static void Main(string[] args) { Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; int[] arrayInt = { 5, 34, 67, 12, 94, 42 }; IEnumerable <IGrouping <int, int> > query = from i in arrayInt group i by i % 10; IEnumerable <IGrouping <int, int> > query2 = from i in arrayInt group i by i % 10 into res where res.Count() > 1 select res; Console.WriteLine("Forming groups of criteria:"); foreach (IGrouping <int, int> key in query) { Console.Write($"Key: {key.Key} \nValue:"); foreach (int item in key) { Console.Write($"\t{item}"); } Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine("Groups with the number of elements if greater than 1:"); foreach (IGrouping <int, int> key in query2) { Console.Write($"Key: {key.Key} \nValue:"); foreach (int item in key) { Console.Write($"\t{item}"); } Console.WriteLine(); } //******************************************************************************************* string[] poem = { "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,", "And sorry I could not travel both", "And be one traveler, long I stood", "And look down one as far as I coul", "To where it bent in the undergrowth;", "en took the other, as just as fair,", "And having perhaps the better claim,", "Because it was grassy and wanted wear;", "Though as for that the passing there", "Had worn them really about the same," }; IEnumerable <string> query3 = from i in poem let words = i.Split(' ', ';', ',') from w in words where w.Count() > 5 select w; IEnumerable <string> query4 = from i in poem let words = i.Split(' ', ';', ',') from w in words where w == "and" || w == "And" select w; Console.WriteLine("Words, in which more than 5 characters:"); foreach (string item in query3) { Console.Write($"\t{item}"); } Console.WriteLine("Words, and or And:"); foreach (string item in query4) { Console.Write($"\t{item}"); } //*********************************************************************************** List <Group> groups = new List <Group> { new Group { Id = 1, Name = "QA" }, new Group { Id = 2, Name = "C#" } }; List <Student> students = new List <Student> { new Student { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Miller", GroupId = 2 }, new Student { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Leman", GroupId = 1 }, new Student { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Nicols", GroupId = 1 }, new Student { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Taylor", GroupId = 2 }, }; IEnumerable <Student> query5 = from g in groups join st in students on g.Id equals st.GroupId into res from r in res select r; Console.WriteLine("\n\tStudent in groups:"); foreach (Student item in query5) { Console.WriteLine($"Surname: {item.LastName}, " + $"Name: {item.FirstName}, " + $"Group: {groups.First(g=>g.Id== item.GroupId).Name}"); } //********************************************************************************* Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 240)); var worker = new { FirstName = "Joht", LastName = "Dos", Salary = 7456.32 }; Console.WriteLine($"String: {worker}"); Console.WriteLine($"Type: {worker.GetType()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Hash code: {worker.GetHashCode()}"); //********************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************** Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 240)); List <Workers> workers = new List <Workers>(); List <Salary> salaries = new List <Salary>(); workers = Workers.Read_Workers(); salaries = Salary.Read_Salary(); var names = from item in workers where item.year < (2016 - 35) select; Console.WriteLine("\n\tВывести фамилии и инициалы сотрудников выше 35 лет.:"); foreach (string s in names) { Console.WriteLine($"Name: {s}"); } Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 240)); var all_employees = from w in workers from sl in salaries let avg = (int)sl.salary1 + (int)sl.salary2 where w.code == sl.code select + " - " + w.profession + " salary for year " + avg; Console.WriteLine("\tAll emplouyes: "); foreach (var item in all_employees) { Console.WriteLine(item); } var max_salary = (from ms in salaries select ms.salary2).Max(); Console.WriteLine("\n\tВывести идентификационный код сотрудника с наибольшей зарплатой за второе полугодие."); Console.WriteLine($"Id = {(int)max_salary}"); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 240)); var result = from w in workers from sl in salaries let avg = (from s in salaries select(s.salary1 + s.salary2)).Average() where ((sl.salary1 + sl.salary2) < avg) && (w.code == sl.code) select + " - " + w.profession; Console.WriteLine("\n\tВывести фамилии, инициалы и вид образования тех сотрудников, зарплата которых за год ниже средней за год"); foreach (var item in result) { Console.WriteLine($"{item} "); } Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 240)); Console.ReadLine(); }