public ResultList initiateSearch(data d) { String queryString = d.qs; //tab.getSearchBoxText(); if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return null; } if (queryString == null || queryString == "") { TabPage.displayError("Please Enter a Query"); return null; } d.b.ReportProgress(0, null); int ylo = d.yl; int yhi = d.yh; //tab.getYhi(); Boolean includeCitations = d.ic; // tab.getIncludePatents(); SortOrder sortOrder =; //tab.getSortOrder(); ResultType resultType = d.rt; // tab.getResultType(); d.b.ReportProgress(10, null); Query query = new Query(); query.setqueryString(queryString); if (ylo != 0) query.setylo(ylo); if (yhi != 0) query.setyhi(yhi); query.setincludePatents(includeCitations); query.sortOrder = sortOrder; query.resultType = resultType; query.setpageid(d.pageId); if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return null; } //bool networkUp = System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable(); bool networkUp = Controller.CheckForInternetConnection(); Console.WriteLine(networkUp); if (networkUp) { Searcher searcher = new Searcher(); ResultList resultListGS = new ResultList(); ResultList resultListMS = new ResultList(); ResultList resultList = new ResultList(); SearchType type; d.b.ReportProgress(20, null); resultListGS = searcher.GSsearch(query); if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return null; } d.b.ReportProgress(50, null); resultListMS = searcher.MSASsearch(query); if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return null; } d.b.ReportProgress(70, null); if (resultListMS != null) resultList = resultListMS; else if (resultListMS == null && resultListGS != null) resultList = resultListGS; else { TabPage.displayError("Cannot connect to Data Sources."); return null; } if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return null; } d.b.ReportProgress(85, null); if (resultListGS != null) { if (resultListGS.type != null) resultList.type = resultListGS.type; } else { MSASQueryURLBuilder MSQ = new MSASQueryURLBuilder(); String URL = ""; if (resultType == ResultType.AUTHOR) { URL = MSQ.buildAuthorUrl(queryString); } else if (resultType == ResultType.JOURNAL) { URL = MSQ.buildJournalUrl(queryString); } Uri url = new Uri(URL); Console.WriteLine(url.ToString()); MSASParser parser = new MSASParser(); if (resultType == ResultType.AUTHOR) { resultList.resultType = ResultType.AUTHOR; resultList.type = parser.MSParseProfile(url, queryString, resultType); } else { resultList.resultType = ResultType.JOURNAL; resultList.loadType(); Console.WriteLine("Reached"); resultList.type =(Journal) parser.MSParseJournal(queryString); Console.WriteLine(";;;;;"+resultList.type); } if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return null; } } // tab.setResult(resultList); if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return null; } d.b.ReportProgress(100, null); return resultList; } else { TabPage.displayError("Oops !! No Internet Connection !!!"); return null; } }
public ResultList initiateSearch(data d) { String queryString = d.qs; //tab.getSearchBoxText(); if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return(null); } if (queryString == null || queryString == "") { TabPage.displayError("Please Enter a Query"); return(null); } d.b.ReportProgress(0, null); int ylo = d.yl; int yhi = d.yh; //tab.getYhi(); Boolean includeCitations = d.ic; // tab.getIncludePatents(); SortOrder sortOrder =; //tab.getSortOrder(); ResultType resultType = d.rt; // tab.getResultType(); d.b.ReportProgress(10, null); Query query = new Query(); query.setqueryString(queryString); if (ylo != 0) { query.setylo(ylo); } if (yhi != 0) { query.setyhi(yhi); } query.setincludePatents(includeCitations); query.sortOrder = sortOrder; query.resultType = resultType; query.setpageid(d.pageId); if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return(null); } //bool networkUp = System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable(); bool networkUp = Controller.CheckForInternetConnection(); Console.WriteLine(networkUp); if (networkUp) { Searcher searcher = new Searcher(); ResultList resultListGS = new ResultList(); ResultList resultListMS = new ResultList(); ResultList resultList = new ResultList(); SearchType type; d.b.ReportProgress(20, null); resultListGS = searcher.GSsearch(query); if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return(null); } d.b.ReportProgress(50, null); resultListMS = searcher.MSASsearch(query); if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return(null); } d.b.ReportProgress(70, null); if (resultListMS != null) { resultList = resultListMS; } else if (resultListMS == null && resultListGS != null) { resultList = resultListGS; } else { TabPage.displayError("Cannot connect to Data Sources."); return(null); } if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return(null); } d.b.ReportProgress(85, null); if (resultListGS != null) { if (resultListGS.type != null) { resultList.type = resultListGS.type; } } else { MSASQueryURLBuilder MSQ = new MSASQueryURLBuilder(); String URL = ""; if (resultType == ResultType.AUTHOR) { URL = MSQ.buildAuthorUrl(queryString); } else if (resultType == ResultType.JOURNAL) { URL = MSQ.buildJournalUrl(queryString); } Uri url = new Uri(URL); Console.WriteLine(url.ToString()); MSASParser parser = new MSASParser(); if (resultType == ResultType.AUTHOR) { resultList.resultType = ResultType.AUTHOR; resultList.type = parser.MSParseProfile(url, queryString, resultType); } else { resultList.resultType = ResultType.JOURNAL; resultList.loadType(); Console.WriteLine("Reached"); resultList.type = (Journal)parser.MSParseJournal(queryString); Console.WriteLine(";;;;;" + resultList.type); } if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return(null); } } // tab.setResult(resultList); if (d.b.CancellationPending) { return(null); } d.b.ReportProgress(100, null); return(resultList); } else { TabPage.displayError("Oops !! No Internet Connection !!!"); return(null); } }