public void Dispose() { ChunkUpdater.Dispose(); Atlas2D.Dispose(); Atlas1D.Dispose(); ModelCache.Dispose(); Entities.Dispose(); WorldEvents.OnNewMap -= OnNewMapCore; WorldEvents.OnNewMapLoaded -= OnNewMapLoadedCore; Events.TextureChanged -= TextureChangedCore; for (int i = 0; i < Components.Count; i++) { Components[i].Dispose(); } Drawer2D.DisposeInstance(); Graphics.Dispose(); // TODO: is this needed //window.Dispose(); if (!Options.HasChanged()) { return; } Options.Load(); Options.Save(); }
public void Dispose() { MapRenderer.Dispose(); TerrainAtlas.Dispose(); TerrainAtlas1D.Dispose(); ModelCache.Dispose(); Entities.Dispose(); WorldEvents.OnNewMap -= OnNewMapCore; WorldEvents.OnNewMapLoaded -= OnNewMapLoadedCore; Events.TextureChanged -= TextureChangedCore; for (int i = 0; i < Components.Count; i++) { Components[i].Dispose(); } Graphics.DeleteIb(ref defaultIb); Drawer2D.DisposeInstance(); Graphics.DeleteTexture(ref CloudsTex); Graphics.Dispose(); if (lastAtlas != null) { lastAtlas.Dispose(); } if (Options.OptionsChanged.Count == 0) { return; } Options.Load(); Options.Save(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { AppDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; string logPath = Path.Combine(AppDirectory, "client.log"); ErrorHandler.InstallHandler(logPath); CleanupMainDirectory(); Configuration.SkipPerfCountersHack(); Utils.LogDebug("Starting " + AppName + ".."); string path = Path.Combine(Program.AppDirectory, "texpacks"); if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(path, ""))) { MessageDefaultZipMissing(); return; } bool nullContext = true; #if !USE_DX nullContext = false; #endif Options.Load(); DisplayDevice device = DisplayDevice.Primary; int width = Options.GetInt(OptionsKey.WindowWidth, 0, device.Width, 0); int height = Options.GetInt(OptionsKey.WindowHeight, 0, device.Height, 0); // No custom resolution has been set if (width == 0 || height == 0) { width = 854; height = 480; if (device.Width < 854) { width = 640; } } if (args.Length == 0 || args.Length == 1) { const string skinServer = ""; string user = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : "Singleplayer"; using (Game game = new Game(user, null, skinServer, nullContext, width, height)) game.Run(); } else if (args.Length < 4) { Utils.LogDebug("ClassicalSharp.exe is only the raw client. You must either use the launcher or" + " provide command line arguments to start the client."); } else { RunMultiplayer(args, nullContext, width, height); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Environment.CurrentDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; CleanupMainDirectory(); string defPath = Path.Combine("texpacks", ""); if (!Platform.FileExists(defPath)) { ErrorHandler.ShowDialog("Missing file", " not found, try running the launcher first."); return; } ErrorHandler.InstallHandler("client.log"); OpenTK.Configuration.SkipPerfCountersHack(); Utils.LogDebug("Starting " + AppName + ".."); Options.Load(); DisplayDevice device = DisplayDevice.Default; int width = Options.GetInt(OptionsKey.WindowWidth, 0, device.Bounds.Width, 0); int height = Options.GetInt(OptionsKey.WindowHeight, 0, device.Bounds.Height, 0); // No custom resolution has been set if (width == 0 || height == 0) { width = 854; height = 480; if (device.Bounds.Width < 854) { width = 640; } } if (args.Length == 0 || args.Length == 1) { const string skinServer = ""; string user = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : "Singleplayer"; using (Game game = new Game(user, null, skinServer, width, height)) game.Run(); } else if (args.Length < 4) { Utils.LogDebug("ClassicalSharp.exe is only the raw client. You must either use the launcher or" + " provide command line arguments to start the client."); } else { RunMultiplayer(args, width, height); } }
