public static Bounds CalculateBounds(ChiselGeneratorComponent generator) { if (!generator.TopTreeNode.Valid) { return(ChiselHierarchyItem.EmptyBounds); } var modelMatrix = ChiselNodeHierarchyManager.FindModelTransformMatrixOfTransform(generator.hierarchyItem.Transform); var minMax = new ChiselAABB { }; var boundsCount = 0; s_FoundBrushes.Clear(); ChiselGeneratedComponentManager.GetAllTreeBrushes(generator, s_FoundBrushes); foreach (var brush in s_FoundBrushes) { if (!brush.Valid) { continue; } var transformation = modelMatrix * (Matrix4x4)brush.NodeToTreeSpaceMatrix; var childBounds = brush.Bounds; var size = childBounds.Max - childBounds.Min; var magnitude = math.lengthsq(size); if (float.IsInfinity(magnitude) || float.IsNaN(magnitude)) { var center = ((float4)transformation.GetColumn(3)).xyz; var halfSize = size * 0.5f; childBounds = new ChiselAABB { Min = center - halfSize, Max = center + halfSize }; } if (magnitude != 0) { if (boundsCount == 0) { minMax = childBounds; } else { minMax.Encapsulate(childBounds); } boundsCount++; } } if (boundsCount == 0) { return(ChiselHierarchyItem.EmptyBounds); } var bounds = new Bounds(); bounds.SetMinMax(minMax.Min, minMax.Max); return(bounds); }
public static bool DoTurnHandle(this IChiselHandles handles, ref ChiselAABB box, string undoMessage = null) { var bounds = new Bounds(); bounds.SetMinMax(box.Min, box.Max); var result = handles.DoTurnHandle(ref box, undoMessage); box.Min = bounds.min; box.Max = bounds.max; return(result); }
public static int CountPathedStairBrushes(UnsafeList <SegmentVertex> shapeVertices, bool closedLoop, ChiselAABB bounds, float stepHeight, float stepDepth, float treadHeight, float nosingDepth, float plateauHeight, StairsRiserType riserType, float riserDepth, StairsSideType leftSide, StairsSideType rightSide, float sideWidth, float sideHeight, float sideDepth) { var totalSubMeshCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < shapeVertices.Length; i++) { if (i == 0 && !closedLoop) { continue; } var segmentLeftSide = (!closedLoop && i == 1) ? leftSide : StairsSideType.None; var segmentRightSide = (!closedLoop && i == shapeVertices.Length - 1) ? rightSide : StairsSideType.None; var description = new LineairStairsData(bounds, stepHeight, stepDepth, treadHeight, nosingDepth, nosingWidth: 0, plateauHeight, riserType, riserDepth, segmentLeftSide, segmentRightSide, sideWidth, sideHeight, sideDepth); totalSubMeshCount += description.subMeshCount; } return(totalSubMeshCount); }
// TODO: kind of broken, needs fixing public static bool GeneratePathedStairs(NativeList <ChiselBlobAssetReference <BrushMeshBlob> > brushMeshes, UnsafeList <SegmentVertex> shapeVertices, bool closedLoop, ChiselAABB bounds, float stepHeight, float stepDepth, float treadHeight, float nosingDepth, float plateauHeight, StairsRiserType riserType, float riserDepth, StairsSideType leftSide, StairsSideType rightSide, float sideWidth, float sideHeight, float sideDepth, in ChiselBlobAssetReference <NativeChiselSurfaceDefinition> surfaceDefinitionBlob,
public static void RenderCylinder(this IChiselHandleRenderer renderer, ChiselAABB bounds, int segments) { renderer.RenderCylinder(new Bounds((bounds.Max + bounds.Min) * 0.5f, bounds.Max - bounds.Min), segments); }
public static void RenderBoxMeasurements(this IChiselHandleRenderer renderer, ChiselAABB bounds) { renderer.RenderBoxMeasurements(new Bounds((bounds.Max + bounds.Min) * 0.5f, bounds.Max - bounds.Min)); }
