예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// New binary wave.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wave">Wave to create this from.</param>
        public BinaryWave(b_wav wave)
            //Set data.
            ByteOrder  = Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.LittleEndian;
            Major      = 0;
            Minor      = 1;
            SampleRate = wave.info.sampleRate;
            NumSamples = wave.info.loopEnd;
            switch (wave.info.encoding)
            case 0:
                wave.data.dspAdpcm = EncoderFactory.Pcm16ToDspApdcmWAV(EncoderFactory.SignedPcm8ToPcm16(wave.data.pcm8), ref wave);

            case 1:
                wave.data.dspAdpcm = EncoderFactory.Pcm16ToDspApdcmWAV(wave.data.pcm16, ref wave);
            DspAdpcmInfo = new DspAdpcmInfo[wave.info.channelInfo.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < DspAdpcmInfo.Length; i++)
                DspAdpcmInfo[i] = wave.info.channelInfo[i].dspAdpcmInfo;
            Loops           = wave.info.isLoop;
            LoopStartSample = wave.info.loopStart;
            LoopEndSample   = wave.info.loopEnd;
            Data            = wave.data;

            //Do channel pans.
            ChannelPans = new ChannelPan[wave.info.channelInfo.Count()];
            for (int i = 0; i < wave.info.channelInfo.Count(); i++)
                if (i == wave.info.channelInfo.Count() - 1)
                    ChannelPans[i] = ChannelPan.Middle;
                else if (i % 2 == 0)
                    ChannelPans[i] = ChannelPan.Left;
                    ChannelPans[i] = ChannelPan.Right;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load a wave file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b">The byte array.</param>
        public void Load(byte[] b)
            //Read file.
            MemoryStream     src = new MemoryStream(b);
            BinaryDataReader br  = new BinaryDataReader(src);

            //Get byte order.
            br.ByteOrder = ByteOrder = Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.BigEndian;
            br.Position  = 4;
            if (br.ReadUInt16() == CitraFileLoader.ByteOrder.LittleEndian)
                br.ByteOrder = ByteOrder = Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.LittleEndian;

            //Get version.
            ushort version = br.ReadUInt16();

            Major = (byte)((version & 0xFF00) >> 8);
            Minor = (byte)(version & 0xFF);

            //Get num channels.
            br.Position = 0x0E;
            ushort numChannels = br.ReadUInt16();

            ChannelPans = new ChannelPan[numChannels];

            //Get codic. Reference:vgmstream/src/meta/bwav.c .
            br.Position = 0x10;
            Codic       = br.ReadUInt16();

            //Get info from first channel.
            br.Position    = 0x12;
            ChannelPans[0] = (ChannelPan)br.ReadUInt16();
            SampleRate     = br.ReadUInt32();
            NumSamples     = br.ReadUInt32();
            DspAdpcmInfo             = new DspAdpcmInfo[numChannels];
            DspAdpcmInfo[0]          = new DspAdpcmInfo();
            DspAdpcmInfo[0].coefs    = new short[8][];
            DspAdpcmInfo[0].coefs[0] = br.ReadInt16s(2);
            DspAdpcmInfo[0].coefs[1] = br.ReadInt16s(2);
            DspAdpcmInfo[0].coefs[2] = br.ReadInt16s(2);
            DspAdpcmInfo[0].coefs[3] = br.ReadInt16s(2);
            DspAdpcmInfo[0].coefs[4] = br.ReadInt16s(2);
            DspAdpcmInfo[0].coefs[5] = br.ReadInt16s(2);
            DspAdpcmInfo[0].coefs[6] = br.ReadInt16s(2);
            DspAdpcmInfo[0].coefs[7] = br.ReadInt16s(2);

            //Start offsets.
            uint[] startOffsets = new uint[numChannels];
            startOffsets[0] = br.ReadUInt32();
            br.Position    += 4;

            //Loop info.
            Loops           = br.ReadUInt32() > 0;
            LoopEndSample   = br.ReadUInt32();
            LoopStartSample = br.ReadUInt32();

            //More DSP info.
            DspAdpcmInfo[0].pred_scale = DspAdpcmInfo[0].loop_pred_scale = br.ReadUInt16();
            DspAdpcmInfo[0].yn1        = DspAdpcmInfo[0].loop_yn1 = br.ReadInt16();
            DspAdpcmInfo[0].yn2        = DspAdpcmInfo[0].loop_yn2 = br.ReadInt16();

