예제 #1
        protected void MatchWithContextsReferencingSubContext(List <ContextNode> matches)
            // For each match, see if there are other super-contexts that reference this same matching context.
            // If so, these should be added to the list of matches.
            // TODO: Would this be easier if we change ContextNode.Parent from a singleton to a List<ContextNode> ?
            // Clone, otherwise we may end up modifying the list of known matches.
            foreach (ContextNode match in matches.ToList())
                List <Guid> matchParentPath = match.GetParentInstancePath();

                // We only want root contexts.
                foreach (var nodes in flatView.Values.Where(n => n.Last().Parent.InstanceId == Guid.Empty))
                    ContextNode lastNode = nodes.Last();

                    foreach (var childNodeIdPath in lastNode.ChildInstancePaths())
                        // We attempt to find a node where any sub-context ID equals the match last ID, as this gives us at least
                        // one context node in which we know that there is another reference.
                        // This, incidentally, is the common context type that we're searching on.
                        if (childNodeIdPath.Any(id => id == match.InstanceId))
                            // The root instance ID for this match should be different than any existing match.
                            if (!matches.Any(m => m.GetParentInstancePath().First() == nodes.First().InstanceId))
                                // Add this other context, that is referencing the context we matched on.
예제 #2
        public bool TryGetContextNode(Field field, Guid rootId, int recordNumber, out ContextNode node, out List <Guid> instanceIdPath)
            instanceIdPath = new List <Guid>();
            ContextNode dictNode = tree.Children.Single(c => c.InstanceId == rootId);

            // Traverse the dictionary up to the node containing the ContextValue.
            // We traverse by type, building the instance ID list as we go.
            for (int i = 1; i < (field.ContextPath.Count - 1) && dictNode != null; i++)
                dictNode = dictNode.Children.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Type == field.ContextPath[i].Type);

                if (dictNode != null)

            if (dictNode != null)
                // Acquire the ContextValue based on field type and record number.
                dictNode = dictNode.Children.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Type == field.ContextPath[field.ContextPath.Count - 1].Type && c.ContextValue.RecordNumber == recordNumber);

                if (dictNode != null)

            node = dictNode;

            return(node != null);
예제 #3
        public Type GetRootType(Guid rootId)
            ContextNode dictNode = tree.Children.Single(c => c.InstanceId == rootId);
            Type        rootType = dictNode.Type;

예제 #4
        public IReadOnlyList <ContextValue> GetContextValues(ContextNode node)
            List <ContextValue> contextValues = new List <ContextValue>();

            GetContextValues(contextValues, node);

예제 #5
        public string Render(ContextNode contextNode, ContextValueDictionary cvd, int recNum, IReadOnlyList <ContextValue> contextValues)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var component in components)
                sb.Append(component.Render(contextNode, cvd, recNum, contextValues));

예제 #6
        protected void GetContextValues(List <ContextValue> contextValues, ContextNode node)
            foreach (var child in node.Children)
                GetContextValues(contextValues, child);

                if (child.ContextValue != null)
예제 #7
        public override string Render(ContextNode contextNode, ContextValueDictionary cvd, int recNum, IReadOnlyList <ContextValue> contextValues)
            var    contextValue = contextValues.SingleOrDefault(cv => cv.Type == ValueEntity && cv.RecordNumber == recNum);
            string ret          = String.Empty;

            if (contextValue != null)
                ret = contextValue.Value;

예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// The parent instance chain from this child, including this child's ID.
        /// </summary>
        public List <Guid> GetParentInstancePath()
            List <Guid> path = new List <Guid>();

            ContextNode parentNode = Parent;

            while (parentNode != null)
                path.Insert(0, parentNode.InstanceId);
                parentNode = parentNode.Parent;

            return(path.Skip(1).ToList());            // Exclude the Guid.Empty root.
예제 #9
        protected ContextNode CreateNode(int i, Guid id, ContextValue cv, ContextNode node, Type type)
            if (i == cv.TypePath.Count - 1)
                // At this point, node.Children[].Type && node.Children[].ContextValue.RecordNumber must be unique!
                Assert.That <ContextValueDictionaryException>(!node.Children.Any(c => c.Type == type && c.ContextValue.RecordNumber == cv.RecordNumber), "ContextValue type and record number must be unique to parent context.");

            ContextNode childNode = new ContextNode(id, type);


