private void imgNotes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { frmNotes frmContactNotes = new frmNotes(); frmContactNotes.Notes = _objContact.Notes; frmContactNotes.ShowDialog(this); if (frmContactNotes.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { _objContact.Notes = frmContactNotes.Notes; } string strTooltip = ""; if (_objContact.EntityType == ContactType.Enemy) { strTooltip = LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("Tip_Enemy_EditNotes"); } else { strTooltip = LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("Tip_Contact_EditNotes"); } if (_objContact.Notes != string.Empty) { strTooltip += "\n\n" + _objContact.Notes; } tipTooltip.SetToolTip(imgNotes, functions.WordWrap(strTooltip, 100)); }
private void imgNotes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { frmNotes frmSpritNotes = new frmNotes { Notes = _objSpirit.Notes }; frmSpritNotes.ShowDialog(this); if (frmSpritNotes.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { _objSpirit.Notes = frmSpritNotes.Notes; } string strTooltip = string.Empty; if (_objSpirit.EntityType == SpiritType.Spirit) { strTooltip = LanguageManager.GetString("Tip_Spirit_EditNotes"); } else { strTooltip = LanguageManager.GetString("Tip_Sprite_EditNotes"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_objSpirit.Notes)) { strTooltip += "\n\n" + _objSpirit.Notes; } tipTooltip.SetToolTip(imgNotes, CommonFunctions.WordWrap(strTooltip, 100)); }
/// <summary> /// Clears and updates the treeview for Critter Powers. Typically called as part of AddQuality or UpdateCharacterInfo. /// </summary> /// <param name="treCritterPowers">Treenode that will be cleared and populated.</param> /// <param name="cmsCritterPowers">ContextMenuStrip that will be added to each power.</param> protected void RefreshCritterPowers(TreeView treCritterPowers, ContextMenuStrip cmsCritterPowers) { //Clear the default nodes of entries. foreach (TreeNode objNode in treCritterPowers.Nodes) { objNode.Nodes.Clear(); } //Add the Critter Powers that exist. foreach (CritterPower objPower in _objCharacter.CritterPowers) { TreeNode objNode = new TreeNode(); objNode.Text = objPower.DisplayName; objNode.Tag = objPower.InternalId; objNode.ContextMenuStrip = cmsCritterPowers; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objPower.Notes)) { objNode.ForeColor = Color.SaddleBrown; } objNode.ToolTipText = CommonFunctions.WordWrap(objPower.Notes, 100); if (objPower.Category != "Weakness") { treCritterPowers.Nodes[0].Nodes.Add(objNode); treCritterPowers.Nodes[0].Expand(); } else { treCritterPowers.Nodes[1].Nodes.Add(objNode); treCritterPowers.Nodes[1].Expand(); } } }
public static void Add(this TreeView treView, Quality input, ContextMenuStrip strip) { if (treView == null) { return; } TreeNode nodeToAddTo = treView.Nodes[(int)input.Type]; string strName = input.DisplayName; if (!nodeToAddTo.Nodes.ContainsKey(strName)) { TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(); newNode.Text = strName; newNode.Tag = input.InternalId; newNode.ContextMenuStrip = strip; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Notes)) { newNode.ForeColor = Color.SaddleBrown; } else if (input.OriginSource == QualitySource.Metatype || input.OriginSource == QualitySource.MetatypeRemovable || input.OriginSource == QualitySource.Improvement) { newNode.ForeColor = SystemColors.GrayText; } if (!input.Implemented) { newNode.ForeColor = Color.Red; } newNode.ToolTipText = CommonFunctions.WordWrap(input.Notes, 100); nodeToAddTo.Nodes.Add(newNode); nodeToAddTo.Expand(); } }
public static void Add(this TreeView treView, MartialArt input, ContextMenuStrip strip) { if (treView == null) { return; } TreeNode objTargetNode = treView.Nodes[input.IsQuality ? 1 : 0]; if (objTargetNode != null) { TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(); newNode.Text = input.DisplayName; newNode.Tag = input.InternalId; newNode.ContextMenuStrip = strip; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Notes)) { newNode.ForeColor = Color.SaddleBrown; } newNode.ToolTipText = CommonFunctions.WordWrap(input.Notes, 100); foreach (MartialArtAdvantage objAdvantage in input.Advantages) { TreeNode objAdvantageNode = new TreeNode(); objAdvantageNode.Text = objAdvantage.DisplayName; objAdvantageNode.Tag = objAdvantage.InternalId; newNode.Nodes.Add(objAdvantageNode); newNode.Expand(); } objTargetNode.Nodes.Add(newNode); objTargetNode.Expand(); } }
