/// <summary> /// initializes a TextureAtlas with a previously initialized Texture2D object, and /// with an initial capacity for Quads. /// The TextureAtlas capacity can be increased in runtime. /// WARNING: Do not reinitialize the TextureAtlas because it will leak memory (issue #706) /// </summary> public bool InitWithTexture(CCTexture2D texture, int capacity) { //Debug.Assert(texture != null); // retained in property m_pTexture = texture; // Re-initialization is not allowed Debug.Assert(m_pQuads == null); if (capacity < 4) { capacity = 4; } m_pVertexBuffer = new CCQuadVertexBuffer(capacity, BufferUsage.WriteOnly); m_pQuads = m_pVertexBuffer.Data; Dirty = true; return(true); }
protected virtual bool InitWithTexture(CCTexture2D tex, int capacity) { m_blendFunc = CCBlendFunc.AlphaBlend; m_pobTextureAtlas = new CCTextureAtlas(); if (capacity == 0) { capacity = kDefaultSpriteBatchCapacity; } ContentSize = tex.ContentSize; // @@ TotallyEvil - contentSize should return the size of the sprite sheet m_pobTextureAtlas.InitWithTexture(tex, capacity); UpdateBlendFunc(); // no lazy alloc in this node m_pChildren = new CCRawList <CCNode>(capacity); m_pobDescendants = new CCRawList <CCSprite>(capacity); return(true); }
public virtual void AddChild(CCNode child, int zOrder, int tag) { Debug.Assert(child != null, "Argument must be non-null"); Debug.Assert(child.m_pParent == null, "child already added. It can't be added again"); Debug.Assert(child != this, "Can not add myself to myself."); if (m_pChildren == null) { m_pChildren = new CCRawList <CCNode>(); } InsertChild(child, zOrder); child.m_nTag = tag; child.Parent = this; child.m_uOrderOfArrival = s_globalOrderOfArrival++; if (m_bRunning) { child.OnEnter(); child.OnEnterTransitionDidFinish(); } }
/// <summary> /// initializes a TextureAtlas with a previously initialized Texture2D object, and /// with an initial capacity for Quads. /// The TextureAtlas capacity can be increased in runtime. /// WARNING: Do not reinitialize the TextureAtlas because it will leak memory (issue #706) /// </summary> public bool InitWithTexture(CCTexture2D texture, int capacity) { //Debug.Assert(texture != null); // retained in property m_pTexture = texture; // Re-initialization is not allowed Debug.Assert(m_pQuads == null); if (capacity == 0) { capacity = 4; } m_pQuads = new CCRawList <CCV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad>(capacity); Dirty = true; MapBuffers(); return(true); }
public int RebuildIndexInOrder(CCSprite pobParent, int uIndex) { CCRawList <CCNode> pChildren = pobParent.Children; if (pChildren != null && pChildren.count > 0) { CCNode[] elements = pChildren.Elements; for (int i = 0, count = pChildren.count; i < count; i++) { if (elements[i].ZOrder < 0) { uIndex = RebuildIndexInOrder((CCSprite)pChildren[i], uIndex); } } } // ignore self (batch node) if (!pobParent.Equals(this)) { pobParent.AtlasIndex = uIndex; uIndex++; } if (pChildren != null && pChildren.count > 0) { CCNode[] elements = pChildren.Elements; for (int i = 0, count = pChildren.count; i < count; i++) { if (elements[i].ZOrder >= 0) { uIndex = RebuildIndexInOrder((CCSprite)elements[i], uIndex); } } } return(uIndex); }
