// This returns the patch names from the PNAMES lump
        // A directory resource does not support this lump, but the wads in the directory may contain this lump
        public override PatchNames LoadPatchNames()
            PatchNames pnames;

            // Error when suspended
            if (issuspended)
                throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended");

            // Load from wad files
            // Note the backward order, because the last wad's images have priority
            for (int i = wads.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                pnames = wads[i].LoadPatchNames();
                if (pnames != null)

            // If none of the wads provides patch names, let's see if we can
            string pnamesfile = FindFirstFile("PNAMES", false);

            if ((pnamesfile != null) && FileExists(pnamesfile))
                MemoryStream pnamesdata = LoadFile(pnamesfile);
                pnames = new PatchNames(pnamesdata);

예제 #2
        // This loads the textures
        public override ICollection <ImageData> LoadTextures(PatchNames pnames)
            List <ImageData> images = new List <ImageData>();
            //string rangestart, rangeend;
            int  lumpindex;
            Lump lump;

            // Error when suspended
            if (issuspended)
                throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended");

            // Load two sets of textures, if available
            lump = file.FindLump("TEXTURE1");
            if (lump != null)
                LoadTextureSet("TEXTURE1", lump.Stream, ref images, pnames);
            lump = file.FindLump("TEXTURE2");
            if (lump != null)
                LoadTextureSet("TEXTURE2", lump.Stream, ref images, pnames);

            // Read ranges from configuration
            foreach (LumpRange range in textureranges)
                // Load texture range
                LoadTexturesRange(range.start, range.end, ref images, pnames);

            // Load TEXTURES lump file
            lumpindex = file.FindLumpIndex("TEXTURES");
            while (lumpindex > -1)
                MemoryStream filedata = new MemoryStream(file.Lumps[lumpindex].Stream.ReadAllBytes());
                WADReader.LoadHighresTextures(filedata, "TEXTURES", ref images, null, null);

                // Find next
                lumpindex = file.FindLumpIndex("TEXTURES", lumpindex + 1);

            // Add images to the container-specific texture set
            foreach (ImageData img in images)

            // Return result
예제 #3
 // When implemented, this loads the textures
 public abstract IEnumerable <ImageData> LoadTextures(PatchNames pnames, Dictionary <string, TexturesParser> cachedparsers);
예제 #4
 // When implemented, this loads the textures
 public virtual ICollection <ImageData> LoadTextures(PatchNames pnames)
예제 #5
        // This loads a set of textures
        public static void LoadTextureSet(string sourcename, Stream texturedata, ref List <ImageData> images, PatchNames pnames)
            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(texturedata);
            int          flags, width, height, patches, px, py, pi;
            uint         numtextures;
            byte         scalebytex, scalebytey;
            float        scalex, scaley, defaultscale;

            byte[]       namebytes;
            TextureImage image = null;
            bool         strifedata;

            if (texturedata.Length == 0)

            // Determine default scale
            defaultscale = General.Map.Config.DefaultTextureScale;

            // Get number of textures
            texturedata.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            numtextures = reader.ReadUInt32();

            // Skip offset bytes (we will read all textures sequentially)
            texturedata.Seek(4 * numtextures, SeekOrigin.Current);

            // Go for all textures defined in this lump
            for (uint i = 0; i < numtextures; i++)
                // Read texture properties
                namebytes  = reader.ReadBytes(8);
                flags      = reader.ReadUInt16();
                scalebytex = reader.ReadByte();
                scalebytey = reader.ReadByte();
                width      = reader.ReadInt16();
                height     = reader.ReadInt16();
                patches    = reader.ReadInt16();

                // Check for doom or strife data format
                if (patches == 0)
                    // Ignore 2 bytes and then read number of patches
                    texturedata.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    patches    = reader.ReadInt16();
                    strifedata = false;
                    // Texture data is in strife format
                    strifedata = true;

                // Determine actual scales
                if (scalebytex == 0)
                    scalex = defaultscale;
                    scalex = 1f / ((float)scalebytex / 8f);
                if (scalebytey == 0)
                    scaley = defaultscale;
                    scaley = 1f / ((float)scalebytey / 8f);

