private void DrawRow(string label) { lastSelectedRow = new ListTreeViewItem <ReferencesTreeElement>(0, 0, label, null) { depth = 0, id = 1 }; UpdateTreeModel(); DrawReferencesPanel(); }
private HierarchyReferenceItem[] GetTreeElementsFromRow(MaintainerTreeViewItem <ProjectReferenceItem> item) { var data =; var entries = data != null ? data.referencingEntries : null; int count; if (entries != null && entries.Length > 0) { count = entries.Length + 1; } else { count = 2; } var result = new HierarchyReferenceItem[count]; result[0] = new HierarchyReferenceItem { id = 0, name = "root", depth = -1 }; if (entries == null || entries.Length == 0) { result[1] = new HierarchyReferenceItem { id = 1, reference = null, name = item.displayName }; return(result); } for (var i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++) { var entry = entries[i]; var newItem = new HierarchyReferenceItem { id = i + 1, reference = entry }; newItem.SetAssetPath(; result[i + 1] = newItem; } return(result); }
private ExactReferencesListElement[] GetTreeElementsFromRow(MaintainerTreeViewItem <ReferencesTreeElement> item) { var data =; var entries = data != null ? data.referencingEntries : null; int count; if (entries != null && entries.Length > 0) { count = entries.Length + 1; } else { count = 2; } var result = new ExactReferencesListElement[count]; result[0] = new ExactReferencesListElement { id = 0, name = "root", depth = -1 }; if (entries == null || entries.Length == 0) { result[1] = new ExactReferencesListElement { id = 1, entry = null, name = item.displayName }; return(result); } for (var i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++) { var entry = entries[i]; result[i + 1] = new ExactReferencesListElement { id = i + 1, entry = entry, assetPath = }; } return(result); }
internal virtual void Draw(MaintainerTreeViewItem <ReferencesTreeElement> selectedRow) { if (selectedRow == null) { DrawRow("Please select any child item above to look for exact references location."); return; } if ( == null) { DrawRow("Selected item has no exact references support."); return; } var entries =; if (entries == null || entries.Length == 0) { if ( == 0) { DrawRow("Please select any child item above to look for exact references location."); return; } DrawRow("Selected item has no exact references support."); return; } if (lastSelectedRow != selectedRow) { lastSelectedRow = selectedRow; UpdateTreeModel(); } DrawReferencesPanel(); }
protected void SelectRowInternal(MaintainerTreeViewItem <T> rowLocal) { EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { var id =; SetExpanded(id, true); var childId = -1; if ( && > 0) { var child =[0]; childId =; } FrameItem(childId > -1 ? childId : id); SetSelection(new List <int> { id }); SetFocusAndEnsureSelectedItem(); MaintainerWindow.RepaintInstance(); }; }
protected override void DrawCell(ref Rect cellRect, MaintainerTreeViewItem <T> genericItem, int columnValue, RowGUIArgs args) { base.DrawCell(ref cellRect, genericItem, columnValue, args); var column = (Columns)columnValue; var item = (HierarchyReferencesTreeViewItem <T>)genericItem; switch (column) { case Columns.Icon: if (item.depth == 0) { if (item.icon != null) { var iconRect = cellRect; iconRect.width = IconWidth; iconRect.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect, item.icon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); } } break; case Columns.GameObject: var entryRect = cellRect; entryRect.xMin += baseIndent + UIHelpers.EyeButtonPadding; if (item.depth == 1) { if (item.icon != null) { var iconRect = entryRect; iconRect.xMin -= UIHelpers.EyeButtonSize - UIHelpers.EyeButtonPadding; iconRect.width = IconWidth; iconRect.x += IconPadding; iconRect.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect, item.icon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); } } else { /*entryRect.xMin += baseIndent + UIHelpers.EyeButtonPadding;*/ } Rect lastRect; var eyeButtonRect = entryRect; eyeButtonRect.xMin += IconPadding; eyeButtonRect.width = UIHelpers.EyeButtonSize; eyeButtonRect.height = UIHelpers.EyeButtonSize; eyeButtonRect.x += UIHelpers.EyeButtonPadding; lastRect = eyeButtonRect; if (UIHelpers.IconButton(eyeButtonRect, CSIcons.Show)) { ShowItem(item); } var labelRect = entryRect; labelRect.xMin = lastRect.xMax + UIHelpers.EyeButtonPadding; if ( == 0 && ! { GUI.contentColor = CSColors.labelDimmedColor; } DefaultGUI.Label(labelRect, args.label, args.selected, args.focused); GUI.contentColor = Color.white; break; case Columns.Component: var componentName =; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(componentName)) { DefaultGUI.Label(cellRect, componentName, args.selected, args.focused); } break; case Columns.Property: var propertyPath =; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyPath)) { DefaultGUI.Label(cellRect, propertyPath, args.selected, args.focused); } break; case Columns.ReferencesCount: if (item.depth == 0) { DefaultGUI.Label(cellRect,, args.selected, args.focused); } break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("column", column, null); } }
protected override void DrawCell(ref Rect cellRect, MaintainerTreeViewItem <T> genericItem, int columnValue, RowGUIArgs args) { base.DrawCell(ref cellRect, genericItem, columnValue, args); var column = (Columns)columnValue; var item = (ProjectReferencesTreeViewItem <T>)genericItem; switch (column) { case Columns.Path: var entryRect = DrawIconAndGetEntryRect(cellRect, item); Rect lastRect; var eyeButtonRect = entryRect; eyeButtonRect.width = UIHelpers.EyeButtonSize; eyeButtonRect.height = UIHelpers.EyeButtonSize; eyeButtonRect.x += UIHelpers.EyeButtonPadding; lastRect = eyeButtonRect; if (UIHelpers.IconButton(eyeButtonRect, CSIcons.Show)) { ShowItem(item); } if (item.depth == 1 && { var findButtonRect = entryRect; findButtonRect.width = UIHelpers.EyeButtonSize; findButtonRect.height = UIHelpers.EyeButtonSize; findButtonRect.x += UIHelpers.EyeButtonPadding * 2 + UIHelpers.EyeButtonSize; lastRect = findButtonRect; if (UIHelpers.IconButton(findButtonRect, CSIcons.Find, "Search for references")) { EditorApplication.delayCall += () => ProjectScopeReferencesFinder.FindAssetReferencesFromResults(; } } var labelRect = entryRect; labelRect.xMin = lastRect.xMax + UIHelpers.EyeButtonPadding; if ( == 0 && ! { GUI.contentColor = CSColors.labelDimmedColor; } DefaultGUI.Label(labelRect, args.label, args.selected, args.focused); GUI.contentColor = Color.white; break; case Columns.Type: DefaultGUI.Label(cellRect,, args.selected, args.focused); break; case Columns.Size: DefaultGUI.Label(cellRect,, args.selected, args.focused); break; case Columns.ReferencesCount: if (item.depth == 0) { DefaultGUI.Label(cellRect,, args.selected, args.focused); } break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("column", column, null); } }
protected virtual void DrawCell(ref Rect cellRect, MaintainerTreeViewItem <T> genericItem, int columnValue, RowGUIArgs args) { baseIndent = genericItem.depth * GetDepthIndentation(); CenterRectUsingSingleLineHeight(ref cellRect); }