예제 #1
		public NodeMenuItem(string text, TreeNode tn, NodeDef parentNode, NodeDef childNode, Popup popup)
			: base(text)
			this.tn = tn;
			this.parentNode = parentNode;
			this.childNode = childNode;
			this.popup = popup;
예제 #2
파일: XTree.cs 프로젝트: keithshort/HOPE
		protected void BuildFlatNodeList(NodeDef node)
			foreach (NodeDef child in node.Nodes)
				if (child.Name == null)
					throw new ApplicationException("NodeDef Name cannot be null.");

				// System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Child='" + child.Text + "'");
				// System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Adding controller node map:" + (child.ImplementingType==null ? "null" : child.ImplementingType.ToString()) + ", " + (child.TypeData==null ? "null" : child.TypeData.ToString()));
				nodeList[child.Name] = child;
				controllerToNodeDefMap[new ControllerInfo(child.ImplementingType, child.TypeData)] = child;
				nameToNodeDefMap[child.Name] = child;

				if (!child.Recurse)
예제 #3
파일: XTree.cs 프로젝트: keithshort/HOPE
		protected void UpdateImageList(TreeNode tn, NodeDef nodeDef, IXtreeNode inst)
			if (nodeDef.ImageList != null)
				// Have images been loaded into the TreeView's image list?
				if (nodeDef.ImageOffset == -1)
					// No.  Load them and save the offset.
					nodeDef.ImageOffset = ImageList.Images.Count;

					foreach (Image img in nodeDef.ImageList.Images)


				// Yes, just update the indices.
				tn.ImageIndex = nodeDef.ImageOffset + inst.IconIndex;
				tn.SelectedImageIndex = nodeDef.ImageOffset + inst.SelectedIconIndex;
예제 #4
파일: XTree.cs 프로젝트: keithshort/HOPE
		public ContextMenu BuildContextMenu(TreeNode tn, NodeDef n)
			ContextMenu cm = new ContextMenu();
			bool first = true;

			// Populate from this node's popup collection.
			if (n.PopupItems.Count != 0)
				foreach (Popup popup in n.PopupItems)
					NodeMenuItem nmi = new NodeMenuItem(popup.Text, tn, n, null, popup);

                    if (popup.PopupItems.Count == 0)
                        nmi.Click += new EventHandler(OnContextItem);
                        nmi.Enabled = ((NodeInstance)tn.Tag).Instance.IsEnabled(popup.Tag, popup.Enabled);

                    BuildChildPopups(nmi, popup, tn, n, null);

				first = false;

			// For each child node, populate from the child's ParentPopupItems collection.
			foreach (NodeDef child in n.Nodes)
				NodeDef refNode = child;

				// Resolve any referenced node.
				if (child.IsRef)
					if (!nodeList.ContainsKey(child.RefName))
						throw new ApplicationException("referenced node does not exist.");

					refNode = nodeList[child.RefName];

				if (refNode.ParentPopupItems.Count != 0)
					if (!first)
						if (child.Separator)
							cm.MenuItems.Add(new NodeMenuItem("-", tn, n, null, null));

					first = false;

					// Populate the items.
					foreach (Popup popup in refNode.ParentPopupItems)

                        NodeMenuItem nmi = new NodeMenuItem(popup.Text, tn, n, refNode, popup);

                        if (popup.PopupItems.Count == 0)
                            nmi.Click += new EventHandler(OnContextItem);
                            nmi.Enabled = ((NodeInstance)tn.Tag).Instance.IsEnabled(popup.Tag, popup.Enabled);

                        BuildChildPopups(nmi, popup, tn, n, refNode);

                        //NodeMenuItem nmi = new NodeMenuItem(popup.Text, tn, n, refNode, popup);
                        //nmi.Click += new EventHandler(OnContextItem);
                        //nmi.Enabled = ((NodeInstance)tn.Tag).Instance.IsEnabled(popup.Tag, popup.Enabled);

