private void NewRecord() { clothRecord = new ClothTable.Cloth(); flagEdit = 1; selectedRecord = 0; bodyStrucSelected = -1; bodyStructIndex = 0; }
private void SelectRecord(int id) { selectedRecord = id; clothRecord = clothTable.GetRecord(id); bodyStrucSelected = bodyStrucList.FindIndex(x => x.ID == clothRecord.IDBodyStructure); FilterSlots(bodyStrucSelected); //Update selected slots array List <ClothTable.ClothSlots> tList = clothTable.GetSlotsList(selectedRecord); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tList.Count; i++) { index = bodyStrucSlots.FindIndex(x => x.IDSlot == tList [i].ClothSlot); if (index > -1) { selectedSlots [index] = true; } } //Update models list List <ClothTable.ClothModels> mList = clothTable.GetModelsList(selectedRecord); for (int i = 0; i < mList.Count; i++) { ModelPrefab tRec = modelsList.Find(x => x.IDSubtype == mList [i].IDBodySubtype); tRec.PrefabName = mList [i].ModelName; //Try to find the object GameObject prefabToLoad = (GameObject)Resources.Load(_config.GetPathName(CSConfig.PathTypeEnum.ClothPath) + "/" + tRec.PrefabName); if (prefabToLoad != null) { tRec.Prefab = prefabToLoad; tRec.PrefabSelected = prefabToLoad; } else { tRec.PrefabError = true; } } flagEdit = 2; }