protected void loadPageDefaults() { if (userDrop.Items.Count > 0) { userDrop.Items.Clear(); } if (gr.DataSource != null) { gr.DataSource = null; gr.DataBind(); } SQL sql = new SQL(); DataTable DT = sql.getCandidates(); gr.DataSource = DT; gr.DataBind(); foreach (DataRow r in DT.Rows) { string name = r["Candidate"].ToString(); string guid = r["UserKey"].ToString(); if (!userDrop.Items.Contains(new ListItem(name, guid))) { ListItem item = new ListItem(name, guid); userDrop.Items.Add(item); } } }
protected void Reload() { testDrop.Items.Clear(); gr.DataSource = ""; gr.DataBind(); questionsWrap.InnerHtml = ""; SQL sql = new SQL(); DataTable DT = sql.GetTests(); if (DT.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow r in DT.Rows) { string id = r["TestID"].ToString(); string name = r["Name"].ToString(); if (!testDrop.Items.Contains(new ListItem(name, id))) { ListItem item = new ListItem(name, id); testDrop.Items.Add(item); } } } gr.DataSource = DT; gr.DataBind(); error.Visible = false; }
protected void add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { error.Visible = false; success.Visible = false; encrypt en = new encrypt(); SQL sql = new SQL(); string username = user.Value.ToString().Trim(); string password = pas.Value.ToString(); string conf = confirm.Value.ToString(); bool checknewUser = sql.checkNewUser(username); if (checknewUser) { errmsg.InnerText = "This user already exsists!"; error.Visible = true; } else { if (password == conf && password != string.Empty) { string enpassword = en.Encrypt(password); sql.addUser(username, enpassword); } else { errmsg.InnerText = "The passwords do not match.."; error.Visible = true; } } Reload(); }
//POST check Time public int checkTime([FromBody]string key) { SQL sql = new SQL(); Guid gu = new Guid(key); times times = sql.checkTime(gu); DateTime start = Convert.ToDateTime(times.start_time); int lesstime = times.allowed_time - 5; if (DateTime.Now < start.AddMinutes(times.allowed_time)) { if (DateTime.Now > start.AddMinutes(lesstime)) { return 3; } else { return 2; } } else { return 1; } }
protected void Login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (errorView.Visible) { errorView.Visible = false; } AD.ADAccountManagement ADinterface = new AD.ADAccountManagement(); SQL sql = new SQL(); try { bool check = sql.authUser(user.Value.ToString(), pass.Value.ToString()); if (check) { FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.Value.ToString(), false); Response.Redirect("~/Admin/Home.aspx"); } else { errorView.InnerText = "Bad Username or Password"; errorView.Visible = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { errorView.InnerText = "Error Validating account " + ex.Message.ToString(); errorView.Visible = true; } }
// POST Add public void AddQuestions([FromBody]object questionArray) { List<questions> questions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<questions>>(questionArray.ToString()); SQL sql = new SQL(); foreach (questions q in questions) { sql.addQuestions(q.question, q.test_id, q.qtype, q.points); } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string guid = userDrop.SelectedItem.Value; Guid gu = new Guid(guid); SQL sql = new SQL(); sql.cleanUpUser(gu); loadPageDefaults(); content.InnerHtml = ""; times.Visible = false; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string userkey = Request.QueryString["userkey"]; questionsWrap.Attributes.Add("userkey", userkey); Guid gu = new Guid(userkey); SQL sql = new SQL(); bool hasTaken = sql.checkIFTaken(gu); if (hasTaken) { string name = sql.CheckCandidate(gu); username.InnerText = "Candidate: " + name; int testId = sql.getTestID(gu); List<questions> list = GetQuestions(testId); foreach (questions q in list) { switch (q.qtype) { case 1: //create textarea StringBuilder sbq = new StringBuilder(); sbq.Append("<div class='well well-small'>"); sbq.Append("<p>" + q.question + "</p>"); sbq.Append("<textarea class='span12' qid='" + q.question_id + "' runat='server' "); sbq.Append("onKeyDown='limitText(this, 2600);' "); sbq.Append("onKeyUp='limitText(this, 2600);' >"); sbq.Append("</textarea></div>"); questionsWrap.InnerHtml += sbq.ToString(); break; case 2: //create true/false StringBuilder sbtf = new StringBuilder(); sbtf.Append("<div class='well well-small'>"); sbtf.Append("<p>" + q.question + "</p>"); sbtf.Append("<select qid='" + q.question_id + "'><option>true</option><option>false</option></select>"); sbtf.Append("</div>"); questionsWrap.InnerHtml += sbtf.ToString(); break; default: //nothing break; } } startTime(gu, DateTime.Now); } else { Response.Redirect("Entry.aspx"); } }
