Contains generated building data and the start and end point of the road
상속: Voronoi.Line
예제 #1
        private void CreateBuildingOnRoad(Road road)
            var cell = road.ParentCell;
            const int offset = 6;
            const float minDistance = 0.5f;

            //Create an offset line of this road towards the inside of the cell
            var offsetLine = road.GenerateOffsetParallelTowardsPoint(offset, cell.SitePoint);

            //calculate total length of the line
            var length = offsetLine.Length();
            var traveled = minDistance;

            //keep repeating until the end is reached
            while (traveled < length - minDistance)
                //get point on line using normalized values [0,1]
                var pc = traveled / length;
                var pos = offsetLine.FindRandomPointOnLine(pc, pc);

                //Create a building site from this point
                var bs = BuildingSite.FromPoint(pos);
                bs.ParentRoad = road;

                //travel along the line using the width of the building site
                traveled += (minDistance + bs.Width / 2);
 public BuildingSite(double x, double y)
     : base(x,y)
     Width = 15;
     Height = 15;
     UserData = null;
     ParentRoad = null;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a road inside a district cell
        /// </summary>
        public List <Road> BuildRoad(DistrictCell cell, bool generateInnerRoads, int subdivisions)
            //Edges are the bounds of the road and will be part of the road as well
            var edges = cell.Edges.ToList();

            //find the longest line in the cell as a start line
            var longest = FindLongestLineInCell(edges);

            //a cell edge can be shared so first remove the line from one of the shared cells
            //all edges of the cell are part of the road
            var roads = new List <Road>();

            foreach (var edge in cell.Edges)
                //add the original side edge
                var road = Road.FromLine(edge);


            var innerRoads = new List <Road>();

            if (generateInnerRoads && subdivisions > 0)
                //Create another subdivision
                roads = GenerateRoad(roads, innerRoads, Road.FromLine(longest.Key), Road.FromLine(longest.Value), subdivisions - 1);

            //set up a reference to the parent cell
            foreach (var road in roads)
                road.ParentCell = cell;

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Keep generating roads until branches are zero
        /// </summary>
        private List <Road> GenerateRoad(List <Road> roads, List <Road> inner, Road startLine, Road endLine, int branches)
            //find a new start and end point
            var start = startLine.Center();
            var end   = endLine.Center();

            //When an intersection occurs break the line
            HandlePossibleRoadIntersections(new Line(start, end), startLine, endLine, roads, inner);

            //reduce branches to end recursion
            if (branches + 1 <= 0)

            //From the pool of lines choose 2 random ones that aren't the same
            var road1 = roads.GetRandomValue();
            var road2 = roads.GetRandomValue();

            //make sure both are unique
            while (road1 == road2)
                road2 = roads.GetRandomValue();

            //generate a new road by connecting 2 roads
            return(GenerateRoad(roads, inner, road1, road2, branches));
예제 #5
        private void HandlePossibleRoadIntersections(Line line, Road startLine, Road endLine, List <Road> borders, List <Road> innerRoads)
            bool flipped = false;

            //check for possible intersection,
            //if an intersection happens the end point becomes the point of intersection
            //has to be reverse because otherwise the lines will intersect with the edges
            for (var i = 0; i < innerRoads.Count; i++)
                var l = innerRoads[i];

                //if the line intersects
                if (!line.IntersectsWith(l))

                //find the intersection point
                bool parallel = false;
                var  ip       = line.FindIntersectionPoint(l, ref parallel);

                //parrallel lines don't intersect so ignore
                if (parallel)

                //Create the new line from the intersection
                line = CreateIntersectedLine(line, ip, ref flipped);

                //Split the line that is intersected with in 2 new lines
                if (flipped)
                    startLine = innerRoads[i];
                    endLine = innerRoads[i];

                //stop at the first intersection

            //Because of the new line the start and end line will have to be split in 2 new lines
            //the total of new lines will be 3

            //Adjust the borders

            //create the split lines
            borders.Add(new Road(startLine.Start, line.Start));
            borders.Add(new Road(line.Start, startLine.End));

            borders.Add(new Road(endLine.Start, line.End));
            borders.Add(new Road(line.End, endLine.End));

            //Add the new road to the inner roads

예제 #6
        private void HandlePossibleRoadIntersections(Line line, Road startLine, Road endLine,List<Road> borders,List<Road> innerRoads )
            bool flipped = false;

            //check for possible intersection,
            //if an intersection happens the end point becomes the point of intersection
            //has to be reverse because otherwise the lines will intersect with the edges
            for (var i = 0; i < innerRoads.Count; i++)
                var l = innerRoads[i];

                //if the line intersects
                if (!line.IntersectsWith(l)) continue;

                //find the intersection point
                bool parallel = false;
                var ip = line.FindIntersectionPoint(l, ref parallel);

                //parrallel lines don't intersect so ignore
                if (parallel) continue;

