예제 #1
        public ulong Insert(HistogramBucket hb, ulong count)
            bool found;
            int  idx;

            if (bvs == null)
                bvs    = new HistogramBucketPair[DEFAULT_HIST_SIZE];
                allocd = DEFAULT_HIST_SIZE;
            found = InternalFind(hb, out idx);
            if (!found)
                if (used == allocd)
                    /* A resize is required */
                    HistogramBucketPair[] newbvs = new HistogramBucketPair[allocd + DEFAULT_HIST_SIZE];
                    if (idx > 0)
                        Array.Copy(bvs, 0, newbvs, 0, idx);
                    newbvs[idx].bucket = hb;
                    newbvs[idx].count  = count;
                    newbvs[idx].bucket = hb;
                    newbvs[idx].count  = count;
                    if (idx < used)
                        Array.Copy(bvs, idx, newbvs, idx + 1, used - idx);
                    bvs     = newbvs;
                    allocd += DEFAULT_HIST_SIZE;
                { // used !== alloced
                  /* We need to shuffle out data to poke the new one in */
                    Array.Copy(bvs, idx, bvs, idx + 1, used - idx);
                    bvs[idx].bucket = hb;
                    bvs[idx].count  = count;
            { // found
              /* Just need to update the counters */
                ulong newval = bvs[idx].count + count;
                if (newval < bvs[idx].count) /* we rolled */
                    newval = ulong.MaxValue;
                count          = newval - bvs[idx].count;
                bvs[idx].count = newval;
예제 #2
        private bool InternalFind(HistogramBucket hb, out int idx)
            /* This is a simple binary search returning the idx in which
             * the specified bucket belongs... returning true if it is there
             * or false if the value would need to be inserted here (moving the
             * rest of the buckets forward one).
            int rv = -1, l = 0, r = used - 1;

            idx = 0;
            if (used == 0)
            while (l < r)
                int check = (r + l) / 2;
                rv = bvs[check].bucket.CompareTo(hb);
                if (rv == 0)
                    l = r = check;
                else if (rv > 0)
                    l = check + 1;
                    r = check - 1;
            /* if rv == 0 we found a match, no need to compare again */
            if (rv != 0)
                rv = bvs[l].bucket.CompareTo(hb);
            idx = l;
            if (rv == 0)
                return(true);           /* this is it */
            if (rv < 0)
                return(false);   /* it goes here (before) */
            idx++;               /* it goes after here */