예제 #1
        public static int BuildBankTransactionsFromTextfile( )
            string fi    = BankAccount.ReadBankFilePath( ) + "Textfiles\\BankTransData.txt";
            int    count = 0;

            if (File.Exists(fi))
                string   input  = File.ReadAllText(fi);                     // you gotta delete them first, else it appends the data constantly
                char[]   ch1    = { '\t' };
                char[]   ch2    = { ',' };
                string[] record = input.Split(ch1);
                int      x      = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < record.Length - 1; i++)
                {                   // There is n empty record for some reason, hence Length - 1
                    string          str  = record[i];
                    string[]        Item = str.Split(ch2);
                    BankTransaction BT   = new BankTransaction(
                        Convert.ToInt16(Item[x + 1]),
                        Convert.ToInt32(Item[x + 2]),
                        Convert.ToInt32(Item[x + 3]),
                        Convert.ToDecimal(Item[x + 4]),
                        Item[x + 5],
                        Convert.ToInt16(Item[x + 6]));
예제 #2
        public static bool DeleteBankAccount(string accountNo)
            bool result = false;

            //First we need the relevant bank account object
            foreach (var Bank in BankAccountsLinkedList)
                // check for matching AccountNumber in each BankAccount Object
                if (Bank.CustAccountNumber == Convert.ToInt32(accountNo))
                {   // Found the BankAccount object we want to close
                    // first, remove it from the LinkedList
                    // now do the bankno array
                    int index = DataArray.ArrayFindBank(Bank);
                    // Update our new Dictionary system
                    if (BankDict != null)

                    // Then delete the bank object itself
                    //                    Bank.Dispose();
                    // Finally,we need to add a transactions record for this account
                    BankTransaction bt = new BankTransaction();
                    bt.TransDate         = DateTime.Now;
                    bt.AccountType       = 9;
                    bt.CustAccountNumber = Convert.ToInt32(accountNo);
                    bt.BankAccountNumber = Bank.BankAccountNumber;
                    bt.Transamount       = 0;
                    bt.Notes             = "Account has been closed";
                    bt.Status            = 2; // closed

                    result = true;
                    //Trigger our event
                    BankListChangedEvent?.Invoke(Bank, "BANKACCOUNT DELETED");
            if (!result)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to delete the entry from the Transactions list...");
예제 #3
        public static void ReWriteBankLinkedList( )
            // iterate thru bankaccount objects and add threm to our linkedList
            string dir = BankAccount.ReadBankFilePath( );

            string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.bnk");
            // iterate thru all the files on disk, startinmg at 1
            // Iterate trhu them and handle as required
            int count = 0;

            foreach (var fi in files)
                bool result = fi.Contains("BankObject");
                if (!result)
                        BankAccount B = (BankAccount)SerializeData.ReadBankAccountFromDisk(fi);

                    // As we have red it in, we need to delete it so we do not
                    // duplicate it when saving all files at end of a user sessoin.
                    if (B != null)
                        BankAccount.BankAccountsLinkedList.AddLast(B);     // Add this one to our linked list of customers.
                        BankTransaction newbankaccount = new BankTransaction(B.DateOpened, B.AccountType, B.CustAccountNumber,
                                                                             B.BankAccountNumber, B.Balance, "Customer account updated successfuly", B.Status);
            // save linked list to disk in text format
            Lists.SaveAllBankAccountListData( );
예제 #4
        // find account
        private void DeleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string accno  = AccountNumber.Text;
            string balstr = "";

            if (Cust == null)
                Cust = Customer.GetCustomerAccount(accno);
            if (Cust == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to find the Customer Record on Disk", "Database system ERROR"); return;
            // now check all the objects first, then finally delete it all
            Bank = Search.FindBankObjectfromCustNo(accno);                  // get the full file name/path
            if (Bank == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to open the Bank Account Record File (Object for deletion)!", "Database system ERROR");
                //						Cu . Dispose ( );     // delete Customer object in memory sraight away
                balstr = Bank.Balance.ToString( );
                if (Bank.Balance > 0)
                    DialogResult result;
                    result = MessageBox.Show("This Customer has a positive balance of " + Bank.Balance.ToString( ) + " in their main account!\nDo you really want to continue to delete it ?", "Financial Adjustment Required", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                    if (result == DialogResult.No)
                // Find CUSTOMER in LINKED LIST and DELETE IT.
                foreach (var L in Customer.CustomersLinkedList)
                    if (L.CustomerNumber == Convert.ToInt32(accno))
//						L.Dispose ( );

