public LineWidthState(LineWidthAction action, CCNode target, float endWidth) : base(action, target) { castedTarget = target as LineNode; if (castedTarget == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The argument target must be a LineNode"); } startWidth = castedTarget.Width; deltaWidth = endWidth - startWidth; }
void HandleMoveCircle(CCTouch touch) { const float timeToTake = 1.5f; // in seconds CCFiniteTimeAction coreAction = null; // By default all actions will be added directly to the // root node - it has values for Position, Scale, and Rotation. CCNode nodeToAddTo = drawNodeRoot; switch (VariableOptions [currentVariableIndex]) { case "Position": coreAction = new CCMoveTo(timeToTake, touch.Location); break; case "Scale": var distance = CCPoint.Distance(touch.Location, drawNodeRoot.Position); var desiredScale = distance / DefaultCircleRadius; coreAction = new CCScaleTo(timeToTake, desiredScale); break; case "Rotation": float differenceY = touch.Location.Y - drawNodeRoot.PositionY; float differenceX = touch.Location.X - drawNodeRoot.PositionX; float angleInDegrees = -1 * CCMathHelper.ToDegrees( (float)Math.Atan2(differenceY, differenceX)); coreAction = new CCRotateTo(timeToTake, angleInDegrees); break; case "LineWidth": coreAction = new LineWidthAction(timeToTake, touch.Location.X / 40f); // The LineWidthAction is a special action designed to work only on // LineNode instances, so we have to set the nodeToAddTo to the lineNode: nodeToAddTo = lineNode; break; } CocosSharp.CCAction easing = null; switch (EasingOptions [currentEasingIndex]) { case "CCEaseBack": if (currentInOutIndex == 0) { easing = new CCEaseBackOut(coreAction); } else if (currentInOutIndex == 1) { easing = new CCEaseBackIn(coreAction); } else { easing = new CCEaseBackInOut(coreAction); } break; case "CCEaseBounce": if (currentInOutIndex == 0) { easing = new CCEaseBounceOut(coreAction); } else if (currentInOutIndex == 1) { easing = new CCEaseBounceIn(coreAction); } else { easing = new CCEaseBounceInOut(coreAction); } break; case "CCEaseElastic": if (currentInOutIndex == 0) { easing = new CCEaseElasticOut(coreAction); } else if (currentInOutIndex == 1) { easing = new CCEaseElasticIn(coreAction); } else { easing = new CCEaseElasticInOut(coreAction); } break; case "CCEaseExponential": if (currentInOutIndex == 0) { easing = new CCEaseExponentialOut(coreAction); } else if (currentInOutIndex == 1) { easing = new CCEaseExponentialIn(coreAction); } else { easing = new CCEaseExponentialInOut(coreAction); } break; case "CCEaseSine": if (currentInOutIndex == 0) { easing = new CCEaseSineOut(coreAction); } else if (currentInOutIndex == 1) { easing = new CCEaseSineIn(coreAction); } else { easing = new CCEaseSineInOut(coreAction); } break; } nodeToAddTo.AddAction(easing ?? coreAction); }