            //Read each channel start offset.
            for (int i = 1; i < numChannels; i++)
                //Get channel pan.
                br.Position    = i * 0x4C + 0x10 + 0x2;
                ChannelPans[i] = (ChannelPan)br.ReadUInt16();

                //Start offset.
                br.Position     = i * 0x4C + 0x10 + 0x30;
                startOffsets[i] = br.ReadUInt32();

                //Get DSP info.
                br.Position                = i * 0x4C + 0x10 + 0x10;
                DspAdpcmInfo[i]            = new DspAdpcmInfo();
                DspAdpcmInfo[i].coefs      = new short[8][];
                DspAdpcmInfo[i].coefs[0]   = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                DspAdpcmInfo[i].coefs[1]   = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                DspAdpcmInfo[i].coefs[2]   = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                DspAdpcmInfo[i].coefs[3]   = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                DspAdpcmInfo[i].coefs[4]   = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                DspAdpcmInfo[i].coefs[5]   = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                DspAdpcmInfo[i].coefs[6]   = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                DspAdpcmInfo[i].coefs[7]   = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                br.Position               += 20;
                DspAdpcmInfo[i].pred_scale = DspAdpcmInfo[i].loop_pred_scale = br.ReadUInt16();
                DspAdpcmInfo[i].yn1        = DspAdpcmInfo[i].loop_yn1 = br.ReadInt16();
                DspAdpcmInfo[i].yn2        = DspAdpcmInfo[i].loop_yn2 = br.ReadInt16();

            //Read the wave data.
            Data = new SoundNStreamDataBlock(br, startOffsets);
            try { br.Dispose(); } catch { }
            try { src.Dispose(); } catch { }
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// New binary wave.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">The stream.</param>
        public BinaryWave(b_stm s)
            //Set data.
            ByteOrder  = Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.LittleEndian;
            Major      = 0;
            Minor      = 1;
            SampleRate = s.info.streamSoundInfo.sampleRate;
            NumSamples = s.info.streamSoundInfo.sampleCount;
            switch (s.info.streamSoundInfo.encoding)
            case 0:
                s.data.dspAdpcm = EncoderFactory.Pcm16ToDspAdpcmSTM(EncoderFactory.SignedPcm8ToPcm16(s.data.pcm8), s);

            case 1:
                s.data.dspAdpcm = EncoderFactory.Pcm16ToDspAdpcmSTM(s.data.pcm16, s);
            DspAdpcmInfo = new DspAdpcmInfo[s.info.channels.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < DspAdpcmInfo.Length; i++)
                DspAdpcmInfo[i] = s.info.channels[i].dspAdpcmInfo;
            Loops           = s.info.streamSoundInfo.isLoop;
            LoopStartSample = s.info.streamSoundInfo.loopStart;
            LoopEndSample   = s.info.streamSoundInfo.sampleCount;
            Data            = s.data;

            //Do channel pans.
            ChannelPans = new ChannelPan[s.info.channels.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < s.info.channels.Count; i++)
                if (i == s.info.channels.Count - 1)
                    ChannelPans[i] = ChannelPan.Middle;
                else if (i % 2 == 0)
                    ChannelPans[i]     = ChannelPan.Left;
                    ChannelPans[i + 1] = ChannelPan.Right;
            if (s.info.tracks != null)
                foreach (var t in s.info.tracks)
                    if (t.globalChannelIndexTable.count > 0)
                        if (t.globalChannelIndexTable.count > 1)
                            ChannelPans[t.globalChannelIndexTable.entries[0]] = ChannelPan.Left;
                            ChannelPans[t.globalChannelIndexTable.entries[1]] = ChannelPan.Right;
                            ChannelPans[t.globalChannelIndexTable.entries[0]] = ChannelPan.Middle;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Load a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b">The file.</param>
        public void Load(byte[] b)
            //Set up the reader.
            MemoryStream     src = new MemoryStream(b);
            BinaryDataReader br  = new BinaryDataReader(src);

            //Read the header.
            fileHeader = new FileHeader(ref br);

            //Read blocks.
            foreach (SizedReference s in fileHeader.blockOffsets)
                if (s.offset != Reference.NULL_PTR)
                    br.Position = s.offset;
                    switch (s.typeId)
                    //Info block.
                    case ReferenceTypes.STRM_Block_Info:
                        long basePos = br.Position + 8;
                        info = new InfoBlock()
                            magic               = br.ReadChars(4),
                            blockSize           = br.ReadUInt32(),
                            streamSoundInfoRef  = new Reference(ref br),
                            trackInfoTableRef   = new Reference(ref br),
                            channelInfoTableRef = new Reference(ref br),
                            streamSoundInfo     = null,
                            trackInfoRefTable   = null,
                            channelInfoRefTable = null,
                            tracks              = null,
                            channels            = null

