/// <summary> /// Initialises a new element declaration instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of the element.</param> /// <param name="sto">Whether the start tag is optional.</param> /// <param name="eto">Whether the end tag is optional.</param> /// <param name="cm"> /// The <see cref="ContentModel" /> of the element. /// </param> /// <param name="inclusions"></param> /// <param name="exclusions"></param> public ElementDecl(string name, bool sto, bool eto, ContentModel cm, string[] inclusions, string[] exclusions) { m_name = name; m_startTagOptional = sto; m_endTagOptional = eto; m_contentModel = cm; m_inclusions = inclusions; m_exclusions = exclusions; }
private void ParseModel(char cmt, ContentModel cm) { // Called when part of the model is made up of the contents of a parameter entity var depth = cm.CurrentDepth; var ch = this.m_current.Lastchar; ch = this.m_current.SkipWhitespace(); while (ch != cmt || cm.CurrentDepth > depth) // the entity must terminate while inside the content model. { if (ch == Entity.EOF) { this.m_current.Error("Content Model was not closed"); } if (ch == '%') { var e = ParseParameterEntity(cmterm); PushEntity(this.m_current.ResolvedUri, e); ParseModel(Entity.EOF, cm); PopEntity(); ch = this.m_current.SkipWhitespace(); } else if (ch == '(') { cm.PushGroup(); this.m_current.ReadChar(); // consume '(' ch = this.m_current.SkipWhitespace(); } else if (ch == ')') { ch = this.m_current.ReadChar(); // consume ')' if (ch == '*' || ch == '+' || ch == '?') { cm.AddOccurrence(ch); ch = this.m_current.ReadChar(); } if (cm.PopGroup() < depth) { this.m_current.Error("Parameter entity cannot close a paren outside it's own scope"); } ch = this.m_current.SkipWhitespace(); } else if (ch == ',' || ch == '|' || ch == '&') { cm.AddConnector(ch); this.m_current.ReadChar(); // skip connector ch = this.m_current.SkipWhitespace(); } else { string token; if (ch == '#') { ch = this.m_current.ReadChar(); token = "#" + this.m_current.ScanToken(this.m_sb, cmterm, true); // since '#' is not a valid name character. } else { token = this.m_current.ScanToken(this.m_sb, cmterm, true); } token = token.ToUpperInvariant(); ch = this.m_current.Lastchar; if (ch == '?' || ch == '+' || ch == '*') { cm.PushGroup(); cm.AddSymbol(token); cm.AddOccurrence(ch); cm.PopGroup(); this.m_current.ReadChar(); // skip connector ch = this.m_current.SkipWhitespace(); } else { cm.AddSymbol(token); ch = this.m_current.SkipWhitespace(); } } } }
private ContentModel ParseContentModel(char ch) { var cm = new ContentModel(); if (ch == '(') { this.m_current.ReadChar(); ParseModel(')', cm); ch = this.m_current.ReadChar(); if (ch == '?' || ch == '+' || ch == '*') { cm.AddOccurrence(ch); this.m_current.ReadChar(); } } else if (ch == '%') { var e = ParseParameterEntity(dcterm); PushEntity(this.m_current.ResolvedUri, e); cm = ParseContentModel(this.m_current.Lastchar); PopEntity(); // bugbug should be at EOF. } else { var dc = ScanName(dcterm); cm.SetDeclaredContent(dc); } return cm; }