protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sequence = Request.QueryString["seq"]; string userId = Request.QueryString["userId"]; StudyDao studyDao = new ChinaUnion_DataAccess.StudyDao(); Study study = studyDao.Get(Int32.Parse(sequence)); if (study != null) { StudyReceiverLogDao studyReceiverLogDao = new StudyReceiverLogDao(); StudyReceiverLog studyReceiverLog = new StudyReceiverLog(); studyReceiverLog.studySequence = study.sequence; studyReceiverLog.readtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); studyReceiverLog.userId = userId; studyReceiverLogDao.Add(studyReceiverLog); Response.ContentType = "Application/pdf"; this.Response.Clear(); System.IO.Stream fs = this.Response.OutputStream; fs.Write(study.attachment, 0, study.attachment.Length); fs.Close(); this.Response.End(); } }
/// <summary> /// 删除数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int Delete(StudyReceiverLog entity) { string sql = "DELETE FROM tb_study_read_log WHERE study_sequence=@study_sequence and userId=@userId and readtime=@readtime"; using (MySqlConnection mycn = new MySqlConnection(mysqlConnection)) { mycn.Open(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sql, mycn); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@study_sequence", entity.studySequence); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userId", entity.userId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@readtime", entity.readtime); int i = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); mycn.Close(); return i; } }
public const string mysqlConnection = DBConstant.mysqlConnection;//"User Id=root;Host=;Database=chinaunion;password=c513324665;charset=utf8"; /// <summary> /// 添加数据 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public int Add(StudyReceiverLog entity) { string sql = "INSERT INTO tb_study_read_log (study_sequence,userId,readtime) VALUE (@study_sequence,@userId,@readtime)"; using (MySqlConnection mycn = new MySqlConnection(mysqlConnection)) { mycn.Open(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sql, mycn); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@study_sequence", entity.studySequence); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userId", entity.userId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@readtime", entity.readtime); int i = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); mycn.Close(); return i; } }
/// <summary> /// 修改数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int Update(StudyReceiverLog entity) { string sql = "UPDATE tb_study_read_log SET study_sequence=@study_sequence,userId=@userId where study_sequence=@study_sequence and readtime=@readtime"; //string sql = "UPDATE cimuser SET userNickName=@userNickName WHERE userid=@userid"; using (MySqlConnection mycn = new MySqlConnection(mysqlConnection)) { mycn.Open(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sql, mycn); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@study_sequence", entity.studySequence); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userId", entity.userId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@readtime", entity.readtime); int i = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); mycn.Close(); return i; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sequence = Request.QueryString["seq"]; string userId = Request.QueryString["userId"]; logger.Info("sequence=" + sequence); logger.Info("userId=" + userId); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sequence)) { string code = Request.QueryString["code"]; sequence = Request.QueryString["state"]; string search_scope = Request.QueryString["search_scope"]; string agentId = Request.QueryString["agentId"]; logger.Info("agentId=" + Request.QueryString["agentId"]); logger.Info("code=" + Request.QueryString["code"]); logger.Info("state=" + Request.QueryString["state"]); logger.Info("search_scope=" + Request.QueryString["search_scope"]); WechatUtil wechatUtil = new Util.WechatUtil(); HttpResult result = wechatUtil.getUserInfoFromWechat(code, agentId, MyConstant.ScretId); logger.Info("result=" + result.Html); if (result != null && result.Html != null && result.Html.Contains("UserId")) { WechatUserId returnMessage = (WechatUserId)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result.Html, typeof(WechatUserId)); userId = returnMessage.UserId; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sequence)) { StudyDao studyDao = new ChinaUnion_DataAccess.StudyDao(); Study study = studyDao.Get(Int32.Parse(sequence)); if (study != null) { this.lblSubject.Text = study.subject; this.lblSendTime.Text = study.creatTime; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(study.content)) { this.lblContent.Text = study.content.Replace("\r\n"," <br>").Replace("\n"," <br>"); } this.lblValidateStartTime.Text = study.validateStartTime; this.lblValidateEndTime.Text = study.validateEndTime; this.lblAttachment.Text = study.attachmentName; this.lblAttachment.NavigateUrl = "OnlineStudyAttachmentDetail.aspx?seq=" + study.sequence + "&userId=" + userId; logger.Info("sequence=" + sequence); logger.Info("userId=" + userId); StudyReceiverLogDao studyReceiverLogDao = new StudyReceiverLogDao(); StudyReceiverLog studyReceiverLog = new StudyReceiverLog(); studyReceiverLog.studySequence = study.sequence; studyReceiverLog.readtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); studyReceiverLog.userId = userId; studyReceiverLogDao.Add(studyReceiverLog); WechatQueryLog wechatQueryLog = new ChinaUnion_BO.WechatQueryLog(); wechatQueryLog.agentName = ""; wechatQueryLog.module = Util.MyConstant.module_Study; wechatQueryLog.subSystem = "在线学习"; wechatQueryLog.queryTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); wechatQueryLog.queryString = study.type; wechatQueryLog.wechatId = userId; WechatQueryLogDao wechatQueryLogDao = new WechatQueryLogDao(); try { wechatQueryLogDao.Add(wechatQueryLog); } catch { } } } }