                // Validate data
                if ((width > 0) && (height > 0) && (patches > 0) &&
                    (scalex != 0) || (scaley != 0))
                    string texname = Lump.MakeNormalName(namebytes, WAD.ENCODING);
                    if (texname.Length > 0)
                        // Make the image object
                        image = new TextureImage(Lump.MakeNormalName(namebytes, WAD.ENCODING),
                                                 width, height, scalex, scaley);
                        // Can't load image without name
                        General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Can't load an unnamed texture from \"" + sourcename + "\". Please consider giving names to your resources.");

                    // Go for all patches in texture
                    for (int p = 0; p < patches; p++)
                        // Read patch properties
                        px = reader.ReadInt16();
                        py = reader.ReadInt16();
                        pi = reader.ReadUInt16();
                        if (!strifedata)
                            texturedata.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);

                        // Validate data
                        if ((pi >= 0) && (pi < pnames.Length))
                            if (pnames[pi].Length > 0)
                                // Create patch on image
                                if (image != null)
                                    image.AddPatch(new TexturePatch(pnames[pi], px, py));
                                // Can't load image without name
                                General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Can't use an unnamed patch referenced in \"" + sourcename + "\". Please consider giving names to your resources.");

                    // Add image to collection
                    // Skip patches data
                    texturedata.Seek(6 * patches, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    if (!strifedata)
                        texturedata.Seek(4 * patches, SeekOrigin.Current);
예제 #6
        // This loads a range of textures
        private void LoadTexturesRange(int startindex, int endindex, ref List <ImageData> images, PatchNames pnames)
            // Determine default scale
            float defaultscale = General.Map.Config.DefaultTextureScale;

            // Go for all lumps between start and end exclusive
            for (int i = startindex + 1; i < endindex; i++)
                // Lump not zero length?
                if (file.Lumps[i].Length > 0)
                    // Make the image
                    SimpleTextureImage image = new SimpleTextureImage(file.Lumps[i].Name, file.Lumps[i].Name, defaultscale, defaultscale);

                    // Add image to collection
                    // Can't load image without name
                    General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Can't load an unnamed texture from lump index " + i + ". Please consider giving names to your resources.");
        // This loads the textures
        public override IEnumerable <ImageData> LoadTextures(PatchNames pnames, Dictionary <string, TexturesParser> cachedparsers)
            // Error when suspended
            if (issuspended)
                throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended");

            Dictionary <long, ImageData> images = new Dictionary <long, ImageData>();
            IEnumerable <ImageData>      collection;

            // Load from wad files (NOTE: backward order, because the last wad's images have priority)
            for (int i = wads.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                PatchNames wadpnames = wads[i].LoadPatchNames();                                                                    //mxd
                collection = wads[i].LoadTextures((wadpnames != null && wadpnames.Length > 0) ? wadpnames : pnames, cachedparsers); //mxd
                AddImagesToList(images, collection);

            // Should we load the images in this directory as textures?
            if (roottextures)
                collection = LoadDirectoryImages("", ImageDataFormat.DOOMPICTURE, false);
                AddImagesToList(images, collection);

            // Load TEXTURE1 lump file
            List <ImageData> imgset       = new List <ImageData>();
            string           texture1file = FindFirstFile("TEXTURE1", false);

            if ((texture1file != null) && FileExists(texture1file))
                MemoryStream filedata = LoadFile(texture1file);
                WADReader.LoadTextureSet("TEXTURE1", filedata, ref imgset, pnames);

            // Load TEXTURE2 lump file
            string texture2file = FindFirstFile("TEXTURE2", false);

            if ((texture2file != null) && FileExists(texture2file))
                MemoryStream filedata = LoadFile(texture2file);
                WADReader.LoadTextureSet("TEXTURE2", filedata, ref imgset, pnames);

            // Add images from TEXTURE1 and TEXTURE2 lump files
            AddImagesToList(images, imgset);

