//====================================================================== private void rewrite_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //====================================================================== { string output = ""; if (notes.Text == "" || AccountNumber.Text == "" || AccountBalance.Text == "" || OpenDate.Text == "" || Interest.Text == "" || custno.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("One or more data items are Empty - All fields must be completed before saving it ..." + "\nRecommeded action is to use the DropDown list to reselect a valid Bank Account", "Data Validation ERROR"); info.Text = "One or more data items are Empty - All fields must be completed before saving it ..."; return; } string stat; if (status.Text == "Active") { stat = "1"; } else { stat = "0"; } int type = AccountType.SelectedIndex + 1; // format is "Bank A/c # + "," + Customer A/c # + "," + A/c Type + "," + Balance + "," + Date Opened (short) + "," + Date Closed (short) + "," + Interest + "," + Status (0/1)+ "\r\n" output = AccountNumber.Text + "," + custno.Text + "," + type.ToString() + "," + AccountBalance.Text + ","; output += Convert.ToDateTime(OpenDate.Text).ToShortDateString() + "," + Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/0001").ToShortDateString() + "," + Interest.Text; output += "," + stat + "\r\n"; string path = BankAccount.ReadBankFilePath(); path += "Textfiles\\BankObject" + AccountNumber.Text + ".txt"; if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); // you gotta delete them first, else it appends the data constantly } File.AppendAllText(path, output); // update the bank object path = BankAccount.ReadBankFilePath(); path += "Bankobject" + AccountNumber.Text + ".bnk"; // read the bank a/c in fresh from disk so it is clean BankAccount Bank = SerializeData.ReadBankAccountFromDisk(path); if (Bank == null) { MessageBox.Show("Bank Account Object file cannot be loaded (or saved)!", "Bank Object Error"); return; } Int32 bankno = Bank.BankAccountNumber; // update the Bank object Bank.AccountType = Convert.ToInt16(AccountType.SelectedIndex); Bank.AccountType++;// cos th reindex starts at ZERO !! Bank.Balance = Convert.ToDecimal(AccountBalance.Text); Bank.InterestRate = Convert.ToDecimal(Interest.Text); string banknostring = Bank.BankAccountNumber.ToString(); //Update the version in Bank Array int index = DataArray.ArrayFindBank(Bank); DataArray.BankNo[index] = Bank; // Update the version in our Bank LinkedList foreach (var B in BankAccount.BankAccountsLinkedList) { if (B.BankAccountNumber == bankno) { // got it, rpelace with our new one BankAccount.BankAccountsLinkedList.Remove(B); BankAccount.BankAccountsLinkedList.AddLast(Bank); break; } } // This saves the bank LinkedList to both an object file and a Text file Lists.SaveAllBankAccountListData(); // write theBank object to disk SerializeData.WriteBankAccountToDiskAndText(Bank, path); // Add a bank Transaction BankTransaction newbankaccount = new BankTransaction(Bank.DateOpened, Bank.AccountType, Bank.CustAccountNumber, Bank.BankAccountNumber, Bank.Balance, "Bank details edited from Textfile input", Bank.Status); BankTransaction.allBankTransactions.AddLast(newbankaccount); // that's it ***ALL***all Bank Data structures have been updated info.Text = "Bank Account data has been fully updated throughout System"; }
// Go ahead and make bank account deposit //****************************************************************************************************************************** private void MakeDeposit_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) //****************************************************************************************************************************** { // Caution, this bank account may be one of several for this customer, // so make NO assumptions // Bank is already the correct record Int32 bankaccountno = 0; if (accountnumber.Text.Length == 0 || textBox2.Text.Length == 0) { info.Text = "Please complete both fields before pressing Go"; MessageBox.Show("Please complete both fields before pressing Go", "Data Input Error"); return; } if (notes.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("You have not entered a reason for this deposit ?\nDo you want to continue without doing so ?", "Data Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (DialogResult == DialogResult.No) { return; } } // This is the bank account # bankaccountno = Convert.ToInt32(accountnumber.Text); string acnostring = accountnumber.Text; string amountstr = textBox2.Text.Trim( ); if (!amountstr.Contains(".")) { amountstr += ".00"; } decimal amount = Convert.ToDecimal(amountstr); if (amount <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(amount), "Amount of Deposit [" + amount + "] must be positive"); } // Update the Bank ArrayList Bank = DataArray.ArrayGetBank(bankaccountno); if (Bank == null) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to Find Bank Account in LinkedList??..\nDeposit transaction aborted.", "Fatal Error"); return; } string custnostring = Bank.CustAccountNumber.ToString( ); // This call updates BOTH the Bank A/c and the entry in the LinkedList if (!BankAccount.UpdateBankLinkedList(bankaccountno, amount)) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to update BankAccount Linked List for Account " + acnostring, "Bank Account Deposit"); } // Also save the updated bank account back to disk SerializeData.WriteBankAccountToDiskAndText(Bank, Bank.FullFileName); // now add a new transaction for this operation BankTransaction Deposit = new BankTransaction( ); Deposit.TransDate = DateTime.Now; Deposit.AccountType = Bank.AccountType; Deposit.CustAccountNumber = Bank.CustAccountNumber; Deposit.BankAccountNumber = Bank.BankAccountNumber; Deposit.Transamount = amount; Deposit.Notes = "New Deposit : " + notes.Text; Deposit.Status = Bank.Status; BankTransaction.allBankTransactions.AddLast(Deposit); // update the Customer Balance Hash Table cos it holds the balance value CustomerBalanceHashTable.DeleteHashCustBalEntry(custnostring); CustomerBalanceHashTable.AddHashCustBalEntry(custnostring, Bank.Balance); MessageBox.Show("Deposit of " + amount.ToString( ) + " has been added to account # " + custnostring + "\nThe new balance is £" + Bank.Balance.ToString( ), "Bank Account Deposit"); textBox2.Text = ""; notes.Text = ""; accountnumber.Focus( ); return; }