void LoadSavedInfo( IDrawer2D drawer ) { try { Options.Load(); } catch( IOException ) { return; } string user = Options.Get( "launcher-username" ) ?? ""; string ip = Options.Get( "launcher-ip" ) ?? ""; string port = Options.Get( "launcher-port" ) ?? "25565"; ccSkins = Options.GetBool( "launcher-ccskins", false ); IPAddress address; if( !IPAddress.TryParse( ip, out address ) ) ip = ""; ushort portNum; if( !UInt16.TryParse( port, out portNum ) ) port = "25565"; string mppass = Options.Get( "launcher-mppass" ) ?? null; mppass = Secure.Decode( mppass, user ); Set( 3, user ); Set( 4, ip + ":" + port ); Set( 5, mppass ); }
void DrawBorder( IDrawer2D drawer ) { FastColour backCol = Window.ClassicBackground ? FastColour.Black : LauncherSkin.ButtonBorderCol; drawer.Clear( backCol, X + 1, Y, Width - 2, border ); drawer.Clear( backCol, X + 1, Y + Height - border, Width - 2, border ); drawer.Clear( backCol, X, Y + 1, border, Height - 2 ); drawer.Clear( backCol, X + Width - border, Y + 1, border, Height - 2 ); }
public void DrawAt( IDrawer2D drawer, string text, Font font, Anchor horAnchor, Anchor verAnchor, int width, int height, int x, int y) { ButtonWidth = width; ButtonHeight = height; Width = width; Height = height; CalculateOffset( x, y, horAnchor, verAnchor ); Redraw( drawer, text, font ); }
public void Redraw( IDrawer2D drawer, string text, Font font ) { DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( text, font, true ); Size size = drawer.MeasureSize( ref args ); Width = size.Width; Height = size.Height; args.SkipPartsCheck = true; drawer.DrawText( ref args, X, Y ); Text = text; }
public void SetDrawData( IDrawer2D drawer, Font font, Font titleFont ) { this.font = font; this.titleFont = titleFont; DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( "IMP", titleFont, true ); headerHeight = drawer.MeasureSize( ref args ).Height; args = new DrawTextArgs( "IMP", font, true ); entryHeight = drawer.MeasureSize( ref args ).Height; }
public void DrawAt( IDrawer2D drawer, string text, Font font, Anchor horAnchor, Anchor verAnchor, int x, int y) { DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( text, font, true ); Size size = drawer.MeasureSize( ref args ); Width = size.Width; Height = size.Height; CalculateOffset( x, y, horAnchor, verAnchor ); Redraw( drawer, text, font ); }
public void SetDrawData( IDrawer2D drawer, string text, Font font, Anchor horAnchor, Anchor verAnchor, int x, int y) { DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( text, font, true ); Size size = drawer.MeasureSize( ref args ); Width = size.Width; Height = size.Height; CalculateOffset( x, y, horAnchor, verAnchor ); Text = text; this.font = font; }
public void SetDrawData( IDrawer2D drawer, Font font, Font titleFont, Anchor horAnchor, Anchor verAnchor, int x, int y) { CalculateOffset( x, y, horAnchor, verAnchor ); this.font = font; this.titleFont = titleFont; DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( "IMP", titleFont, true ); defaultHeaderHeight = drawer.MeasureSize( ref args ).Height; args = new DrawTextArgs( "IMP", font, true ); defaultInputHeight = drawer.MeasureSize( ref args ).Height; }
public void Redraw( IDrawer2D drawer ) { drawer.DrawRect( FastColour.Black, X, Y, Width, Height ); if( Value ) { DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( "X", font, false ); Size size = drawer.MeasureSize( ref args ); args.SkipPartsCheck = true; drawer.DrawText( ref args, X + (Width - size.Width) / 2, Y + (Height - size.Height) / 2 ); } drawer.DrawRectBounds( FastColour.White, 2, X, Y, Width, Height ); }
public override void Redraw( IDrawer2D drawer ) { if( Window.Minimised ) return; drawer.DrawRect( FastColour.Black, X, Y, Width, Height ); if( Value ) { DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( "X", font, false ); Size size = drawer.MeasureSize( ref args ); args.SkipPartsCheck = true; drawer.DrawText( ref args, X + (Width + 2 - size.Width) / 2, // account for border Y + (Height - size.Height) / 2 ); } drawer.DrawRectBounds( FastColour.White, 2, X, Y, Width, Height ); }
