public virtual void initWithQuantityOfNodes(int nNodes)
            CCSize s = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size;

            // Title
            var label = new CCLabel(title(), "arial", 32, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont);
            AddChild(label, 1);
            label.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, s.Height - 32);
            label.Color = new CCColor3B(255, 255, 40);

            // Subtitle
            string strSubTitle = subtitle();
            if (strSubTitle.Length > 0)
                var l = new CCLabel(strSubTitle, "arial", 16, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont);
                AddChild(l, 1);
                l.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, s.Height - 80);

            lastRenderedCount = 0;
            currentQuantityOfNodes = 0;
            quantityOfNodes = nNodes;

			CCMenuItemFont.FontSize = 64;
			CCMenuItemFont.FontName = "arial";

            CCMenuItemFont decrease = new CCMenuItemFont(" - ", onDecrease);
            decrease.Color = new CCColor3B(0, 200, 20);
            CCMenuItemFont increase = new CCMenuItemFont(" + ", onIncrease);
            increase.Color = new CCColor3B(0, 200, 20);

            CCMenu menu = new CCMenu(decrease, increase);
            menu.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, s.Height / 2 + 15);
            AddChild(menu, 1);

            var infoLabel = new CCLabel("0 nodes", "arial", 30, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont);
            infoLabel.Color = new CCColor3B(0, 200, 20);
            infoLabel.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, s.Height / 2 - 15);
            AddChild(infoLabel, 1, PerformanceNodeChildrenTest.kTagInfoLayer);

            NodeChildrenMenuLayer pMenu = new NodeChildrenMenuLayer(true, PerformanceNodeChildrenTest.TEST_COUNT, PerformanceNodeChildrenTest.s_nCurCase);

예제 #2
		protected override void AddedToScene()

			screenSize = Window.WindowSizeInPixels;

			CCPoint menu1Position;
			CCPoint menu2Position;

			menuBackgroundName = "menu_background";
			//will use "menu_background.png" for non-Retina Phones 
			//will use   "menu_background-hd.png"; for retina phones
			//will use "menu_background-ipad.png";

			//same goes for images below..

			lvlButtonName1 = "levelButton1";
			lvlLockedButtonName1 = "levelButton1_locked";

			lvlButtonName2 = "levelButton2";
			lvlLockedButtonName2 = "levelButton2_locked";

			lvlButtonName3 = "levelButton3";
			lvlLockedButtonName3 = "levelButton3_locked";

			lvlButtonName4 = "levelButton4";
			lvlLockedButtonName4 = "levelButton4_locked";

			lvlButtonName5 = "levelButton5";
			lvlLockedButtonName5 = "levelButton5_locked";

			lvlButtonName6 = "levelButton6";
			lvlLockedButtonName6 = "levelButton6_locked";

			lvlButtonName7 = "levelButton7";
			lvlLockedButtonName7 = "levelButton7_locked";

			lvlButtonName8 = "levelButton8";
			lvlLockedButtonName8 = "levelButton8_locked";

			lvlButtonName9 = "levelButton9";
			lvlLockedButtonName9 = "levelButton9_locked";

			lvlButtonName10 = "levelButton10";
			lvlLockedButtonName10 = "levelButton10_locked";

			voiceButtonName = "voiceFX";
			voiceButtonNameDim = "voiceFX_dim";

			soundButtonName = "soundFX";
			soundButtonNameDim = "soundFX_dim";

			ambientButtonName = "ambientFX";
			ambientButtonNameDim = "ambientFX_dim";

			if (TheLevel.SharedLevel.IS_IPAD)
			{ //iPADs..

				menu1Position = new CCPoint(screenSize.Width / 2, 430);
				menu2Position = new CCPoint(screenSize.Width / 2, 290);

				SoundFXMenuLocation = new CCPoint(240, 170);
				VoiceFXMenuLocation = new CCPoint(480, 170);
				AmbientFXMenuLocation = new CCPoint(750, 170);

				//if( ! CCDirector.SharedDirector.enableRetinaDisplay ) {

				CCLog.Log("must be iPad 1 or 2");

				//change nothing 

				//} else {

				CCLog.Log("retina display is on-must be iPAd 3");