                //Create the new line from the intersection
                line = CreateIntersectedLine(line, ip, ref flipped);

                //Split the line that is intersected with in 2 new lines
                if (flipped)
                    startLine = innerRoads[i];
                    endLine = innerRoads[i];

                //stop at the first intersection

            //Because of the new line the start and end line will have to be split in 2 new lines
            //the total of new lines will be 3

            //Adjust the borders

            //create the split lines
            borders.Add(new Road(startLine.Start,line.Start));
            borders.Add(new Road(line.Start, startLine.End));

            borders.Add( new Road(endLine.Start, line.End));
            borders.Add(new Road(line.End, endLine.End));

            //Add the new road to the inner roads

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Keep generating roads until branches are zero
        /// </summary>
        private List<Road> GenerateRoad(List<Road> roads,List<Road> inner , Road startLine ,Road endLine, int branches)
            //find a new start and end point
            var start = startLine.Center();
            var end = endLine.Center();

            //When an intersection occurs break the line
            HandlePossibleRoadIntersections(new Line(start,end),startLine,endLine, roads, inner);

            //reduce branches to end recursion
            if (branches + 1 <= 0)
                return roads;

            //From the pool of lines choose 2 random ones that aren't the same
            var road1 = roads.GetRandomValue();
            var road2 = roads.GetRandomValue();
            //make sure both are unique
            while (road1 == road2)
                road2 = roads.GetRandomValue();

            //generate a new road by connecting 2 roads
            return GenerateRoad(roads, inner, road1, road2, branches);
예제 #8
        public void DrawRoad(Road road, Color linecolor, Color startColor, Color endColor, bool drawStartEnd = true, int width = 1)
            //width = line.Intersected ? width + 1 : width;
            DrawLine(road,linecolor, width);

            if (drawStartEnd)
                DrawPoint(road.Start, 7, Colors.Red);
                DrawPoint(road.End, 7, Colors.Red);

            var slope = road.Slope();

            var pc = Color.FromRgb(50,50,50);
            foreach (var building in road.Buildings)
                DrawPoint(building, 4, pc);

                //Draw bounds of the building

                var halfWidth = (building.Width/2);
                var halfLength = (building.Height/2);

                var boundX = new Point(building.X - halfWidth, building.Y - halfLength);
                var boundY = new Point(building.X + halfWidth, building.Y + halfLength);

               //DrawLine(boundY,boundX, pc, 1);
        public static Road FromLine(Line l)
            var r = new Road(l.Start, l.End)
                CellLeft = l.CellLeft,
                CellRight = l.CellRight

            return r;
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate Buildings on the edges of the road
        /// </summary>
        private void GenerateBuildingsOnRoad(Road road)
            //create building parent if none exists
            if (_buildingParent == null)
                _buildingParent = new GameObject("Buildings");

            var cell = road.ParentCell;
            int offset = _terrainSettings.RoadWidth;
            const float minDistance = 0.2f;

            //access building prefabs for this cell
            var prefabs = GetPrefabsForType(cell.DistrictType);

            if (prefabs == null)

            //Create an offset line of this road towards the inside of the cell
            var offsetLine = road.GenerateOffsetParallelTowardsPoint(offset, cell.SitePoint);

            //calculate total length of the line
            var length = offsetLine.Length();
            var traveled = minDistance * 2;

            //keep repeating until the end is reached
            while (traveled < length - (minDistance * 2))
                //get point on line using normalized values [0,1]
                var pc = traveled / length;
                var pos = offsetLine.FindRandomPointOnLine(pc, pc);

                //Select a random prefab
                var prefab = prefabs.GetRandomValue();

                //Create a building site from this point
                var bs = BuildingSite.FromPoint(pos);
                bs.ParentRoad = road;

                //Spawn the building
                SpawnBuilding(pos.ToVector3(), prefab, bs);

                //travel along the line using the width of the building site
                traveled += (minDistance + bs.Width / 2);
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// traverse a road line and draw the road texture on the terrain
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawRoad(Road road)
            //road texture is always the 1st splatmap of the terrain
            const int roadTextureIndex = 0;
            const float inc = 0.05f;

            var roadWidth = _terrainSettings.RoadWidth;

            //Get start and end position of the road
            var start = road.Start.ToVector3();
            var end = road.End.ToVector3();

            //calculate distance between the start and end
            var distance = Vector3.Distance(start, end);

            //change texture at start position
            ChangeTerrainTexture(start, roadTextureIndex, roadWidth);

            //go from start to the end and change the texture at each position
            var currPos = Vector3.MoveTowards(start, end, inc);
            for (var i = 0; i <= distance / inc; i++)
                ChangeTerrainTexture(currPos, roadTextureIndex, roadWidth);
                currPos = Vector3.MoveTowards(currPos, end, inc);


            //change texture at end position
            ChangeTerrainTexture(end, roadTextureIndex, roadWidth);