public static Bitmap ReadBmp32Bpp(IDrawer2D drawer, Stream src) { Bitmap bmp = ReadBmp(src); if (!ValidBitmap(bmp)) { return(null); } if (!Is32Bpp(bmp)) { drawer.ConvertTo32Bpp(ref bmp); } return(bmp); }
public void Disconnect(string title, string reason) { Events.RaiseDisconnected(title, reason); Gui.Reset(this); World.Reset(); WorldEvents.RaiseOnNewMap(); IDrawer2D.InitCols(); BlockInfo.Reset(); TexturePack.ExtractDefault(this); Gui.SetNewScreen(new DisconnectScreen(this, title, reason)); GC.Collect(); }
public void WordWrap(IDrawer2D drawer, ref string[] lines, ref int[] lineLens, int lineSize, int totalChars) { int len = Length; for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { lines[i] = null; lineLens[i] = 0; } // Need to make a copy because we mutate the characters. char[] realText = value; MakeWrapCopy(); int linesCount = 0; for (int index = 0; index < totalChars; index += lineSize) { if (value[index] == '\0') { break; } int lineEnd = index + (lineSize - 1), nextLine = lineEnd + 1; linesCount++; // Do we need word wrapping? bool needWrap = !IsWrapper(value[lineEnd]) && nextLine < totalChars && !IsWrapper(value[nextLine]); int wrappedLen = needWrap ? WrapLine(index, lineSize) : lineSize; // Calculate the maximum size of this line int lineLen = lineSize; for (int i = lineEnd; i >= index; i--) { if (value[i] != '\0') { break; } lineLen--; } lineLens[index / lineSize] = Math.Min(lineLen, wrappedLen); } // Output the used lines OutputLines(drawer, ref lines, lineLens, linesCount, lineSize, totalChars); value = realText; }
public override void Redraw( IDrawer2D drawer ) { if( Window.Minimised ) return; string text = Text; if( !Active ) text = "&7" + text; int xOffset = Width - textSize.Width, yOffset = Height - textSize.Height; DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( text, font, true ); DrawBorder( drawer ); if( Window.ClassicBackground ) DrawClassic( drawer ); else DrawNormal( drawer ); drawer.DrawText( ref args, X + xOffset / 2, Y + yOffset / 2 ); }
public void RedrawData( IDrawer2D drawer ) { int x = table.X + 5; DrawGrid( drawer ); x += DrawColumn( drawer, false, font, titleFont, "Name", table.ColumnWidths[0], x, e => e.Name ) + 5; x += DrawColumn( drawer, true, font, titleFont, "Players", table.ColumnWidths[1], x, e => e.Players ) + 5; x += DrawColumn( drawer, true, font, titleFont, "Uptime", table.ColumnWidths[2], x, e => e.Uptime ) + 5; x += DrawColumn( drawer, true, font, titleFont, "Software", table.ColumnWidths[3], x, e => e.Software ) + 5; DrawScrollbar( drawer ); }
public void WordWrap(IDrawer2D drawer, string[] lines, int maxLines, int maxPerLine) { int len = Length; int *lineLens = stackalloc int[lines.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { lines[i] = null; lineLens[i] = 0; } // Need to make a copy because we mutate the characters. char[] realText = value; MakeWrapCopy(); int usedLines = 0, totalChars = maxPerLine * maxLines; for (int index = 0; index < totalChars; index += maxPerLine) { if (value[index] == '\0') { break; } int lineEnd = index + (maxPerLine - 1), nextStart = lineEnd + 1; usedLines++; // Do we need word wrapping? bool needWrap = !IsWrapper(value[lineEnd]) && nextStart < totalChars && !IsWrapper(value[nextStart]); int wrappedLen = needWrap ? WrapLine(index, maxPerLine) : maxPerLine; // Calculate the maximum size of this line int lineLen = maxPerLine; for (int i = lineEnd; i >= index; i--) { if (value[i] != '\0') { break; } lineLen--; } lineLens[index / maxPerLine] = Math.Min(lineLen, wrappedLen); } // Output the used lines OutputLines(drawer, lines, lineLens, usedLines, maxLines, maxPerLine); value = realText; }
