public void Login_context_test() { if (TestUtil.IgnoreCertificate) { System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = ((sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true); } CloudCredentials credentials = new CloudCredentials(); credentials.User = TestUtil.User; credentials.Password = TestUtil.Password; var client = TestUtil.GetClient(); var authEndpoint = client.Info.GetInfo().Result.AuthorizationEndpoint; var authUri = new Uri(authEndpoint.TrimEnd('/') + "/oauth/token"); UAAClient uaaClient = new UAAClient(authUri); var context = uaaClient.Login(credentials).Result; Assert.IsTrue(context.IsLoggedIn); Assert.AreEqual(context.Uri, authUri); Assert.IsNotNull(context.Token.AccessToken); Assert.IsNotNull(context.Token.RefreshToken); Assert.AreEqual(TestUtil.User, context.Token.UserName); Assert.IsNotNull(context.Token.UserGuid); Assert.IsFalse(context.Token.IsExpired); Assert.IsTrue(context.Token.Expires > DateTime.Now); }
public static void ClassInit(TestContext context) { client = TestUtil.GetClient(); CloudCredentials credentials = new CloudCredentials(); credentials.User = TestUtil.User; credentials.Password = TestUtil.Password; try { client.Login(credentials).Wait(); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Error while loging in" + ex.ToString()); } CreateOrganizationRequest org = new CreateOrganizationRequest(); org.Name = "test_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var newOrg = client.Organizations.CreateOrganization(org).Result; orgGuid = newOrg.EntityMetadata.Guid; CreateSpaceRequest spc = new CreateSpaceRequest(); spc.Name = "test_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); spc.OrganizationGuid = orgGuid; var newSpace = client.Spaces.CreateSpace(spc).Result; spaceGuid = newSpace.EntityMetadata.Guid; CreatesSharedDomainDeprecatedRequest r = new CreatesSharedDomainDeprecatedRequest(); r.Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".com"; r.Wildcard = true; domainGuid = client.DomainsDeprecated.CreatesSharedDomainDeprecated(r).Result.EntityMetadata.Guid; }
public static void ClassInit(TestContext context) { client = TestUtil.GetClient(); CloudCredentials credentials = new CloudCredentials(); credentials.User = TestUtil.User; credentials.Password = TestUtil.Password; try { client.Login(credentials).Wait(); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Error while loging in" + ex.ToString()); } CreateOrganizationRequest org = new CreateOrganizationRequest(); org.Name = "test_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var newOrg = client.Organizations.CreateOrganization(org).Result; orgGuid = newOrg.EntityMetadata.Guid; CreateSpaceRequest spc = new CreateSpaceRequest(); spc.Name = "test_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); spc.OrganizationGuid = orgGuid; var newSpace = client.Spaces.CreateSpace(spc).Result; spaceGuid = newSpace.EntityMetadata.Guid; stackGuid = client.Stacks.ListAllStacks().Result[0].EntityMetadata.Guid; }
public async Task<AuthenticationContext> Login(CloudCredentials credentials) { var token = await this.authentication.Authenticate(credentials); this.context.Token = token; this.context.Uri = this.targetUri; this.context.IsLoggedIn = true; return this.context; }
public static void ClassInit(TestContext context) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tempAppPath); client = TestUtil.GetClient(); CloudCredentials credentials = new CloudCredentials(); credentials.User = TestUtil.User; credentials.Password = TestUtil.Password; try { client.Login(credentials).Wait(); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Error while logging in" + ex.ToString()); } PagedResponseCollection<ListAllSpacesResponse> spaces = client.Spaces.ListAllSpaces().Result; Guid spaceGuid = Guid.Empty; foreach (ListAllSpacesResponse space in spaces) { spaceGuid = space.EntityMetadata.Guid; break; } if (spaceGuid == Guid.Empty) { throw new Exception("No spaces found"); } PagedResponseCollection<ListAllAppsResponse> apps = client.Apps.ListAllApps().Result; foreach (ListAllAppsResponse app in apps) { if (app.Name.StartsWith("logTest")) { client.Apps.DeleteApp(app.EntityMetadata.Guid).Wait(); break; } } apprequest = new CreateAppRequest(); apprequest.Name = "logTest" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); apprequest.Memory = 512; apprequest.Instances = 1; apprequest.SpaceGuid = spaceGuid; apprequest.Buildpack = ""; apprequest.EnvironmentJson = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "env-test-1234", "env-test-value-1234" } }; apprequest.Command = "export; cat content.txt; sleep 5000;"; client.Apps.PushProgress += Apps_PushProgress; File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(tempAppPath, "content.txt"), "dummy content"); }
public static void ClassInit(TestContext context) { client = TestUtil.GetClient(); CloudCredentials credentials = new CloudCredentials(); credentials.User = TestUtil.User; credentials.Password = TestUtil.Password; try { client.Login(credentials).Wait(); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Error while loging in" + ex.ToString()); } }
public void Login_test() { var client = TestUtil.GetClient(); CloudCredentials credentials = new CloudCredentials(); credentials.User = TestUtil.User; credentials.Password = TestUtil.Password; try { client.Login(credentials).Wait(); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Error while loging in" + ex.ToString()); } }