                // Find CUSTOMER in ArrayLIST and DELETE IT.
                // remember to also delete ALL other Bank A/cs
                // DeleteSecondaryBankAccounts handles both  LinkedList and ArrayList
                // and the disk file itself
                if (Cust.accountnums[1] > 0)
                    DeleteSecondaryBankAccounts(Bank, Cust.accountnums[1]);
                if (Cust.accountnums[2] > 0)
                    DeleteSecondaryBankAccounts(Bank, Cust.accountnums[2]);
                if (Cust.accountnums[3] > 0)
                    DeleteSecondaryBankAccounts(Bank, Cust.accountnums[3]);
                // dont forget the original account
                DeleteSecondaryBankAccounts(Bank, Cust.accountnums[0]);
                BankTransaction newtransrecord = new BankTransaction(
                    DateTime.Now,                                                                        // Transaction Date
                    Bank.AccountType,                                                                    // Account Type
                    Bank.CustAccountNumber,                                                              // Cust Account #
                    Bank.BankAccountNumber,                                                              // Bank Account #
                    Convert.ToDecimal("0.00"),                                                           // Transaction Amount
                    "Customer " + Bank.CustAccountNumber.ToString( ) + " has been deleted",              // Notes
                    Bank.Status);                                                                        // Status

                // remove the customer from our ArrayList
                if (!DataArray.ArrayDeleteCust(Cust))
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to delete the Customer record from ArrayList", "Data processing ERROR");
                // write a transaction record so we rmeeber th eCustomer has GONE...
                // Finally Delete the Customer record
                if (File.Exists(Cust.FullFileName))
                // now delete the Textfile copy
                string fi = Customer.GetCustFilePath( ) + "Textfiles\\custobj" + Bank.CustAccountNumber.ToString( ) + ".txt";
                if (File.Exists(fi))

                File.Delete(Bank.FullFileName);                     // now delete the actual Bank Account file
                // clean up our memeory usage after ourselves so far
                //				Bank . Dispose ( );     // delete BankAccount object in memory
                //				Cust . Dispose ( );     // delete our file wide Customer object in memory
            //			Bank. fc . Text = "Customer # " + accno + " has been deleted from the system successfully..\r\n";
            command.Text   = "Account " + accno + " has been deleted completely";
            FirstName.Text = "";
            LastName.Text  = "";
            //AccountNumber . Text = "";
            info.Text = "including all attached Bank Account(s)";
            if (balstr.Length > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("The selected Customer # had a balance of " + Bank.Balance.ToString( ) + " in their main account!\nbut the account  has still been deleted?", "Financial Adjustment Required", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                MessageBox.Show("The selected Customer # has been deleted succesfully including  their main and auxuiliary accounts?", "Customer Deletion Utility", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
            AccountNumber.Focus( );
예제 #5
        // Save the new customer data as an Object and add it to the Customer List
        // plus create a BankAccount object and add it to the BankAccount List
        // and add a bak transaction
        private void SaveBankButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (AccountNo.Text.Length == 0 || AccountBalance.Text.Length == 0 || Interest.Text.Length == 0 || OpenDate.Text.Length == 0 || fname.Text.Length == 0 ||
                lname.Text.Length == 0 || day.Text.Length == 0 || month.Text.Length == 0 || year.Text.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("One or more fields are empty, All fields must be populated", "User Input Error");
            Int16 type = 0;

            if (AccountType.Text.Contains("Normal"))
                type = 1;
            if (AccountType.Text.Contains("Savings"))
                type = 2;
            if (AccountType.Text.Contains("Deposit"))
                type = 3;
            if (AccountType.Text.Contains("Business"))
                type = 4;

