private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var result = saveMap.ShowDialog(); if (result != DialogResult.OK) return; if (_loaded) { var timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); _map.Save(saveMap.FileName); timer.Stop(); lblTime.Text = "Time: " + timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; } else { // -- Create a map and save it. var timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); _map = new Classicworld(128, 128, 128) {MapName = "New Map!"}; _map.Save(saveMap.FileName); timer.Stop(); lblTime.Text = "Time: " + timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; } }
private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var result = openMap.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { var timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); _map = new Classicworld(openMap.FileName); _map.Load(); timer.Stop(); lblTime.Text = "Time: " + timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; _loaded = true; } }
public void LoadMap(string directory, string mapName) { if (!File.Exists(directory + "/Data-Layer.gz") || !File.Exists(directory + "/Config.txt")) return; // -- Not a valid map. // -- Load the Config data first.. var configfile = new Settings("TempD3Config.txt", LoadConfig, directory, false); configfile.LoadFile(); Mapsize = new Vector3S { X = (short) configfile.Read("Size_X", 128), Y = (short) configfile.Read("Size_Y", 128), Z = (short) configfile.Read("Size_Z", 128) }; Spawn = new Vector3S { X = (short) float.Parse(configfile.Read("Spawn_X", "1.0")), Y = (short) float.Parse(configfile.Read("Spawn_Y", "1.0")), Z = (short) float.Parse(configfile.Read("Spawn_Z", "1.0")) }; SpawnRot = (byte)configfile.Read("Spawn_Rot", 0); SpawnLook = (byte)configfile.Read("Spawn_Look", 0); Motd = configfile.Read("MOTD_Override", ""); PhysicsStopped = Convert.ToBoolean(configfile.Read("Physic_Stopped", 0)); // -- Load the block data GZip.DecompressFile(directory + "/Data-Layer.gz"); byte[] allData; using (var br = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(directory + "/Data-Layer.gz", FileMode.Open))) allData = br.ReadBytes((int)br.BaseStream.Length); GZip.CompressFile(directory + "/Data-Layer.gz"); if (allData.Length != (Mapsize.X * Mapsize.Y * Mapsize.Z) * 4) { // -- Size error.. return; } Blockdata = new byte[Mapsize.X * Mapsize.Y * Mapsize.Z]; // -- Converts block data from the D3 array format to the ClassicWorld array format. for (var x = 0; x < Mapsize.X; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < Mapsize.Y; y++) { for (var z = 0; z < Mapsize.Z; z++) Blockdata[GetIndex(x, y, z)] = allData[GetBlock(x, y, z)]; } } // -- Now, Block data will be properly oriented for use in ClassicWorld maps, and we have all the data we need to create a classicworld map. var cwMap = new Classicworld(Mapsize.X, Mapsize.Z, Mapsize.Y) { BlockData = Blockdata, SpawnX = Spawn.X, SpawnY = Spawn.Z, SpawnZ = Spawn.Y, SpawnRotation = SpawnRot, SpawnLook = SpawnLook, MapName = mapName }; // -- Classicworld is in notchian Coordinates. cwMap.Save("Maps/" + mapName + ".cw"); Blockdata = null; cwMap.BlockData = null; GC.Collect(); // -- Conversion Complete. }
/// <summary> /// Loads a new file into this map object. /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">The file to load into this map.</param> public void Load(string filename) { if (!File.Exists(filename)) { if (File.Exists(filename + "u")) File.Move(filename + "u", filename); else return; } Path = filename; CWMap = new Classicworld(filename); HCSettings = new HypercubeMetadata(); CWMap.MetadataParsers.Add("Hypercube", HCSettings); CWMap.Load(); _physicsBitmask = new byte[(CWMap.BlockData.Length / 8) + 1]; HCSettings = (HypercubeMetadata)CWMap.MetadataParsers["Hypercube"]; if (HCSettings.BuildPerms == null) { Buildperms.Add("", ServerCore.Permholder.GetPermission("")); } else Buildperms = PermissionContainer.SplitPermissions(HCSettings.BuildPerms); if (HCSettings.ShowPerms == null) { Showperms.Add("map.joinmap", ServerCore.Permholder.GetPermission("map.joinmap")); } else Showperms = PermissionContainer.SplitPermissions(HCSettings.ShowPerms); if (HCSettings.JoinPerms == null) { Joinperms.Add("map.joinmap", ServerCore.Permholder.GetPermission("map.joinmap")); HCSettings.Building = true; HCSettings.Physics = true; HCSettings.History = true; } else Joinperms = PermissionContainer.SplitPermissions(HCSettings.JoinPerms); if (HCSettings.SaveInterval == 0) HCSettings.SaveInterval = 10; CPESettings = (CPEMetadata)CWMap.MetadataParsers["CPE"]; if (CPESettings.CustomBlocksFallback == null) { CPESettings.CustomBlocksLevel = CPE.CustomBlocksSupportLevel; CPESettings.CustomBlocksVersion = CPE.CustomBlocksVersion; CPESettings.CustomBlocksFallback = new byte[256]; for (var i = 50; i < 66; i++) CPESettings.CustomBlocksFallback[i] = (byte)ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(i).CPEReplace; CWMap.MetadataParsers["CPE"] = CPESettings; } if (CPESettings.EnvMapAppearanceVersion != CPE.EnvMapAppearanceVersion) { CPESettings.TextureUrl = ""; CPESettings.EdgeBlock = 8; CPESettings.SideBlock = 7; CPESettings.SideLevel = (short)(CWMap.SizeY / 2); CPESettings.EnvMapAppearanceVersion = CPE.EnvMapAppearanceVersion; } if (HCSettings.History) History = new MapHistory(this); }
/// <summary> /// Reloads the map after being unloaded to conserve memory. /// </summary> public void Load() { if (Loaded) return; CWMap = new Classicworld(Path); HCSettings = new HypercubeMetadata(); CWMap.MetadataParsers.Add("Hypercube", HCSettings); CWMap.Load(); _physicsBitmask = new byte[(CWMap.BlockData.Length / 8) + 1]; HCSettings = (HypercubeMetadata)CWMap.MetadataParsers["Hypercube"]; Path = Path.Replace(".cwu", ".cw"); if (File.Exists(Path)) File.Delete(Path); File.Move(Path + "u", Path); if (HCSettings.History && History != null) History.ReloadHistory(); else if (HCSettings.History) History = new MapHistory(this); Loaded = true; ServerCore.Logger.Log("Map", CWMap.MapName + " reloaded.", LogType.Info); ServerCore.Luahandler.RunFunction("E_MapReloaded", this); }
private byte[] _physicsBitmask; // -- A simple bitmask for determineing what blocks are in the physics queue. #endregion Fields #region Constructors /// <summary> /// Creates a new map. /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">Where to save the file</param> /// <param name="mapName">What to name the map</param> /// <param name="sizeX">Map's X size</param> /// <param name="sizeY">Map's Y size</param> /// <param name="sizeZ">Map's Z size</param> public HypercubeMap(string filename, string mapName, short sizeX, short sizeY, short sizeZ) { CWMap = new Classicworld(sizeX, sizeZ, sizeY); HCSettings = new HypercubeMetadata {Building = true, Physics = true, History = true, SaveInterval = 10}; // -- Hypercube specific settings, woo. var joinPerm = ServerCore.Permholder.GetPermission("map.joinmap"); Joinperms.Add("map.joinmap", joinPerm); Showperms.Add("map.joinmap", joinPerm); Buildperms.Add("", ServerCore.Permholder.GetPermission("")); CWMap.MetadataParsers.Add("Hypercube", HCSettings); CWMap.MapName = mapName; CWMap.GeneratingSoftware = "Hypercube"; CWMap.GeneratorName = "Blank"; CWMap.CreatingService = "Classicube"; CWMap.CreatingUsername = "******"; CPESettings = (CPEMetadata) CWMap.MetadataParsers["CPE"]; if (CPESettings.CustomBlocksFallback == null) { CPESettings.CustomBlocksLevel = CPE.CustomBlocksSupportLevel; CPESettings.CustomBlocksVersion = CPE.CustomBlocksVersion; CPESettings.CustomBlocksFallback = new byte[256]; for (var i = 50; i < 66; i++) CPESettings.CustomBlocksFallback[i] = (byte)ServerCore.Blockholder.GetBlock(i).CPEReplace; CWMap.MetadataParsers["CPE"] = CPESettings; } CPESettings.TextureUrl = ""; CPESettings.EdgeBlock = 8; CPESettings.SideBlock = 7; CPESettings.SideLevel = (short)(CWMap.SizeY / 2); CPESettings.EnvMapAppearanceVersion = CPE.EnvMapAppearanceVersion; Lastclient = DateTime.UtcNow; Clients = new Dictionary<short, NetworkClient>(); Entities = new Dictionary<int, Entity>(); CreateClientList(); Path = filename; Save(Path); History = new MapHistory(this); for (sbyte i = 0; i < 127; i++) FreeIds.Push(i); _physicsBitmask = new byte[(CWMap.BlockData.Length / 8) + 1]; }