void OkButtonClick(Game game, Widget widget) { string text = inputWidget.GetText(); if (text.Length == 0) { MakeDescWidget("Please enter a filename"); return; } string file = Path.ChangeExtension(text, ".cw"); text = Path.Combine(Program.AppDirectory, "maps"); text = Path.Combine(text, file); if (File.Exists(text)) { buttons[1] = ButtonWidget.Create(game, 0, 90, 260, 30, "Overwrite existing?", Anchor.Centre, Anchor.Centre, titleFont, OverwriteButtonClick); } else { // NOTE: We don't immediately save here, because otherwise the 'saving...' // will not be rendered in time because saving is done on the main thread. MakeDescWidget("Saving.."); textPath = text; RemoveOverwriteButton(); } }
void SaveChangesClick(Game game, Widget widget) { if (curHotkey.BaseKey != Key.Unknown) { hotkeys.AddHotkey(curHotkey.BaseKey, curHotkey.Flags, currentAction.GetText(), curHotkey.MoreInput); hotkeys.UserAddedHotkey(curHotkey.BaseKey, curHotkey.Flags, curHotkey.MoreInput, currentAction.GetText()); } for (int i = 0; i < numButtons; i++) { Set(i); } DisposeEditingWidgets(); }
void ChangeSetting() { string text = inputWidget.GetText(); if (inputWidget.Validator.IsValidValue(text)) { targetWidget.SetValue(game, text); } if (inputWidget != null) { inputWidget.Dispose(); } widgets[widgets.Length - 2] = null; inputWidget = null; UpdateDescription(targetWidget); targetWidget = null; int okayIndex = widgets.Length - 1; if (widgets[okayIndex] != null) { widgets[okayIndex].Dispose(); } widgets[okayIndex] = null; InputClosed(); }
void ChangeSetting() { string text = inputWidget.GetText(); if (inputWidget.Validator.IsValidValue(text)) { targetWidget.SetValue(game, text); } inputWidget.Dispose(); inputWidget = null; UpdateDescription(targetWidget); targetWidget = null; buttons[okayIndex].Dispose(); buttons[okayIndex] = null; InputClosed(); }