static void Main(string[] args) { //ArrayList ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); int a = 101; al.Add(a); al.Add("This is a arraylist"); al.Add(2.3f); al.Insert(3, "This is the forth index"); ArrayList al2 = new ArrayList(); al2.Add(102); al.InsertRange(1, al2); Console.WriteLine("ArrayList:"); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var ele in al) { Console.WriteLine(ele + " "); } Console.WriteLine("The count of the arraylist is {0}", al.Count); Console.WriteLine("The capacity of the arraylist is {0}", al.Capacity); Console.WriteLine(); // Hash table Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht.Add(1, "one"); ht.Add(2, "two"); ht.Add(0.3f, 2); ht.Add(4, null); ht.Add("Hema", "vathi"); ht.Remove(2); // ht.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Hashtable:"); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (DictionaryEntry ele in ht) //ht.keys means only print a key values for values the viceversa is applied. { Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", ele.Key, ele.Value); } String firstelement = (string)ht[1]; String str = (string)ht["Hema"]; Console.WriteLine("The first element in the hashtable is {0}", firstelement); Console.WriteLine("The last element in the hashtable is {0}", str); Console.WriteLine("The hash table contains a 0.3 is {0}", ht.Contains(0.3f)); Console.WriteLine(); //SortedList Console.WriteLine("Sorted List:"); SortedList sl = new SortedList(); sl.Add(2, "two"); sl.Add(1, "one"); sl.Add(0, "zero"); sl.RemoveAt(0); foreach (DictionaryEntry i in sl) { Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", i.Key, i.Value); } Console.WriteLine(); //stack Console.WriteLine("Stack:"); Stack s = new Stack(); s.Push("hello"); s.Push(102); s.Push(102); s.Push(.3f); foreach (var item in s) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.WriteLine("The first element will be deleted is {0} ", s.Peek()); Console.WriteLine(); //Queue Console.WriteLine("Queue:"); Queue q = new Queue(); q.Enqueue(34); q.Enqueue("thirtyfour"); q.Enqueue(3.4); q.Dequeue(); foreach (var item in q) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.WriteLine("The first element of the queue is {0}", q.Peek()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //ArrayLists ArrayList numbers = new ArrayList(); numbers.Add(5); numbers.Insert(0, 9); //inserts a value at the index marked numbers.Remove(5); //removes first instance of the value numbers.RemoveAt(0); //removes the index supplied //Can add all data types within arraylists even if it causes errors //numbers.Add("Hello"); foreach (int i in numbers) { Console.WriteLine(i); } Console.WriteLine($"There are currently {numbers.Count} elements in the arraylist."); //create array list //add 5-10 numbers //create a result variable //use a foreach loop to add them all together into the result variable //display the result in the console ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); values.Add(1); values.Add(2); values.Add(3); values.Add(4); values.Add(5); int result = 0; foreach (int i in values) { result += i; } Console.WriteLine($"The values added together is {result}"); Console.WriteLine(); //Hashtables Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht.Add("001", "John"); ht.Add("002", "Paul"); //Can add all datatypes even if it causes an error //ht.Add(2, true); Console.WriteLine(ht["001"]); Console.WriteLine(); //Lists //blank list //List<int> numList = new List<int>(); //adding multiple objects when creating a list List <int> numList = new List <int> { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; numList.Add(5); numList.Insert(0, 9); //numList.Remove(5); //numList.RemoveAt(0); foreach (int i in numList) { Console.WriteLine(i); } Console.WriteLine($"There are {numList.Count} elements in the List"); numList[0] = 1;//can access any index like you would with an array int numResult = numList[0]; Console.WriteLine(); //Dictionary Dictionary <string, bool> tasty = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); tasty.Add("Chicken Curry", true); tasty.Add("Asparagus", false); Console.WriteLine(tasty["Chicken Curry"]); Console.WriteLine(tasty["Asparagus"]); //How to use user input to get value Console.WriteLine("Which food would you like to check?"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); bool resultTasty = tasty[input]; Console.WriteLine(resultTasty); bool foodTest; if (tasty.TryGetValue("Doritos", out foodTest)) { Console.WriteLine($"Could find key. Here is value: {foodTest} "); } else { Console.WriteLine("Could not find key"); } //how to loop through dictionary foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> kvp in tasty) { //How to access key and value in foreach //Console.WriteLine(kvp.Key); //Console.WriteLine(kvp.Value); if (kvp.Value == true) { Console.WriteLine($"{kvp.Key} is tasty!"