internal static void DynamicRainOnNewDay(WeatherConditions curr, MersenneTwister Dice) { if (!curr.HasWeather(CurrentWeather.Rain)) { return; } curr.SetRainAmt(70); //Rain chances. This will also affect storms (in that storms still can have variable rain) . //only roll this if it's actually raining. :| double roll = Dice.NextDouble(); if (roll <= ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.VariableRainChance && Game1.isRaining) { ClimatesOfFerngill.Logger.Log($"With {roll}, we are setting for variable rain against {ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.VariableRainChance}"); curr.SetVariableRain(true); //check for overcast chance first. if (Dice.NextDouble() < ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.OvercastChance && !Game1.isLightning) { WeatherUtilities.SetWeatherOvercast(true); SDVUtilities.AlterWaterStatusOfCrops(water: false); SDVUtilities.ShowMessage(ClimatesOfFerngill.Translator.Get("hud-text.desc_overcast"), 0); } //now that we've done that base check, we need to change the rainfall... //... after we calc rainfall to see if it's watered. Essentially, every time this is called, //... it'll check to see if it should flip the tiles. //Variable Rain may set the starting rain at 0300 to be something else than normal, and as such, StartingRain should // only be checked if IsVariableRain is true. // Odds are fixed: Normal (default) is 72%, Light is 16%, Heavy is 6%, Sunshower is 5%, Severe is 1% double startingRainRoll = Dice.NextDouble(); if (startingRainRoll <= .72) { curr.StartingRain = RainLevels.Normal; } else if (startingRainRoll > .72 && startingRainRoll <= .88) { curr.StartingRain = RainLevels.Light; } else if (startingRainRoll > .88 && startingRainRoll <= .94) { curr.StartingRain = RainLevels.Heavy; } else if (startingRainRoll > .94 && startingRainRoll <= .99) { curr.StartingRain = RainLevels.Sunshower; } else if (startingRainRoll > .99) { curr.StartingRain = RainLevels.Severe; } if (Game1.isLightning && !(curr.StartingRain == RainLevels.Light || curr.StartingRain == RainLevels.Sunshower || curr.StartingRain == RainLevels.Normal)) { curr.StartingRain = RainLevels.Heavy; } curr.SetRainAmt(WeatherUtilities.GetRainCategoryMidPoint(curr.StartingRain)); curr.TodayRain = curr.AmtOfRainDrops; //now run this for 0300 to 0600. for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) { curr.SetRainAmt(GetNewRainAmount(curr.AmtOfRainDrops, ClimatesOfFerngill.Translator)); curr.TodayRain += curr.AmtOfRainDrops; } //set starting amount at 6am curr.RefreshRainAmt(); } }
internal static void ForceVariableRain() { Conditions.SetVariableRain(true); }