public void Dispose() { MapRenderer.Dispose(); SetNewScreen(null); fpsScreen.Dispose(); TerrainAtlas.Dispose(); TerrainAtlas1D.Dispose(); ModelCache.Dispose(); Entities.Dispose(); WorldEvents.OnNewMap -= OnNewMapCore; WorldEvents.OnNewMapLoaded -= OnNewMapLoadedCore; foreach (IGameComponent comp in Components) { comp.Dispose(); } if (activeScreen != null) { activeScreen.Dispose(); } Graphics.DeleteIb(defaultIb); Drawer2D.DisposeInstance(); Graphics.DeleteTexture(ref CloudsTex); Graphics.DeleteTexture(ref GuiTex); Graphics.DeleteTexture(ref GuiClassicTex); Graphics.DeleteTexture(ref IconsTex); Graphics.Dispose(); foreach (WarningScreen screen in WarningOverlays) { screen.Dispose(); } if (Options.HasChanged) { Options.Load(); Options.Save(); } }
public void Dispose() { MapRenderer.Dispose(); MapBordersRenderer.Dispose(); EnvRenderer.Dispose(); WeatherRenderer.Dispose(); SetNewScreen(null); fpsScreen.Dispose(); SelectionManager.Dispose(); TerrainAtlas.Dispose(); TerrainAtlas1D.Dispose(); ModelCache.Dispose(); Picking.Dispose(); ParticleManager.Dispose(); Players.Dispose(); AsyncDownloader.Dispose(); AudioPlayer.Dispose(); AxisLinesRenderer.Dispose(); Chat.Dispose(); if (activeScreen != null) { activeScreen.Dispose(); } Graphics.DeleteIb(defaultIb); Graphics.Dispose(); Drawer2D.DisposeInstance(); Animations.Dispose(); Graphics.DeleteTexture(ref CloudsTexId); Graphics.DeleteTexture(ref RainTexId); Graphics.DeleteTexture(ref SnowTexId); Graphics.DeleteTexture(ref GuiTexId); Graphics.DeleteTexture(ref GuiClassicTexId); if (Options.HasChanged) { Options.Load(); Options.Save(); } }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { #if !USE_DX Graphics = new OpenGLApi(); #else Graphics = new Direct3D9Api(this); #endif Graphics.MakeGraphicsInfo(); Players = new EntityList(this); Options.Load(); AcceptedUrls.Load(); DeniedUrls.Load(); ViewDistance = Options.GetInt(OptionsKey.ViewDist, 16, 4096, 512); UserViewDistance = ViewDistance; CameraClipping = Options.GetBool(OptionsKey.CameraClipping, true); InputHandler = new InputHandler(this); Chat = new ChatLog(this); ParticleManager = new ParticleManager(this); HudScale = Options.GetFloat(OptionsKey.HudScale, 0.25f, 5f, 1f); ChatScale = Options.GetFloat(OptionsKey.ChatScale, 0.35f, 5f, 1f); defaultIb = Graphics.MakeDefaultIb(); MouseSensitivity = Options.GetInt(OptionsKey.Sensitivity, 1, 100, 30); UseClassicGui = Options.GetBool(OptionsKey.UseClassicGui, false); BlockInfo = new BlockInfo(); BlockInfo.Init(); ChatLines = Options.GetInt(OptionsKey.ChatLines, 1, 30, 12); ClickableChat = Options.GetBool(OptionsKey.ClickableChat, true); ModelCache = new ModelCache(this); ModelCache.InitCache(); AsyncDownloader = new AsyncDownloader(skinServer); Drawer2D = new GdiPlusDrawer2D(Graphics); Drawer2D.UseBitmappedChat = !Options.GetBool(OptionsKey.ArialChatFont, false); ViewBobbing = Options.GetBool(OptionsKey.ViewBobbing, false); ShowBlockInHand = Options.GetBool(OptionsKey.ShowBlockInHand, true); InvertMouse = Options.GetBool(OptionsKey.InvertMouse, false); SimpleArmsAnim = Options.GetBool(OptionsKey.SimpleArmsAnim, false); TerrainAtlas1D = new TerrainAtlas1D(Graphics); TerrainAtlas = new TerrainAtlas2D(Graphics, Drawer2D); Animations = new Animations(this); defTexturePack = Options.Get(OptionsKey.DefaultTexturePack) ?? ""; TexturePackExtractor extractor = new TexturePackExtractor(); extractor.Extract("", this); // in case the user's default texture pack doesn't have all required textures if (defTexturePack != "") { extractor.Extract(DefaultTexturePack, this); } Inventory = new Inventory(this); BlockInfo.SetDefaultBlockPermissions(Inventory.CanPlace, Inventory.CanDelete); Map = new Map(this); LocalPlayer = new LocalPlayer(this); Players[255] = LocalPlayer; width = Width; height = Height; MapRenderer = new MapRenderer(this); MapBordersRenderer = new MapBordersRenderer(this); EnvRenderer = new StandardEnvRenderer(this); if (IPAddress == null) { Network = new Singleplayer.SinglePlayerServer(this); } else { Network = new NetworkProcessor(this); } Graphics.LostContextFunction = Network.Tick; firstPersonCam = new FirstPersonCamera(this); thirdPersonCam = new ThirdPersonCamera(this); forwardThirdPersonCam = new ForwardThirdPersonCamera(this); Camera = firstPersonCam; FieldOfView = Options.GetInt(OptionsKey.FieldOfView, 1, 150, 70); ZoomFieldOfView = FieldOfView; UpdateProjection(); CommandManager = new CommandManager(); CommandManager.Init(this); SelectionManager = new SelectionManager(this); WeatherRenderer = new WeatherRenderer(this); WeatherRenderer.Init(); BlockHandRenderer = new BlockHandRenderer(this); BlockHandRenderer.Init(); FpsLimitMethod method = Options.GetEnum(OptionsKey.FpsLimit, FpsLimitMethod.LimitVSync); SetFpsLimitMethod(method); Graphics.DepthTest = true; Graphics.DepthTestFunc(CompareFunc.LessEqual); //Graphics.DepthWrite = true; Graphics.AlphaBlendFunc(BlendFunc.SourceAlpha, BlendFunc.InvSourceAlpha); Graphics.AlphaTestFunc(CompareFunc.Greater, 0.5f); fpsScreen = new FpsScreen(this); fpsScreen.Init(); hudScreen = new HudScreen(this); hudScreen.Init(); Culling = new FrustumCulling(); EnvRenderer.Init(); MapBordersRenderer.Init(); Picking = new PickingRenderer(this); AudioPlayer = new AudioPlayer(this); LiquidsBreakable = Options.GetBool(OptionsKey.LiquidsBreakable, false); AxisLinesRenderer = new AxisLinesRenderer(this); LoadIcon(); string connectString = "Connecting to " + IPAddress + ":" + Port + ".."; Graphics.WarnIfNecessary(Chat); SetNewScreen(new LoadingMapScreen(this, connectString, "Waiting for handshake")); Network.Connect(IPAddress, Port); }
internal void OnLoad() { Mouse = window.Mouse; Keyboard = window.Keyboard; #if ANDROID Graphics = new OpenGLESApi(); #elif !USE_DX Graphics = new OpenGLApi(); #else Graphics = new Direct3D9Api(this); #endif Graphics.MakeApiInfo(); ErrorHandler.AdditionalInfo = Graphics.ApiInfo; #if ANDROID Drawer2D = new CanvasDrawer2D(Graphics); #else Drawer2D = new GdiPlusDrawer2D(Graphics); #endif Options.Load(); Entities = new EntityList(this); AcceptedUrls.Load(); DeniedUrls.Load(); ETags.Load(); LastModified.Load(); if (Options.GetBool(OptionsKey.SurvivalMode, false)) { Mode = AddComponent(new SurvivalGameMode()); } else { Mode = AddComponent(new CreativeGameMode()); } Input = new InputHandler(this); defaultIb = Graphics.MakeDefaultIb(); ParticleManager = AddComponent(new ParticleManager()); TabList = AddComponent(new TabList()); LoadOptions(); LoadGuiOptions(); Chat = AddComponent(new Chat()); WorldEvents.OnNewMap += OnNewMapCore; WorldEvents.OnNewMapLoaded += OnNewMapLoadedCore; Events.TextureChanged += TextureChangedCore; BlockInfo = new BlockInfo(); BlockInfo.Init(); ModelCache = new ModelCache(this); ModelCache.InitCache(); AsyncDownloader = AddComponent(new AsyncDownloader(Drawer2D)); Lighting = AddComponent(new BasicLighting()); Drawer2D.UseBitmappedChat = ClassicMode || !Options.GetBool(OptionsKey.ArialChatFont, false); Drawer2D.BlackTextShadows = Options.GetBool(OptionsKey.BlackTextShadows, false); TerrainAtlas1D = new TerrainAtlas1D(Graphics); TerrainAtlas = new TerrainAtlas2D(Graphics, Drawer2D); Animations = AddComponent(new