예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///   Connects to the tree
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "password">password</param>
        /// <returns>true if ok, false if bad password</returns>
        private bool DoTreeConnect(string password)
            if (Debug.DebugOn)
                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Info, "SMB_COM_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX");

            SetupSmbMessage(fMsg, SmbMessage.SMB_COM_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX);

               UCHAR WordCount;	Count of parameter words = 4
            0: UCHAR AndXCommand;	Secondary (X) command; 0xFF = none
            1: UCHAR AndXReserved;	Reserved (must be 0)
            2: USHORT AndXOffset;	Offset to next command WordCount
            4: USHORT Flags;	Additional information
                            bit 0 set = disconnect Tid
            6: USHORT PasswordLength;	Length of Password[]
                USHORT ByteCount;	Count of data bytes;    min = 3
                UCHAR Password[];	Password
                STRING Path[];	Server name and share name
                STRING Service[];	Service name

            fMsg.setByteParameterAt(0, 0xFF);
            // AndXReserved
            fMsg.setByteParameterAt(1, 0);
            // AndXOffset
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(2, 0);
            // Flags
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(4, 0);

            byte[] challenge_response = null;

            if ((fSecurityMode & SM_ENCRYPT_PASSWORDS) != 0)
                challenge_response = CifsLogin.GetNtAuthData(password, fEncryptionKey);
                challenge_response = Util.Util.GetZtStringBytes(password);

                case Share.IPC:
                    dev = "IPC";
                case Share.PRINTER:
                    dev = "LPT1:";
                    dev = "A:";
            pos += data.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, dev);

            data.Size = pos;


            fMsg.SendAndRecieve(fNBTSession, fMsg);

            int errorclass = fMsg.getErrorClass();

            if (errorclass != CifsIoException.SUCCESS)
                int errorcode = fMsg.getErrorCode();

                if ((errorclass == CifsIoException.ERROR_SRV &&
                     errorcode == CifsIoException.SRV_BAD_PASSWORD) ||
                    (errorclass == CifsIoException.ERROR_DOS &&
                     errorcode == CifsIoException.DOS_NO_ACCESS))
                    return false;

                throw new CifsIoException(errorclass, errorcode);

            fUID = fMsg.getUID();
            fTID = fMsg.getTID();

            return true;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        ///   Set up the session
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if ok, false if bad password</returns>
        private bool DoSessionSetup()
            if (Debug.DebugOn)
                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Info, "SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX");

            byte[] case_sensitive_passwd = null;
            byte[] case_insensitive_passwd = null;
            string string_passwd = fShare.Login.Password;

            SetupSmbMessage(fMsg, SmbMessage.SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX);

            if (Debug.DebugOn && Debug.DebugLevel >= Debug.Buffer)
                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Buffer, "New SMB Msg:");
                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Buffer, fMsg.getMessageBuffer(), 0, fMsg.getMessageSize());

            if ((fSecurityMode & SM_ENCRYPT_PASSWORDS) != 0)
                case_sensitive_passwd = CifsLogin.GetNtAuthData(string_passwd, fEncryptionKey);
                case_insensitive_passwd = CifsLogin.GetLmAuthData(string_passwd, fEncryptionKey);
                case_sensitive_passwd = CifsLogin.GetPasswordBytesUnicode(string_passwd);
                case_insensitive_passwd = CifsLogin.GetPasswordBytesAscii(string_passwd);