				//change files names for iPad 3 

				menuBackgroundName = "menu_background-ipad";  //will use @"menu_background-ipad-hd"; 

				lvlButtonName1 = "levelButton1-ipad";
				lvlLockedButtonName1 = "levelButton1_locked-ipad";

				lvlButtonName2 = "levelButton2-ipad";
				lvlLockedButtonName2 = "levelButton2_locked-ipad";

				lvlButtonName3 = "levelButton3-ipad";
				lvlLockedButtonName3 = "levelButton3_locked-ipad";

				lvlButtonName4 = "levelButton4-ipad";
				lvlLockedButtonName4 = "levelButton4_locked-ipad";

				lvlButtonName5 = "levelButton5-ipad";
				lvlLockedButtonName5 = "levelButton5_locked-ipad";

				lvlButtonName6 = "levelButton6-ipad";
				lvlLockedButtonName6 = "levelButton6_locked-ipad";

				lvlButtonName7 = "levelButton7-ipad";
				lvlLockedButtonName7 = "levelButton7_locked-ipad";

				lvlButtonName8 = "levelButton8-ipad";
				lvlLockedButtonName8 = "levelButton8_locked-ipad";

				lvlButtonName9 = "levelButton9-ipad";
				lvlLockedButtonName9 = "levelButton9_locked-ipad";

				lvlButtonName10 = "levelButton10-ipad";
				lvlLockedButtonName10 = "levelButton10_locked-ipad";

				voiceButtonName = "voiceFX-ipad";
				voiceButtonNameDim = "voiceFX_dim-ipad";

				soundButtonName = "soundFX-ipad";
				soundButtonNameDim = "soundFX_dim-ipad";

				ambientButtonName = "ambientFX-ipad";
				ambientButtonNameDim = "ambientFX_dim-ipad";

			{  //IPHONES..

				menu1Position = new CCPoint(screenSize.Width / 2, 185);
				menu2Position = new CCPoint(screenSize.Width / 2, 115);

				SoundFXMenuLocation = new CCPoint(110, 55);
				VoiceFXMenuLocation = new CCPoint(230, 55);
				AmbientFXMenuLocation = new CCPoint(355, 55);


			var theBackground = new CCSprite(menuBackgroundName);
			theBackground.Position = new CCPoint(screenSize.Width / 2, screenSize.Height / 2);
			AddChild(theBackground, 0);

			//TouchEnabled = true;

			CCMenuItem button1;
			CCMenuItem button2;
			CCMenuItem button3;
			CCMenuItem button4;
			CCMenuItem button5;
			CCMenuItem button6;
			CCMenuItem button7;
			CCMenuItem button8;
			CCMenuItem button9;
			CCMenuItem button10;

			button1 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlButtonName1, lvlButtonName1, GoToFirstLevelSection1);

			if (GameData.SharedData.CanYouGoToTheFirstLevelOfThisSection(2) == false)

				button2 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlLockedButtonName2, lvlLockedButtonName2, PlayNegativeSound);


				button2 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlButtonName2, lvlButtonName2, GoToFirstLevelSection2);

			if (GameData.SharedData.CanYouGoToTheFirstLevelOfThisSection(3) == false)

				button3 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlLockedButtonName3, lvlLockedButtonName3, PlayNegativeSound);


				button3 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlButtonName3, lvlButtonName3, GoToFirstLevelSection3);

			if (GameData.SharedData.CanYouGoToTheFirstLevelOfThisSection(4) == false)

				button4 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlLockedButtonName4, lvlLockedButtonName4, PlayNegativeSound);


				button4 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlButtonName4, lvlButtonName4, GoToFirstLevelSection4);

			if (GameData.SharedData.CanYouGoToTheFirstLevelOfThisSection(5) == false)

				button5 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlLockedButtonName5, lvlLockedButtonName5, PlayNegativeSound);


				button5 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlButtonName5, lvlButtonName5, GoToFirstLevelSection5);

			if (GameData.SharedData.CanYouGoToTheFirstLevelOfThisSection(6) == false)

				button6 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlLockedButtonName6, lvlLockedButtonName6, PlayNegativeSound);


				button6 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlButtonName6, lvlButtonName6, GoToFirstLevelSection6);

			if (GameData.SharedData.CanYouGoToTheFirstLevelOfThisSection(7) == false)

				button7 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlLockedButtonName7, lvlLockedButtonName7, PlayNegativeSound);


				button7 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlButtonName7, lvlButtonName7, GoToFirstLevelSection7);

			if (GameData.SharedData.CanYouGoToTheFirstLevelOfThisSection(8) == false)