                        //Stream sound info.
                        if (info.streamSoundInfoRef.typeId == ReferenceTypes.STRM_Info_StreamSound && info.streamSoundInfoRef.offset != Reference.NULL_PTR)
                            br.Position          = basePos + info.streamSoundInfoRef.offset;
                            info.streamSoundInfo = new StreamSoundInfo()
                                encoding                = br.ReadByte(),
                                isLoop                  = br.ReadBoolean(),
                                channelCount            = br.ReadByte(),
                                regionCount             = br.ReadByte(),
                                sampleRate              = br.ReadUInt32(),
                                loopStart               = br.ReadUInt32(),
                                sampleCount             = br.ReadUInt32(),
                                blockCount              = br.ReadUInt32(),
                                oneBlockBytesize        = br.ReadUInt32(),
                                oneBlockSamples         = br.ReadUInt32(),
                                lastBlockBytesize       = br.ReadUInt32(),
                                lastBlockSamples        = br.ReadUInt32(),
                                lastBlockPaddedBytesize = br.ReadUInt32(),
                                sizeOfSeekInfo          = br.ReadUInt32(),
                                seekInfoIntervalSamples = br.ReadUInt32(),
                                sampleDataOffset        = new Reference(ref br),
                                regionInfoBytesize      = 0x100,
                                padding                 = 0,
                                regionDataOffset        = new Reference(0, 0x18),
                                originalLoopStart       = 0,
                                originalLoopEnd         = 0,
                                secretInfo              = 0

                            if (fileHeader.vMajor >= regionInfo)
                                info.streamSoundInfo.regionInfoBytesize = br.ReadUInt16();
                                info.streamSoundInfo.padding            = br.ReadUInt16();
                                info.streamSoundInfo.regionDataOffset   = new Reference(ref br);

                            if (fileHeader.vMajor >= originalLoopInfo)
                                info.streamSoundInfo.originalLoopStart = br.ReadUInt32();
                                info.streamSoundInfo.originalLoopEnd   = br.ReadUInt32();

                            if (fileHeader.vMajor >= secretInfo)
                                info.streamSoundInfo.secretInfo = br.ReadUInt32();

                        //Track info.
                        if (info.trackInfoTableRef.typeId == ReferenceTypes.Tables + 1 && info.trackInfoTableRef.offset != Reference.NULL_PTR)
                            br.Position = basePos + info.trackInfoTableRef.offset;
                            long newPos = br.Position;
                            info.trackInfoRefTable = new ReferenceTable(ref br);

                            //Get tracks.
                            info.tracks = new List <TrackInfo>();
                            foreach (Reference r in info.trackInfoRefTable.references)
                                TrackInfo t = null;
                                if (r.typeId == ReferenceTypes.STRM_Info_Track && r.offset != Reference.NULL_PTR)
                                    br.Position = newPos + r.offset;
                                    t           = new TrackInfo()
                                        volume       = br.ReadByte(),
                                        pan          = br.ReadByte(),
                                        span         = br.ReadByte(),
                                        surroundMode = br.ReadByte(),
                                        globalChannelIndexTableRef = new Reference(ref br),
                                        globalChannelIndexTable    = null

                                    if (t.globalChannelIndexTableRef.offset != Reference.NULL_PTR)
                                        br.Position = newPos + r.offset + t.globalChannelIndexTableRef.offset;
                                        t.globalChannelIndexTable         = new Table <byte>();
                                        t.globalChannelIndexTable.count   = br.ReadUInt32();
                                        t.globalChannelIndexTable.entries = new List <byte>();
                                        for (int i = 0; i < t.globalChannelIndexTable.count; i++)

                        //Channel info.
                        if (info.channelInfoTableRef.typeId == ReferenceTypes.Tables + 1 && info.channelInfoTableRef.offset != Reference.NULL_PTR)
                            br.Position = basePos + info.channelInfoTableRef.offset;
                            long newPos = br.Position;
                            info.channelInfoRefTable = new ReferenceTable(ref br);

