예제 #1
        internal static void GenerateSurfaceRenderBuffers(int brushNodeID, LoopList loopList)
            var output        = CSGManager.GetBrushOutput(brushNodeID);
            var brushInstance = CSGManager.GetBrushMeshID(brushNodeID);
            var mesh          = BrushMeshManager.GetBrushMesh(brushInstance);
            var meshPolygons  = mesh.polygons;
            var meshSurfaces  = mesh.surfaces;

            Matrix4x4 worldToLocal = Matrix4x4.identity;

            CSGManager.GetTreeToNodeSpaceMatrix(brushNodeID, out worldToLocal);

            var outputSurfaces     = new CSGSurfaceRenderBuffer[loopList.loops.Count]; // TODO: should be same size as brush.surfaces.Length
            int outputSurfaceCount = 0;

            foreach (var loop in loopList.loops)
                var polygonIndex = loop.basePlaneIndex;       // TODO: fix this
                var meshPolygon  = meshPolygons[polygonIndex];

                var surfaceIndex = meshPolygon.surfaceID;       // TODO: fix this

                var localSpaceToPlaneSpace = MathExtensions.GenerateLocalToPlaneSpaceMatrix(meshSurfaces[surfaceIndex].plane);
                var uv0Matrix = meshPolygon.description.UV0.ToMatrix() * (localSpaceToPlaneSpace * worldToLocal);

                // TODO: all separate loops on same surface should be put in same OutputSurfaceMesh
                if (!loop.Triangulate(uv0Matrix, ref outputSurfaces[outputSurfaceCount]))

                // TODO: make this work
//				outputSurfaces[outputSurfaceCount].meshQuery		= loop.layers; //???
//				outputSurfaces[outputSurfaceCount].surfaceParameter = loop.surfaceParameter; //???
                outputSurfaces[outputSurfaceCount].surfaceIndex = surfaceIndex;
            if (outputSurfaceCount != loopList.loops.Count)
                Array.Resize(ref outputSurfaces, outputSurfaceCount);
        internal static void UpdateOutline(Int32 brushNodeID)
            var brushInfo           = CSGManager.GetBrushInfo(brushNodeID);
            var brushMeshInstanceID = CSGManager.GetBrushMeshID(brushNodeID);

            if (BrushMeshManager.IsBrushMeshIDValid(brushMeshInstanceID))
                var brushMesh = BrushMeshManager.GetBrushMesh(brushMeshInstanceID);
                brushInfo.brushOutline = CreateOutline(brushMesh);
                if (brushInfo.brushOutline == null)
                    brushInfo.brushOutline = new BrushOutline();
예제 #3
        // TODO: not really CSG yet .. just a hack
        // TODO: move somewhere else
        internal static LoopList PerformCSG(int brushNodeID, bool mode)
            var brushNodeIndex = brushNodeID - 1;
            var output         = CSGManager.GetBrushOutput(brushNodeID);
            var outputLoops    = output.brushOutputLoops;
            var brushInstance  = CSGManager.GetBrushMeshID(brushNodeID);
            var surfaceLoops   = (outputLoops.intersectionLoops == null || outputLoops.intersectionLoops.Count == 0) ? null : outputLoops.intersectionLoops.Values.First();  // temp. Hack

            // TODO: get rid of needing mesh here
            var mesh         = BrushMeshManager.GetBrushMesh(brushInstance);
            var meshPolygons = mesh.polygons;
            var meshSurfaces = mesh.surfaces;

            var loopList = new LoopList(); // TODO: get rid of this somehow

            // TODO: separate base loops with holes
            //          need a seperate set of holes per intersecting brush
            for (int p = 0; p < meshPolygons.Length; p++)
                // TODO: get rid of needing mesh here
                var meshPolygon  = meshPolygons[p];
                var surfaceIndex = meshPolygon.surfaceID;

                // Add all holes that share the same plane to the polygon
                var holeLoops = (surfaceLoops == null) ? (List <Loop>)null : surfaceLoops.surfaces[surfaceIndex];
                // Add all holes that share the same plane to the polygon
                if (mode)
                    var loop = outputLoops.basePolygons[p]; // TODO: need to copy this
                    if (holeLoops != null)
                        for (int l = holeLoops.Count - 1; l >= 0; l--)
                            //if (holeLoops[l].basePlaneIndex != loop.basePlaneIndex)
                            //	continue;

                            // Cut polygons with its holes if they overlap
                            if (loopList.RemoveFrom(loop, holeLoops[l]))
                                //	lookHierarchies.Add(holeLoops[l]);
                    if (holeLoops != null)
                        foreach (var hole in holeLoops)
                            hole.interiorCategory = Category.ReverseAligned;