void DrawTitles( IDrawer2D drawer, Font font ) { int x = 0; DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( null, font, false ); for( int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++ ) { args.Text = elements[i].Title; FastColour col = i == selectedIndex ? new FastColour( 30, 30, 30, 200 ) : new FastColour( 60, 60, 60, 200 ); Size size = elements[i].TitleSize; drawer.Clear( col, x, 0, size.Width, size.Height ); drawer.DrawChatText( ref args, x + titleSpacing / 2, 0 ); x += size.Width; } }
public void Disconnect(string title, string reason) { World.Reset(); WorldEvents.RaiseOnNewMap(); Gui.SetNewScreen(new DisconnectScreen(this, title, reason)); IDrawer2D.InitCols(); BlockInfo.Reset(); TexturePack.ExtractDefault(this); for (int i = 0; i < Components.Count; i++) { Components[i].Reset(this); } GC.Collect(); }
void DrawTitles(IDrawer2D drawer, Font font) { int x = 0; DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(null, font, false); for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++) { args.Text = elements[i].Title; FastColour col = i == selectedIndex ? new FastColour(30, 30, 30, 200) : new FastColour(60, 60, 60, 200); Size size = elements[i].TitleSize; drawer.Clear(col, x, 0, size.Width, size.Height); drawer.DrawChatText(ref args, x + titleSpacing / 2, 0); x += size.Width; } }
public void SetText(string value) { chatInputText.Clear(); chatInputText.Append(0, value); DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(value, font, false); Size textSize = game.Drawer2D.MeasureSize(ref args); Size size = new Size(Math.Max(textSize.Width, DesiredMaxWidth), Math.Max(textSize.Height, DesiredMaxHeight)); yOffset = 0; if (textSize.Height < DesiredMaxHeight) { yOffset = DesiredMaxHeight / 2 - textSize.Height / 2; } using (Bitmap bmp = IDrawer2D.CreatePow2Bitmap(size)) using (IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D) { drawer.SetBitmap(bmp); drawer.DrawRect(backColour, 0, 0, size.Width, size.Height); args.SkipPartsCheck = true; drawer.DrawText(ref args, 0, 0); args.Text = Validator.Range; args.SkipPartsCheck = false; Size hintSize = drawer.MeasureSize(ref args); args.SkipPartsCheck = true; int hintX = size.Width - hintSize.Width; if (textSize.Width < hintX) { drawer.DrawText(ref args, hintX, 0); } chatInputTexture = drawer.Make2DTexture(bmp, size, 0, yOffset); } X = CalcOffset(game.Width, size.Width, XOffset, HorizontalAnchor); Y = CalcOffset(game.Height, size.Height, YOffset, VerticalAnchor); chatCaretTexture.X1 = chatInputTexture.X1 = X; chatCaretTexture.X1 += textSize.Width; chatCaretTexture.Y1 = chatInputTexture.Y1 = Y; chatCaretTexture.Y1 = (Y + size.Height) - chatCaretTexture.Height; Width = size.Width; Height = size.Height; }
public void Redraw( IDrawer2D drawer, string text, Font font ) { if( !Active ) text = "&7" + Text; DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( text, font, true ); Size size = drawer.MeasureSize( ref args ); int width = ButtonWidth, height = ButtonHeight; int xOffset = width - size.Width, yOffset = height - size.Height; if( Shadow ) drawer.DrawRoundedRect( Active ? shadowColActive : shadowCol, 3, X + IDrawer2D.Offset, Y + IDrawer2D.Offset, width, height ); drawer.DrawRoundedRect( Active ? boxColActive : boxCol, 3, X, Y, width, height ); args.SkipPartsCheck = true; drawer.DrawText( ref args, X + 1 + xOffset / 2, Y + 1 + yOffset / 2 ); }
unsafe void DrawContent( IDrawer2D drawer, Font font, Element e, int yOffset ) { string s = new String( '\0', e.CharsPerItem ); int wrap = e.ItemsPerRow; DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( s, font, false ); fixed( char* ptr = s ) { for( int i = 0; i < e.Contents.Length; i += e.CharsPerItem ) { for( int j = 0; j < e.CharsPerItem; j++ ) ptr[j] = e.Contents[i + j]; int item = i / e.CharsPerItem; int x = (item % wrap) * elementSize.Width, y = (item / wrap) * elementSize.Height; y += yOffset; drawer.DrawChatText( ref args, x, y ); } } }
