public static DoubleLiteralElement Parse(string image, IServiceProvider services) { ExpressionParserOptions options = (ExpressionParserOptions)services.GetService(typeof(ExpressionParserOptions)); DoubleLiteralElement element = new DoubleLiteralElement(); try { double value = options.ParseDouble(image); return new DoubleLiteralElement(value); } catch (OverflowException) { element.OnParseOverflow(image); return null; } }
// Emit the load of a constant field. We can't emit a ldsfld/ldfld of a constant so we have to get its value // and then emit a ldc. private static void EmitLiteral(System.Reflection.FieldInfo fi, FleeILGenerator ilg, IServiceProvider services) { object value = fi.GetValue(null); Type t = value.GetType(); TypeCode code = Type.GetTypeCode(t); LiteralElement elem = null; switch (code) { case TypeCode.Char: case TypeCode.Byte: case TypeCode.SByte: case TypeCode.Int16: case TypeCode.UInt16: case TypeCode.Int32: elem = new Int32LiteralElement(System.Convert.ToInt32(value)); break; case TypeCode.UInt32: elem = new UInt32LiteralElement((UInt32)value); break; case TypeCode.Int64: elem = new Int64LiteralElement((Int64)value); break; case TypeCode.UInt64: elem = new UInt64LiteralElement((UInt64)value); break; case TypeCode.Double: elem = new DoubleLiteralElement((double)value); break; case TypeCode.Single: elem = new SingleLiteralElement((float)value); break; case TypeCode.Boolean: elem = new BooleanLiteralElement((bool)value); break; case TypeCode.String: elem = new StringLiteralElement((string)value); break; default: elem = null; Debug.Fail("Unsupported constant type"); break; } elem.Emit(ilg, services); }