public static void ProcessCommands(this InterpreterInstance interpreter)
            string consoleInput;

            consoleInput = Console.ReadLine();

            string value          = "0";
            string consoleCommand = "";

            if (consoleInput.Contains(" "))
                consoleCommand = ParseToCommand(consoleInput).ToLower();
                value          = ParseToValue(consoleInput);
                consoleCommand = consoleInput.ToLower();

            if (ConsoleCommandsMap.ContainsKey(consoleCommand))
                ConsoleCommandsMap[consoleCommand](interpreter, value);
                Console.WriteLine(">Unknown Command");
 private static void DisplayHelpCommand(InterpreterInstance interpreter, string value)
     Console.WriteLine("->Example of invoking command  >LoadRom TETRIS or >SetClockRate 200");
     Console.WriteLine("->Run - to run a program from specified ROM source");
     Console.WriteLine("->LoadRom \"roamtoload\" - specify ROM source");
     Console.WriteLine("->SetClockRate [target frequency in Hz] for example SetCPUFreq 500 sets CPU frequency to 500 HZ (range 200-2000), defualt is 600 ");
     Console.WriteLine("->DisplayMode [default|fallout|blue|red] - Fallout mode on turns colors to green and gray while off is true to orginal Chip-8 mono, defualt is off");
     Console.WriteLine("->Quit - Bye!!");
     Console.WriteLine("->SuperChipMode [on/off] - Allows to run SuperChip-8 programs - not implemented yet so don't bother");
 private static void LoadRomCommand(InterpreterInstance interpreter, string value)
     if (File.Exists(value))
         Console.WriteLine($">Program {interpreter.CurrentCPU.Memory.currentROMPath} loaded!");
         Console.WriteLine(">Unable to load specifed file check if file exists");
 private static void StartEmulatorCommand(InterpreterInstance interpreter, string value)
     if (interpreter.CurrentCPU.Memory.currentROMPath != null)
         interpreter.IsRunning = true;
         Console.WriteLine($">Runing game from specified {interpreter.CurrentCPU.Memory.currentROMPath} file ROM with CPUFrequency = {interpreter.CurrentCPU.CPUClockRate} Hz enjoy!!!!");
         Console.WriteLine(">You propably should load your cartridge first ^-^");
        private static void SetDisplayModeCommand(InterpreterInstance interpreter, string value)
            value = value.ToLower();

            if (DisplayModesMap.ContainsKey(value))
                interpreter.Engine.DisplayMode = DisplayModesMap[value];
                Console.WriteLine($"Display Mode : {value}");
                Console.WriteLine(">Wrong value choose [default/fallout/red/blue]");
        private static void SetClockRateCommand(InterpreterInstance interpreter, string value)
            int  clock  = 0;
            bool isGood = false;

            isGood = int.TryParse(value, out clock);
            if (isGood && clock >= 200 && clock <= 2000)
                interpreter.CurrentCPU.CPUClockRate = int.Parse(value);
                Console.WriteLine($">Current cpu frequency = {interpreter.CurrentCPU.CPUClockRate} Hz");
                Console.WriteLine(">Specified value is out of range");
 public static void GreetTheUser(this InterpreterInstance interpreter)
     Console.WriteLine("Welcome to my Chip-8 Emulator! type in Help for commands!");
 private static void QuitCommand(InterpreterInstance interpreter, string value)
 private static void SuperChipModeCommand(InterpreterInstance interpreter, string value)
     Console.WriteLine(">Not a chance unless i find a good reference for SCHP-48 or MegaChip-8 ");