public void Update(GameTime gameTime, Game1 game)
     if (bttnContinue.CheckMouseClick())
         game.currentGameState = gameStates.InGame;
 public void Update(GameTime gameTime, Game1 player)
     center = new Vector2(player._position.X + (player._rectangle.Width / 2) - 854,  // Centers camera on player
       player._position.Y + (player._rectangle.Height / 2) - 470);
     //center = new Vector2(0,0);
     Transform = Matrix.CreateScale(new Vector3(1, 1, 0)) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-center.X, -center.Y, 0));  // Zooming
        public void Update(Game1 game)
            if (bttnLogin.CheckMouseClick() == true)
                var proc = Process.Start("G:/PearceProject/CGames/AnthonyCode/CG2015Assignment/Login/bin/Debug/Login");
                var exitCode = proc.ExitCode;

            if (bttnRegister.CheckMouseClick() == true)
                var proc = Process.Start("G:/PearceProject/CGames/AnthonyCode/CG2015Assignment/Register/bin/Debug/Register");
                var exitCode = proc.ExitCode;

            if (bttnPlay.CheckMouseClick() == true)
                //Check if player is logged in here before allowing game start
                //if (loginWindow.GetValidated())
                //    game.currentUser.Name = loginWindow.GetName();

                game.currentGameState = gameStates.Waiting;
                //Chat isn't implented because there is no multiplayer gameplay. 
                //This code would be set up to count how many users have joined the chat and if the numbe = 4 leave the chat.
                //var proc = Process.Start("G:/PearceProject/CGames/AnthonyCode/CG2015Assignment/Chat/bin/Debug/Chat");
                //if ( == 4)
                //var exitCode = proc.ExitCode;
 static void Main()
     using (var game = new Game1())