public static Bitmap ReadBmp(IDrawer2D drawer, Stream src) { #if !ANDROID Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(src); #else Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.DecodeStream(src); #endif if (!ValidBitmap(bmp)) { return(null); } if (!Is32Bpp(bmp)) { drawer.ConvertTo32Bpp(ref bmp); } return(bmp); }
public override void Init() { graphicsApi.Fog = false; SetTitle(serverName); SetMessage(serverMotd); progX = game.Width / 2f - progWidth / 2f; Size size = new Size(progWidth, progHeight); using (Bitmap bmp = IDrawer2D.CreatePow2Bitmap(size)) { using (IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D) { drawer.SetBitmap(bmp); drawer.DrawRectBounds(FastColour.White, 3f, 0, 0, progWidth, progHeight); progressBoxTexture = drawer.Make2DTexture(bmp, size, (int)progX, (int)progY); } } game.MapEvents.MapLoading += MapLoading; }
unsafe void Make(Element e, Font font) { Size *sizes = stackalloc Size[e.Contents.Length / e.CharsPerItem]; MeasureContentSizes(e, font, sizes); Size bodySize = CalculateContentSize(e, sizes, out elementSize); int titleWidth = MeasureTitles(font), titleHeight = elements[0].TitleSize.Height; Size size = new Size(Math.Max(bodySize.Width, titleWidth), bodySize.Height + titleHeight); using (Bitmap bmp = IDrawer2D.CreatePow2Bitmap(size)) using (IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D) { drawer.SetBitmap(bmp); DrawTitles(drawer, font); drawer.Clear(new FastColour(30, 30, 30, 200), 0, titleHeight, size.Width, bodySize.Height); DrawContent(drawer, font, e, titleHeight); texture = drawer.Make2DTexture(bmp, size, X, Y); } }
void MakeTexture(string text) { DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(text, font, true); Size size = game.Drawer2D.MeasureChatSize(ref args); int xOffset = Math.Max(size.Width, DesiredMaxWidth) - size.Width; size.Width = Math.Max(size.Width, DesiredMaxWidth); int yOffset = Math.Max(size.Height, DesiredMaxHeight) - size.Height; size.Height = Math.Max(size.Height, DesiredMaxHeight); using (Bitmap bmp = IDrawer2D.CreatePow2Bitmap(size)) using (IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D) { drawer.SetBitmap(bmp); args.SkipPartsCheck = true; drawer.DrawChatText(ref args, xOffset / 2, yOffset / 2); texture = drawer.Make2DTexture(bmp, size, 0, 0); } }
public void WordWrap( IDrawer2D drawer, ref string[] lines, ref int[] lineLens, int lineSize, int totalChars) { int len = Length; for( int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++ ) { lines[i] = null; lineLens[i] = 0; } // Need to make a copy because we mutate the characters. char[] realText = value; MakeWrapCopy(); int linesCount = 0; for( int index = 0; index < totalChars; index += lineSize ) { if( value[index] == '\0' ) break; int lineEnd = index + (lineSize - 1), nextLine = lineEnd + 1; linesCount++; // Do we need word wrapping? bool needWrap = !IsWrapper( value[lineEnd] ) && nextLine < totalChars && !IsWrapper( value[nextLine] ); int wrappedLen = needWrap ? WrapLine( index, lineSize ) : lineSize; // Calculate the maximum size of this line int lineLen = lineSize; for( int i = lineEnd; i >= index; i-- ) { if( value[i] != '\0' ) break; lineLen--; } lineLens[index / lineSize] = Math.Min( lineLen, wrappedLen ); } // Output the used lines OutputLines( drawer, ref lines, lineLens, linesCount, lineSize, totalChars ); value = realText; }
unsafe void DrawContent(IDrawer2D drawer, Font font, Element e, int yOffset) { string s = new String('\0', e.CharsPerItem); int wrap = e.ItemsPerRow; DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(s, font, false); fixed(char *ptr = s) { for (int i = 0; i < e.Contents.Length; i += e.CharsPerItem) { for (int j = 0; j < e.CharsPerItem; j++) { ptr[j] = e.Contents[i + j]; } int item = i / e.CharsPerItem; int x = (item % wrap) * elementSize.Width, y = (item / wrap) * elementSize.Height; y += yOffset; drawer.DrawChatText(ref args, x, y); } } }