protected List<questions> GetQuestions(int id) { SQL sql = new SQL(); DataTable DT = sql.getTestQuestions(id); List<questions> list = new List<questions>(); foreach(DataRow dr in DT.Rows) { Objects.questions question = new Objects.questions(); question.question = dr["question"].ToString().Replace("@!@", "<br>"); question.qtype = int.Parse(dr["type"].ToString()); question.question_id = int.Parse(dr["identity"].ToString()); list.Add(question); } return list; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SQL sql = new SQL(); DataTable DT = sql.getUserNames(); if (DT.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow r in DT.Rows) { ListItem item = new ListItem(r["username"].ToString(), r["identity"].ToString()); if (!userDrop.Items.Contains(item)) { userDrop.Items.Add(item); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SQL sql = new SQL(); DataTable DT = sql.getCandidates(); gr.DataSource = DT; gr.DataBind(); foreach (DataRow r in DT.Rows) { string name = r["Candidate"].ToString(); string guid = r["UserKey"].ToString(); if (!userDrop.Items.Contains(new ListItem(name, guid))) { ListItem item = new ListItem(name, guid); userDrop.Items.Add(item); } } }
protected void delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { error.Visible = false; success.Visible = false; string user = userDrop.SelectedItem.Text; int id = int.Parse(userDrop.SelectedItem.Value); if (user != "Admin") { SQL sql = new SQL(); sql.removeUser(id); } else { errmsg.InnerText = "You cannot delete the Admin user!"; error.Visible = true; } Reload(); }
public bool AddAnswers([FromBody]object answerArray) { List<answers> answers = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<answers>>(answerArray.ToString()); SQL sql = new SQL(); string user = answers[1].userguid.ToString(); Guid gu = new Guid(user); bool hasTaken = sql.checkEndTime(gu); if (hasTaken) { return false; } else { foreach (answers a in answers) { sql.addAnswer(a.userguid, a.question_id, a.answer); } sql.addEndTime(gu, DateTime.Now); return true; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SQL sql = new SQL(); DataTable DT = sql.GetTests(); if (DT.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow r in DT.Rows) { string id = r["TestID"].ToString(); string name = r["Name"].ToString(); if (!testDrop.Items.Contains(new ListItem(name, id))) { ListItem item = new ListItem(name, id); testDrop.Items.Add(item); } } } gr.DataSource = DT; gr.DataBind(); error.Visible = false; }
protected void delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int id = int.Parse(testDrop.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); SQL sql = new SQL(); bool check = sql.preTestCleanChecks(id); if (check) { error.InnerText = "There are still users associated with the following test id: " + id; error.Visible = true; } else { sql.cleanupTests(id); Reload(); } } catch (Exception) { error.Visible = true; } }
protected void view_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { content.InnerHtml = ""; times.Visible = false; error.Visible = false; if (userDrop.Items.Count > 0) { string guid = userDrop.SelectedItem.Value; SQL sql = new SQL(); Guid gu = new Guid(guid); DataTable DT = sql.getUserResults(gu); if (DT.Rows.Count > 0) { string test_id = DT.Rows[0]["TestID"].ToString(); hiddeninput.Value = test_id; hiddeninput.Attributes.Add("userKey", gu.ToString()); string startTime = DT.Rows[0]["StartTime"].ToString(); string endTime = DT.Rows[0]["EndTime"].ToString(); DateTime started = Convert.ToDateTime(startTime); DateTime ended = Convert.ToDateTime(endTime); TimeSpan timeTaken = ended - started; total.InnerText = timeTaken.ToString(); start.InnerText = startTime; end.InnerText = endTime; foreach (DataRow r in DT.Rows) { int type = int.Parse(r["Type"].ToString()); string question = r["Question"].ToString().Replace("@!@", "<br>"); ; string answer = r["Answer"].ToString().Replace("@!@", "\n"); int points = int.Parse(r["Points"].ToString()); switch (type) { case 1: //create textarea StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<div class='well well-small'>"); sb.Append("<p>" + question + "</p>"); sb.Append("<textarea class='span12' runat='server'>" + answer + "</textarea><br />"); sb.Append("Number of Points: <input type='text' style='width:20px;' /> /<span name='points'>" + points + "</span></div>"); content.InnerHtml += sb.ToString(); break; case 2: //create textarea StringBuilder sbtf = new StringBuilder(); sbtf.Append("<div class='well well-small'>"); sbtf.Append("<p>True/False " + question + "</p>"); sbtf.Append("<textarea class='span12' runat='server'>" + answer + "</textarea><br />"); sbtf.Append("Number of Points: <input type='text' style='width:20px;' /> /<span name='points'>" + points + "</span></div>"); content.InnerHtml += sbtf.ToString(); break; } } times.Visible = true; } else { error.Visible = true; } } else { error.Visible = true; } }