            // Load TEXTURES lump files
            string[] alltexturefiles = GetAllFilesWhichTitleStartsWith("", "TEXTURES", false);             //mxd
            foreach (string texturesfile in alltexturefiles)
                //mxd. Added TexturesParser caching
                string fullpath = Path.Combine(this.location.location, texturesfile);
                if (cachedparsers.ContainsKey(fullpath))
                    // Make the textures
                    foreach (TextureStructure t in cachedparsers[fullpath].Textures)
                    MemoryStream     filedata = LoadFile(texturesfile);
                    TextResourceData data     = new TextResourceData(this, filedata, texturesfile, true);              //mxd
                    cachedparsers.Add(fullpath, WADReader.LoadTEXTURESTextures(data, ref imgset));                     //mxd

            // Add images from TEXTURES lump file
            AddImagesToList(images, imgset);

            //mxd. Add images from texture directory. Textures defined in TEXTURES override ones in "textures" folder
            collection = LoadDirectoryImages(TEXTURES_DIR, ImageDataFormat.DOOMPICTURE, true);
            AddImagesToList(images, collection);

            // Add images to the container-specific texture set
            foreach (ImageData img in images.Values)

            return(new List <ImageData>(images.Values));
        // This loads the textures
        public override ICollection <ImageData> LoadTextures(PatchNames pnames)
            Dictionary <long, ImageData> images = new Dictionary <long, ImageData>();
            ICollection <ImageData>      collection;
            List <ImageData>             imgset = new List <ImageData>();

            // Error when suspended
            if (issuspended)
                throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended");

            // Load from wad files (NOTE: backward order, because the last wad's images have priority)
            for (int i = wads.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                collection = wads[i].LoadTextures(pnames);
                AddImagesToList(images, collection);

            // Should we load the images in this directory as textures?
            if (roottextures)
                collection = LoadDirectoryImages("", ImageDataFormat.DOOMPICTURE, false);
                AddImagesToList(images, collection);

            // Add images from texture directory
            collection = LoadDirectoryImages(TEXTURES_DIR, ImageDataFormat.DOOMPICTURE, true);
            AddImagesToList(images, collection);

            // Load TEXTURE1 lump file
            string texture1file = FindFirstFile("TEXTURE1", false);

            if ((texture1file != null) && FileExists(texture1file))
                MemoryStream filedata = LoadFile(texture1file);
                WADReader.LoadTextureSet("TEXTURE1", filedata, ref imgset, pnames);

            // Load TEXTURE2 lump file
            string texture2file = FindFirstFile("TEXTURE2", false);

            if ((texture2file != null) && FileExists(texture2file))
                MemoryStream filedata = LoadFile(texture2file);
                WADReader.LoadTextureSet("TEXTURE2", filedata, ref imgset, pnames);

            // Add images from TEXTURE1 and TEXTURE2 lump files
            AddImagesToList(images, imgset);

            // Load TEXTURES lump file
            string[] alltexturefiles = GetAllFilesWithTitle("", "TEXTURES", false);
            foreach (string texturesfile in alltexturefiles)
                MemoryStream filedata = LoadFile(texturesfile);
                WADReader.LoadHighresTextures(filedata, texturesfile, ref imgset, images, null);

            // Add images from TEXTURES lump file
            AddImagesToList(images, imgset);

            // Add images to the container-specific texture set
            foreach (ImageData img in images.Values)

            return(new List <ImageData>(images.Values));
예제 #9
        // This loads the textures
        public override ICollection <ImageData> LoadTextures(PatchNames pnames)
            Dictionary <long, ImageData> images = new Dictionary <long, ImageData>();
            ICollection <ImageData>      collection;
            List <ImageData>             imgset = new List <ImageData>();

            // Error when suspended
            if (issuspended)
                throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended");

            subtexturesets = new Dictionary <string, ResourceTextureSet>();

            // Load from wad files (NOTE: backward order, because the last wad's images have priority)
            for (int i = wads.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                collection = wads[i].LoadTextures(pnames);

                ResourceTextureSet wadTextureSet = new ResourceTextureSet(wads[i].GetTitle(), location);
                // ano - moved this loop out from AddImagesToList
                // because we need to add the images to a
                // wad-specific list
                foreach (ImageData src in collection)
                    // Check if exists in target list
                    if (!images.ContainsKey(src.LongName))
                        images.Add(src.LongName, src);
                } // foreach

                subtexturesets.Add(wadTextureSet.Name, wadTextureSet);
            }             // for(wads)