Animations()); Inventory = AddComponent(new Inventory()); BlockInfo.SetDefaultPerms(Inventory.CanPlace, Inventory.CanDelete); World = new World(this); LocalPlayer = AddComponent(new LocalPlayer(this)); Entities[EntityList.SelfID] = LocalPlayer; Width = window.Width; Height = window.Height; MapRenderer = new MapRenderer(this); string renType = Options.Get(OptionsKey.RenderType) ?? "normal"; if (!SetRenderType(renType)) { SetRenderType("normal"); } if (IPAddress == null) { Server = new Singleplayer.SinglePlayerServer(this); } else { Server = new Network.NetworkProcessor(this); } Graphics.LostContextFunction = Server.Tick; Cameras.Add(new FirstPersonCamera(this)); Cameras.Add(new ThirdPersonCamera(this, false)); Cameras.Add(new ThirdPersonCamera(this, true)); Camera = Cameras[0]; UpdateProjection(); Gui = AddComponent(new GuiInterface(this)); CommandList = AddComponent(new CommandList()); SelectionManager = AddComponent(new SelectionManager()); WeatherRenderer = AddComponent(new WeatherRenderer()); HeldBlockRenderer = AddComponent(new HeldBlockRenderer()); Graphics.DepthTest = true; Graphics.DepthTestFunc(CompareFunc.LessEqual); //Graphics.DepthWrite = true; Graphics.AlphaBlendFunc(BlendFunc.SourceAlpha, BlendFunc.InvSourceAlpha); Graphics.AlphaTestFunc(CompareFunc.Greater, 0.5f); Culling = new FrustumCulling(); Picking = AddComponent(new PickedPosRenderer()); AudioPlayer = AddComponent(new AudioPlayer()); AxisLinesRenderer = AddComponent(new AxisLinesRenderer()); SkyboxRenderer = AddComponent(new SkyboxRenderer()); plugins = new PluginLoader(this); List <string> nonLoaded = plugins.LoadAll(); for (int i = 0; i < Components.Count; i++) { Components[i].Init(this); } ExtractInitialTexturePack(); for (int i = 0; i < Components.Count; i++) { Components[i].Ready(this); } InitScheduledTasks(); if (nonLoaded != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nonLoaded.Count; i++) { plugins.MakeWarning(this, nonLoaded[i]); } } window.LoadIcon(); string connectString = "Connecting to " + IPAddress + ":" + Port + ".."; if (Graphics.WarnIfNecessary(Chat)) { MapBordersRenderer.UseLegacyMode(true); EnvRenderer.UseLegacyMode(true); } Gui.SetNewScreen(new LoadingMapScreen(this, connectString, "")); Server.Connect(IPAddress, Port); }
internal void OnLoad() { Mouse = window.Mouse; Keyboard = window.Keyboard; #if !USE_DX Graphics = new OpenGLApi(); #else Graphics = new Direct3D9Api(this); #endif Graphics.MakeGraphicsInfo(); Options.Load(); Entities = new EntityList(this); AcceptedUrls.Load(); DeniedUrls.Load(); ETags.Load(); InputHandler = new InputHandler(this); defaultIb = Graphics.MakeDefaultIb(); ParticleManager = AddComponent(new ParticleManager()); TabList = AddComponent(new TabList()); LoadOptions(); LoadGuiOptions(); Chat = AddComponent(new Chat()); WorldEvents.OnNewMap += OnNewMapCore; WorldEvents.OnNewMapLoaded += OnNewMapLoadedCore; BlockInfo = new BlockInfo(); BlockInfo.Init(); ModelCache = new ModelCache(this); ModelCache.InitCache(); AsyncDownloader = AddComponent(new AsyncDownloader()); Drawer2D = new GdiPlusDrawer2D(Graphics); Drawer2D.UseBitmappedChat = ClassicMode || !Options.GetBool(OptionsKey.ArialChatFont, false); Drawer2D.BlackTextShadows = Options.GetBool(OptionsKey.BlackTextShadows, false); TerrainAtlas1D = new TerrainAtlas1D(Graphics); TerrainAtlas = new TerrainAtlas2D(Graphics, Drawer2D); Animations = AddComponent(new Animations()); Inventory = AddComponent(new Inventory()); BlockInfo.SetDefaultBlockPermissions(Inventory.CanPlace, Inventory.CanDelete); World = new World(this); LocalPlayer = AddComponent(new LocalPlayer(this)); Entities[255] = LocalPlayer; width = Width; height = Height; MapRenderer = new MapRenderer(this); MapBordersRenderer = AddComponent(new MapBordersRenderer()); EnvRenderer = AddComponent(new StandardEnvRenderer()); if (IPAddress == null) { Network = new Singleplayer.SinglePlayerServer(this); } else { Network = new Network.NetworkProcessor(this); } Graphics.LostContextFunction = Network.Tick; firstPersonCam = new FirstPersonCamera(this); thirdPersonCam = new ThirdPersonCamera(this); forwardThirdPersonCam = new ForwardThirdPersonCamera(this); Camera = firstPersonCam; UpdateProjection(); CommandManager = AddComponent(new CommandManager()); SelectionManager = AddComponent(new SelectionManager()); WeatherRenderer = AddComponent(new WeatherRenderer()); BlockHandRenderer = AddComponent(new BlockHandRenderer()); Graphics.DepthTest = true; Graphics.DepthTestFunc(CompareFunc.LessEqual); //Graphics.DepthWrite = true; Graphics.AlphaBlendFunc(BlendFunc.SourceAlpha, BlendFunc.InvSourceAlpha); Graphics.AlphaTestFunc(CompareFunc.Greater, 0.5f); fpsScreen = AddComponent(new FpsScreen(this)); hudScreen = AddComponent(new HudScreen(this)); Culling = new FrustumCulling(); Picking = AddComponent(new PickedPosRenderer()); AudioPlayer = AddComponent(new AudioPlayer()); AxisLinesRenderer = AddComponent(new AxisLinesRenderer()); SkyboxRenderer = AddComponent(new SkyboxRenderer()); foreach (IGameComponent comp in Components) { comp.Init(this); } ExtractInitialTexturePack(); foreach (IGameComponent comp in Components) { comp.Ready(this); } LoadIcon(); string connectString = "Connecting to " + IPAddress + ":" + Port + ".."; if (Graphics.WarnIfNecessary(Chat)) { MapBordersRenderer.UseLegacyMode(true); ((StandardEnvRenderer)EnvRenderer).UseLegacyMode(true); } SetNewScreen(new LoadingMapScreen(this, connectString, "Waiting for handshake")); Network.Connect(IPAddress, Port); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Environment.CurrentDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; ErrorHandler.InstallHandler("client.log"); Utils.LogDebug("Starting " + AppName + ".."); Utils.EnsureDirectory("maps"); Utils.EnsureDirectory("texpacks"); Utils.EnsureDirectory("texturecache"); string defPath = Path.Combine("texpacks", ""); if (!Platform.FileExists(defPath)) { ErrorHandler.ShowDialog("Failed to start", " is missing, try running the launcher first."); return; } OpenTK.Configuration.SkipPerfCountersHack(); IPAddress ip = null; int port = 0; string user = null, mppass = null; string skinServer = ""; if (args.Length == 0 || args.Length == 1) { user = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : "Singleplayer"; } else if (args.Length < 4) { ErrorHandler.ShowDialog("Failed to start", "ClassicalSharp.exe is only the raw client\n\n." + "Use the launcher instead, or provide command line arguments"); return; } else { user = args[0]; mppass = args[1]; if (args.Length > 4) { skinServer = args[4]; } if (!IPAddress.TryParse(args[2], out ip)) { ErrorHandler.ShowDialog("Failed to start", "Invalid IP " + args[2]); return; } if (!Int32.TryParse(args[3], out port) || port <0 || port> ushort.MaxValue) { ErrorHandler.ShowDialog("Failed to start", "Invalid port " + args[3]); return; } } Options.Load(); DisplayDevice device = DisplayDevice.Default; int width = Options.GetInt(OptionsKey.WindowWidth, 0, device.Bounds.Width, 0); int height = Options.GetInt(OptionsKey.WindowHeight, 0, device.Bounds.Height, 0); // No custom resolution has been set if (width == 0 || height == 0) { width = 854; height = 480; if (device.Bounds.Width < 854) { width = 640; } } using (Game game = new Game(user, mppass, skinServer, width, height)) { game.IPAddress = ip; game.Port = port; game.Run(); } }