public ActionResult CreatePost()
            var currentUser = (User) Session["CurrentUser"];
            var taskList = new TaskList { Owner = currentUser };


                // Check if a tasklist already exists with the same title.
                var existingTaskList = _taskListsService.Get(t => t.PartitionKey == currentUser.RowKey && t.Title == taskList.Title);

                if (existingTaskList != null)
                    ViewBag.ValidationErrors = new List<ValidationResult> { new ValidationResult(string.Format("The taskList with the title '{0}' already exists.", taskList.Title)) };
                    return View(taskList);

                if (taskList.IsValid())
                    return RedirectToAction("Index");
                    ViewBag.ValidationErrors = taskList.GetValidationErrors();
            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.ValidationErrors = new List<ValidationResult> { new ValidationResult(string.Format("Create taskList exception: {0}", ex.Message)) };

            return View(taskList);