            // Should we load the images in this directory as textures?
            if (roottextures)
                collection = LoadDirectoryImages("", ImageDataFormat.DOOMPICTURE, false);
                AddImagesToList(images, collection);

            // Add images from texture directory
            collection = LoadDirectoryImagesAndCategorize(TEXTURES_DIR, ImageDataFormat.DOOMPICTURE, images, false);

            // Load TEXTURE1 lump file
            string texture1file = FindFirstFile("TEXTURE1", false);

            if ((texture1file != null) && FileExists(texture1file))
                MemoryStream filedata = LoadFile(texture1file);
                WADReader.LoadTextureSet("TEXTURE1", filedata, ref imgset, pnames);

            // Load TEXTURE2 lump file
            string texture2file = FindFirstFile("TEXTURE2", false);

            if ((texture2file != null) && FileExists(texture2file))
                MemoryStream filedata = LoadFile(texture2file);
                WADReader.LoadTextureSet("TEXTURE2", filedata, ref imgset, pnames);

            // Add images from TEXTURE1 and TEXTURE2 lump files
            AddImagesToList(images, imgset);

            // Load TEXTURES lump file
            string[] alltexturefiles = GetAllFilesWithTitle("", "TEXTURES", false);
            foreach (string texturesfile in alltexturefiles)
                MemoryStream filedata = LoadFile(texturesfile);
                WADReader.LoadHighresTextures(filedata, texturesfile, ref imgset, images, null);

            // Add images from TEXTURES lump file
            AddImagesToList(images, imgset);

            // Add images to the container-specific texture set
            foreach (ImageData img in images.Values)

            return(new List <ImageData>(images.Values));
예제 #10
        // This loads the textures
        public override ICollection <ImageData> LoadTextures(PatchNames pnames)
            List <ImageData> images = new List <ImageData>();
            string           rangestart, rangeend;
            int  lumpindex;
            Lump lump;

            // Error when suspended
            if (issuspended)
                throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended");

            // Load two sets of textures, if available
            lump = file.FindLump("TEXTURE1");
            if (lump != null)
                LoadTextureSet("TEXTURE1", lump.Stream, ref images, pnames);
            lump = file.FindLump("TEXTURE2");
            if (lump != null)
                LoadTextureSet("TEXTURE2", lump.Stream, ref images, pnames);

            // Read ranges from configuration
            foreach (LumpRange range in textureranges)
                // Load texture range
                LoadTexturesRange(range.start, range.end, ref images, pnames);

            foreach (Sector s in General.Map.Map.Sectors)
                for (int j = 0; j < General.Map.TextureHashKey.Count; j++)
                    if (s.HashFloor == General.Map.TextureHashKey[j])

                for (int j = 0; j < General.Map.TextureHashKey.Count; j++)
                    if (s.HashCeiling == General.Map.TextureHashKey[j])

            foreach (Sidedef sd in General.Map.Map.Sidedefs)
                for (int j = 0; j < General.Map.TextureHashKey.Count; j++)
                    if (sd.HashTexHigh == General.Map.TextureHashKey[j])
                        if (j == 0)


                for (int j = 0; j < General.Map.TextureHashKey.Count; j++)
                    if (sd.HashTexMid == General.Map.TextureHashKey[j])
                        if (j == 0)


                for (int j = 0; j < General.Map.TextureHashKey.Count; j++)
                    if (sd.HashTexLow == General.Map.TextureHashKey[j])
                        if (j == 0)


            // Load TEXTURES lump file
            lumpindex = file.FindLumpIndex("TEXTURES");
            while (lumpindex > -1)
                MemoryStream filedata = new MemoryStream(file.Lumps[lumpindex].Stream.ReadAllBytes());
                WADReader.LoadHighresTextures(filedata, "TEXTURES", ref images, null, null);

                // Find next
                lumpindex = file.FindLumpIndex("TEXTURES", lumpindex + 1);

            // Add images to the container-specific texture set
            foreach (ImageData img in images)

            // Return result