public bool setScore([FromBody]object pointsArray) { try { List<Score> scoreObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Score>>(pointsArray.ToString()); int test_id = int.Parse(scoreObject[0].test_id.ToString()); double userPoints = int.Parse(scoreObject[0].totalPoints.ToString()); Guid gu = new Guid(scoreObject[0].userKey.ToString()); SQL sql = new SQL(); double total = sql.getPoints(test_id); double divide = (userPoints / total); double result = (divide * 100); int percent = Convert.ToInt32(result); string score = percent + "%"; sql.setScore(gu, score); return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } }
protected void reset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { error.Visible = false; success.Visible = false; int id = int.Parse(userDrop.SelectedItem.Value); string password = pas.Value.ToString(); string conf = confirm.Value.ToString(); encrypt en = new encrypt(); if (password == conf && password != string.Empty) { string enpassword = en.Encrypt(password); try { SQL sql = new SQL(); sql.resetPassword(id, enpassword); successmsg.InnerText = "Password Reset"; success.Visible = true; } catch (Exception ex) { errmsg.InnerText = "Error occoured changing password " + ex.Message.ToString(); error.Visible = true; } } else { errmsg.InnerText = "The passwords do not match.."; error.Visible = true; } }
protected void view_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { questionsWrap.InnerHtml = ""; try{ int id = int.Parse(testDrop.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()); SQL sql = new SQL(); DataTable data = sql.getTestQuestions(id); if (data.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow r in data.Rows) { int qid = int.Parse(r["identity"].ToString()); string question = r["question"].ToString().Replace("@!@", "\n"); int type = int.Parse(r["type"].ToString()); switch (type) { case 1: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<div class='row-fluid'><div class='well well-small'>"); sb.Append("<textarea disabled='disabled' qid='" + qid + "'>" + question + "</textarea><br />"); sb.Append("</div></div>"); questionsWrap.InnerHtml += sb.ToString(); break; case 2: StringBuilder sbtf = new StringBuilder(); sbtf.Append("<div class='row-fluid'><div class='well well-small'>"); sbtf.Append("<textarea disabled='disabled' qid='" + qid + "'>" + question + "</textarea>"); sbtf.Append("<select><option>True</option><option>False</option></select> <br />"); sbtf.Append("</div></div>"); questionsWrap.InnerHtml += sbtf.ToString(); break; } } } else { error.Visible = true; } } catch(Exception){ error.Visible = true; } }
//POST Update Quesions public void UpdateQuestions([FromBody]object questionArray) { List<questions> questions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<questions>>(questionArray.ToString()); SQL sql = new SQL(); foreach (questions q in questions) { sql.updateQuestions(q.question, q.question_id); } }
//POST Test Creations public int CreateTest([FromBody]string name) { SQL sql = new SQL(); var id = sql.CreateTest(name); int testId = int.Parse(id.ToString()); return testId; }
protected void btnCheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SQL sql = new SQL(); try { Guid gu = new Guid(key.Value.Trim().ToString()); bool hasTaken = sql.checkIFTaken(gu); if (hasTaken) { string name = sql.CheckCandidate(gu); if (name == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(); } int allowed_time = sql.getAllowedTime(gu); time.InnerText = allowed_time.ToString() + " Minutes"; Username.Value = name; if (error.Visible == true) { error.Visible = false; complete.Visible = true; key.Disabled = true; } else { complete.Visible = true; key.Disabled = true; } } else { if (complete.Visible == true) { complete.Visible = false; error.Visible = true; error.InnerText = "It looks like you have already taken this test!"; } else { error.Visible = true; error.InnerText = "It looks like you have already taken this test!"; } } } catch(NullReferenceException){ if (complete.Visible == true) { complete.Visible = false; error.Visible = true; } else { error.Visible = true; } } catch (Exception) { if (complete.Visible == true) { complete.Visible = false; error.Visible = true; } else { error.Visible = true; } } }
//POST Set totalpoins public void setPoints([FromBody] object pointsArray) { List<test> testObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<test>>(pointsArray.ToString()); SQL sql = new SQL(); sql.setPoints(testObject[0].id, testObject[0].points); }
protected void startTime(Guid gu, DateTime now) { SQL sql = new SQL(); sql.addStartTime(gu, now); }
protected void Reload() { userDrop.Items.Clear(); SQL sql = new SQL(); DataTable DT = sql.getUserNames(); if (DT.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow r in DT.Rows) { ListItem item = new ListItem(r["username"].ToString(), r["identity"].ToString()); if (!userDrop.Items.Contains(item)) { userDrop.Items.Add(item); } } } }
public bool checkName([FromBody] string name) { SQL sql = new SQL(); bool check = sql.checkTest(name); return check; }