public void RemoveSpriteFromAtlas(CCSprite pobSprite) { // remove from TextureAtlas m_pobTextureAtlas.RemoveQuadAtIndex(pobSprite.AtlasIndex); // Cleanup sprite. It might be reused (issue #569) pobSprite.BatchNode = null; int uIndex = m_pobDescendants.IndexOf(pobSprite); if (uIndex >= 0) { m_pobDescendants.RemoveAt(uIndex); // update all sprites beyond this one int count = m_pobDescendants.count; CCSprite[] elements = m_pobDescendants.Elements; for (; uIndex < count; ++uIndex) { elements[uIndex].AtlasIndex--; } } // remove children recursively CCRawList <CCNode> pChildren = pobSprite.Children; if (pChildren != null && pChildren.count > 0) { CCNode[] elements = pChildren.Elements; for (int i = 0, count = pChildren.count; i < count; i++) { RemoveSpriteFromAtlas((CCSprite)elements[i]); } } }
public void InsertChild(CCSprite pobSprite, int uIndex) { pobSprite.BatchNode = this; pobSprite.AtlasIndex = uIndex; pobSprite.Dirty = true; if (m_pobTextureAtlas.TotalQuads == m_pobTextureAtlas.Capacity) { IncreaseAtlasCapacity(); } m_pobTextureAtlas.InsertQuad(ref pobSprite.m_sQuad, uIndex); m_pobDescendants.Insert(uIndex, pobSprite); // update indices CCSprite[] delements = m_pobDescendants.Elements; for (int i = uIndex + 1, count = m_pobDescendants.count; i < count; i++) { delements[i].AtlasIndex++; } // add children recursively CCRawList <CCNode> pChildren = pobSprite.Children; if (pChildren != null && pChildren.count > 0) { CCNode[] elements = pChildren.Elements; for (int j = 0, count = pChildren.count; j < count; j++) { var pChild = (CCSprite)elements[j]; uIndex = AtlasIndexForChild(pChild, pChild.ZOrder); InsertChild(pChild, uIndex); } } }
///<summary> /// Constructs a new enumerator. ///</summary> ///<param name="list"></param> public Enumerator(CCRawList <T> list) { _index = -1; _list = list; }
private void UpdateAtlasIndex(CCSprite sprite, ref int curIndex) { int count = 0; CCRawList <CCNode> pArray = sprite.Children; if (pArray != null) { count = pArray.Count; } int oldIndex = 0; if (count == 0) { oldIndex = sprite.AtlasIndex; sprite.AtlasIndex = curIndex; sprite.m_uOrderOfArrival = 0; if (oldIndex != curIndex) { Swap(oldIndex, curIndex); } curIndex++; } else { bool needNewIndex = true; if (pArray.Elements[0].m_nZOrder >= 0) { //all children are in front of the parent oldIndex = sprite.AtlasIndex; sprite.AtlasIndex = curIndex; sprite.m_uOrderOfArrival = 0; if (oldIndex != curIndex) { Swap(oldIndex, curIndex); } curIndex++; needNewIndex = false; } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var child = (CCSprite)pArray.Elements[i]; if (needNewIndex && child.m_nZOrder >= 0) { oldIndex = sprite.AtlasIndex; sprite.AtlasIndex = curIndex; sprite.m_uOrderOfArrival = 0; if (oldIndex != curIndex) { Swap(oldIndex, curIndex); } curIndex++; needNewIndex = false; } UpdateAtlasIndex(child, ref curIndex); } if (needNewIndex) { //all children have a zOrder < 0) oldIndex = sprite.AtlasIndex; sprite.AtlasIndex = curIndex; sprite.m_uOrderOfArrival = 0; if (oldIndex != curIndex) { Swap(oldIndex, curIndex); } curIndex++; } } }
private CCBMFontConfiguration InitializeFont(string fontName, float fontSize, string charset) { if (m_pData == null) { InitializeTTFAtlas(1024, 1024); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(charset)) { charset = " "; } var chars = new CCRawList <char>(); var fontKey = GetFontKey(fontName, fontSize); CCBMFontConfiguration fontConfig; if (!s_pConfigurations.TryGetValue(fontKey, out fontConfig)) { fontConfig = new CCBMFontConfiguration(); s_pConfigurations.Add(fontKey, fontConfig); } for (int i = 0; i < charset.Length; i++) { var ch = charset[i]; if (!fontConfig.m_pFontDefDictionary.ContainsKey(ch) && chars.IndexOf(ch) == -1) { chars.Add(ch); } } if (chars.Count == 0) { return(fontConfig); } CreateFont(fontName, fontSize * CCMacros.CCContentScaleFactor(), chars); fontConfig.m_nCommonHeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(GetFontHeight()); int[] data = null; for (int i = 0; i < chars.Count; i++) { var s = chars[i].ToString(); var charSize = GetMeasureString(s); int w = (int)Math.Ceiling(charSize.Width + 2); int h = (int)Math.Ceiling(charSize.Height + 2); if (data == null || data.Length < (w * h)) { data = new int[w * h]; } unsafe { int stride; byte *pBase = GetBitmapData(s, out stride); int minX = w; int maxX = 0; int minY = h; int maxY = 0; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { var row = (int *)(pBase + y * stride); for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { if (row[x] != 0) { minX = Math.Min(minX, x); maxX = Math.Max(maxX, x); minY = Math.Min(minY, y); maxY = Math.Max(maxY, y); } } } w = Math.Max(maxX - minX + 1, 1); h = Math.Max(maxY - minY + 1, 1); //maxX = minX + w; //maxY = minY + h; int index = 0; for (int y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) { var row = (int *)(pBase + y * stride); for (int x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) { data[index] = row[x]; index++; } } var region = AllocateRegion(w, h); if (region.x >= 0) { SetRegionData(region, data, w); var info = GetKerningInfo(chars[i]); var fontDef = new CCBMFontConfiguration.CCBMFontDef() { charID = chars[i], rect = new CCRect(region.x, region.y, region.width, region.height), xOffset = minX, // + (int)Math.Ceiling(info.A), yOffset = minY, xAdvance = (int)Math.Ceiling(info.A + info.B + info.C) }; fontConfig.CharacterSet.Add(chars[i]); fontConfig.m_pFontDefDictionary.Add(chars[i], fontDef); } else { CCLog.Log("Texture atlas is full"); } } } m_bTextureDirty = true; return(fontConfig); }
protected void UpdateLabel() { SetString(m_sInitialString, true); if (m_fWidth > 0) { // Step 1: Make multiline string str_whole = m_sString; int stringLength = m_sString.Length; var multiline_string = new StringBuilder(stringLength); var last_word = new StringBuilder(stringLength); int line = 1, i = 0; bool start_line = false, start_word = false; float startOfLine = -1, startOfWord = -1; int skip = 0; CCRawList <CCNode> children = m_pChildren; for (int j = 0; j < children.count; j++) { CCSprite characterSprite; while ((characterSprite = (CCSprite)GetChildByTag(j + skip)) == null) { skip++; } if (!characterSprite.Visible) { continue; } if (i >= stringLength) { break; } char character = str_whole[i]; if (!start_word) { startOfWord = GetLetterPosXLeft(characterSprite); start_word = true; } if (!start_line) { startOfLine = startOfWord; start_line = true; } // Newline. if (character == '\n') { int len = last_word.Length; while (len > 0 && Char.IsWhiteSpace(last_word[len - 1])) { len--; last_word.Remove(len, 1); } multiline_string.Append(last_word); multiline_string.Append('\n'); #if XBOX || XBOX360 last_word.Length = 0; #else last_word.Clear(); #endif start_word = false; start_line = false; startOfWord = -1; startOfLine = -1; i++; line++; if (i >= stringLength) { break; } character = str_whole[i]; if (startOfWord == 0) { startOfWord = GetLetterPosXLeft(characterSprite); start_word = true; } if (startOfLine == 0) { startOfLine = startOfWord; start_line = true; } } // Whitespace. if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(character)) { last_word.Append(character); multiline_string.Append(last_word); #if XBOX || XBOX360 last_word.Length = 0; #else last_word.Clear(); #endif start_word = false; startOfWord = -1; i++; continue; } // Out of bounds. if (GetLetterPosXRight(characterSprite) - startOfLine > m_fWidth) { if (!m_bLineBreakWithoutSpaces) { last_word.Append(character); int len = multiline_string.Length; while (len > 0 && Char.IsWhiteSpace(multiline_string[len - 1])) { len--; multiline_string.Remove(len, 1); } if (multiline_string.Length > 0) { multiline_string.Append('\n'); } line++; start_line = false; startOfLine = -1; i++; } else { int len = last_word.Length; while (len > 0 && Char.IsWhiteSpace(last_word[len - 1])) { len--; last_word.Remove(len, 1); } multiline_string.Append(last_word); multiline_string.Append('\n'); #if XBOX || XBOX360 last_word.Length = 0; #else last_word.Clear(); #endif start_word = false; start_line = false; startOfWord = -1; startOfLine = -1; line++; if (i >= stringLength) { break; } if (startOfWord == 0) { startOfWord = GetLetterPosXLeft(characterSprite); start_word = true; } if (startOfLine == 0) { startOfLine = startOfWord; start_line = true; } j--; } continue; } else { // Character is normal. last_word.Append(character); i++; continue; } } multiline_string.Append(last_word); m_sString = multiline_string.ToString(); UpdateString(true); } // Step 2: Make alignment if (m_pAlignment != CCTextAlignment.CCTextAlignmentLeft) { int i = 0; int lineNumber = 0; int str_len = m_sString.Length; var last_line = new CCRawList <char>(); for (int ctr = 0; ctr <= str_len; ++ctr) { if (ctr == str_len || m_sString[ctr] == '\n') { float lineWidth = 0.0f; int line_length = last_line.Count; // if last line is empty we must just increase lineNumber and work with next line if (line_length == 0) { lineNumber++; continue; } int index = i + line_length - 1 + lineNumber; if (index < 0) { continue; } var lastChar = (CCSprite)GetChildByTag(index); if (lastChar == null) { continue; } lineWidth = lastChar.Position.X + lastChar.ContentSize.Width / 2.0f; float shift = 0; switch (m_pAlignment) { case CCTextAlignment.CCTextAlignmentCenter: shift = ContentSize.Width / 2.0f - lineWidth / 2.0f; break; case CCTextAlignment.CCTextAlignmentRight: shift = ContentSize.Width - lineWidth; break; default: break; } if (shift != 0) { for (int j = 0; j < line_length; j++) { index = i + j + lineNumber; if (index < 0) { continue; } var characterSprite = (CCSprite)GetChildByTag(index); characterSprite.Position = characterSprite.Position + new CCPoint(shift, 0.0f); } } i += line_length; lineNumber++; last_line.Clear(); continue; } last_line.Add(m_sString[ctr]); } } }
private static void GetKerningInfo(CCRawList <char> charset) { _abcValues.Clear(); var fontFace = new FontFace(_currentFont); var value = new ABCFloat[1]; var glyphRun = new GlyphRun(); glyphRun.FontFace = fontFace; glyphRun.FontSize = _currentDIP; var BrushColor = SharpDX.Color.White; SharpDX.DirectWrite.Matrix mtrx = new SharpDX.DirectWrite.Matrix(); mtrx.M11 = 1F; mtrx.M12 = 0; mtrx.M21 = 0; mtrx.M22 = 1F; mtrx.Dx = 0; mtrx.Dy = 0; //GlyphMetrics[] metrics = fontFace.GetGdiCompatibleGlyphMetrics(23, 1, mtrx, false, glyphIndices, false); //FontMetrics metr = fontFace.GetGdiCompatibleMetrics(23, 1, new SharpDX.DirectWrite.Matrix()); //_pRenderTarget.DrawGlyphRun(new SharpDX.DrawingPointF(left, top), glyphRun, new SharpDX.Direct2D1.SolidColorBrush(_pRenderTarget, BrushColor), MeasuringMode.GdiClassic); int[] codePoints = new int[1]; var unitsPerEm = fontFace.Metrics.DesignUnitsPerEm; var familyName = _currentFont.ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < charset.Count; i++) { var ch = charset[i]; if (!