private Block WalkSubModel(ITree datamodel, Block scope)
            if (datamodel.ChildCount < 1)
                return null; // TODO maybe warn
            Block block = new Block();
            block.Label = datamodel.GetChild(0);
            blocks[block.Title] = block;

            if (scope != null) // not the top datamodel
                block.Parent = scope;
                scope.AddBlock(block.Title, block);

            ITree submodel = datamodel; // TODO

            // extract all type information for this submodel
            for (int i = 0; i < submodel.ChildCount; ++i)
                ITree subtype = submodel.GetChild(i);
                if (subtype.Type == BlaiseParser.SUB_TYPE)
                    // add all types to this block
                    for (int j = 0; j < subtype.ChildCount; ++j)
                        ITree typeItem = subtype.GetChild(j);
                        if (typeItem.Type == BlaiseParser.TYPE_ITEM)
                            if (typeItem.ChildCount == 2 &&
                                typeItem.GetChild(1).Type == BlaiseParser.TYPEDEF)
                                string typeName = typeItem.GetChild(0).Text;
                                block.AddType(typeName, typeItem.GetChild(1));

            // extract all field information for this submodel
            for (int i = 0; i < submodel.ChildCount; ++i)
                ITree fields = submodel.GetChild(i);
                if (fields.Type == BlaiseParser.FIELDS || fields.Type == BlaiseParser.AUXFIELDS
                   || fields.Type == BlaiseParser.SUB_LOCALS)
                    // add all fields to this block
                    for (int j = 0; j < fields.ChildCount; ++j)
                        ITree field = fields.GetChild(j);
                        if (field.Type == BlaiseParser.FIELD) // not necessary unless parser changes
                            if (field.ChildCount < 2) { continue; }
                            ITree idList = field.GetChild(0);
                            List<Field> toadd = new List<Field>(idList.ChildCount);
                            for (int k = 0; k < idList.ChildCount; ++k)
                                Field f = new Field();
                                f.Title = idList.GetChild(k).Text;

                            ITree typedef = null;

                            Collection<LanguageString> fieldTexts = new Collection<LanguageString>();
                            Collection<LanguageString> fieldDescriptions = new Collection<LanguageString>();
                            string tag = null;

                            // Do these seperate so we can keep the language ordering
                            int langCount = 0;
                            for (int k = 0; k < field.ChildCount; ++k)
                                ITree fi = field.GetChild(k);
                                if (fi.Type == BlaiseParser.FIELD_TEXT)
                                    ITree lidString = fi.GetChild(0);
                                    LanguageString ls = new LanguageString(lidString);
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ls.Language) && langCount < options.DefinedLanguagesOrder.Count)
                                        ls.Language = options.DefinedLanguagesOrder[langCount];

                            langCount = 0;
                            for (int k = 0; k < field.ChildCount; ++k)
                                ITree fi = field.GetChild(k);
                                if (fi.Type == BlaiseParser.FIELD_DESC)
                                    ITree lidString = fi.GetChild(0);
                                    LanguageString ls = new LanguageString(lidString);
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ls.Language) && langCount < options.DefinedLanguagesOrder.Count)
                                        ls.Language = options.DefinedLanguagesOrder[langCount];

                                // tack this on here, there is only one of them
                                if (fi.Type == BlaiseParser.TYPEDEF)
                                    typedef = fi;
                                else if (fi.Type == BlaiseParser.FIELD_TAG)
                                    if (fi.ChildCount == 1)
                                        ITree tagList = fi.GetChild(0);
                                        for (int ti = 0; ti < tagList.ChildCount; ti++)
                                            if (ti == 0) { tag = tagList.GetChild(ti).Text; }
                                            else { tag += "," + tagList.GetChild(ti).Text; }


                            foreach (Field f in toadd)
                                f.Question = fieldTexts;
                                f.Description = fieldDescriptions;
                                f.Typedef = typedef;
                                f.Parent = block;
                                f.Tag = tag;
                                block.AddField(f.Title, f);

            // extract all child block information for this submodel
            for (int i = 0; i < submodel.ChildCount; ++i)
                ITree child = submodel.GetChild(i);
                if (child.Type == BlaiseParser.BLOCK || child.Type == BlaiseParser.TABLE || child.Type == BlaiseParser.PROCEDURE)
                    WalkSubModel(child, block);

            // extract rules for this submodel
            for (int i = 0; i < submodel.ChildCount; ++i)
                ITree child = submodel.GetChild(i);
                if (child.Type == BlaiseParser.RULES)
                    block.Rules = child;

            return block;
        private XElement CreateQuestion(Field field, string prefix, Block scope)
            XElement question = Ddi.Element(Ddi.QuestionItem);

            string name = GetQuestionName(field.Title, prefix);
            question.Add(new XElement(Ddi.QuestionItemName, Ddi.XmlLang(MainLanguage), name));

            // Add the question to our cache.
            if (!this.questionsByBlock.ContainsKey(scope))
                this.questionsByBlock.Add(scope, new Dictionary<string, XElement>());
            var questionsByName = this.questionsByBlock[scope];

            questionsByName.Add(name, question);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Tag))
                question.Add(new XElement(Ddi.QuestionIntent, field.Tag));

            // Set the question text.
            foreach (LanguageString ls in field.Question)
                AssignQuestionStrings(question, ls, scope);

            foreach (LanguageString ls in field.Description)
                AssignQuestionStrings(question, ls, scope);

            question.Add(ParseTypedefTree(field.Typedef, scope));

            return question;
        private XElement GetCCFromVariable(Field field, ITree variable, Block scope, string prefix)
            ITree typeDefChild = field.Typedef.GetChild(0);

            // See if this is a block?
            if (typeDefChild.Type == BlaiseParser.TYPE_USERDEF ||
                typeDefChild.Type == BlaiseParser.TYPE_ARRAY)
                string userdef = null;
                if (typeDefChild.Type == BlaiseParser.TYPE_USERDEF)
                    userdef = typeDefChild.GetChild(0).Text;
                else if (typeDefChild.Type == BlaiseParser.TYPE_ARRAY && typeDefChild.ChildCount == 2)
                    ITree typeDef = typeDefChild.GetChild(1);
                    if (typeDef.Type == BlaiseParser.TYPE_USERDEF)
                        userdef = typeDef.GetChild(0).Text;

                // TODO look for selector and then include question or block
                if (userdef != null && blocks.ContainsKey(userdef))
                    // We are asking a Block
                    //CustomSequenceActivity seq = new CustomSequenceActivity();

                    // First add a statement with the text of this node.
                    //if (field.Question != null)
                    //   seq.Activities.Add(GetStatement(field.Question, prefix, scope));

                    // Now add everything in the block.
                    //seq.Activities.Add(GetControlConstruct(blocks[userdef], userdef));
                    return GetBlockControlConstruct(blocks[userdef], userdef);

            //TODO this doesn't account for selectors, but that may only be for blocks
            string questionName = variable.GetChild(0).Text;
            XElement questionReference = GetQuestionReference(scope, GetQuestionName(questionName, prefix));

            if (questionReference != null)
                XElement questionActivity = Ddi.Element(Ddi.QuestionConstruct);
                return questionActivity;

            //TODO could not find the field?
            return GetActionForTree(variable);
예제 #4
        public System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, Algenta.Data.Parsing.Blaise.BlaiseModel.Block> Blocks
            get { return this.blocks; }

        public System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, Algenta.Data.Parsing.Blaise.BlaiseModel.Field> Fields
            get { return this.fields; }
        public void AddField(string name, Field field)
            this.fields.Add(name, field);