				button8 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlLockedButtonName8, lvlLockedButtonName8, PlayNegativeSound);


				button8 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlButtonName8, lvlButtonName8, GoToFirstLevelSection8);

			if (GameData.SharedData.CanYouGoToTheFirstLevelOfThisSection(9) == false)

				button9 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlLockedButtonName9, lvlLockedButtonName9, PlayNegativeSound);


				button9 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlButtonName9, lvlButtonName9, GoToFirstLevelSection9);

			if (GameData.SharedData.CanYouGoToTheFirstLevelOfThisSection(10) == false)

				button10 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlLockedButtonName10, lvlLockedButtonName10, PlayNegativeSound);


				button10 = new CCMenuItemImage(lvlButtonName10, lvlButtonName10, GoToFirstLevelSection10);

			CCMenu Menu = new CCMenu(button1, button2, button3, button4, button5);
			Menu.Position = menu1Position;

			AddChild(Menu, 1);

			CCMenu Menu2 = new CCMenu(button6, button7, button8, button9, button10);
			Menu2.Position = menu2Position;
			AddChild(Menu2, 1);

			IsSoundFXMenuItemActive = !GameData.SharedData.AreSoundFXMuted;

			IsVoiceFXMenuActive = !GameData.SharedData.AreVoiceFXMuted;

			IsAmbientFXMenuActive = !GameData.SharedData.AreAmbientFXMuted;
예제 #3
        public void initWithSubTest(int asubtest, int nNodes)

            subtestNumber = asubtest;
            m_pSubTest = new SubTest();
            m_pSubTest.initWithSubTest(asubtest, this);

            CCSize s = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size;

            lastRenderedCount = 0;
            quantityNodes = 0;

			CCMenuItemFont.FontSize = 64;
			CCMenuItemFont.FontName = "arial";
            CCMenuItemFont decrease = new CCMenuItemFont(" - ", onDecrease);
            decrease.Color = new CCColor3B(0, 200, 20);
            CCMenuItemFont increase = new CCMenuItemFont(" + ", onIncrease);
            increase.Color = new CCColor3B(0, 200, 20);

            CCMenu menu = new CCMenu(decrease, increase);
            menu.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, s.Height - 65);
            AddChild(menu, 1);

            CCLabelTtf infoLabel = new CCLabelTtf("0 nodes", "Marker Felt", 30);
            infoLabel.Color = new CCColor3B(0, 200, 20);
            infoLabel.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, s.Height - 90);
            AddChild(infoLabel, 1, PerformanceSpriteTest.kTagInfoLayer);

            // add menu
            SpriteMenuLayer pMenu = new SpriteMenuLayer(true, PerformanceSpriteTest.TEST_COUNT, PerformanceSpriteTest.s_nSpriteCurCase);
            AddChild(pMenu, 1, PerformanceSpriteTest.kTagMenuLayer);

            // Sub Tests
			CCMenuItemFont.FontSize = 32;
			CCMenuItemFont.FontName = "arial";
            CCMenu pSubMenu = new CCMenu(null);
            for (int i = 1; i <= 9; ++i)
                //char str[10] = {0};
                var str = string.Format("{0}", i);
                CCMenuItemFont itemFont = new CCMenuItemFont(str, testNCallback);
                itemFont.Tag = i;
                pSubMenu.AddChild(itemFont, 10);

                if (i <= 3)
                    itemFont.Color = new CCColor3B(200, 20, 20);
                else if (i <= 6)
                    itemFont.Color = new CCColor3B(0, 200, 20);
                    itemFont.Color = new CCColor3B(0, 20, 200);

            pSubMenu.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, 80);
            AddChild(pSubMenu, 2);

            // add title label
            CCLabelTtf label = new CCLabelTtf(title(), "arial", 38);
            AddChild(label, 1);
            label.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, s.Height - 32);
            label.Color = new CCColor3B(255, 255, 40);

            while (quantityNodes < nNodes)
        protected override void AddedToScene()

            // ask director the the window size
            var size = VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size;

            // create and initialize a Label
            label = new CCLabel(LongSentencesExample, "fonts/markerFelt.fnt", new CCSize(size.Width / 3f, 0),
            //label.LineBreakWithoutSpace = true;
            arrowsBar = new CCSprite("Images/arrowsBar");
			arrows = new CCSprite("Images/arrows");

