// Called when the user tries to open a file to test the classifier. private void testingFile_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Scroll to the end of the text box. classificationLog_richTextBox.SelectionStart = classificationLog_richTextBox.Text.Length; classificationLog_richTextBox.ScrollToCaret(); if (testing_openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { testingData = new ClassificationData(); // Return if file was not open and parsed correctly. if (!testingData.OpenAndParseFile(testing_openFileDialog.FileName, true)) { classificationLog_richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Red; classificationLog_richTextBox.SelectedText = "=====> Testing file: " + testing_openFileDialog.FileName + " was not opened or parsed correctly." + Environment.NewLine; return; } testingFileLoaded = true; classificationLog_richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Green; classificationLog_richTextBox.SelectedText = "=====> Testing file: " + testing_openFileDialog.FileName + " was opened successfully." + Environment.NewLine; reset_button.Enabled = true; testClassifier_button.Enabled = trainingFileLoaded && testingFileLoaded && dataTrained; } }
// Called when the user tries to open a file to train the classifier. private void trainingFile_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Scroll to the end of the text box. classificationLog_richTextBox.SelectionStart = classificationLog_richTextBox.Text.Length; classificationLog_richTextBox.ScrollToCaret(); if (training_openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { trainingData = new ClassificationData(); // Return if the file was not open and parsed correctly. if (!trainingData.OpenAndParseFile(training_openFileDialog.FileName, true)) { classificationLog_richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Red; classificationLog_richTextBox.SelectedText = "=====> Training file: " + training_openFileDialog.FileName + " was not opened or parsed correctly." + Environment.NewLine; return; } trainingFileLoaded = true; classificationLog_richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Green; classificationLog_richTextBox.SelectedText = "=====> Training file: " + training_openFileDialog.FileName + " was opened successfully. " + Environment.NewLine; // Activate some window's controls if the file was loaded successfully. attributeToPredict_comboBox.DataSource = trainingData.AllColumnNames; attributeToPredict_comboBox.SelectedIndex = -1; attributeToPredict_comboBox.Enabled = true; classifierToUse_comboBox.DataSource = classificationMethods; classifierToUse_comboBox.SelectedIndex = -1; classifierToUse_comboBox.Enabled = true; dataset_dataGridView.DataSource = trainingData.ExtractedDataset; dataset_dataGridView.Enabled = true; classificationLog_richTextBox.Enabled = true; trainClassifier_button.Enabled = attributeChosen && classifierChosen; reset_button.Enabled = true; testClassifier_button.Enabled = trainingFileLoaded && testingFileLoaded && dataTrained; } }