public void Login_refresh_token_test() { if (TestUtil.IgnoreCertificate) { System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = ((sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true); } CloudCredentials credentials = new CloudCredentials(); credentials.User = TestUtil.User; credentials.Password = TestUtil.Password; var client = TestUtil.GetClient(); var authEndpoint = client.Info.GetInfo().Result.AuthorizationEndpoint; var authUri = new Uri(authEndpoint.TrimEnd('/') + "/oauth/token"); UAAClient uaaClient = new UAAClient(authUri); var context = uaaClient.Login(credentials).Result; client.Login(context.Token.RefreshToken).Wait(); client.Buildpacks.ListAllBuildpacks().Wait(); }
public void Login_incorrect_user_test() { var client = TestUtil.GetClient(); CloudCredentials credentials = new CloudCredentials(); credentials.User = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); credentials.Password = TestUtil.Password; try { client.Login(credentials).Wait(); } catch (AggregateException aggEx) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(aggEx.InnerException, typeof(AuthenticationException)); Assert.IsTrue(aggEx.InnerException.Message.Contains("invalid_grant")); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Expected AuthError but got :" + ex.ToString()); } }
internal CloudFoundryClient InitClient() { CloudFoundryClient client = new CloudFoundryClient(new Uri(CFServerUri), new System.Threading.CancellationToken(), null, CFSkipSslValidation); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CFUser)==false && (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CFPassword) == false || CFSavedPassword)) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CFPassword)) { this.CFPassword = CloudCredentialsManager.GetPassword(new Uri(this.CFServerUri), this.CFUser); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.CFPassword)) { throw new AuthenticationException( string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Could not find a password for user '{0}' and target '{1}' in your local credentials store. Either make sure the entry exists in your credentials store, or provide CFPassword.", this.CFUser, this.CFServerUri)); } } CloudCredentials creds = new CloudCredentials(); creds.User = CFUser; creds.Password = CFPassword; var authContext = client.Login(creds).Result; if (this is LoginTask) { if (authContext.Token != null) { ((LoginTask)this).CFRefreshToken = authContext.Token.RefreshToken; } } } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CFRefreshToken) == false) { client.Login(CFRefreshToken).Wait(); } else { throw new AuthenticationException("Could not authenticate client without refresh token or credentials."); } return client; }
public static void ClassInit(TestContext context) { client = TestUtil.GetClient(); CloudCredentials credentials = new CloudCredentials(); credentials.User = TestUtil.User; credentials.Password = TestUtil.Password; try { client.Login(credentials).Wait(); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Error while loging in" + ex.ToString()); } PagedResponseCollection<ListAllSpacesResponse> spaces = client.Spaces.ListAllSpaces().Result; Guid spaceGuid = Guid.Empty; foreach (ListAllSpacesResponse space in spaces) { spaceGuid = space.EntityMetadata.Guid; break; } if (spaceGuid == Guid.Empty) { throw new Exception("No spaces found"); } PagedResponseCollection<ListAllStacksResponse> stacks = client.Stacks.ListAllStacks().Result; var winStack = Guid.Empty; foreach (ListAllStacksResponse stack in stacks) { if (stack.Name == "win2012r2" || stack.Name == "win2012") { winStack = stack.EntityMetadata.Guid; break; } } if (winStack == Guid.Empty) { throw new Exception("Could not test on a deployment without a windows 2012 stack"); } PagedResponseCollection<ListAllAppsResponse> apps = client.Apps.ListAllApps().Result; foreach (ListAllAppsResponse app in apps) { if (app.Name.StartsWith("simplePushTest")) { client.Apps.DeleteApp(app.EntityMetadata.Guid).Wait(); break; } } apprequest = new CreateAppRequest(); apprequest.Memory = 512; apprequest.Instances = 1; apprequest.SpaceGuid = spaceGuid; apprequest.StackGuid = winStack; client.Apps.PushProgress += Apps_PushProgress; }
// { Token = new UAA.Authentication.Token() { RefreshToken = "mytoken" } } - Token is read-only and cannot be assigned to from shim context without fakeing uaa internal static Task<AuthenticationContext> CustomLogin(CloudController.V2.Client.CloudFoundryClient arg1, CloudCredentials arg2) { return Task.Factory.StartNew<AuthenticationContext>(() => { return new AuthenticationContext(); }); }
public async Task<AuthenticationContext> Login(CloudCredentials credentials) { var info = await this.Info.GetInfo(); var authUrl = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1}", info.AuthorizationEndpoint.TrimEnd('/'), "/oauth/token"); this.UAAClient = new UAAClient(new Uri(authUrl), this.HttpProxy, this.SkipCertificateValidation); var context = await this.UAAClient.Login(credentials); if (context.IsLoggedIn) { //// Workaround for HCF. Some CC requests (e.g. dev role + bind route, update app, etc..) will fail the first time after login with 401. //// Calling the CC's /v2/info endpoint will prevent this misbehavior. await this.Info.GetInfo(); } return context; }