            //====================BANK ACCOUNT ========================================
            // READ BANK OBJECT FROM DISK and update it
            // Bank should be valid as it is a global in this file ?
            if (allbankaccounts.SelectedIndex == -1)
                MessageBox.Show("The Bank Account list does not appear to have an item selected\nWe No data has been changed, but we are UNABLE to continue with update...", "Database system ERROR");
            string target = allbankaccounts.Items[allbankaccounts.SelectedIndex].ToString();

            char[]   ch        = { '\t' };
            char[]   dashch    = { '-' };
            string[] tempacno  = target.Split(ch);
            Int32    accountno = Convert.ToInt32(tempacno[0]);

            Bank = Search.FindBankObjectfromBankNo(accountno);
            int    actype         = Convert.ToInt16(AccountType.SelectedIndex + 1);
            string actypeselected = AccountType.SelectedItem.ToString();

            string[] newselaccount = actypeselected.Split(dashch);
            if (newselaccount[0] != tempacno[1])
            {   // the type of account has been changed - handle it
                for (int i = 0; i < allbankaccounts.Items.Count; i++)
                    string temp = "";
                    temp = allbankaccounts.Items[i].ToString();
                    string[] thisentry = temp.Split(ch);
                    if (thisentry[0] == tempacno[0] && thisentry[1] != newselaccount[0])
                        listupdateneeded = false;   //This simply avoids the auto update of the listbox, set back to true afterwards
                        temp = Bank.BankAccountNumber.ToString() + "\t" + actype.ToString();
                        allbankaccounts.SelectedIndex = i;
                        listupdateneeded = true;
            // Thkis call sends Event data to Bankaccount.cs so the handlers can handle it
            // cos we cannot call them directly in BankAccount.cs
            BankAccount.SendBankEventData(Bank, "BANKACCOUNT MODIFIED");

            // we need to  delete the old account and insert the new details  in our ArrayList
            int index = DataArray.ArrayFindBank(Bank);


            Bank.Balance      = Convert.ToDecimal(AccountBalance.Text);
            Bank.InterestRate = Convert.ToDecimal(Interest.Text);
            Bank.DateOpened   = Convert.ToDateTime(OpenDate.Text);
            Bank.AccountType  = Convert.ToInt16(actype);
            SerializeData.WriteBankAccountToDiskAndText(Bank, Bank.FullFileName);
            if (BankAccount.BankDict != null)
                if (!BankAccount.BankDict.ContainsKey(Bank.BankAccountNumber))
                    BankAccount.BankDict.Add(Bank.BankAccountNumber, Bank);
            } // handle the Linkedlist as well

            BankTransaction newbankaccount = new BankTransaction();

            newbankaccount.TransDate         = DateTime.Now;
            newbankaccount.AccountType       = Bank.AccountType;
            newbankaccount.CustAccountNumber = Bank.CustAccountNumber;
            newbankaccount.BankAccountNumber = Bank.BankAccountNumber;
            newbankaccount.Transamount       = Bank.Balance;
            newbankaccount.Notes             = "Opening Balance";
            newbankaccount.Status            = Bank.Status;
            //Update the Customer HASH TABLE
            CustomerBalanceHashTable.UpdateCustBalHashTable(Bank.CustAccountNumber.ToString(), Bank.Balance);

            Cust = Customer.GetCustomerAccount(Bank.CustAccountNumber.ToString());
            if (Cust == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to find the Customer Record from LinkedList", "Database system ERROR"); return;
                // we need to  delete the old Customer account and insert the new details  in our ArrayList
                int indx = DataArray.ArrayFindCust(Cust);
                // Now update the Customer record so we can add it to the array
                Cust.FirstName = fname.Text;
                Cust.LastName  = lname.Text;
                Cust.DOB       = Convert.ToDateTime(day.Text + "/" + month.Text + "/" + year.Text);
                if (Cust.accountnums[0] == Convert.ToInt32(Bank.BankAccountNumber))
                    Cust.accounttypes[0] = type;
                else if (Cust.accountnums[1] == Convert.ToInt32(Bank.BankAccountNumber))
                    Cust.accounttypes[1] = type;
                else if (Cust.accountnums[2] == Convert.ToInt32(Bank.BankAccountNumber))
                    Cust.accounttypes[2] = type;
                else if (Cust.accountnums[3] == Convert.ToInt32(Bank.BankAccountNumber))
                    Cust.accounttypes[3] = type;
                Cust.Address1     = addr1.Text;
                Cust.Address2     = addr2.Text;
                Cust.Town         = town.Text;
                Cust.County       = county.Text;
                Cust.PostCode     = postcode.Text;
                Cust.PhoneNumber  = phone.Text;
                Cust.MobileNumber = mobile.Text;