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"{kvp.Key} is icky!"); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Array List // ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); Course c1 = new Course(); Course c2 = new Course(); Course c3 = new Course(); list.Add(c1); list.Insert(1, c2); int i = list.IndexOf(c1); // Console.WriteLine("Index of c1 is :"+i); int j = list.IndexOf(c2); // Console.WriteLine("Index of c2 is :" + j); bool a = list.Contains(c1); // Console.WriteLine("c1 is contain in this list "+a); bool b = list.Contains(c3); // Console.WriteLine("c3 is contain in this list "+b); //Hashtable// Hashtable ages = new Hashtable(); ages["Sabbir"] = 28; ages["Rahim"] = 21; ages["Karim"] = 25; // Console.WriteLine("Age of Sabbir " + ages["Sabbir"]); // we can't use for loop in Hashtable. We need Foeratch loop /* foreach (DictionaryEntry age in ages) * { * Console.WriteLine(age.Value); * } * * foreach (DictionaryEntry age in ages) * { * Console.WriteLine(age.Key); * } */ foreach (DictionaryEntry age in ages) { string c = (string)age.Key; int d = (int)age.Value; Console.WriteLine("{0} => {1}", c, d); } // Boxing int k = 10; object box = k; Console.WriteLine(k.GetType()); Course c5 = new Course(); box = c5; Console.WriteLine(c5.GetType()); // UnBoxing c5 = (Course)box; // Sorted List [ print sequenly] SortedList s1 = new SortedList(); s1["en-us"] = "United stste"; s1["en-uk"] = "United kingdom"; s1["bn"] = "Bangla"; s1["in"] = "India"; s1["ar"] = "Arabic"; foreach (DictionaryEntry s in s1) { string e = (string)s.Key; string f = (string)s.Value; Console.WriteLine("{0} => {1}", e, f); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { int a = 10; string b = "Hello"; float c = 2.32f; char d = 'd'; bool e = true; int[] f = new int[6] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; ArrayList Array1 = new ArrayList(); ArrayList Array2 = new ArrayList() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; Array1.Add(a); Array1.Add(b); Array1.Add(c); Array1.Add(d); Array1.Add(e); Array1.Add(f); Array1.Add("bcd"); var dcd = Array1[6]; //Just for the sake of explicit typecasting Array1.Insert(0, a * 2); //inserting value a*2 at 0 index //by inserting every value will be pushed forward to the next location. Array1.AddRange(Array2);//adding another array list at the end of the first array list for (int i = 0; i < Array1.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Value from {0} index ", i); Console.WriteLine(Array1[i]); } Console.WriteLine("\n Ended The array List Now moving towards next Collection \n\n\n"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Code for Sorted List (Non generic) Console.WriteLine("From Sorted List Nongeneric"); int j = 0; SortedList myNames = new SortedList(); myNames.Add(j, a); j++; myNames.Add(j, b); j++; myNames.Add(j, c); j++; myNames.Add(j, d); j++; myNames.Add(j, e); j++; myNames.Add(j, f); j++; Console.WriteLine("Before removing an element"); foreach (DictionaryEntry variable in myNames) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", variable.Key, variable.Value); } myNames.RemoveAt(0); Console.WriteLine("After removing an element"); foreach (DictionaryEntry variable in myNames) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", variable.Key, variable.Value); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Code for Sorted List (Generic) Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n From Sorted List Generic"); j = 0; SortedList <int, string> myNames1 = new SortedList <int, string>(); myNames1.Add(j, "a"); j++; myNames1.Add(j, "b"); j++; myNames1.Add(j, "c"); j++; myNames1.Add(j, "d"); j++; myNames1.Add(j, "e"); j++; myNames1.Add(j, "f"); j++; myNames1.Remove(1); foreach (var variable in myNames1) { Console.WriteLine("The value against key {0} is {1}", variable.Key, variable.Value); } Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n Using KeyValuePair Property"); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> obj in myNames1) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", obj.Key, obj.Value); } string result; if (myNames1.TryGetValue(2, out result)) { Console.WriteLine("true {0}", result); } //Console.WriteLine(myNames1[0]); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Code for Dictionary implementation starts here Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n From Dictionary"); Dictionary <char, string> dict = new Dictionary <char, string>(); dict.Add('a', "Ali"); dict.Add('b', "Batman"); dict.Add('c', "Cat"); dict.Add('d', "Dog"); dict.Add('e', "Elephant"); dict.Add('f', "Frog"); foreach (Object obj in dict) { Console.WriteLine(obj); } dict.Add('g', "Goose"); dict.Remove('a'); Console.WriteLine("\n\n From Dictionary Generic Printing Count of objects"); Console.WriteLine(dict.Count); Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n From Dictionary Generic using Object"); foreach (Object obj in dict) { Console.WriteLine(obj); } Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n From Dictionary Generic using KeyValuePair"); foreach (KeyValuePair <char, string> obj in dict) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", obj.Key, obj.Value); } //Code for HashTable implementation starts here Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n From Hashtable"); Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); hash.Add(1, a); hash.Add('a', b); hash.Add('b', b); hash.Add('d', b); foreach (DictionaryEntry obj in hash) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", obj.Key, obj.Value); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Code for List implementation starts here Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n From List generic"); List <int> myList = new List <int>(); myList.Add(1); myList.Add(21); myList.Add(2); myList.Add(0); myList.Sort(); for (int i = 0; i < myList.