unsafe void SetCaretToCursor(int mouseX, int mouseY) { mouseX -= inputTex.X1; mouseY -= inputTex.Y1; DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(null, font, true); IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D; int offset = 0, elemHeight = defaultHeight; string oneChar = new String('A', 1); for (int y = 0; y < lines; y++) { string line = parts[y]; if (line == null) { continue; } for (int x = 0; x < line.Length; x++) { args.Text = line.Substring(0, x); int trimmedWidth = drawer.MeasureChatSize(ref args).Width; // avoid allocating an unnecessary string fixed(char *ptr = oneChar) ptr[0] = line[x]; args.Text = oneChar; int elemWidth = drawer.MeasureChatSize(ref args).Width; if (Contains(trimmedWidth, y * elemHeight, elemWidth, elemHeight, mouseX, mouseY)) { caretPos = offset + x; CalculateCaretData(); return; } } offset += partLens[y]; } caretPos = -1; CalculateCaretData(); }
void DrawString() { int totalHeight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) { totalHeight += sizes[i].Height; } Size size = new Size(maxWidth, totalHeight); int realHeight = 0; using (Bitmap bmp = IDrawer2D.CreatePow2Bitmap(size)) using (IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D) { drawer.SetBitmap(bmp); DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(null, font, true); for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++) { if (parts[i] == null) { break; } args.Text = parts[i]; drawer.DrawChatText(ref args, 0, realHeight); realHeight += sizes[i].Height; } inputTex = drawer.Make2DTexture(bmp, size, 10, 0); } Height = realHeight == 0 ? defaultHeight : realHeight; Y = game.Height - Height - YOffset; inputTex.Y1 = Y; caretTex.Y1 += Y; Width = size.Width; }
void OutputLines(IDrawer2D drawer, ref string[] lines, int linesCount, int lineSize, int[] lineLens) { for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) { if (value[i] == '\0') { value[i] = ' '; } } // convert %0-f to &0-f for colour preview. for (int i = 0; i < capacity - 1; i++) { if (value[i] == '%' && drawer.ValidColour(value[i + 1])) { value[i] = '&'; } } for (int i = 0; i < Math.Max(1, linesCount); i++) { lines[i] = new String(value, i * lineSize, lineLens[i]); } }
public unsafe string Substring(int offset, int len) { if (len == 0) { return(""); } char *tmp = stackalloc char[len]; // convert %0-f to &0-f for colour preview. for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { tmp[i] = value[offset + i]; if (tmp[i] != '%' || (i + 1) >= len) { continue; } if (IDrawer2D.ValidColCode(value[offset + i + 1])) { tmp[i] = '&'; } } return(new String(tmp, 0, len)); }
unsafe Texture DrawAdvanced(ref DrawTextArgs args, int index, string text) { LinkData data = Split(index, text); Size total = Size.Empty; Size * partSizes = stackalloc Size[data.parts.Length]; linkData[index] = data; for (int i = 0; i < data.parts.Length; i++) { args.Text = data.parts[i]; args.Font = (i & 1) == 0 ? font : underlineFont; partSizes[i] = game.Drawer2D.MeasureChatSize(ref args); total.Height = Math.Max(partSizes[i].Height, total.Height); total.Width += partSizes[i].Width; } using (IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D) using (Bitmap bmp = IDrawer2D.CreatePow2Bitmap(total)) { drawer.SetBitmap(bmp); int x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < data.parts.Length; i++) { args.Text = data.parts[i]; args.Font = (i & 1) == 0 ? font : underlineFont; Size size = partSizes[i]; drawer.DrawChatText(ref args, x, 0); data.bounds[i].X = x; data.bounds[i].Width = size.Width; x += size.Width; } return(drawer.Make2DTexture(bmp, total, 0, 0)); } }