                Customer.WriteCustObjectToDiskAndText(Cust, Cust.FullFileName);
                {   // update Customer Linked List & ArrayList
                    // save our Customer LinkedList to disk as binary and txt files
                    Lists.SaveAllCustomerListData(Customer.CustomerFilePath + "CustSortedListData.cust");
                    if (Customer.CustDict != null)
                        if (!Customer.CustDict.ContainsKey(Cust.CustomerNumber))
                            Customer.CustDict.Add(Cust.CustomerNumber, Cust);
                catch { new Exception("Customer Linked List coukld not be updated in bankaccountEdit.cs cline 103"); }

            MessageBox.Show("Bank & Customer  accounts have been updated successfully...,", "Bank account Edit Facility");
예제 #6
        // Save the new customer data as an Object and add it to the Customer List
        // plus create a BankAccount object and add it to the BankAccount List
        private void SaveCustButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!dirty)
                MessageBox.Show("No changes appear to have been made ?... \nPlease make any changes needed, and then try again" +
                                "", " FULL Customer EDIT entry System");
                int test = Convert.ToInt16(day.Text);
                test = Convert.ToInt16(month.Text);
                test = Convert.ToInt16(year.Text);
            catch { new Exception("Date of Birth entry data is invalid..." + day + "/" + month + "/" + year); }

             *                      if ( AccountType. Text. Contains ( "Normal" ) ) type = 1;
             *                      if ( AccountType. Text. Contains ( "Savings" ) ) type = 2;
             *                      if ( AccountType. Text. Contains ( "Deposit" ) ) type = 3;
             *                      if ( AccountType. Text. Contains ( "Business" ) ) type = 4;
            if (day.Text == "" | month.Text == "" | year.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("The DOB date you have entered is not valid... Please correct this", " New Customer entry System");
            if (Convert.ToInt16(day.Text) < 0 | Convert.ToInt16(day.Text) > 31 | Convert.ToInt16(month.Text) < 0 | Convert.ToInt16(month.Text) > 12
                | Convert.ToInt16(year.Text) < 1920 | Convert.ToInt16(year.Text) > DateTime.Now.Year)
                MessageBox.Show("The DOB date you have entered is not valid... Please correct this", " New Customer entry System"); return;
            string dob = day.Text + "/" + month.Text + "/" + year.Text;

            /// make sure our DOB data is sound, else we crqash everywhere
            try { DateTime DOB = Convert.ToDateTime(dob); }
            { MessageBox.Show("The DOB date you have entered is not valid... Please correct this", " New Customer entry System"); return; }
            if (lname.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("You must enter a valid Last Name... Please correct this", " New Customer entry System"); return;
            if (town.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("You must enter a valid Town... Please correct this", " New Customer entry System"); return;
            if (county.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("You must enter a valid County... Please correct this", " New Customer entry System"); return;
            if (pcode.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("You must enter a valid PostCode... Please correct this", " New Customer entry System"); return;

            if (!dirty)
                MessageBox.Show("No changes appear to have been made, so saving it is not required", "Data Validation Warning ");
            if (Cust != null)
                // first grab the ArrayList entry index using original data
                int index = DataArray.ArrayFindCust(Cust);
                if (index == -1)
                    MessageBox.Show("This Customer account details cannot be found in ArrayList...,", "Customer FULL Edit facility");
                // go ahead and update the object
                Cust.FirstName    = fname.Text;
                Cust.LastName     = lname.Text;
                Cust.Address1     = addr1.Text;
                Cust.Address2     = addr2.Text;
                Cust.Town         = town.Text;
                Cust.County       = county.Text;
                Cust.PostCode     = pcode.Text;
                Cust.PhoneNumber  = tel.Text;
                Cust.MobileNumber = mob.Text;