                       UCHAR WordCount;	Count of parameter words = 13
                    0: UCHAR AndXCommand;	Secondary (X) command;  0xFF = none
                    1: UCHAR AndXReserved;	Reserved (must be 0)
                    2: USHORT AndXOffset;	Offset to next command WordCount
                    4: USHORT MaxBufferSize;	Client's maximum buffer size
                    6: USHORT MaxMpxCount;	Actual maximum multiplexed pending requests
                    8: USHORT VcNumber;	0 = first (only), nonzero=additional VC number
                    10:ULONG SessionKey;	Session key (valid iff VcNumber != 0)
                    14:USHORT CaseInsensitivePasswordLength;	Account password size, ANSI
                    16:USHORT CaseSensitivePasswordLength;	Account password size, Unicode
                    18:ULONG Reserved;	must be 0
                    22:ULONG Capabilities;	Client capabilities
                        USHORT ByteCount;	Count of data bytes;    min = 0
                        UCHAR CaseInsensitivePassword[];	Account Password, ANSI
                        UCHAR CaseSensitivePassword[];	Account Password, Unicode
                        STRING AccountName[];	Account Name, Unicode
                        STRING PrimaryDomain[];	Client's primary domain, Unicode
                        STRING NativeOS[];	Client's native operating system, Unicode
                        STRING NativeLanMan[];	Client's native LAN Manager type, Unicode


            // AndXCommand
            fMsg.setByteParameterAt(0, 0xFF);
            // AndXReserved
            fMsg.setByteParameterAt(1, 0);
            // AndXOffset
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(2, 0);
            // MaxBufferSize
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(4, CIFS_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
            // MaxMpxCount
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(6, 1);
            // VcNumber
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(8, 0);
            // SessionKey
            fMsg.setIntParameterAt(10, 0);

            // CaseInsensitivePasswordLength
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(14, case_insensitive_passwd.Length);
            // CaseSensitivePasswordLength
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(16, case_sensitive_passwd.Length);
            // Reserved
            fMsg.setIntParameterAt(18, 0);
            // Capabilities
            fMsg.setIntParameterAt(22, CAP_UNICODE | CAP_NT_SMBS);

            var data = new MarshalBuffer(200);

            int pos = 0;

            Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Buffer, "Before Ins Pass:"******"After Ins Pass:"******"After Sens Pass:"******"After Acct Name:");
            Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Buffer, data.GetBytes(), 0, data.Size);

            // Primary domain
            //string pdomain = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CIFSDOMAIN"); // Can this be done better?
            string pdomain = "?"; // testing -- This works, but the above breaks... why?
            pos += data.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, pdomain);

            // Native OS
            pos += data.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, ".NET CIFS Client");

            data.Size = pos;

            Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Buffer, "Final data:");
            Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Buffer, data.GetBytes(), 0, data.Size);


            if (Debug.DebugOn && Debug.DebugLevel >= Debug.Buffer)
                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Buffer, "Msg to send");
                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Buffer, fMsg.getMessageBuffer(), 0, fMsg.getMessageSize());

            fMsg.SendAndRecieve(fNBTSession, fMsg);

            if (!fMsg.isResponse())
                throw new CifsIoException("PE3");

            int errorclass = fMsg.getErrorClass();

            if (errorclass != CifsIoException.SUCCESS)
                int errorcode = fMsg.getErrorCode();

                if ((errorclass == CifsIoException.ERROR_SRV &&
                     errorcode == CifsIoException.SRV_BAD_PASSWORD) ||
                    (errorclass == CifsIoException.ERROR_DOS &&
                     errorcode == CifsIoException.DOS_NO_ACCESS))
                    return false;

                throw new CifsIoException(errorclass, errorcode);

            fUID = fMsg.getUID();

            if(Debug.debugOn && Debug.debugLevel >= Debug.INFO)
                Debug.WriteLine("UID = " + fMsg.getUID());

            if (fMsg.getWordCount() != 3)
                return true;

               UCHAR WordCount;	Count of parameter words = 3
            0: UCHAR AndXCommand;	Secondary (X) command;  0xFF = none
            1: UCHAR AndXReserved;	Reserved (must be 0)
            2: USHORT AndXOffset;	Offset to next command WordCount
            4: USHORT Action;	Request mode:
                        bit0 = logged in as GUEST
            6: USHORT SecurityBlobLength	length of Security Blob that follows in a later field
            8: USHORT ByteCount;	Count of data bytes
                UCHAR SecurityBlob[]	SecurityBlob of length specified in field SecurityBlobLength
                STRING NativeOS[];	Server's native operating system
                STRING NativeLanMan[];	Server's native LAN Manager type
                STRING PrimaryDomain[];	Server's primary domain

            byte action = fMsg.getByteParameterAt(4);

            if ((action & 0x01) != 0)
                fLoggedAsGuest = true;

            int byte_count = fMsg.getContentSize();
            int off = fMsg.getContentOffset();
            int max_off = off + byte_count;