public static bool Intersects(this ChiselAABB left, ChiselAABB right, double epsilon) { return(((right.Max.x - left.Min.x) >= -epsilon) && ((left.Max.x - right.Min.x) >= -epsilon) && ((right.Max.y - left.Min.y) >= -epsilon) && ((left.Max.y - right.Min.y) >= -epsilon) && ((right.Max.z - left.Min.z) >= -epsilon) && ((left.Max.z - right.Min.z) >= -epsilon)); }
// TODO: turn into job static void GetIntersectingPlanes(IntersectionType type, [NoAlias] ref ChiselBlobArray <float4> localPlanes, int localPlaneCount, [NoAlias] ref ChiselBlobArray <float3> vertices, ChiselAABB selfBounds, float4x4 treeToNodeSpaceInverseTransposed, [NoAlias] ref NativeArray <int> intersectingPlaneIndices, [NoAlias] out int intersectingPlaneLength, [NoAlias] out int intersectingPlanesAndEdgesLength) { NativeCollectionHelpers.EnsureMinimumSize(ref intersectingPlaneIndices, localPlanes.Length); if (type != IntersectionType.Intersection) { intersectingPlaneLength = localPlaneCount; intersectingPlanesAndEdgesLength = localPlanes.Length; for (int i = 0; i < intersectingPlaneLength; i++) { intersectingPlaneIndices[i] = i; } return; } var min = selfBounds.Min; var max = selfBounds.Max; //Debug.Log($"{localPlanes.Length}"); intersectingPlaneLength = 0; intersectingPlanesAndEdgesLength = 0; var verticesLength = vertices.Length; for (int i = 0; i < localPlanes.Length; i++) { // bring plane into local space of mesh, the same space as the bounds of the mesh var localPlane = localPlanes[i]; // note: a transpose is part of this transformation var transformedPlane = math.mul(treeToNodeSpaceInverseTransposed, localPlane); //var normal =; // only need the signs, so don't care about normalization //transformedPlane /= math.length(normal); // we don't have to normalize the plane var corner = new float4((transformedPlane.x < 0) ? max.x : min.x, (transformedPlane.y < 0) ? max.y : min.y, (transformedPlane.z < 0) ? max.z : min.z, 1.0f); float forward =, corner); if (forward > kFatPlaneWidthEpsilon) // closest point is outside { intersectingPlaneLength = 0; intersectingPlanesAndEdgesLength = 0; return; } // do a bounds check corner = new float4((transformedPlane.x >= 0) ? max.x : min.x, (transformedPlane.y >= 0) ? max.y : min.y, (transformedPlane.z >= 0) ? max.z : min.z, 1.0f); float backward =, corner); if (backward < -kFatPlaneWidthEpsilon) // closest point is inside { continue; } float minDistance = float.PositiveInfinity; float maxDistance = float.NegativeInfinity; int onCount = 0; for (int v = 0; v < verticesLength; v++) { float distance =, new float4(vertices[v], 1)); minDistance = math.min(distance, minDistance); maxDistance = math.max(distance, maxDistance); onCount += (distance >= -kFatPlaneWidthEpsilon && distance <= kFatPlaneWidthEpsilon) ? 1 : 0; } // if all vertices are 'inside' this plane, then we're not truly intersecting with it if ((minDistance > kFatPlaneWidthEpsilon || maxDistance < -kFatPlaneWidthEpsilon)) { continue; } if (i < localPlaneCount) { intersectingPlaneIndices[intersectingPlaneLength] = i; intersectingPlaneLength++; intersectingPlanesAndEdgesLength++; } else { intersectingPlaneIndices[intersectingPlanesAndEdgesLength] = i; intersectingPlanesAndEdgesLength++; } } }
public bool Equals(ChiselAABB other) { return(Min.Equals(other.Min) && Max.Equals(other.Max)); }
public void Encapsulate(ChiselAABB aabb) { Min = math.min(Min, aabb.Min); Max = math.max(Max, aabb.Max); }