                // Update Customer Object on disk
                Customer.WriteCustObjectToDiskAndText(Cust, Cust.FullFileName);
                // update  Now we can actually the ArrayList

                 * // already updated previously
                 * // update Customer  LinkedList
                 * foreach ( var L in Customer . CustomersLinkedList )
                 * {
                 *  if ( L . CustomerNumber == Convert . ToInt32 ( AccountNo . Text ) )
                 *  {   // got it
                 *      if ( Customer . CustomersLinkedList . Contains ( L ) )
                 *      {
                 *          Customer . CustomersLinkedList . Remove ( L );
                 *          Customer . CustomersLinkedList . AddLast ( Cust );
                 *      }
                 *      break;
                 *  }
                 * }
                // get the bank account for this customer
                // and update the relevant fields
                string   s    = accountnums.SelectedItem.ToString( );
                char[]   c    = { '\t' };
                string[] opts = s.Split(c);
                Bank = Search.FindBankObjectfromBankNo(opts[0]);
                // Find the original Bank object in ArrayList
                int indx = DataArray.ArrayFindBank(Bank);
                if (indx == -1)
                    MessageBox.Show("This Bank  account details cannot be found in ArrayList...,", "Customer FULL Edit facility");
                    // I do this in case the value is formatted eg : 1,235.76 !!  which definitely does not compuute easily !!
                    Bank.Balance      = Convert.ToDecimal(Convert.ToDecimal(AccountBalance.Text).ToString( ));
                    Bank.InterestRate = Convert.ToDecimal(Interest.Text);
                    // save the changes to our bank account
                    SerializeData.WriteBankAccountToDiskAndText(Bank, Bank.FullFileName);
                    MessageBox.Show("This Bank  account details cannot be updated , Data system is NOW inconsistent !...,", "Customer FULL Edit facility");
                // Now we can update ArrayList safely
                if (indx != -1)
                // Write a transaction record too....
                BankTransaction newbankaccount = new BankTransaction( );
                newbankaccount.TransDate         = DateTime.Now;
                newbankaccount.AccountType       = Bank.AccountType;
                newbankaccount.CustAccountNumber = Bank.CustAccountNumber;
                newbankaccount.BankAccountNumber = Bank.BankAccountNumber;
                newbankaccount.Transamount       = Bank.Balance;
                newbankaccount.Notes             = "Opening Balance";
                newbankaccount.Status            = Bank.Status;

                //our TWO hash tables do not hold any data that can be changed

                // update the interest  in BankAccount LinkedList in case it hs been chnaged
                foreach (var BL in BankAccount.BankAccountsLinkedList)
                    if (BL.CustAccountNumber == Convert.ToInt32(AccountNo.Text))
                        BL.InterestRate = Convert.ToDecimal(Interest.Text);                                 // this is the ONLY thing we can update in a bank account
                dirty = false;
            MessageBox.Show("This Customer account details have been updated successfully...,", "Customer FULL Edit facility");
예제 #7
        public static int RebuildBankTransactions( )
            // use data from disk object
            StringBuilder SB    = ReadAllBankTransactions( );           // read data from binary disk objuect
            int           count = 0;

            if (SB == null)
            // parse bt out the various fields to a string array
            // ech record ends with '\n'
            string datain = SB.ToString( );

            string[] item = datain.Split(',');
            int      i    = 0;
            string   temp = "";

            while (true)
                    if (item[i].Contains('\t'))
                        temp = item[i].Substring(1);
                        temp = item[i];
                    DateTime d = Convert.ToDateTime(temp);         // Transaction Date
                    Int16    b = Convert.ToInt16(item[i + 1]);     // Account Type
                    Int32    c = Convert.ToInt32(item[i + 2]);     // Cust Account #
                    Int32    f = Convert.ToInt32(item[i + 3]);     // Bank Account #
                    decimal  e = Convert.ToDecimal(item[i + 4]);   // Transaction Amount
                    string   s = item[i + 5];                      // Notes
                    Int16    a = Convert.ToInt16(item[i + 6]);
                    //					char [ ] ch = { '\t' };
                    //					string [ ] str = temp . Split ( ch );