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(myList[i]); } myList.RemoveAt(0); myList.Insert(0, 20); myList.Sort(); for (int i = 0; i < myList.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(myList[i]); } List <ArrayList> myCollector = new List <ArrayList>(); myCollector.Add(Array1); myCollector.Add(Array2); Console.WriteLine("\n\n" + myCollector[0].ToArray().Length); //Adding dummy student data into the list of students int age; float cgpa; string name; string email; string address; string contactNumber; List <StudentInfo> myClass = new List <StudentInfo>(); StudentInfo bacs = new StudentInfo(); myClass.Add(bacs); myClass.Add(bacs); for (int i = 0; i < 0; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Write the age of {0} student", i + 1); age = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Write the cgpa of {0} student", i + 1); cgpa = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Write the name of {0} student", i + 1); name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Write the email of {0} student", i + 1); email = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Write the address of {0} student", i + 1); address = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Write the contactNumber of {0} student", i + 1); contactNumber = Console.ReadLine(); myClass.Add(new StudentInfo(age, cgpa, name, email, address, contactNumber)); } foreach (StudentInfo s in myClass) { if (s.AGE >= 18) { Console.WriteLine("The student details are as follow"); Console.WriteLine("The Name of the student is {0}", s.NAME); Console.WriteLine("The Age of the student is {0}", s.AGE); Console.WriteLine("The Cgpa of the student is {0}", s.CGPA); Console.WriteLine("The Email of the student is {0}", s.EMAIL); Console.WriteLine("The Address of the student is {0}", s.ADDRESS); Console.WriteLine("The Contact Number of the student is {0}", s.CONTACTNUMBER); } } var results = from StudentInfo in myClass where StudentInfo.AGE >= 12 select StudentInfo; Console.WriteLine("Student with age greater then 12 are as follow"); foreach (StudentInfo s in results) { Console.WriteLine(s.AGE); } /* * myClass.Select(x=>new object { name=x.Total}) * * var results = from s in myClass * select s; * * foreach(StudentInfo info in myClass) * { * Console.WriteLine(results[0]);*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// //Code for Stack implementation starts here Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n Implementation of Stack starts from here \n"); Stack <int> myStack = new Stack <int>(f); Console.WriteLine("\nStack after entering values using array \n"); foreach (int variable in myStack) { Console.Write(variable + ","); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("\nStack after entering Value using push \n"); myStack.Push(20); foreach (int variable in myStack) { Console.Write(variable + ","); } Console.WriteLine("\nStack after Peeking from it \n"); Console.WriteLine(myStack.Peek()); foreach (int variable in myStack) { Console.Write(variable + ","); } Console.WriteLine("\nStack after popping element from it \n"); Console.WriteLine(myStack.Pop()); foreach (int variable in myStack) { Console.Write(variable + ","); } Console.WriteLine(); int check = 24; if (myStack.Contains(check)) { Console.WriteLine("true the stack contains the value {0}", check); } else { Console.WriteLine("False the stack doesnot contains the value {0}", check); } //Iplementation of queue starts from here Queue <int> myQueue = new Queue <int>(f); Console.WriteLine("\nQueue after entering values from array"); foreach (int variable in myQueue) { Console.Write(variable + ","); } myQueue.Enqueue(20); Console.WriteLine("\n\nQueue after using enqueue"); foreach (int variable in myQueue) { Console.Write(variable + ","); } Console.WriteLine("\n\nQueue after Dequeue method"); Console.WriteLine("The value returned from the dequeue method is " + myQueue.Dequeue()); foreach (int variable in myQueue) { Console.Write(variable + ","); } Console.WriteLine("\n\nPrinting the count of elements in the queue \n" + myQueue.Count()); Console.WriteLine("\nQueue after Peeking from it"); Console.WriteLine("Value returned from peek method is " + myQueue.Peek()); foreach (int variable in myQueue) { Console.Write(variable + ","); } Console.WriteLine(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //File Hanlding string path1 = @"C:\Users\Lenovo\source\repos\Collections\Collections\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1/DummyData1.txt"; string path2 = @"C:\Users\Lenovo\source\repos\Collections\Collections\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1/DummyData2.txt"; string path3 = @"C:\Users\Lenovo\source\repos\Collections\Collections\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1/DummyData3.txt"; string Abc = "Hello from the file1"; string Abcd = "Hello from the file2"; /*File.WriteAllText(path1,Abc); * File.WriteAllText(path2, Abcd); */ string DataRead = File.ReadAllText(path1); Console.WriteLine(DataRead); //This block is used to to auto close the file after the use //the file will open at the start of the using block and //At the end of the block the file is automatically closed. /*using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(path1)) * { * sw.WriteLine("\nHello once again using Stream Writer"); * } * * using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(path2)) * { * string readed = ""; * while ((readed = sr.ReadLine()) != null) * { * Console.WriteLine(readed); * } * } */ DataRead = File.ReadAllText(path1); Console.WriteLine("\n\n" + DataRead + "\n\n"); DataRead = File.ReadAllText(path2); Console.WriteLine("\n\n" + DataRead + "\n\n"); /*FileStream file = new FileStream(path3, FileMode.OpenOrCreate , FileAccess.ReadWrite); * //file.Write("Hello") * file.WriteByte(66); * file.Close(); */ using (FileStream file1 = new FileStream(path3, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write)) { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file1, Encoding.UTF8)) { int[] arrays = new int[10] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; foreach (int num in arrays) { sw.Write(num + " "); } sw.WriteLine("\nHelpppp"); } } using (FileStream file1 = new FileStream(path3, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file1)) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); while (line != null) { Console.WriteLine(line); line = sr.ReadLine(); } } } //Exception Handling Code int[] except = new int[3] { 1, 2, 3 }; try { Console.WriteLine(except[10]); } catch (Exception error) { Console.WriteLine(error.Message); } finally { Console.WriteLine("The try catch Block has ended"); } /*using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path1, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) * { * using(StreamWriter stw = new StreamWriter(fs)) * { * * } * * using(StreamReader str = new StreamReader(fs)) * { * * } * * }*/ //Manipulating the tuples in the form of an array Tuple <int, float, double, char, string>[] studentTuples = new Tuple <int, float, double, char, string> [2]; /* Tuple<int, float, double, char, string>[] studentFiltered = new Tuple< int, float, double, char, string>[2]; */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { studentTuples[i] = new Tuple <int, float, double, char, string>(1, 2.2f, 3.3, 'a', "abcd"); } /*int iterator=0;*/ foreach (Tuple <int, float, double, char, string> tp in studentTuples) { /*if (tp.Item5.Length >= 3) * { * studentFiltered[iterator] = tp; * iterator++; * }*/ Console.Write(tp.Item1 + " , "); Console.Write(tp.Item2 + " , "); Console.Write(tp.Item3 + " , "); Console.Write(tp.Item4 + " , "); Console.WriteLine(tp.Item5); } //var v1 = new Tuple.Create(1,2); //Manilulating with the string array using LINQ queries string[] myNamesArray = new string[22] { "Ali", "Yar", "Wamik", "Afaq", "Salal", "Daniel", "June", "Juliet", "danyyal", "Yousuf", "Bukht", "Yar", "Arshad", "Kainat", "aiman", "sidra", "Tooba", "zeeshan", "Hyper", "Don", "Chaudary", "Muaaz" }; var MyQueryResult = from names in myNamesArray where names.Length >= 3 select names; Console.WriteLine("name---first2letters--Caps--length"); foreach (var names in MyQueryResult) { Console.Write(names + " "); Console.Write(names.Substring(0, 2) + " "); Console.Write(names.ToUpper() + " "); Console.WriteLine(names.ToUpper().Length); } //Maipulatin with Tuple array using the LINQ queries var myTupleResults = studentTuples.Where(tuples => tuples.Item5.Substring(0, 2) == "ab" && tuples.Item5.Contains('b') && tuples.Item1 == 1); //We can write queries in Two ways /*from tuples in studentTuples * where tuples.Item5.Substring(0, 2) == "ab" && tuples.Item5.Contains('b') && tuples.Item1==12 * select tuples;*/ //Getting array in the resul of LINQ Queries var myTupleResultsArray = studentTuples.Where(tuples => tuples.Item5.Substring(0, 2) == "ab" && tuples.Item5.Contains('b') && tuples.Item1 == 1).ToArray(); Console.WriteLine(myTupleResultsArray[0]); Console.WriteLine("\n\n From Tuples results\nName---first2letters--Caps--length"); foreach (var tuples in myTupleResults) { Console.Write(tuples.Item1 + " "); Console.Write(tuples.Item2 + " "); Console.Write(tuples.Item3 + " "); Console.Write(tuples.Item4.ToString() + " "); Console.WriteLine(tuples.Item5.Substring(0)); } Program pg = new Program(); MakeNoise mk = new MakeNoise(pg.Noise); mk(10); }