//Method to print the receipt to the user public static void Print() { //update moneyDispensed back to a floating point value moneyDispensed += Dispenser.moneyDispensed / 100; // displays the total amount received, the amount remaining in bank, and prompts the user to quit // or continue Console.WriteLine("You have recieved: {0:c2}", moneyDispensed); Console.WriteLine("You have {0:c2} left in the bank!", Bank.moneyInBank - moneyDispensed); Console.WriteLine("Thank you for using Justins Bank!"); Console.WriteLine("Type \"quit\" to exit, or press enter to complete another transaction"); Bank.moneyInBank = Bank.moneyInBank - moneyDispensed; anotherTransaction = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); // if user types quit, program ends if (anotherTransaction == "quit") { } // otherwise user is prompted for another withdraw else { Dispenser.moneyDispensed = 0; moneyDispensed = 0; Console.Clear(); Dispenser.Withdraw(); Receipt.Print(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Bank.AmountInBank(10, 16, 13, 10); Dispenser.Withdraw(); Receipt.Print(); }