Texture DrawAdvanced(ref DrawTextArgs args, int index, string text) { string[] items = Split(index, text); Size total = Size.Empty; Size[] partSizes = new Size[items.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { args.Text = items[i]; args.Font = (i & 1) == 0 ? font : underlineFont; partSizes[i] = game.Drawer2D.MeasureChatSize(ref args); total.Height = Math.Max(partSizes[i].Height, total.Height); total.Width += partSizes[i].Width; } using (IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D) using (Bitmap bmp = IDrawer2D.CreatePow2Bitmap(total)) { drawer.SetBitmap(bmp); int x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { args.Text = items[i]; args.Font = (i & 1) == 0 ? font : underlineFont; Size size = partSizes[i]; drawer.DrawChatText(ref args, x, 0); urlBounds[index][i].X = x; urlBounds[index][i].Width = size.Width; x += size.Width; } return(drawer.Make2DTexture(bmp, total, 0, 0)); } }
public void Run() { Window = new NativeWindow( 640, 400, Program.AppName, 0, GraphicsMode.Default, DisplayDevice.Default ); Window.Visible = true; Drawer = new GdiPlusDrawer2D( null ); Init(); TryLoadTexturePack(); platformDrawer.Init( Window.WindowInfo ); string audioPath = Path.Combine( Program.AppDirectory, "audio" ); BinUnpacker.Unpack( audioPath, "dig" ); BinUnpacker.Unpack( audioPath, "step" ); fetcher = new ResourceFetcher(); fetcher.CheckResourceExistence(); checkTask = new UpdateCheckTask(); checkTask.CheckForUpdatesAsync(); if( !fetcher.AllResourcesExist ) SetScreen( new ResourcesScreen( this ) ); else SetScreen( new MainScreen( this ) ); while( true ) { Window.ProcessEvents(); if( !Window.Exists ) break; if( ShouldExit ) { if( Screen != null ) Screen.Dispose(); break; } Screen.Tick(); if( Dirty || Screen.Dirty ) Display(); Thread.Sleep( 1 ); } if( Options.Load() ) { LauncherSkin.SaveToOptions(); Options.Save(); } if( ShouldUpdate ) Updater.Patcher.LaunchUpdateScript(); if( Window.Exists ) Window.Close(); }
public TerrainAtlas2D(IGraphicsApi graphics, IDrawer2D drawer) { this.graphics = graphics; this.drawer = drawer; }
public void Redraw( IDrawer2D drawer ) { RecalculateDrawData(); RedrawData( drawer ); }
int DrawColumn( IDrawer2D drawer, bool separator, Font font, Font titleFont, string header, int maxWidth, int x, Func<TableEntry, string> filter) { int y = table.Y + 3; DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( header, titleFont, true ); TableEntry headerEntry = default( TableEntry ); DrawColumnEntry( drawer, ref args, maxWidth, x, ref y, ref headerEntry ); maxIndex = table.Count; y += 5; for( int i = table.CurrentIndex; i < table.Count; i++ ) { args = new DrawTextArgs( filter( table.usedEntries[i] ), font, true ); if( i == table.SelectedIndex && !separator ) { int startY = y - 3; int height = Math.Min( startY + (entryHeight + 4), table.Y + table.Height ) - startY; drawer.Clear( foreGridCol, table.X, startY, table.Width, height ); } if( !DrawColumnEntry( drawer, ref args, maxWidth, x, ref y, ref table.usedEntries[i] ) ) { maxIndex = i; break; } } if( separator && !window.ClassicBackground ) drawer.Clear( LauncherSkin.BackgroundCol, x - 7, table.Y, 2, table.Height ); return maxWidth + 5; }
public override void Redraw( IDrawer2D drawer ) { if( Window.Minimised ) return; DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs( Text, font, true ); drawer.DrawText( ref args, X, Y ); }
protected override void OnLoad( EventArgs e ) { #if !USE_DX Graphics = new OpenGLApi(); #else Graphics = new Direct3D9Api( this ); #endif try { Options.Load(); } catch( IOException ) { Utils.LogWarning( "Unable to load options.txt" ); } ViewDistance = Options.GetInt( "viewdist", 16, 8192, 512 ); Keys = new KeyMap(); InputHandler = new InputHandler( this ); Chat = new ChatLog( this ); Drawer2D = new GdiPlusDrawer2D( Graphics ); defaultIb = Graphics.MakeDefaultIb(); ModelCache = new ModelCache( this ); ModelCache.InitCache(); AsyncDownloader = new AsyncDownloader( skinServer ); Graphics.PrintGraphicsInfo(); TerrainAtlas1D = new TerrainAtlas1D( Graphics ); TerrainAtlas = new TerrainAtlas2D( Graphics, Drawer2D ); Animations = new Animations( this ); TexturePackExtractor extractor = new