                            //Get channels.
                            info.channels = new List <ChannelInfo>();
                            foreach (Reference r in info.channelInfoRefTable.references)
                                ChannelInfo c = null;
                                if (r.offset != Reference.NULL_PTR)
                                    br.Position = newPos + r.offset;
                                    c           = new ChannelInfo()
                                        dspAdpcmInfoRef = new Reference(ref br),
                                        dspAdpcmInfo    = null

                                    if (c.dspAdpcmInfoRef.offset != Reference.NULL_PTR)
                                        br.Position    = newPos + r.offset + c.dspAdpcmInfoRef.offset;
                                        c.dspAdpcmInfo = new DspAdpcmInfo();
                                        c.dspAdpcmInfo = new DspAdpcmInfo()
                                            coefs = new short[8][]
                                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.coefs[0]        = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.coefs[1]        = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.coefs[2]        = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.coefs[3]        = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.coefs[4]        = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.coefs[5]        = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.coefs[6]        = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.coefs[7]        = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.pred_scale      = br.ReadUInt16();
                                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.yn1             = br.ReadInt16();
                                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.yn2             = br.ReadInt16();
                                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.loop_pred_scale = br.ReadUInt16();
                                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.loop_yn1        = br.ReadInt16();
                                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.loop_yn2        = br.ReadInt16();


                    //Seek block.
                    case ReferenceTypes.STRM_Block_Seek:
                        seek = new SoundNStreamSeekBlock(ref br, info.streamSoundInfo, fileHeader);

                    //Region block.
                    case ReferenceTypes.STRM_Block_Region:
                        region = new SoundNStreamRegionBlock(ref br, info.streamSoundInfo);

                    //Data block.
                    case ReferenceTypes.STRM_Block_Data:
                        data = new SoundNStreamDataBlock(ref br, info);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Load a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b">The file.</param>
        public void Load(byte[] b)
            //Set up the reader.
            MemoryStream     src = new MemoryStream(b);
            BinaryDataReader br  = new BinaryDataReader(src);

            //Read file header.
            fileHeader = new FileHeader(ref br);

            //Read info block.
            info = null;
            if (fileHeader.blockOffsets[0].offset != Reference.NULL_PTR && fileHeader.blockOffsets[0].typeId == ReferenceTypes.WAV_Block_Info)
                br.Position = fileHeader.blockOffsets[0].offset;
                info        = new InfoBlock
                    magic               = br.ReadChars(4),
                    blockSize           = br.ReadUInt32(),
                    encoding            = br.ReadByte(),
                    isLoop              = br.ReadBoolean(),
                    padding             = br.ReadUInt16(),
                    sampleRate          = br.ReadUInt32(),
                    loopStart           = br.ReadUInt32(),
                    loopEnd             = br.ReadUInt32(),
                    originalLoopStart   = br.ReadUInt32(),
                    channelInfoRefTable = new ReferenceTable(ref br),
                    channelInfo         = new List <InfoBlock.ChannelInfo>()

                //Read channel info.
                foreach (Reference r in info.channelInfoRefTable.references)
                    //Set position.
                    br.Position = 0x5C + r.offset;

                    //New channel info.
                    InfoBlock.ChannelInfo c = new InfoBlock.ChannelInfo()
                        samplesRef      = new Reference(ref br),
                        dspAdpcmInfoRef = new Reference(ref br),
                        reserved        = br.ReadUInt32(),
                        dspAdpcmInfo    = null

                    //Read Dsp-Apdcm info.
                    if (c.dspAdpcmInfoRef.offset != Reference.NULL_PTR)
                        br.Position = 0x5C + r.offset + c.dspAdpcmInfoRef.offset;

                        c.dspAdpcmInfo                 = new DspAdpcmInfo();
                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.coefs           = new Int16[8][];
                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.coefs[0]        = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.coefs[1]        = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.coefs[2]        = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.coefs[3]        = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.coefs[4]        = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.coefs[5]        = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.coefs[6]        = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.coefs[7]        = br.ReadInt16s(2);
                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.pred_scale      = br.ReadUInt16();
                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.yn1             = br.ReadInt16();
                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.yn2             = br.ReadInt16();
                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.loop_pred_scale = br.ReadUInt16();
                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.loop_yn1        = br.ReadInt16();
                        c.dspAdpcmInfo.loop_yn2        = br.ReadInt16();


            //Read data block.
            if (fileHeader.blockOffsets[1].offset != Reference.NULL_PTR && fileHeader.blockOffsets[1].typeId == ReferenceTypes.WAV_Block_Data)
                br.Position = fileHeader.blockOffsets[1].offset;
                data        = new SoundNStreamDataBlock(ref br, info);