            // Skip security blob
            off += fMsg.getShortParameterAt(6);
            if (off >= max_off)
                return true;

            // Read Native OS
            fServerOS = fMsg.GetZtAsciiStringAt(off, max_off - off);
            off += fServerOS.Length + 1;

            if (off >= max_off)
                return true;

            // Read NativeLanMan
            fServerLanMan = fMsg.GetZtAsciiStringAt(off, max_off - off);
            off += fServerLanMan.Length + 1;

            if (off >= max_off)
                return true;

            // Read Primary Domain
            fServerPrimaryDomain = fNBTSession.WorkgroupName;

            return true;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///   Receives SMB_COM_TRANSACTION
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "param">param parameters</param>
        /// <param name = "data">data buffer</param>
        internal void receiveTransaction(MarshalBuffer param, MarshalBuffer data)
            if (Debug.DebugOn)
                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Info, "Receive SMB_COM_TRANSACTION");


            int errorclass = fMsg.getErrorClass();

            if (errorclass != CifsIoException.SUCCESS)
                throw new CifsIoException(errorclass, fMsg.getErrorCode());

              UCHAR WordCount;	Count of data bytes; value = 10 + SetupCount
            0:USHORT TotalParameterCount;	Total parameter bytes being sent
            2:USHORT TotalDataCount;	Total data bytes being sent
            4:USHORT Reserved;
            6:USHORT ParameterCount;	Parameter bytes sent this buffer
            8:USHORT ParameterOffset;	Offset (from header start) to Parameters
            10:USHORT ParameterDisplacement;	Displacement of these Parameter bytes
            12:USHORT DataCount;	Data bytes sent this buffer
            14:USHORT DataOffset;	Offset (from header start) to data
            16:USHORT DataDisplacement;	Displacement of these data bytes
            18:UCHAR SetupCount;	Count of setup words
            19:UCHAR Reserved2;	Reserved (pad above to word)
            20:USHORT Setup[SetupWordCount];	Setup words (# = SetupWordCount)
                USHORT ByteCount;	Count of data bytes
                UCHAR Pad[];	Pad to SHORT or LONG
                UCHAR Parameters[ParameterCount];	Parameter bytes (# = ParameterCount)
                UCHAR Pad1[];	Pad to SHORT or LONG
                UCHAR Data[DataCount];	Data bytes (# = DataCount)

            int lparam = 0;
            int ldata = 0;

            // TotalParameterCount
            int tot_lparam = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(0);
            int tot_ldata = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(2);

            // alloca buffer
            param.Capacity = tot_lparam;
            data.Capacity = tot_ldata;

            while (true)
                int rcv_lparam = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(6);
                int rcv_ldata = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(12);

                if (rcv_lparam + lparam > tot_lparam ||
                    rcv_ldata + ldata > tot_ldata)
                    throw new SystemException("Invalid Data");

                if (rcv_lparam > 0)
                    int off_param = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(8);
                    int dsp_param = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(10);

                    param.SetBytesAt(dsp_param, fMsg, off_param, rcv_lparam);
                if (rcv_ldata > 0)
                    int off_data = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(14);
                    int dsp_data = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(16);

                    data.SetBytesAt(dsp_data, fMsg, off_data, rcv_ldata);

                lparam += rcv_lparam;
                ldata += rcv_ldata;

                // get Total (they can shrink!)
                tot_lparam = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(0);
                tot_ldata = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(2);

                if (tot_lparam <= lparam && tot_ldata <= ldata)


                errorclass = fMsg.getErrorClass();

                if (errorclass != CifsIoException.SUCCESS)
                    throw new CifsIoException(errorclass, fMsg.getErrorCode());
            } // while loop

            param.Size = lparam;
            data.Size = ldata;