                    //				Int16 a = Convert . ToInt16 ( str [ 0 ] );
                    //					actype = item [ i + 7 ] . Substring ( 0, 1 );   // remove the \n from this field
                    //					a = Convert . ToInt16 ( actype );
                    BankTransaction newtransrecord = new BankTransaction(
                        d,                                                                       // Transaction Date
                        b,                                                                       // Account Type
                        c,                                                                       // Cust Account #
                        f,                                                                       // Bank Account #
                        e,                                                                       // Transaction Amount
                        s,                                                                       // Notes
                        a);                                                                      // Status

                    i += 7;
                    if (i + 1 >= item.Count( ))
                { new Exception("Failed to handle data in ReadBankTransactions Function, line 163 in Serialize.cs"); }
예제 #8
        // this handles making a deposit call. creating the unique a/c #...
        // and creates a transaction record, and adds it to the linkedlist
        public static BankAccount CreateNewBankAccount(BankAccount bank, string CustNo, Int16 accounttype, decimal amount, decimal interest, string reason = "")
            // create unique account number and set it in the account.
            bank.BankAccountNumber = GetBankAccountNumberSeed();// this post increments it's value internally
            bank.CustAccountNumber = Convert.ToInt32(CustNo);
            bank.Balance           = amount;
            bank.AccountType       = accounttype;
            bank.DateOpened        = DateTime.Today.Date;
            bank.InterestRate      = interest;
            //This call increments the file numbering seed data
            bank.FileName = "BankObject" + bank.BankAccountNumber + ".bnk";
            // add full filename to the object
            bank.FullFileName = BankAccount.ReadBankFilePath() + bank.FileName;

            //This call increments the total banks seed data
            // Even though we do NOT need its content here.

            // Ensure we save the file to disk for the Bank  object itself
            SerializeData.WriteBankAccountToDiskAndText(bank, bank.FullFileName);

            BankTransaction newbankaccount = new BankTransaction();

            newbankaccount.TransDate         = DateTime.Now;
            newbankaccount.AccountType       = bank.AccountType;
            newbankaccount.CustAccountNumber = bank.CustAccountNumber;
            newbankaccount.BankAccountNumber = bank.BankAccountNumber;
            newbankaccount.Transamount       = (decimal)bank.Balance;
            if (reason == "")
                newbankaccount.Notes = "Opening Balance";
                if (reason.Contains("Secondary Bank account  for Customer"))
                    reason += bank.BankAccountNumber.ToString();
                newbankaccount.Notes = reason;
            newbankaccount.Status = bank.Status;
            // Add a transaction record
            // Update our new Dictionary system
            if (BankAccount.BankDict != null)
                if (!BankAccount.BankDict.ContainsKey(bank.BankAccountNumber))
                    BankAccount.BankDict.Add(bank.BankAccountNumber, bank);
            // This saves the bank LinkedList to both an object file and a Text file

            //Add data ot our TWO hash tables
            // First the Customer hash tables
                if (CustomerBalanceHashTable.FindHashCustBalEntry(bank.CustAccountNumber.ToString()))
                CustomerBalanceHashTable.AddHashCustBalEntry(bank.CustAccountNumber.ToString(), bank.Balance);

                if (CustomerFileHashTable.CustFileNoHashTable.ContainsKey(bank.CustAccountNumber))
                CustomerFileHashTable.CustFileNoHashTable.Add(bank.CustAccountNumber.ToString(), bank.FullFileName.ToString());
            BankArrayChangedEvent?.Invoke(bank, "NEW BANKACCOUNT");
        private void SaveCustButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        {               // update the details
            if (!dirty)
                MessageBox.Show("No changes appear to have been made, so saving it is not required", "Data Validation Warning ");
            if (!VerifyData( ))
                MessageBox.Show("Various important data items appear to be empty. Please complete the necessary fields", "Data Validation Warning ");
            if (Cust != null)
                // go ahead and update the object
                Cust.FirstName    = fname.Text;
                Cust.LastName     = lname.Text;
                Cust.Address1     = addr1.Text;
                Cust.Address2     = addr2.Text;
                Cust.Town         = town.Text;
                Cust.County       = county.Text;
                Cust.PostCode     = pcode.Text;
                Cust.PhoneNumber  = tel.Text;
                Cust.MobileNumber = mob.Text;
                // Update Customer Object on disk
                Customer.WriteCustObjectToDiskAndText(Cust, Cust.FullFileName);