/// <summary> /// Refreshes the list of qualities into the selected TreeNode. If the same number of /// </summary> /// <param name="treQualities">Treeview to insert the qualities into.</param> /// <param name="cmsQuality">ContextMenuStrip to add to each Quality node.</param> /// <param name="blnForce">Forces a refresh of the TreeNode despite a match.</param> protected void RefreshQualities(TreeView treQualities, ContextMenuStrip cmsQuality, bool blnForce = false) { //Count the child nodes in each treenode. int intQualityCount = 0; foreach (TreeNode objTreeNode in treQualities.Nodes) { intQualityCount += objTreeNode.Nodes.Count; } //If the node count is the same as the quality count, there's no need to do anything. if (intQualityCount != _objCharacter.Qualities.Count || blnForce) { foreach (TreeNode objTreeNode in treQualities.Nodes) { objTreeNode.Nodes.Clear(); } // Populate the Qualities list. foreach (Quality objQuality in _objCharacter.Qualities) { TreeNode objNode = new TreeNode(); objNode.Text = objQuality.DisplayName; objNode.Tag = objQuality.InternalId; objNode.ContextMenuStrip = cmsQuality; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objQuality.Notes)) { objNode.ForeColor = Color.SaddleBrown; } else { if (objQuality.OriginSource == QualitySource.Metatype || objQuality.OriginSource == QualitySource.MetatypeRemovable) { objNode.ForeColor = SystemColors.GrayText; } } objNode.ToolTipText = CommonFunctions.WordWrap(objQuality.Notes, 100); switch (objQuality.Type) { case QualityType.Positive: treQualities.Nodes[0].Nodes.Add(objNode); treQualities.Nodes[0].Expand(); break; case QualityType.Negative: treQualities.Nodes[1].Nodes.Add(objNode); treQualities.Nodes[1].Expand(); break; case QualityType.LifeModule: treQualities.Nodes[2].Nodes.Add(objNode); treQualities.Nodes[2].Expand(); break; } } } }
public static void Add(this TreeView treView, Spell input, ContextMenuStrip strip) { if (treView == null) { return; } TreeNode objNode = new TreeNode { Text = input.DisplayName, Tag = input.InternalId, ContextMenuStrip = strip }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Notes)) { objNode.ForeColor = Color.SaddleBrown; } objNode.ToolTipText = CommonFunctions.WordWrap(input.Notes, 100); TreeNode objSpellTypeNode = null; switch (input.Category) { case "Combat": objSpellTypeNode = treView.Nodes[0]; break; case "Detection": objSpellTypeNode = treView.Nodes[1]; break; case "Health": objSpellTypeNode = treView.Nodes[2]; break; case "Illusion": objSpellTypeNode = treView.Nodes[3]; break; case "Manipulation": objSpellTypeNode = treView.Nodes[4]; break; case "Rituals": objSpellTypeNode = treView.Nodes[5]; break; case "Enchantments": objSpellTypeNode = treView.Nodes[6]; break; } objSpellTypeNode.Nodes.Add(objNode); objSpellTypeNode.Expand(); }
public static void Add(this TreeView treView, Improvement input, ContextMenuStrip strip) { if (treView == null) { return; } TreeNode nodeToAddTo = treView.Nodes[(int)Enum.Parse(typeof(LimitType), input.ImprovedName)]; string strName = input.UniqueName + ": "; if (input.Value > 0) { strName += "+"; } strName += input.Value.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Condition)) { strName += ", " + input.Condition; } if (!nodeToAddTo.Nodes.ContainsKey(strName)) { TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(); newNode.Text = newNode.Name = strName; newNode.Tag = input.SourceName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Notes)) { newNode.ForeColor = Color.SaddleBrown; } newNode.ToolTipText = CommonFunctions.WordWrap(input.Notes, 100); newNode.ContextMenuStrip = strip; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.ImprovedName)) { if (input.ImproveType == Improvement.ImprovementType.SocialLimit) { input.ImprovedName = "Social"; } else if (input.ImproveType == Improvement.ImprovementType.MentalLimit) { input.ImprovedName = "Mental"; } else { input.ImprovedName = "Physical"; } } nodeToAddTo.Nodes.Add(newNode); nodeToAddTo.Expand(); } }
private void imgNotes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { frmNotes frmContactNotes = new frmNotes(); frmContactNotes.Notes = _objContact.Notes; frmContactNotes.ShowDialog(this); if (frmContactNotes.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { _objContact.Notes = frmContactNotes.Notes; } string strTooltip = LanguageManager.GetString("Tip_Contact_EditNotes"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_objContact.Notes)) { strTooltip += "\n\n" + _objContact.Notes; } tipTooltip.SetToolTip(imgNotes, CommonFunctions.WordWrap(strTooltip, 100)); }
private void imgNotes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { frmNotes frmPowerNotes = new frmNotes(); frmPowerNotes.Notes = _objPower.Notes; frmPowerNotes.ShowDialog(this); if (frmPowerNotes.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { _objPower.Notes = frmPowerNotes.Notes; } string strTooltip = LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("Tip_Power_EditNotes"); if (_objPower.Notes != string.Empty) { strTooltip += "\n\n" + _objPower.Notes; } tipTooltip.SetToolTip(imgNotes, functions.WordWrap(strTooltip, 100)); }