            // Since we're creating a node, add it to the flat tree view.
            if (!flatView.TryGetValue(type, out List <ContextNode> nodes))
                flatView[type] = new List <ContextNode>();


예제 #10
        public void Load()
            // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7397207/json-net-error-self-referencing-loop-detected-for-type
            var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings();

            settings.ReferenceLoopHandling      = ReferenceLoopHandling.Serialize;
            settings.PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects;
            settings.TypeNameHandling           = TypeNameHandling.Auto;
            settings.ConstructorHandling        = ConstructorHandling.AllowNonPublicDefaultConstructor;
            settings.ObjectCreationHandling     = ObjectCreationHandling.Auto;

            if (File.Exists("tree.cvd"))
                string jsonTree = File.ReadAllText("tree.cvd");
                tree = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ContextNode>(jsonTree, settings);

            if (File.Exists("flatView.cvd"))
                string jsonFlatView = File.ReadAllText("flatView.cvd");
                flatView = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <Type, List <ContextNode> > >(jsonFlatView, settings);
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Give a child node, returns the full path, starting from the topmost node, of the node hierarchy.
        /// </summary>
        public ContextNodePath GetPath(ContextNode node)
            // A LINQ way of traversing the tree to its root.  Seems more complicated than the approach here.
            // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34741456/linq-traverse-upwards-and-retrieve-parent-child-relationship
            // Also an interesting read:
            // https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/62397/LINQ-to-Tree-A-Generic-Technique-for-Querying-Tree
            Type rootType = node.Type;
            Guid rootGuid = node.InstanceId;
            List <NodeTypeInstance> path = new List <NodeTypeInstance>()
                new NodeTypeInstance()
                    Type = node.Type, InstanceId = node.InstanceId

            var parent = node.Parent;

            while (parent != null && parent.InstanceId != Guid.Empty)
                rootType = parent.Type;
                rootGuid = parent.InstanceId;
                path.Insert(0, new NodeTypeInstance()
                    Type = parent.Type, InstanceId = parent.InstanceId
                parent = parent.Parent;

            var match = new ContextNodePath()
                Type = rootType, Name = rootType.Name, Path = path

예제 #12
        public void AddOrUpdate(ContextValue cv)
            // We have to process this synchronously!
            // If async, we might get simultaneous requests (particularly from the browser's async PUT calls) to add a value.
            // While we're constructing the dictionary entry for one context path, another request might come in before we've
            // created all the nodes for the first call.
            lock (this)
                // Walk the instance/path, creating new nodes in the context tree as required.

                Assert.That(cv.TypePath.Count == cv.InstancePath.Count, "type path and instance path should have the same number of entries.");
                ContextNode node = tree;

                for (int i = 0; i < cv.TypePath.Count; i++)
                    // Walk the tree.
                    var(id, type) = (cv.InstancePath[i], cv.TypePath[i]);

                    if (node.Children.TryGetSingle(c => c.InstanceId == id, out ContextNode childNode))
                        node = childNode;
                        // Are we referencing an existing sub-context?
                        if (flatView.TryGetValue(type, out List <ContextNode> nodes))
                            // The instance path of the node must match all the remaining instance paths in the context
                            // we're adding/updating!
                            bool foundExistingSubContext = false;

                            foreach (var fvnode in nodes)
                                foreach (var fvnodepath in fvnode.ChildInstancePaths())
                                    if (cv.InstancePath.Skip(i).SequenceEqual(fvnodepath))
                                        // This node get's a child referencing the existing sub-context node.
                                        node = fvnode;
                                        foundExistingSubContext = true;

                                if (foundExistingSubContext)

                            if (!foundExistingSubContext)
                                node = CreateNode(i, id, cv, node, type);
                            node = CreateNode(i, id, cv, node, type);

                // The last entry in the tree gets the actual context value.  We've either added this node to the tree
                // or updating an existing node.
                node.ContextValue = cv;
예제 #13
 public void AddChild(ContextNode node)
     node.Parent = this;
예제 #14
 public override string Render(ContextNode contextNode, ContextValueDictionary cvd, int recNum, IReadOnlyList <ContextValue> contextValues)
예제 #15
 public abstract string Render(ContextNode contextNode, ContextValueDictionary cvd, int recNum, IReadOnlyList <ContextValue> contextValues);