public LabelTTFA8Test() { var layer = new CCLayerColor(new CCColor4B(128, 128, 128, 255)); AddChild(layer, -10); // CCLabelBMFont label1 = new CCLabelTtf("Testing A8 Format", "MarkerFelt", 38); AddChild(label1); label1.Color = CCColor3B.Red; var fadeOut = new CCFadeOut (2); var fadeIn = new CCFadeIn (2); label1.RepeatForever(fadeIn, fadeOut); }
private void AddTitle() { var title = new CCLabelTtf(Settings.GameName, "kongtext", 28) { Color = CCColor3B.White, AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddleTop, PositionX = Settings.ScreenWidth/2, PositionY = 550, }; var titleShadow = new CCLabelTtf(Settings.GameName, "kongtext", 28) { Color = new CCColor3B(100, 0, 220), AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddleTop, PositionX = Settings.ScreenWidth/2, PositionY = 550, }; // Движение тени у текста с названием игры const int moveStreak = 30; var moves = new CCFiniteTimeAction[moveStreak]; for (int i = 0; i < moveStreak; i++) { moves[i] = MoveAround(); } titleShadow.RepeatForever(new CCSequence(moves)); var helper = new CCLabelTtf("Enter/Space to start, Esc to exit", "kongtext", 10) { Color = CCColor3B.Gray, AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddleBottom, PositionX = Settings.ScreenWidth/2, PositionY = 0 }; AddChild(titleShadow); AddChild(title); AddChild(helper); }
public override void OnEnter() { base.OnEnter(); m_nImageOffset = 0; CCSize size = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size; CCLabelTtf label = new CCLabelTtf("Loading...", "Marker Felt", 32); label.Position = size.Center; AddChild(label, 10); var scale = new CCScaleBy(0.3f, 2); label.RepeatForever(scale, scale.Reverse()); ScheduleOnce(LoadImages, 1.0f); }
public void createParticlesAsync() { isLoading = true; var label = new CCLabelTtf("Loading...", "MarkerFelt", 22); label.Position = _screenSize.Center; label.Position = new CCPoint(_screenSize.Center.X, _screenSize.Height * 0.75f); label.Visible = false; label.Name = "Loading"; AddChild(label, 10); var scale = new CCScaleBy(0.3f, 2); label.RunActions(new CCDelayTime(1.0f), new CCShow()); label.RepeatForever(scale, scale.Reverse()); CCParticleSystemCache.SharedParticleSystemCache.AddParticleSystemAsync("jet.plist", (jetConfig) => { _jet = new CCParticleSystemQuad(jetConfig); _jet.SourcePosition = new CCPoint(-_rocket._radius * 0.8f, 0); _jet.Angle = 180; _jet.StopSystem(); AddChild(_jet, kBackground); loadedParticleSystems++; updateLoading(); }); CCParticleSystemCache.SharedParticleSystemCache.AddParticleSystemAsync("boom.plist", (boomConfig) => { _boom = new CCParticleSystemQuad(boomConfig); _boom.StopSystem(); AddChild(_boom, kForeground); loadedParticleSystems++; updateLoading(); }); CCParticleSystemCache.SharedParticleSystemCache.AddParticleSystemAsync("comet.plist", (cometConfig) => { _comet = new CCParticleSystemQuad(cometConfig); _comet.StopSystem(); _comet.Position = new CCPoint(0, _screenSize.Height * 0.6f); _comet.Visible = false; AddChild(_comet, kForeground); loadedParticleSystems++; updateLoading(); }); CCParticleSystemCache.SharedParticleSystemCache.AddParticleSystemAsync("star.plist", (starConfig) => { _star = new CCParticleSystemQuad(starConfig); _star.StopSystem(); _star.Visible = false; AddChild(_star, kBackground, kSpriteStar); loadedParticleSystems++; updateLoading(); }); CCParticleSystemCache.SharedParticleSystemCache.AddParticleSystemAsync("plink.plist", (plinkConfig) => { _pickup = new CCParticleSystemQuad(plinkConfig); _pickup.StopSystem(); AddChild(_pickup, kMiddleground); loadedParticleSystems++; updateLoading(); }); CCParticleSystemCache.SharedParticleSystemCache.AddParticleSystemAsync("warp.plist", (warpConfig) => { _warp = new CCParticleSystemQuad(warpConfig); _warp.Position = _rocket.Position; AddChild(_warp, kBackground); loadedParticleSystems++; updateLoading(); }); }