			CCMenuItemFont.FontSize = 20;
			CCMenuItemFont.FontName = "arial";
			var longSentences = new CCMenuItemFont("Long Flowing Sentences", stringChanged);
			var lineBreaks = new CCMenuItemFont("Short Sentences With Intentional Line Breaks", stringChanged);
			var mixed = new CCMenuItemFont("Long Sentences Mixed With Intentional Line Breaks", stringChanged);
			var stringMenu = new CCMenu(longSentences, lineBreaks, mixed);

			longSentences.Color = CCColor3B.Red;
			lastSentenceItem = longSentences;
			longSentences.Tag = LongSentences;
			lineBreaks.Tag = LineBreaks;
			mixed.Tag = Mixed;

			CCMenuItemFont.FontSize = 30;

			var left = new CCMenuItemFont("Left", alignmentChanged);
			var center = new CCMenuItemFont("Center", alignmentChanged);
			var right = new CCMenuItemFont("Right", alignmentChanged);

			var alignmentMenu = new CCMenu(left, center, right);

			center.Color = CCColor3B.Red;
            lastAlignmentItem = center;
			left.Tag = LeftAlign;
			center.Tag = CenterAlign;
			right.Tag = RightAlign;

			// position the label on the center of the screen
			label.Position = size.Center;

			arrowsBar.Visible = false;

			float arrowsWidth = (ArrowsMax - ArrowsMin) * size.Width;
			arrowsBar.ScaleX = (arrowsWidth / arrowsBar.ContentSize.Width);
			arrowsBar.Position = new CCPoint(((ArrowsMax + ArrowsMin) / 2) * size.Width, label.Position.Y);


			stringMenu.Position = new CCPoint(size.Width / 2, size.Height - menuItemPaddingCenter);
			alignmentMenu.Position = new CCPoint(size.Width / 2, menuItemPaddingCenter + 15);

예제 #5
        public virtual void initWithSubTest(int asubtest, int particles)

            subtestNumber = asubtest;
            CCSize s = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size;

            lastRenderedCount = 0;
            quantityParticles = particles;

			CCMenuItemFont.FontSize = 64;
			CCMenuItemFont.FontName = "arial";
            CCMenuItemFont decrease = new CCMenuItemFont(" - ", onDecrease);
            decrease.Color = new CCColor3B(0, 200, 20);
            CCMenuItemFont increase = new CCMenuItemFont(" + ", onIncrease);
            increase.Color = new CCColor3B(0, 200, 20);

            CCMenu menu = new CCMenu(decrease, increase);
            menu.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, s.Height / 2 + 15);
            AddChild(menu, 1);

            CCLabelTtf infoLabel = new CCLabelTtf("0 nodes", "Marker Felt", 30);
            infoLabel.Color = new CCColor3B(0, 200, 20);
            infoLabel.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, s.Height - 90);
            AddChild(infoLabel, 1, PerformanceParticleTest.kTagInfoLayer);

            // particles on stage
            CCLabelAtlas labelAtlas = new CCLabelAtlas("0000", "Images/fps_Images", 12, 32, '.');
            AddChild(labelAtlas, 0, PerformanceParticleTest.kTagLabelAtlas);
            labelAtlas.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width - 66, 50);

            // Next Prev Test
            ParticleMenuLayer pMenu = new ParticleMenuLayer(true, PerformanceParticleTest.TEST_COUNT, PerformanceParticleTest.s_nParCurIdx);
            AddChild(pMenu, 1, PerformanceParticleTest.kTagMenuLayer);

            // Sub Tests
			CCMenuItemFont.FontSize = 38;
			CCMenuItemFont.FontName = "arial";
            CCMenu pSubMenu = new CCMenu(null);
            for (int i = 1; i <= 6; ++i)
                //char str[10] = {0};
                string str;
                //sprintf(str, "%d ", i);
                str = string.Format("{0:G}", i);
                CCMenuItemFont itemFont = new CCMenuItemFont(str, testNCallback);
                itemFont.Tag = i;
                pSubMenu.AddChild(itemFont, 10);

                if (i <= 3)
                    itemFont.Color = new CCColor3B(200, 20, 20);
                    itemFont.Color = new CCColor3B(0, 200, 20);
            pSubMenu.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, 80);
            AddChild(pSubMenu, 2);

            CCLabelTtf label = new CCLabelTtf(title(), "arial", 38);
            AddChild(label, 1);
            label.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, s.Height - 32);
            label.Color = new CCColor3B(255, 255, 40);