private void imgNotes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { frmNotes frmPowerNotes = new frmNotes { Notes = _objPower.Notes }; frmPowerNotes.ShowDialog(this); if (frmPowerNotes.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { _objPower.Notes = frmPowerNotes.Notes; } string strTooltip = LanguageManager.GetString("Tip_Power_EditNotes", GlobalOptions.Language); if (_objPower.Notes != "") { strTooltip += "\n\n" + _objPower.Notes; } tipTooltip.SetToolTip(imgNotes, CommonFunctions.WordWrap(strTooltip, 100)); }
public static void Add(this TreeView treView, LimitModifier input, ContextMenuStrip strip) { if (treView == null) { return; } TreeNode nodeToAddTo = treView.Nodes[(int)Enum.Parse(typeof(LimitType), input.Limit)]; if (!nodeToAddTo.Nodes.ContainsKey(input.DisplayName)) { TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(); newNode.Text = newNode.Name = input.DisplayName; newNode.Tag = input.InternalId; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Notes)) { newNode.ForeColor = Color.SaddleBrown; } newNode.ToolTipText = CommonFunctions.WordWrap(input.Notes, 100); newNode.ContextMenuStrip = strip; nodeToAddTo.Nodes.Add(newNode); nodeToAddTo.Expand(); } }
private void SetToolTips() { const int width = 50; var functions = new CommonFunctions(); tipTooltip.SetToolTip(chkKnucks, functions.WordWrap(LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("Tip_OptionsKnucks"), width)); tipTooltip.SetToolTip(chkIgnoreArt, functions.WordWrap(LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("Tip_OptionsIgnoreArt"), width)); tipTooltip.SetToolTip(chkCyberlegMovement, functions.WordWrap(LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("Tip_OptionsCyberlegMovement"), width)); tipTooltip.SetToolTip(chkDontDoubleQualities, functions.WordWrap(LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("Tip_OptionsDontDoubleQualities"), width)); tipTooltip.SetToolTip(chkUsePointsOnBrokenGroups, functions.WordWrap(LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("Tip_OptionsUsePointsOnBrokenGroups"), width)); tipTooltip.SetToolTip(chkAllowInitiation, functions.WordWrap(LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("Tip_OptionsAllowInitiation"), width)); }
/// <summary> /// Refreshes the list of qualities into the selected TreeNode. If the same number of /// </summary> /// <param name="treQualities">Treeview to insert the qualities into.</param> /// <param name="cmsQuality">ContextMenuStrip to add to each Quality node.</param> /// <param name="blnForce">Forces a refresh of the TreeNode despite a match.</param> protected void RefreshQualities(TreeView treQualities, ContextMenuStrip cmsQuality, bool blnForce = false) { //Count the child nodes in each treenode. int intQualityCount = 0; if (!blnForce) { foreach (TreeNode objTreeNode in treQualities.Nodes) { intQualityCount += objTreeNode.Nodes.Count; } } //If the node count is the same as the quality count, there's no need to do anything. if (blnForce || intQualityCount != _objCharacter.Qualities.Count) { // Multiple instances of the same quality are combined into just one entry with a number next to it (e.g. 6 discrete entries of "Focused Concentration" become "Focused Concentration 6") HashSet <string> strQualitiesToPrint = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (TreeNode objTreeNode in treQualities.Nodes) { objTreeNode.Nodes.Clear(); } foreach (Quality objQuality in _objCharacter.Qualities) { strQualitiesToPrint.Add(objQuality.QualityId + " " + objQuality.SourceName + " " + objQuality.Extra); } // Populate the Qualities list. foreach (Quality objQuality in _objCharacter.Qualities) { if (!strQualitiesToPrint.Remove(objQuality.QualityId + " " + objQuality.SourceName + " " + objQuality.Extra)) { continue; } TreeNode objNode = new TreeNode(); objNode.Text = objQuality.DisplayName; objNode.Tag = objQuality.InternalId; objNode.ContextMenuStrip = cmsQuality; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objQuality.Notes)) { objNode.ForeColor = Color.SaddleBrown; } else if (objQuality.OriginSource == QualitySource.Metatype || objQuality.OriginSource == QualitySource.MetatypeRemovable || objQuality.OriginSource == QualitySource.Improvement) { objNode.ForeColor = SystemColors.GrayText; } objNode.ToolTipText = CommonFunctions.WordWrap(objQuality.Notes, 100); switch (objQuality.Type) { case QualityType.Positive: treQualities.Nodes[0].Nodes.Add(objNode); treQualities.Nodes[0].Expand(); break; case QualityType.Negative: treQualities.Nodes[1].Nodes.Add(objNode); treQualities.Nodes[1].Expand(); break; case QualityType.LifeModule: treQualities.Nodes[2].Nodes.Add(objNode); treQualities.Nodes[2].Expand(); break; } } } }