/// <summary>
		/// Converts this attribute to a form field.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="memberName">Name of the member.</param>
		/// <param name="memberType">The type of the member.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override DextopFormField ToField(string memberName, Type memberType)
			var res = base.ToField(memberName, memberType);

            if (initialLookupValueField != null)
                if (api != null)
                    res["store"] = new DextopRawJs("Dextop.api('{0}').createStore(!Ext.isDefined(options.data['{1}']) ? {{}} : {{ data: [[options.data['{1}'], options.data['{2}']]] }})", api, res.name, initialLookupValueField);
                    res["store"] = new DextopRawJs("options.remote.createStore('{0}', !Ext.isDefined(options.data['{1}']) ? {{}} : {{ data: [[options.data['{1}'], options.data['{2}']]] }})", lookupId ?? res.name, res.name, initialLookupValueField);
            else if (autoLoadStore)
                if (api != null)
                    res["store"] = new DextopRawJs("Dextop.api('{0}').createStore({{ autoLoad: true }})", api);
                    res["store"] = new DextopRawJs("options.remote.createStore('{0}', {{ autoLoad: true }})", lookupId ?? res.name);
            res["valueField"] = valueField;
			res["displayField"] = displayField;
			res["queryMode"] = "remote";
			res["minChars"] = minChars;
			if (valueNotFoundText != null)
				res["valueNotFoundText"] = valueNotFoundText;
			return res;
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts this attribute to a form field.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="memberName">Name of the member.</param>
 /// <param name="memberType">The type of the member.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override DextopFormField ToField(string memberName, Type memberType)
     var res = base.ToField(memberName, memberType);
     res["store"] = new DextopRawJs("options.remote.createStore('{0}')", lookupId ?? res.name);
     res["valueField"] = "id";
     //res["displayField"] = "text"; //combo default
     res["queryMode"] = "local";
     res["forceSelection"] = forceSelection;
     res["disableKeyFilter"] = disableKeyFilter;
     res["editable"] = editable;
     return res;
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts this attribute to a form field.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="memberName">Name of the member.</param>
 /// <param name="memberType">The type of the member.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override DextopFormField ToField(string memberName, Type memberType)
     DextopFormField field = base.ToField(memberName, memberType);
     if (minLength > 0)
         field["minLength"] = minLength;
     if (maxLength > 0)
         field["maxLength"] = maxLength;
     if (regex != null)
         field["regex"] = new DextopRawJs("/" + regex + "/");
     if (regexText != null)
         field["regexText"] = new DextopLocalizedText(field.ItemName + "RegextText", regexText);
     if (maskRe != null)
         field["maskRe"] = new DextopRawJs("/" + maskRe + "/");
     return field;
		/// <summary>
		/// Converts this attribute to a form field.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="memberName">Name of the member.</param>
		/// <param name="memberType">The type of the member.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override DextopFormField ToField(string memberName, Type memberType)
			var res = base.ToField(memberName, memberType);
            if (lookupStoreId != null)
                res["store"] = new DextopRawJs("Dextop.getStore('{0}', {{ autoLoad: true }})", lookupStoreId);
            else if (api!=null)
                res["store"] = new DextopRawJs("Dextop.api('{0}').createStore()", api);
                res["store"] = new DextopRawJs("options.remote.createStore('{0}')", lookupId ?? res.name);
			res["valueField"] = "id";
			//res["displayField"] = "text"; //combo default
			res["queryMode"] = "local";
			res["forceSelection"] = forceSelection;
			res["disableKeyFilter"] = disableKeyFilter;
			res["editable"] = editable;
            res["hideTrigger"] = hideTrigger;
			return res;
예제 #5
		DextopFormField ToField(string memberName, Type memberType, int index)
			DextopFormField field = base.ToField(memberName, memberType);
			field.NameSuffix = "_" + index.ToString() + "_";
			if (inputValues != null && index < inputValues.Length)
				field["inputValue"] = inputValues[index];
				field["inputValue"] = index;

			field.fieldLabel = field.boxLabel = null;

            field["checked"] = new DextopRawJs("options.data['{0}'] === {1}", field.name, DextopUtil.Encode(field["inputValue"]));
			if (fieldLabels != null && index<fieldLabels.Length)
				field.fieldLabel = fieldLabels[index];

			if (boxLabels != null)
				field.boxLabel = boxLabels[index];
			return field;	
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts this attribute to a form field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="memberName">Name of the member.</param>
        /// <param name="memberType">The type of the member.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override DextopFormField ToField(string memberName, Type memberType)
            var res = base.ToField(memberName, memberType);

            if (initialLookupValueField != null)
                res["store"] = new DextopRawJs("options.remote.createStore('{0}', !Ext.isDefined(options.data['{1}']) ? {{}} : {{ data: [[options.data['{1}'], options.data['{2}']]] }})", lookupId ?? res.name, res.name, initialLookupValueField);

            res["valueField"] = valueField;
            res["displayField"] = displayField;
            res["queryMode"] = "remote";
            res["minChars"] = minChars;
            if (valueNotFoundField != null)
                res["valueNotFoundText"] = new DextopRawJs("options.data['{0}']{1}", valueNotFoundField, valueNotFoundText != null ? String.Format("|| '{0}'", valueNotFoundText) : null);
            else if (valueNotFoundText != null)
                res["valueNotFoundText"] = valueNotFoundText;
            return res;
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts this attribute to a form field.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="memberName">Name of the member.</param>
 /// <param name="memberType">The type of the member.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override DextopFormField ToField(string memberName, Type memberType)
     var res = base.ToField(memberName, memberType);
     res["valueField"] = valueField;
     res["displayField"] = displayField;
     res["queryMode"] = "remote";
     res["minChars"] = minChars;
     if (valueNotFoundField != null)
         res["valueNotFoundText"] = new DextopRawJs("options.data['{0}']{1}", valueNotFoundField, valueNotFoundText != null ? String.Format("|| '{0}'", valueNotFoundText) : null);
     else if (valueNotFoundText != null)
         res["valueNotFoundText"] = valueNotFoundText;
     return res;