows[0]; if (dr["id"].Equals(DBNull.Value)) throw new Exception("ID列数据为空"); if (dr["terminal"].Equals(DBNull.Value)) throw new Exception("terminal列数据为空"); if (dr["money"].Equals(DBNull.Value)) throw new Exception("money列数据为空"); if (dr["sum2Id"] == DBNull.Value) dr["sum2Id"] = 0; terminal = dr["terminal"].ToString(); if (Convert.ToInt32(dr["sum2Id"]) != -1)//如果是合并后的数据,不检测金额 { LogStep("终端" + terminal + "开始结算上传,判断金额"); decimal minMoney = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["dayMin"]); decimal maxMoney = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["dayMax"]); decimal eachMinMoney = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["eachMin"]); decimal eachMaxMoney = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["eachMax"]); decimal currentMoney = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["tradeMoney"]); if (currentMoney > eachMaxMoney) { db.ExecuteCommand("update transactionsum set status =-2,results ='单笔金额超过上限' where id=" + dr["id"]); checkPass = "******" + currentMoney + "超过单笔上限"; } else if (currentMoney < eachMinMoney) { db.ExecuteCommand("update transactionsum set status =-3,results ='单笔金额未到下限' where id=" + dr["id"]); checkPass = "******" + currentMoney + "未到单笔下限"; } //当日已结算金额,已送的不管成不成功 sql = string.Format("select isnull(sum(tradeMoney),0) from transactionsum where terminal='{0}' and (status = -2 or status >0) and uploadDate between '{1}' and '{2}'", terminal, todayStr, todayEndStr); decimal daySumedMoney = Convert.ToDecimal(db.ExecScalar(sql)); daySumedMoney += currentMoney; //当日待结算的金额,该笔之前的 sql = string.Format("select isnull(sum(tradeMoney),0) from transactionsum where terminal='{0}' and status in (0,-3) and createDate <'{2}'", terminal, todayStr, dr["createDate"]); decimal dayUnSumMoney = Convert.ToDecimal(db.ExecScalar(sql)); dayUnSumMoney += currentMoney; if (daySumedMoney > maxMoney) { string reason = checkPass == null ? "金额超过当日上限" : checkPass; db.ExecuteCommand("update transactionsum set status =-3,results ='" + reason + "' where id=" + dr["id"]); checkPass = "******" + daySumedMoney + "," + reason; } else if (dayUnSumMoney < minMoney) { string reason = checkPass == null ? "金额小于当日下限" : checkPass; db.ExecuteCommand("update transactionsum set status =-3,results ='" + reason + "' where id=" + dr["id"]); checkPass = "******" + dayUnSumMoney + "," + reason; } else { //满足条件后消除限额 stepName = "查询是否有满足条件后消除限额的数据"; DataTable beforeDisabelDt = db.QueryTable("select id,tradeMoney from transactionsum where status = -3 and terminal ='" + terminal + "' and createDate < '" + todayEndStr + "'"); if (beforeDisabelDt.Rows.Count > 0) { //如果有恢复原来的,则组织成一条再发 LogStep("合并数据,之前暂停的有" + beforeDisabelDt.Rows.Count + "条"); decimal tempMoney = 0; string canUploadIdArr = ""; int canUploadCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < beforeDisabelDt.Rows.Count; i++) { decimal rowMoney = Convert.ToDecimal(beforeDisabelDt.Rows[i]["tradeMoney"]); if (tempMoney + rowMoney > maxMoney) continue;//如果合并后的金额还是大于当日限额,则超出部分不结 tempMoney += rowMoney; canUploadCount++; canUploadIdArr += "," + beforeDisabelDt.Rows[i]["id"]; } if (canUploadCount == 0) LogStep("汇总成一条记录,但还是超过限额,有" + beforeDisabelDt.Rows.Count + "条记录不会被上传结算"); else { if (tempMoney > minMoney) checkPass = null;//如果当日累计达到条件,则该笔就算未达到也加入合并 if (checkPass == null) { canUploadIdArr = dr["id"] + canUploadIdArr;//加上自己(满足条件的这条+原来被暂停的那条) //汇总成新的记录 object scalar = db.ExecScalar("insert into transactionsum(sum2Id,tradeMoney,discountMoney,tixianfeiMoney,finallyMoney,status,terminal,createDate,batchCount) select -1,sum(tradeMoney),sum(discountMoney),sum(tixianfeiMoney),sum(finallyMoney),0," + terminal + ",'" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "',sum(batchCount) from transactionsum where id in (" + canUploadIdArr + "); select @@identity"); if (scalar == null) throw new Exception("汇总成新的记录异常,identity is null"); int newSumId = Convert.ToInt32(scalar); //合并后作废原来的 db.ExecuteCommand("update transactionsum set status = -1,sum2Id=" + newSumId + ",results= isnull(results,'')+ ' 合并到" + newSumId + "' where id in ( " + canUploadIdArr + ")"); sql = selectSqlFields+" where" + newSumId; dr = db.QueryTable(sql).Rows[0];//提交合并后的到rongbao } } } } } else { LogStep("终端" + terminal + "(合并),开始上传"); } db.Close(); } if (checkPass != null) { resultData.Message = terminal + ":" + checkPass; } else { SentRowToRongBao( dr, batchCurrnum, batchDate, terminal, ref stepName); resultData.Result = new string[] { batchCurrnum, batchDate, terminal }; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultData.Message = stepName + "时发生异常:" + ex.Message; LogError(stepName, ex); if (dt != null) { try { using (DBContext context = new DBContext()) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { resultData.Message = resultData.Message.Replace('\'', ' '); string errorStatus = "-2"; if (ex is System.Net.WebException && ex.Message.IndexOf("The remote name could not be resolved") > -1) { LogStep("网络问题,下次继续传"); errorStatus = "0"; } sql = "update transactionSum set status= " + errorStatus + " ,results = '" + resultData.Message + "' where batchCurrnum='" + batchCurrnum + "' and id='" + dr["id"] + "' and status= 1"; context.ExecuteCommand(sql); } } } catch (MySqlException e) { resultData.Message += " , 更新失败标记也失败!" + e.Message; LogError("更新失败标记", ex); } } } finally { inUploadRongbao = false; } return Json (resultData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public JsonMessage SyncJingKongPosData(string terminal, string json) { if (DateTime.Now.Day != lastSyncTime.Day) { //每天同步一次,一次同步一个月 SyncHolday(); } lastSyncTime = DateTime.Now; while (inUploadRongbao) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); } if (clients.ContainsKey("xiandaijk")) clients["xiandaijk"].lastAccess = DateTime.Now; else { //iis reset register again RegisterClient("xiandaijk"); } DBContext db = new DBContext(true); JsonMessage resultData = new JsonMessage(); DateTime maxTime = DateTime.MinValue; List<TransactionLog> newItemList = new List<TransactionLog>(); System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application.Lock(); try { LogStep("获取客户信息"); Customer customerInfo = db.QuerySingle<Customer>(new { terminal = terminal, status = ">-1 " }); //SourceAccount customerSource = db.QuerySingle<SourceAccount>(customerInfo.sourceAccount.Value); if (customerInfo == null) { throw new Exception("获取客户信息is null, terminal:" + terminal); } if ( == null) { throw new Exception("获取客户信息discount is null or NaN,terminal:" + terminal); } if (customerInfo.tixianfei == null) { throw new Exception("获取客户信息tixianfei is null or NaN, terminal:" + terminal); } if (customerInfo.tixianfeiEles == null) { throw new Exception("获取客户信息tixianfeiEles is null or NaN, terminal:" + terminal); } stepName = "解析json : \r\n" + json; JingKongResult jkResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JingKongResult>(json); if (jkResult == null) throw new Exception("序列化出错:" + json); TransactionLog[] lst = jkResult.ToTransactionArray(); foreach (TransactionLog localItem in lst) { //判断记录是否存在,存在的话忽略,不存在则插入 var whereSql = new { terminal = terminal, timeStr = localItem.timeStr, tradeName = localItem.tradeName, tradeMoney = localItem.tradeMoney }; stepName = localItem.time + " " + localItem.tradeName + "是否已经保存过"; if (db.Exists("", "TransactionLog", whereSql)) continue; LogStep("分析时间,23点后算次日"); string tempTime; DateTime datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(localItem.time); if (datetime > maxTime) maxTime = datetime; //tomorrw is holdday if (datetime.Hour > 22) datetime = datetime.AddDays(2); else datetime = datetime.AddDays(1); tempTime = datetime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (tempTime != lastTransDay) { LogStep("获取是否节假日"); lastTransDay = tempTime; GetLocalHolday(tempTime, db); //MyHttpUtility http = new MyHttpUtility(); //int tryCount = 10; //while (true) //{ // try // { // string timeJson = http.DoGet("" + tempTime); // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeJson)) throw new Exception("节假日返回值为空"); // string[] tempArr = timeJson.Substring(1, timeJson.Length - 2).Split(':'); // if (tempArr.Length != 2) throw new Exception("节假日返回值有变动"); // isHoldDay = Convert.ToInt32(tempArr[1].Replace('\"', ' ').Trim()) > 0; // break; // } // catch (System.Net.WebException ex) // { // tryCount--; // if (tryCount < 