new public static IEnumerable <string> GetUsageOptions() { IEnumerable <string> options = FusionFlags.GetUsageOptions(); List <string> additionalOptions = new List <string>(); List <string> symmetries = SymmetryBuilderFactory.GetKnownSymmetryNames().Where(sym => !sym.StartsWith("C")).ToList(); // architecture options additionalOptions.Add(GetFormattedOptionString("-arch <architecture>", "desired symmetry architecture, options are:")); additionalOptions.Add(GetFormattedOptionString("", symmetries.Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b))); // axis1 options additionalOptions.Add(GetFormattedOptionString("-axis1 <axis>", "first axis name corresponding to selected architecture")); foreach (string symmetry in symmetries) { additionalOptions.Add(GetFormattedOptionString("", String.Format("\t{0} available in architecture {1}", GetAxesOptionsString(symmetry), symmetry))); } // axis2 options additionalOptions.Add(GetFormattedOptionString("-axis2 <axis>", "first axis name corresponding to selected architecture")); foreach (string symmetry in symmetries) { additionalOptions.Add(GetFormattedOptionString("", String.Format("\t{0} available in architecture {1}", GetAxesOptionsString(symmetry), symmetry))); } // oligomer selection additionalOptions.Add(GetFormattedOptionString("-regex_oligomer1 <regex>", "oligomer1 pdb search pattern")); additionalOptions.Add(GetFormattedOptionString("-regex_oligomer2 <regex>", "oligomer2 pdb search pattern")); return(options.Concat(additionalOptions)); }
new public static IEnumerable <string> GetUsageOptions() { return(FusionFlags.GetUsageOptions().Concat(new String[] { GetFormattedOptionString("-multiplicity", "An integer 2 or greater; the number of times the assembly should be patterned."), GetFormattedOptionString("-regex_assembly <regex>", "Regular expression naming at least one multi-chain assembly. All scaffold directories are searched by default."), GetFormattedOptionString("-regex_repeat <regex>", "Regular expression naming repeat proteins. The DHR scaffold directory is searched by default."), GetFormattedOptionString("-chain_index1 <char>", "Assembly chain index to use at the N-terminus of the final fusion."), GetFormattedOptionString("-chain_index2 <char>", "Assembly chain index to use at the C-terminus of the final fusion."), })); }
new public static IEnumerable <string> GetUsageOptions() { return(FusionFlags.GetUsageOptions().Concat(new String[] { GetFormattedOptionString("-regex_n <path>", "Full path (or optionally regular expression) of one or more pdbs"), GetFormattedOptionString("-regex_c <path>", "Full path (or optionally regular expression) of one or more pdbs"), GetFormattedOptionString("-range_n <int> <int>", "Limit the allowed alignment ranges to the indicated inclusive range"), GetFormattedOptionString("", "Only for use with a single N-terminal peptide - not a set"), GetFormattedOptionString("-range_c <int> <int>", "Limit the allowed alignment ranges to the indicated inclusive range"), GetFormattedOptionString("", "Only for use with a single C-terminal peptide - not a set"), })); }