                // update Customer  LinkedList
                foreach (var L in Customer.CustomersLinkedList)
                    if (L.CustomerNumber == Convert.ToInt32(accountno.Text))
                    {                       // got it
                        L.FirstName    = Cust.FirstName;
                        L.LastName     = Cust.LastName;
                        L.Address1     = Cust.Address1;
                        L.Address2     = Cust.Address2;
                        L.Town         = Cust.Town;
                        L.County       = Cust.County;
                        L.PostCode     = Cust.PostCode;
                        L.PhoneNumber  = Cust.PhoneNumber;
                        L.MobileNumber = Cust.MobileNumber;
                // get the bank account for this customer
                // and update the relevant fields
                B              = Search.FindBankObjectfromBankNo(accountno.Text);
                B.Balance      = Convert.ToDecimal(AccountBalance.Text);
                B.InterestRate = Convert.ToDecimal(Interest.Text);
                // save the changes to our bank account
                SerializeData.WriteBankAccountToDiskAndText(B, B.FullFileName);
                // Write a transaction record too....
                BankTransaction newbankaccount = new BankTransaction( );
                newbankaccount.TransDate         = DateTime.Now;
                newbankaccount.AccountType       = B.AccountType;
                newbankaccount.CustAccountNumber = B.CustAccountNumber;
                newbankaccount.BankAccountNumber = B.BankAccountNumber;
                newbankaccount.Transamount       = B.Balance;
                newbankaccount.Notes             = "Opening Balance";
                newbankaccount.Status            = B.Status;

                //our TWO hash tables do not hold any data that can be changed

                // update the interest  in List in case it hs been chnaged
                foreach (var BL in BankAccount.BankAccountsLinkedList)
                    if (BL.CustAccountNumber == Convert.ToInt32(accountno.Text))
                        BL.InterestRate = Convert.ToDecimal(Interest.Text);                                 // this is the ONLY thing we can update in a bank account
                MessageBox.Show("The Customer details have been fully updated...", "Customer Update System");
                // tidy up after ourselves
//				Cust.Dispose ( );
            dirty = false;
            //this.Close();	// do not close it on saving
예제 #10
        // Go ahead and make bank account deposit
        private void MakeDeposit_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Caution, this bank account may be one of several for this customer,
            // so make NO assumptions
            // Bank is already the correct record
            Int32 bankaccountno = 0;

            if (accountnumber.Text.Length == 0 || textBox2.Text.Length == 0)
                info.Text = "Please complete both fields before pressing Go";
                MessageBox.Show("Please complete both fields before pressing Go", "Data Input Error");
            if (notes.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("You have not entered a reason for this deposit ?\nDo you want to continue without doing so ?",
                                "Data Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                if (DialogResult == DialogResult.No)

            // This is the bank account #
            bankaccountno = Convert.ToInt32(accountnumber.Text);
            string acnostring = accountnumber.Text;
            string amountstr  = textBox2.Text.Trim( );

            if (!amountstr.Contains("."))
                amountstr += ".00";
            decimal amount = Convert.ToDecimal(amountstr);

            if (amount <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(amount), "Amount of Deposit [" + amount + "] must be positive");

            // Update the Bank ArrayList
            Bank = DataArray.ArrayGetBank(bankaccountno);
            if (Bank == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to Find Bank  Account in LinkedList??..\nDeposit transaction aborted.", "Fatal Error"); return;
            string custnostring = Bank.CustAccountNumber.ToString( );

            // This call updates BOTH  the Bank A/c and the entry in the LinkedList
            if (!BankAccount.UpdateBankLinkedList(bankaccountno, amount))
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to update BankAccount Linked List for Account " + acnostring, "Bank Account Deposit");
            // Also save the updated bank account back to disk
            SerializeData.WriteBankAccountToDiskAndText(Bank, Bank.FullFileName);
            // now add a new transaction for this operation
            BankTransaction Deposit = new BankTransaction( );