TexturePackExtractor(); extractor.Extract( defaultTexPack, this ); Inventory = new Inventory( this ); BlockInfo = new BlockInfo(); BlockInfo.Init(); BlockInfo.SetDefaultBlockPermissions( Inventory.CanPlace, Inventory.CanDelete ); Map = new Map( this ); LocalPlayer = new LocalPlayer( this ); Players[255] = LocalPlayer; width = Width; height = Height; MapRenderer = new MapRenderer( this ); MapEnvRenderer = new MapEnvRenderer( this ); EnvRenderer = new StandardEnvRenderer( this ); if( IPAddress == null ) { Network = new Singleplayer.SinglePlayerServer( this ); } else { Network = new NetworkProcessor( this ); } Graphics.LostContextFunction = Network.Tick; firstPersonCam = new FirstPersonCamera( this ); thirdPersonCam = new ThirdPersonCamera( this ); Camera = firstPersonCam; CommandManager = new CommandManager(); CommandManager.Init( this ); SelectionManager = new SelectionManager( this ); ParticleManager = new ParticleManager( this ); WeatherRenderer = new WeatherRenderer( this ); WeatherRenderer.Init(); Graphics.SetVSync( this, true ); Graphics.DepthTest = true; Graphics.DepthTestFunc( CompareFunc.LessEqual ); //Graphics.DepthWrite = true; Graphics.AlphaBlendFunc( BlendFunc.SourceAlpha, BlendFunc.InvSourceAlpha ); Graphics.AlphaTestFunc( CompareFunc.Greater, 0.5f ); Title = Utils.AppName; fpsScreen = new FpsScreen( this ); fpsScreen.Init(); Culling = new FrustumCulling(); EnvRenderer.Init(); MapEnvRenderer.Init(); Picking = new PickingRenderer( this ); string connectString = "Connecting to " + IPAddress + ":" + Port + ".."; SetNewScreen( new LoadingMapScreen( this, connectString, "Reticulating splines" ) ); Network.Connect( IPAddress, Port ); }
void LoadSavedInfo( IDrawer2D drawer ) { Dictionary<string, object> metadata; // restore what user last typed into the various fields if( game.ScreenMetadata.TryGetValue( "screen-CC", out metadata ) ) { Set( 2, (string)metadata["user"] ); Set( 3, (string)metadata["pass"] ); } else { LoadFromOptions(); } }
public static Bitmap ReadBmp(IDrawer2D drawer, byte[] data) { return(ReadBmp(drawer, new MemoryStream(data))); }
public TerrainAtlas2D(IGraphicsApi gfx, IDrawer2D drawer) { this.gfx = gfx; this.drawer = drawer; }
void DrawClassic( IDrawer2D drawer ) { FastColour highlightCol = Active ? new FastColour( 189, 198, 255 ) : new FastColour( 168, 168, 168 ); drawer.Clear( highlightCol, X + border + 1, Y + border, Width - (border * 2 + 1), border ); drawer.Clear( highlightCol, X + border, Y + border + 1, border, Height - (border * 2 + 1) ); }
public abstract void Redraw( IDrawer2D drawer );
void DrawScrollbar( IDrawer2D drawer ) { FastColour col = window.ClassicBackground ? new FastColour( 80, 80, 80 ) : LauncherSkin.ButtonBorderCol; drawer.Clear( col, window.Width - 10, table.Y, 10, table.Height ); col = window.ClassicBackground ? new FastColour( 160, 160, 160 ) : LauncherSkin.ButtonForeActiveCol; int yOffset, height; table.GetScrollbarCoords( out yOffset, out height ); drawer.Clear( col, window.Width - 10, table.Y + yOffset, 10, height ); }
public LauncherScreen( LauncherWindow game ) { this.game = game; drawer = game.Drawer; }
void LoadSavedInfo( IDrawer2D drawer ) { try { Options.Load(); } catch( IOException ) { return; } string user = Options.Get( "launcher-cc-username" ) ?? ""; string pass = Options.Get( "launcher-cc-password" ) ?? ""; pass = Secure.Decode( pass, user ); Set( 2, user ); Set( 3, pass ); }
public void DrawAt( IDrawer2D drawer, Anchor horAnchor, Anchor verAnchor, int x, int y ) { CalculateOffset( x, y, horAnchor, verAnchor ); Redraw( drawer ); }
public TerrainAtlas2D( IGraphicsApi graphics, IDrawer2D drawer ) { this.graphics = graphics; this.drawer = drawer; }
void DrawNormal( IDrawer2D drawer ) { if( Active ) return; FastColour lineCol = LauncherSkin.ButtonHighlightCol; drawer.Clear( lineCol, X + border + 1, Y + border, Width - (border * 2 + 1), border ); }