			// Add custom items.
			NodeMenuItem spacer = new NodeMenuItem("-", tn, n, null, null);
			NodeMenuItem collapse = new NodeMenuItem("Collapse", tn, n, null, null);
			collapse.Click += new EventHandler(OnCollapse);
			NodeMenuItem expand = new NodeMenuItem("Expand", tn, n, null, null);
			expand.Click += new EventHandler(OnExpand);
			NodeMenuItem expandAll = new NodeMenuItem("Expand All", tn, n, null, null);
			expandAll.Click += new EventHandler(OnExpandAll);

			return cm;														  
예제 #5
파일: XTree.cs 프로젝트: keithshort/HOPE
        protected void BuildChildPopups(NodeMenuItem nmi, Popup popup, TreeNode tn, NodeDef n, NodeDef refNode)
            foreach (Popup childPopup in popup.PopupItems)
                NodeMenuItem nmiChild = new NodeMenuItem(childPopup.Text, tn, n, refNode, childPopup);

                if (childPopup.PopupItems.Count == 0)
                    nmiChild.Click += new EventHandler(OnContextItem);
                    nmiChild.Enabled = ((NodeInstance)tn.Tag).Instance.IsEnabled(childPopup.Tag, childPopup.Enabled);

                BuildChildPopups(nmiChild, childPopup, tn, n, refNode);
예제 #6
파일: XTree.cs 프로젝트: keithshort/HOPE
		public TreeNode CreateNodeAndRequiredChildren(NodeDef nodeDef, IXtreeNode parentInst)
			TreeNode tn = CreateNode(nodeDef, parentInst);
			UpdateImageList(tn, nodeDef, parentInst);

			foreach (NodeDef child in nodeDef.Nodes)
				// If the current node is recursive, then ignore nodes from the parent
				// that are NOT recursive.  In other words, the current node should only
				// select itself.  This prevents required nodes of the parent from being added.
				if ((nodeDef.Recurse) && (!child.Recurse))

				if (child.IsRequired)
					IXtreeNode inst = child.CreateImplementingType(parentInst);
					// Set the qualifier to distinguish a generic controller with a concrete type that it manages.
					inst.TypeData = child.TypeData;
					TreeNode tnChild = CreateNodeAndRequiredChildren(child, inst);
					bool success = inst.AddNode(parentInst, null);
					OnNewNode(new NewNodeEventArgs(inst, nodeDef, tnChild));

			return tn;
예제 #7
파일: XTree.cs 프로젝트: keithshort/HOPE
		public TreeNode CreateNode(NodeDef nodeDef, IXtreeNode inst)
			TreeNode tn = new TreeNode();
			tn.Text = nodeDef.Text;

			// If no controller is specified, use the text in the NodeDef.
			if (!(inst is PlaceholderInstance))
				// Otherwise, get the text from the controller...
				if (inst.Name != null)
					// if it's not null!
					tn.Text = inst.Name;

			tn.Tag = new NodeInstance(tn, nodeDef, inst);
			UpdateImageList(tn, nodeDef, inst);

			return tn;
예제 #8
파일: XTree.cs 프로젝트: keithshort/HOPE
		public NewNodeEventArgs(IXtreeNode instanceNode, NodeDef nodeDef, TreeNode treeNode)
			this.instanceNode = instanceNode;
			this.nodeDef = nodeDef;
			this.treeNode = treeNode;
예제 #9
		public NodeInstance(TreeNode tn, NodeDef def, IXtreeNode instance)
			this.tn = tn;
			nodeDef = def;
			this.instance = instance;
예제 #10
		public NodeInstance(TreeNode tn, NodeDef def)
			this.tn = tn;
			nodeDef = def;
예제 #11
 public NodeInstance(TreeNode tn, NodeDef def, IXtreeNode instance)
     this.tn       = tn;
     nodeDef       = def;
     this.instance = instance;
예제 #12
 public NodeInstance(TreeNode tn, NodeDef def)
     this.tn = tn;
     nodeDef = def;