            Deposit.TransDate         = DateTime.Now;
            Deposit.AccountType       = Bank.AccountType;
            Deposit.CustAccountNumber = Bank.CustAccountNumber;
            Deposit.BankAccountNumber = Bank.BankAccountNumber;
            Deposit.Transamount       = amount;
            Deposit.Notes             = "New Deposit : " + notes.Text;
            Deposit.Status            = Bank.Status;

            // update the Customer Balance Hash Table cos it holds the balance value
            CustomerBalanceHashTable.AddHashCustBalEntry(custnostring, Bank.Balance);

            MessageBox.Show("Deposit of " + amount.ToString( ) + " has been added to account  # " + custnostring + "\nThe new balance is £" + Bank.Balance.ToString( ), "Bank Account Deposit");
            textBox2.Text = "";
            notes.Text    = "";
            accountnumber.Focus( );
예제 #11
        private void rewrite_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string output = "";

            if (notes.Text == "" || AccountNumber.Text == "" || AccountBalance.Text == "" || OpenDate.Text == "" || Interest.Text == "" || custno.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("One or more data items are Empty - All fields must be completed before saving it ..." +
                                "\nRecommeded action is to use the DropDown list to reselect a valid Bank Account", "Data Validation ERROR");
                info.Text = "One or more data items are Empty - All fields must be completed before saving it ..."; return;
            string stat;

            if (status.Text == "Active")
                stat = "1";
                stat = "0";
            int type = AccountType.SelectedIndex + 1;

            // format is "Bank A/c #  + "," + Customer A/c # + "," + A/c Type + "," + Balance + "," + Date Opened (short) + "," + Date Closed (short) + "," + Interest + "," + Status (0/1)+ "\r\n"
            output  = AccountNumber.Text + "," + custno.Text + "," + type.ToString() + "," + AccountBalance.Text + ",";
            output += Convert.ToDateTime(OpenDate.Text).ToShortDateString() + "," + Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/0001").ToShortDateString() + "," + Interest.Text;
            output += "," + stat + "\r\n";
            string path = BankAccount.ReadBankFilePath();

            path += "Textfiles\\BankObject" + AccountNumber.Text + ".txt";
            if (File.Exists(path))
                File.Delete(path);      // you gotta delete them first, else it appends the data constantly
            File.AppendAllText(path, output);

            // update the bank object
            path  = BankAccount.ReadBankFilePath();
            path += "Bankobject" + AccountNumber.Text + ".bnk";

            // read the bank a/c in fresh from disk so it is clean
            BankAccount Bank = SerializeData.ReadBankAccountFromDisk(path);

            if (Bank == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Bank Account Object file cannot be loaded (or saved)!", "Bank Object Error"); return;
            Int32 bankno = Bank.BankAccountNumber;

            // update the Bank object
            Bank.AccountType = Convert.ToInt16(AccountType.SelectedIndex);
            Bank.AccountType++;// cos th reindex starts at ZERO !!
            Bank.Balance      = Convert.ToDecimal(AccountBalance.Text);
            Bank.InterestRate = Convert.ToDecimal(Interest.Text);
            string banknostring = Bank.BankAccountNumber.ToString();

            //Update the version in Bank Array
            int index = DataArray.ArrayFindBank(Bank);

            DataArray.BankNo[index] = Bank;

            // Update the version in our Bank LinkedList
            foreach (var B in BankAccount.BankAccountsLinkedList)
                if (B.BankAccountNumber == bankno)
                {   // got it, rpelace with our new one
            // This saves the bank LinkedList to both an object file and a Text file
            // write theBank object to disk
            SerializeData.WriteBankAccountToDiskAndText(Bank, path);
            // Add a bank Transaction
            BankTransaction newbankaccount = new BankTransaction(Bank.DateOpened, Bank.AccountType, Bank.CustAccountNumber,
                                                                 Bank.BankAccountNumber, Bank.Balance, "Bank details edited from Textfile input", Bank.Status);

            // that's it ***ALL***all Bank Data structures have been updated
            info.Text = "Bank Account data has been fully updated throughout System";