/// <summary> /// 查询集合 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public IList<StudyReceiverLog> GetList(String studySequence) { string sql = "SELECT study_sequence,userId,readtime FROM tb_study_read_log where study_Sequence=@study_Sequence"; using (MySqlConnection mycn = new MySqlConnection(mysqlConnection)) { mycn.Open(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sql, mycn); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@study_Sequence", studySequence); MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); IList<StudyReceiverLog> list = new List<StudyReceiverLog>(); StudyReceiverLog studyReceiver = null; while (reader.Read()) { studyReceiver = new StudyReceiverLog(); studyReceiver.studySequence = reader["study_sequence"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["study_sequence"].ToString(); studyReceiver.userId = reader["userId"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["userId"].ToString(); studyReceiver.readtime = reader["readtime"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["readtime"].ToString(); list.Add(studyReceiver); } mycn.Close(); return list; } }
/// <summary> /// 查询集合 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public IList<StudyReceiverLog> GetList(String subject, String userId, String readTime) { string sql = "SELECT t1.study_sequence,t1.userId,t1.readtime,t2.subject,t2.content,t3.type,t3.agentNo,t3.agentName,t3.branchNo,t3.branchName,t3.regionName,t3.contactId,t3.contactName,t3.contactEmail,t3.contactTel,t3.contactWechat FROM tb_study_read_log t1,tb_study t2,agent_wechat_account t3 "; sql = sql + " where t1.study_sequence = t2.sequence and t1.userId = t3.contactId "; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(subject)) { sql = sql + " and ((t2.subject like \"%" + subject + "%\")"; sql = sql + " or (t2.content like \"%" + subject + "%\"))"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userId)) { sql = sql + " and ((t3.agentNo like \"%" + userId + "%\")"; sql = sql + " or (t3.agentName like \"%" + userId + "%\")"; sql = sql + " or (t3.contactId like \"%" + userId + "%\")"; sql = sql + " or (t3.contactName like \"%" + userId + "%\")"; sql = sql + " or (t3.contactWechat like \"%" + userId + "%\")"; sql = sql + " or (t3.branchNo like \"%" + userId + "%\")"; sql = sql + " or (t3.branchName like \"%" + userId + "%\"))"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(readTime)) { sql = sql + " and left(readtime,10)<=\""+ readTime + "\""; } using (MySqlConnection mycn = new MySqlConnection(mysqlConnection)) { mycn.Open(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sql, mycn); MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); IList<StudyReceiverLog> list = new List<StudyReceiverLog>(); StudyReceiverLog studyReceiver = null; while (reader.Read()) { studyReceiver = new StudyReceiverLog(); studyReceiver.studySequence = reader["study_sequence"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["study_sequence"].ToString(); studyReceiver.userId = reader["userId"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["userId"].ToString(); studyReceiver.readtime = reader["readtime"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["readtime"].ToString(); Study study = new Study(); study.subject = reader["subject"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["subject"].ToString(); study.content = reader["content"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["content"].ToString(); = study; AgentWechatAccount agentContact = new AgentWechatAccount(); agentContact.type = reader["type"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["type"].ToString(); // agentContact.status = reader["status"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["status"].ToString(); agentContact.agentNo = reader["agentNo"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["agentNo"].ToString(); agentContact.agentName = reader["agentName"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["agentName"].ToString(); agentContact.branchNo = reader["branchNo"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["branchNo"].ToString(); agentContact.branchName = reader["branchName"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["branchName"].ToString(); agentContact.regionName = reader["regionName"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["regionName"].ToString(); agentContact.contactId = reader["contactId"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["contactId"].ToString(); agentContact.contactEmail = reader["contactEmail"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["contactEmail"].ToString(); agentContact.contactTel = reader["contactTel"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["contactTel"].ToString(); agentContact.contactName = reader["contactName"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["contactName"].ToString(); agentContact.contactWechat = reader["contactWechat"] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader["contactWechat"].ToString(); studyReceiver.agentContact = agentContact; list.Add(studyReceiver); } mycn.Close(); return list; } }