_abcValues.ContainsKey(ch)) { var textLayout = new TextLayout(FactoryDWrite, ch.ToString(), textFormat, unitsPerEm, unitsPerEm); var tlMetrics = textLayout.Metrics; var tlmWidth = tlMetrics.Width; var tllWidth = tlMetrics.LayoutWidth; codePoints[0] = (int)ch; short[] glyphIndices = fontFace.GetGlyphIndices(codePoints); glyphRun.Indices = glyphIndices; var metrics = fontFace.GetDesignGlyphMetrics(glyphIndices, false); //var width = metrics[0].AdvanceWidth + metrics[0].LeftSideBearing + metrics[0].RightSideBearing; //var glyphWidth = _currentFontSizeEm * (float)metrics[0].AdvanceWidth / unitsPerEm; //var abcWidth = _currentDIP * (float)width / unitsPerEm; //value[0].abcfA = _currentFontSizeEm * (float)metrics[0].LeftSideBearing / unitsPerEm; //value[0].abcfB = _currentFontSizeEm * (float)metrics[0].AdvanceWidth / unitsPerEm; //value[0].abcfC = _currentFontSizeEm * (float)metrics[0].RightSideBearing / unitsPerEm; // The A and C values are throwing the spacing off //value[0].abcfA = _currentDIP * (float)metrics[0].LeftSideBearing / unitsPerEm; value[0].abcfB = _currentDIP * (float)metrics[0].AdvanceWidth / unitsPerEm; //value[0].abcfC = _currentDIP * (float)metrics[0].RightSideBearing / unitsPerEm; _abcValues.Add( ch, new KerningInfo() { A = value[0].abcfA, B = value[0].abcfB, C = value[0].abcfC }); } } }
private string CreateFont(string fontName, float fontSize, CCRawList <char> charset) { if (Factory2D == null) { Factory2D = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.Factory(); FactoryDWrite = new SharpDX.DirectWrite.Factory(); FactoryImaging = new SharpDX.WIC.ImagingFactory(); dpi = Factory2D.DesktopDpi; dpiScale = dpi.Height / 72f; } if (_defaultFont == null) { _defaultFont = GenericSanSerif(); //_defaultDIP = ConvertPointSizeToDIP(_defaultFontSizeEm); } FontFamily fontFamily = GetFontFamily(fontName); if (!_fontFamilyCache.TryGetValue(fontName, out fontFamily)) { var ext = Path.GetExtension(fontName); _currentFont = _defaultFont; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ext) && ext.ToLower() == ".ttf") { //var appPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; //var contentPath = Path.Combine(appPath, CCApplication.SharedApplication.Content.RootDirectory); //var fontPath = Path.Combine(contentPath, fontName); //if (File.Exists(fontPath)) //{ // try //{ //var fontFileReference = new FontCollection( //_loadedFonts.AddFontFile(fontPath); // //fontFamily = _loadedFonts.Families[_loadedFonts.Families.Length - 1]; // //_currentFont = new Font(fontFamily, fontSize); // } // catch // { // _currentFont = _defaultFont; // } //} //else //{ _currentFont = _defaultFont; _currentFontSizeEm = fontSize; _currentDIP = ConvertPointSizeToDIP(fontSize); //} } else { _currentFont = GetFont(fontName, fontSize); _currentFontSizeEm = fontSize; _currentDIP = ConvertPointSizeToDIP(fontSize); } _fontFamilyCache.Add(fontName, _currentFont.FontFamily); } else { _currentFont = fontFamily.GetFirstMatchingFont(FontWeight.Regular, FontStretch.Normal, FontStyle.Normal); _currentFontSizeEm = fontSize; _currentDIP = ConvertPointSizeToDIP(fontSize); } fontName = _currentFont.FontFamily.FamilyNames.GetString(0); textFormat = new TextFormat(FactoryDWrite, fontName, _currentDIP); GetKerningInfo(charset); return(_currentFont.ToString()); }
private void CreateFont(string fontName, float fontSize, CCRawList <char> charset) { throw(new NotImplementedException("PSM support for CCLabel is not implemented yet.")); }