0) { GetLocalHolday(tempTime, db); break; } // LogError("使用网络节假日发生网络异常,重试"+ tryCount, ex); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // LogStep("easybots节假日返回异常(" + ex.Message + "),尝试读取本地设置"); // } // break; //} } LogStep("计算手续费"); calcMoney(customerInfo, localItem); LogStep("保存交易记录"); localItem.status = 0; db.DoSave("", localItem); newItemList.Add(localItem); } LogStep("查询是否有结算交易"); string sql = "select time,id from TransactionLogs where terminal='" + terminal + "' and tradeName in ('批上送结束(平账)','批上送结束(不平账)') and resultCode='00' and status =0"; DataTable dt = db.QueryTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { LogStep("有" + dt.Rows.Count + "笔结算数据,开始结算"); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { string time = dr["time"].ToString(); string sumLogId = dr["id"].ToString(); sql = "select max(time) prevTime from TransactionLogs where terminal='" + terminal + "' and Status=0 and tradeName in ('批上送结束(平账)','批上送结束(不平账)') and resultCode='00' and time < '" + time + "'"; object o = db.ExecScalar(sql); string prevTime = o.ToString(); //sum log of (消费) sql = "select count(0) batchCount,sum(tradeMoney) tradeMoney,sum(discountMoney) discountMoney,sum(tixianfeiMoney) tixianfeiMoney from transactionLogs "; string publicWhere = " where terminal='" + terminal + "' and Status=0 and isValid = 1 and resultCode='00'"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prevTime)) publicWhere += " and time < '" + time + "'"; else publicWhere += " and time between '" + prevTime + "' and '" + time + "'"; sql += publicWhere; DataTable dtSum = db.QueryTable(sql); if (dtSum.Rows.Count == 0 || dtSum.Rows[0]["batchCount"].Equals(0) || dtSum.Rows[0]["tradeMoney"] == DBNull.Value) continue; TransactionSum sumData = new TransactionSum(); sumData.shanghuName = customerInfo.shanghuName; sumData.faren = customerInfo.faren; sumData.tradeMoney = Convert.ToDouble(dtSum.Rows[0]["tradeMoney"]); sumData.discountMoney = Convert.ToDouble(dtSum.Rows[0]["discountMoney"]); sumData.tixianfeiMoney = Convert.ToDouble(dtSum.Rows[0]["tixianfeiMoney"]); sumData.finallyMoney = Convert.ToDouble(sumData.tradeMoney) - Convert.ToDouble(sumData.discountMoney) - Convert.ToDouble(sumData.tixianfeiMoney); sumData.status = 0; sumData.batchCount = Convert.ToInt32(dtSum.Rows[0]["batchCount"]); sumData.createDate = time;//(new Date()).Format("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");用结算记录的时间 sumData.terminal = terminal; db.DoSave("", sumData);//保存结算数据 //更新交易记录的标记 sql = "update TransactionLogs set sumid=" + + " , status =1 " + publicWhere; db.ExecuteCommand(sql); sql = "update TransactionLogs set sumid=" + + " , status =1 where id = " + sumLogId; db.ExecuteCommand(sql); } } else { LogStep("不需要结算"); } if (maxTime == DateTime.MinValue) maxTime = DateTime.Today; //update lastQuery sql = "update Customers set lastQuery ='" + maxTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' where terminal='" + terminal + "' "; db.ExecuteCommand(sql); LogStep("关闭连接"); db.Close(); resultData.Result = newItemList; } catch (Exception ex) { resultData.Message = stepName + "时发生异常:" + ex.Message + "\r\nDBStepMessage:" + db.GetStepMsg(); LogError(stepName, ex); db.Dispose(); } finally { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application.UnLock(); } return resultData; }
public JsonResult SyncHolday() { JsonMessage jm = new JsonMessage(); MyHttpUtility http = new MyHttpUtility(); DateTime queryTime = DateTime.Today; DateTime maxTime = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1); while (queryTime < maxTime) { int tryCount = 10; while (true) { try { using (DBContext context = new DBContext()) { string queryDate = queryTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string timeJson = http.DoGet("" + queryDate); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeJson)) throw new Exception("节假日返回值为空"); string[] tempArr = timeJson.Substring(1, timeJson.Length - 2).Split(':'); if (tempArr.Length != 2) throw new Exception("节假日返回值有变动"); int val = Convert.ToInt32(tempArr[1].Replace('\"', ' ').Trim()); //写到数据为 string sql = "update Holiday set isHoliday=" + val + " where day = '" + queryDate + "'"; int cc = context.ExecuteCommand(sql); if (cc == 0) { sql = "insert into Holiday(day,isHoliday) values('" + queryDate + "'," + val + " )"; context.ExecuteCommand(sql); } } break; } catch (System.Net.WebException ex) { tryCount--; if (tryCount < 0) { jm.LogException(ex); break; } LogError("使用网络节假日发生网络异常,重试" + tryCount, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { jm.LogException(ex); } break; } queryTime = queryTime.AddDays(1); } return Json(jm, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public JsonResult ReloadConfig() { JsonMessage jm = new JsonMessage(); string filePath = Server.MapPath("~/Content/QueryConfig.json"); base.ReloadConfig(filePath); jm.Message= "reload 成功"; return Json(jm, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
/// <summary> /// 查询融宝执行情况 /// </summary> /// <returns>The rong bao.</returns> /// <param name="batchCurrnum">Batch currnum.</param> /// <param name="batchDate">Batch date.</param> public JsonResult GetRongBao(string batchCurrnum,string batchDate ) { JsonMessage resultData = new JsonMessage (); string responseXml = ""; string publicCer = getSetting("rongbao_public", true); string cerFile = getSetting("rongbao_private", true); Common.RongBao.RSACryptionClass testClass = new Common.RongBao.RSACryptionClass(publicCer, cerFile); int tryCount = 5; while (true) { try { resultData.Result = testClass.TryGetResult(batchCurrnum, batchDate, out responseXml); break; } catch (System.Net.WebException webEx) { tryCount--; if (tryCount < 0) { LogError("查询融宝执行结果发生网络错误,已重试10次没有成功!:", webEx); break; } else { LogError("查询融宝执行结果发生网络错误,重试" + tryCount + ":", webEx); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); } } catch (Exception ex) { string errorMsg = "GetRongBao " + batchCurrnum + " " + batchDate + " rongbao res is :" + responseXml + "\r\n"; LogError(errorMsg, ex); resultData.Message = ex.Message; break; } } return Json(resultData,JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
/// <summary> /// 执行服务器内容 /// </summary> public string Eval() { JsonMessage jr = new JsonMessage(); byte[] bs = Request.BinaryRead(Request.ContentLength); string data ; string[] arr =null; string actionName = ""; try { data = encryption.DecryptData(bs); string[] arr1 = data.Split('&'); actionName = arr1[0].Split('=')[1]; string dataArrStr = (arr1.Length > 1 && arr1[1].IndexOf('=')>0) ? arr1[1].Split('=')[1] : ""; if(dataArrStr!=""){ arr = dataArrStr.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { arr[i] = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(arr[i]); } } var actionLastPos = actionName.LastIndexOf('.'); string methodName ,className; if(actionLastPos>0){ methodName = actionName.Substring(actionLastPos+1); className= actionName.Substring(0,actionLastPos); }else { methodName= actionName; className="Common.MySqlExecute"; } object instance=null; switch(className.ToUpper()){ case "THIS": case "HOME": instance= this; break; case "MYSQLEXECUTE": case "COMMON.MYSQLEXECUTE": instance= new MySqlExecute(); break; default: Type t = Type.GetType(className); if(t==null) throw new Exception(className+"找不到!"); instance=System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(t).CreateInstance(className); if (instance == null) throw new Exception(className + "找不到!"); break; } object evalResult = null; if (instance is IDisposable) { using (instance as IDisposable) { evalResult = instance.GetType().InvokeMember(methodName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, instance, arr); } } else { evalResult = instance.GetType().InvokeMember(methodName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, instance, arr); } if(evalResult is JsonResult){ return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(((JsonResult)evalResult).Data ); } else if (evalResult is JsonMessage) { jr = evalResult as JsonMessage; } else { jr.Result = evalResult; } } catch (Exception ex) { StringBuilder errorMsgAppend = new StringBuilder(); if (arr != null) { foreach (string val in arr) { errorMsgAppend.AppendLine (val); } } Exception ex2 = ex.InnerException==null?ex:ex.InnerException; ColysSharp.Utility.LogException(jr,ex2); LogError ("eval",ex2); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jr); }